What does facebook mean. Social network Facebook

The world's largest social Facebook network in terms of the number of inhabitants it is second only to China and India. Isn’t this fact enough to seriously think about what attracted all these hundreds of millions of people so interesting and useful?

Facebook has the largest number of users in the following countries and regions:

  • North America.
  • Western Europe.
  • Türkiye.
  • India.
  • Australia and New Zealand.

On the Russian-language Internet, domestic VKontakte and Odnoklassniki are much more popular. And among American media services, the notorious old-timer of the Internet is LiveJournal.

Review of the social network Facebook

For our people, the social network Facebook is presented somewhat alien and has a complex interface. However, this complexity is apparent. The service is organized in such a way that at every step the user receives comprehensive, detailed tips and recommendations. Therefore, it is very difficult to get lost in the “misunderstandings” on Facebook.

The relatively low popularity of Facebook in RuNet can be explained by the fundamentally different mentality of the North American user. There is too much officialdom, too much participation of the system in communication. The computer is constantly trying to advise, offering options. Here a person is not so much looking for an object of interest as choosing from the options offered by the program.

As soon as the user has registered and written his last name and first name in the appropriate forms, Facebook immediately offers to meet namesakes around the world. Or supposed to become a fan football team from Seattle. Where the hell is Seattle?

In all this overly intrusive service, one sees the machinations of world imperialism and a conspiracy theory. However, you quickly get used to the comfort of Facebook, and then it becomes clear that this is the most ordinary social network and nothing else.

Things to do on Facebook

The set of services is quite traditional:

  1. Search for friends, acquaintances, colleagues, co-workers and relatives. Well, this won't surprise us.
  2. Games and various entertaining applications. All this is available on our social networks.
  3. A wall or news feed where you can see all the latest messages. Posts by your friends in descending order. Nothing new either.
  4. Ability to upload photos, videos and audio clips. Odnoklassniki, VKontakte, mail, etc. have all had this for a long time.
  5. Communication without borders - perhaps Facebook is ahead of the rest here. Are you interested in meeting Ellochka the cannibal from the Mumbo-Yumbo tribe? No problem. On English language Today the only people who don’t speak are the chinstrap penguins. translate.google.com can help you if something happens.

Why do you need Facebook?

Who created the site of this social network? Americans? What are these gentlemen known for? That's right, with its practicality. As M. Zadornov writes, Americans only speak. It would be strange if American to the core social system was not designed for business, advertising and commerce.

In the same way, any individual can promote himself as a brand. Make yourself cool and famous through Facebook. If you look at their personal profiles, many are doing just that.

Until recently, the Internet was used mainly for searching useful information and messaging via email. Today, Internet users spend more and more time on social networking sites. Thanks to Mark Zuckerberg, who founded Facebook, people's communication has expanded to new level, the existence of which could only be guessed at. The social network has become an integral part of the lives of billions of people on our planet, and from time to time they have a question - what is Facebook for?

Ample opportunities for communication

Initially, Facebook was conceived as an online analogue of a university album with the names and photographs of students, but Zuckerberg decided not to stop there. He turned it into a huge social network where users can communicate through messages sent via PM or left on the wall. Today, the capabilities of Facebook have expanded significantly, but the main goal is still communication.

Why create an account on Facebook if you can communicate using traditional means of online communication? Yes, for the simple reason that this is a more advanced level. For a long time, the main way of virtual communication was correspondence via e-mail. With constant access to the Internet, users switched to ICQ, while representatives of the American and European Internet communities communicated on MSN Messenger.

Facebook is an international social network, which includes residents of hundreds of countries, and makes it possible not to limit communication with compatriots. In addition, it creates a feeling of real communication, because... users do not hide under mysterious nicknames, but have a profile that allows them to paint a more or less real picture. Thus, by registering on Facebook, you can simultaneously conduct a dialogue with a work colleague sitting in the next office, a friend located on the other side of the city, and a pen pal living in the United States. Fast, convenient and, most importantly, completely free.

Entertainment and integration options

In order to expand the user audience, Facebook management decided not to limit the capabilities of the social network simple exchange messages and photos. The developers received the green light to create applications for the site, including many interactive and multiplayer games. With their help Facebook users They enjoy passing the time by competing with friends and setting personal records. A nice bonus is the ability to play the same game both in the computer version of the social network and in applications developed for smartphones. In this case, the results will be summarized, for which you only need to log in to the application using Facebook account.

By the way, another good reason to create a personal page on the social network Facebook is the possibility of integration with applications and other Internet resources. You can share interesting articles outside of Facebook with your friends with the click of a button. Or evaluate the information found using the same Facebook “like”. In addition, one profile will solve the problem of registration on thousands of Russian and foreign sites. Instead of entering your information each time when registering, you can simply click the “Log in with your Facebook account” button. We can say that a Facebook profile is a kind of universal “key” that gives access to a huge number of Internet resources.

SMM – expanding the boundaries of marketing

Naturally, Facebook is of interest not only to ordinary users, but also to representatives of the business sector. Marketers have long realized that social networks are a great place to promote a brand, and even created a separate marketing area called Social Media Marketing (SMM). As it turned out, the return on advertising in traditional types of media is much lower than on competent SMM.

Facebook is one of the most popular and effective SMM platforms. In the ranking of traffic to Internet resources compiled by the well-known statistical site alexa.com, the social network Facebook ranks second, second only to Google. About a billion users are active on the social networking site every month. This means that by creating a company page on Facebook, you are launching a mechanism for self-distribution of information. The main thing is to attract and interest users. Everything else will be done for you.

So, Facebook is a social network with really broad capabilities. For ordinary users, it is primarily needed for easy communication with friends, not limited by time or space. For business representatives, Facebook is a powerful SMM platform that allows them to expand their audience. And yet, to the question “Why is Facebook needed?” everyone must give their own answer, because, by and large, this is just a site that has become an Internet giant precisely thanks to the interest of users.

Social network, which is accepted by many as the progenitor of other networks - this is ! Not only is this network the largest and most popular in the whole world, but it also claims to be the leader in the entire Internet. In other words, the creators of Facebook (see Wikipedia) want all users, or as many of them as possible, to immediately go to the Facebook website when accessing the Internet.
Why do they need this? – Now the main and very serious rival of the well-known Google is Facebook. This network has its own search, video files, and a lot of different information that users can find without going beyond facebook networks.

For those who are engaged in making money online, or network marketing, or maybe you have a need to promote something else, then Facebook is one of the best platforms for advertising and starting all your endeavors. Even famous brands, radio and television programs and they have their own page in Facebook.

Let's clarify why it was created social network facebook ?

1) To communicate with your friends and other members of this network.

2) You can send messages to all users.

3) You will be able to connect to the group of interest.

4) You will have the opportunity to create your own group.

5) The ability to visit and leave comments on the pages of other users.

6) Here you can use the search for people you are interested in.

7) You will be able to place the links you need, which are well indexed by search engines.

8) Facebook also has a built-in chat that you can use.

9) Possibility of posting videos and photos.

10) You will have the opportunity to be one of the first to receive the information you are interested in, thanks to Facebook tools.

On February 4, 2004, Mark Zuckerberg and his roommates created Facebook, becoming the youngest billionaire in the world.

- this is exactly the network about which even a film was made, which is called “The Social Network”.

In the CIS countries, Facebook is just beginning its development. The following social networks are more popular in our country: "in contact with", "classmates", "My world". Therefore, I recommend that you hurry to occupy this niche and use Facebook to achieve your goals.

The creators of this powerful portal are confident that Facebook will soon gain a billion users, and this will add even more power and capabilities to the resource of this network.

Purpose of stayFacebook is the development of business and friendly relationships with people you are interested in who have common views and interests with you.

To do this, at a minimum, you will need to do it correctly.

Business in

So what kind of business on Facebook are we talking about then? - That's what you think? The fact is that on the social network Facebook, there is a special business page for this matter. It is from your business page on Facebook that you can and should promote your business, projects, brands, etc.

Remember the most important factor -Facebook freezes all personal pages if you use them for the purpose of earning money, profit or business.

To create a page for a business on Facebook, you need to click on your facebook profile page tab "Account", which is located on the right top corner. From the submenu that opens, select the help center, and in it click on the business pages, then click on the tab “Page creation and administration”. Let's get acquainted with the help center, which will give you answers to your questions.

When is Facebook's birthday?

Facebook is born happened in 2004, in the US state, this year is considered the foundation of this popular network. And in 2009, our facebook became Russian-language network. After which it became possible in Russian. And besides this, it became possible for the majority of the Russian-speaking population and CIS countries to communicate in Russian, who could also communicate in what was once their native Russian.

This site ranks first in the world in terms of traffic. On Facebook, like many social networks, you can also exchange messages, post videos and photos, and this is not all the functionality of this network. Very often released tutorial on working with Facebook, including a video tutorial, becomes irrelevant by the time of its release.

Why is this happening? – Yes, the whole point is that the interface of this network changes and is updated so often that the published “Textbook on Facebook” is already losing its relevance.

What opportunities does facebook provide?

Facebook features very extensive. It is not without reason that this network is considered the progenitor of all other networks. And many accuse Pavel Durov (the creator of the VKontakte network) of completely copying his website and its interface from Mark Zuckerberg. To which Paul replied that he simply read the same books as Mark. Both sides have supporters, but this is not our business; now we are not faced with the task of discussing such an issue.

We will return to the features of facebook again. Facebook has the ability to create groups, exchange opinions, photos, etc. For every step of the interface and operation of this network, I will write a detailed educational article to make it easier for users to use this promising social network.

And the prospects and opportunities for Facebook are very effective and very huge. It’s not without reason that world-famous companies, TV and radio programs, and more, always try to create their own page on Facebook.

They understand that they must run after progress if they do not want to fall hopelessly behind it.