What does sweeping painting mean? Pressure when writing letters. Digital additions at the end of the signature

A person’s handwriting is a product of his activity, and since it is a psychophysiological act, its elements reflect the individual psychophysiological characteristics of the individual.
The greatest interest for employees of personnel departments and structures when analyzing handwriting, as a rule, is information about the character of a person, the strengths and weaknesses of his nature, abilities and inclinations.
The solution to this problem is graphology - the science of human handwriting and its relationship with personal characteristics.
The application of the practical aspects of graphology and psychographology will undoubtedly enable those involved in the selection of personnel to expand their knowledge of ways to study personality.

By comparing someone's signature to your outer personality you will learn a lot about how that person wants to be seen versus what they actually are. It's also important to look at all the letters to get a clear picture because his letter can represent what kind of person she is when her signature reflects how she would like to be seen.

Now that you know all this, observe others and you will get a better understanding of their personality, which is very useful if you do business with them. Everyone signs differently, and a signature gives a lot of character. Researchers analyzed 605 American men and women who lead leading companies. Their narcissism manifested itself in their selfish nature, which was combined with a disregard for others. When a person has this attitude, he overestimates his abilities. This makes them the immediate superiors, and their decisions are often wrong.

Mastery of the pen, as well as the sword,
originates in the strength of body and spirit
Ancient Chinese wisdom

Why is it interesting to study a person’s handwriting, say, in contrast to the use of test methods recognized by psychological science? Firstly, the possibility of deception on the part of the person being studied is excluded, whereas in conventional tests you can still slightly “improve your opinion of yourself.” Secondly, the study of handwriting can be carried out without informing the person being diagnosed. After all, such a person could be a candidate for a job in your company, a manager, a subordinate, a competitor or business partner, and even a potential life partner.

People who have large signatures can inherently deceive others that they are very legible and therefore deserve a higher salary. The larger the signature, the larger the person's ego. The direction of the signature can be up, down or even. Optimists use an upward direction, pessimists and realists have equal signatures. The length of the signature also indicates that the person is against you. A long-lasting signature is typical of people who can understand their work and diligently complete the tasks they are assigned.

Impatient people usually sign with a short signature; they are not suitable for monotonous work because they get tired and lose patience quickly. People who sign high letters are capricious in their relationships with others. When the capital letters are smarter than the others, then the person is obviously quite modest and tries not to stand out. Small letters are characteristic of economical, specific and concentrated personalities, but too small letters are used mainly by selfish people. Too large letters are used by naive, impractical and generally unreliable people.

Signature analysis

In our computer age, people write with pen less and less, but they still sign documents, statements, etc.

A signature is a particularly clearly developed conditioned reflex movement, which remains unchanged even with some organic lesions of the brain, as a result of which the entire handwriting suffers. This is a kind of reflection of the clot of everything that is in a person, his natural stamp.

The corresponding letters are typical of logical and consistent individuals who do not readily accept innovative ideas. People who are adaptable leave moderate space between letters. Excessive elements that connect the letters show that the person against you is unpredictable, loves to be the center of attention and dreams.

Quiet and well-meaning people use rounded letters, as opposed to impatient ones. Angular letters speak of a desire for independence and ambition. People who often exaggerate when it comes to their quality have quite embellished signatures - stripes, bracelets and other elements. Discovered people prefer to sign simple and modest.

As a rule, a person has several signature options - main or front, which is used for particularly important documents (such as agreements or contracts), and secondary. The ceremonial version of the signature is of greatest interest for graphological analysis. Let's start with measurements. Pay attention to the overall length of the person's signature and compare it with the length of his own surname written in his handwriting. If signature length significantly (by one third or more) exceeds the length of the surname written under the same conditions, then we can say that this person has an inflated self-esteem and level of ambition. If the signature is too long, compared to the length of the surname, we can talk about the presence of such a quality as hidden disdain for other people, especially those who occupy a lower social position.

Those who emphasize their signature are interested in the opinions of others and are easily offended. When the line is bent to the top, the person opposite you is obviously proud and working hard to achieve personal achievements. People who seal their signature are suspicious people who do not trust others and are rarely satisfied with themselves. They are too nervous and often have health problems such as ulcers or neurosis.

The dot in the signature is positive. It is used by disciplined individuals. When the dot ends, it shows that the person is serious and always finishes what he started. The point at the beginning of the signature indicates that this person first wants to find out what is happening and then start working.

On the other hand, a short signature indicates a lack of self-esteem, an underestimation of one’s skills and achievements. In addition, it may indicate a weakened physical condition, excessive modesty, sometimes reaching the point of timidity. However, this assumption regarding a short signature does not apply to people whose capital letter, symbolizing the first letter of their surname or initials, has an exaggerated vertical size. If the height of a capital letter is 2.5 or more times greater than the height of an ordinary lowercase letter, then we are talking about the presence of such qualities as inflated ambition, organizational skills, sometimes despotism, and reluctance to delve into the intricacies of problems. People whose signature consists of one or two tall letters, without a long stroke, have, as a rule, learned to give guidelines, but do not know and do not want to know at what cost this instruction can be fulfilled ( rice. 1).

Some people put vertical lines in their signature. If they are at the beginning, the person clearly suffers from a lack of creative inclinations, imagination and intelligence. The lines in the middle of the signature indicate that there is a delay between the idea and its implementation. If they end, you obviously have a job with a man who never finishes what he starts. He needs additional incentives and control to cope with the tasks assigned to him.

Association is a dangerous weapon, but style shows independence. Determination, ambition, ability to work hard. The signature can be judged about the personality. Todorov presented the original signature of the new US President Donald Trump to the famous graphologist Sasho Atanasov with a request to conduct an analysis.

Rice. 1

Let's consider a signature option when it has a normal length and consists of the following parts:

  • initials - one or more letters indicating the first letter of the last name, first name, patronymic;
  • letters, elements, signs that are letters of a real surname or simply display them;
  • final stroke or stroke;
  • additional elements.

Measure the height of the capital letters and compare it to the height of the lowercase letters in your signature. If the height of capital letters is two or more times the height of lowercase letters ( rice. 2), then the owner of the signature is an ambitious, self-confident person; he can be difficult in an argument, because he considers his opinion to be the only correct one. He must have good communication skills, the ability to organize work and be responsible for its implementation. But at the same time, such a person worries about his environment or subordinates only in those cases when he is financially dependent on them or he needs executors of his ideas. Individuals with this signature option are, as a rule, active, energetic and selfish natures who do not put up well with everyday life.

You can't miss large signature Donald Trump, says Ivan Todor. - No one is impressed or even shocked by the behavior, speeches, including words, made in the world by Trump for women. No one cares about his extraordinary life - the initial big successes with his father's money, bankruptcy, zeroing out, many marriages, many children that he holds and who also hold on to him. His legendary wife, Ivana. A beautiful and charming modern wife of Eastern European Slavic origin who contributed greatly to his success.

Rice. 2

Capital letters that are too small, approximately the same height as lowercase letters or even smaller, indicate low self-esteem, often lack of self-confidence, and some mental weaknesses.

Normally, the capital letters of a signature should be approximately one third larger than the lowercase letters.

Smooth and uneven signature

He can't help but impress his daughter Ivanka - both with his behavior and his appearance. Goops who ignored the majority of white US citizens. What kind of person is Donald Trump? In this turbulent life, many of his character traits inevitably changed.

In both life and graphology, the meaning a person receives from a signature is of particular importance. Donald Trump's signature excites the association for something like a sharp instrument or dangerous weapon. So sharp objects in the signature are rarely found. If we carve a signature out of metal, we will have a serious weapon or tool on which.

The second part of the signature can be the capital letters of the surname, part of these letters, or some repeating elements that replace them ( rice. 3).

Rice. 3

If there are many of these repeating elements, they have sufficient amplitude, equal to the height of the lowercase letter, and are written with medium or strong pressure, then the author of the signature has good mental and physical energy, as a rule, is physically and mentally resilient, can work for a long time and productively in an atmosphere of increased nervous tension. Such people have well-developed logical thinking, they are active, and have the ability to see the future in all its diversity.

Identical elements in the signature

On the other hand, in addition to respect, the signature creates a sense of some rhythmic arrangement of elements, controlled and measured movements with which it is performed. In practice, after signing, Trump writes his names Donald Trump. For people who write their names in the signature, it is a matter of pride. Letters are cleared without any further detail performed only on their recognition elements, which is a sign of reasoning, observation, autonomy and courage in decisions and actions.

Pressure when writing letters

The characteristic angular lettering in Donald Trump's signature is most often interpreted as a sign. This may be so important, but not in a specific case. The basic principle in graphology is that each sign cannot be interpreted independently, but only in combination with other signs. In this case, angularity combined with straight lines, with horizontal lines, coherence and the correct and rational arrangement of the signature, the angularity of the letters is an expression of irresistible energy, the desire for freedom of action, independence and ambition.

If this repeating element consists of several small zigzags ( rice. 4) and is written with weak pressure, then (it would be better if this element did not exist at all) we need to pay attention to the reduced level of a person’s resistance to stressful situations, a weak reserve of physical strength and, possibly, nervous exhaustion.

Rice. 4

Signature changes over time

The coherence of the signature elements is above average, which is a sign of persistence, logical assessment and consistency of action. And the recording line is horizontal - sure sign self-control, balanced personality, ability to control emotions.

The degree of sharpness and roundness of the signature

The characteristic swings and high tempos of the movements are impressive, and these, combined with the energy of the signature, are an expression of determination, confidence and courage in making decisions and actions. Such people can confidently make independent decisions, boldly and categorically approving them.

An element such as a stroke says a lot about a person in his signature. The great Russian graphologist D. Zuev-Insarov wrote at the beginning of the twentieth century that a signature that does not have a stroke, as a rule, belongs to a cultured person with good taste. The French graphologist A. Varinard in the 20s of the twentieth century drew attention to the fact that out of 40 members of the French Academy of Sciences, 39 signed with a very simple signature, some - without a stroke at all. A similar simplicity of signature is observed in L. Tolstoy, V. Solovyov, N. Bekhterev and other scientists and writers.

Digital additions at the end of the signature

The signature is long and describes a person who is able to understand things in detail with hard work and perseverance. He is capable of systematic and hard work. The first half of the signature is associated with mental work, the second with physical work. The criterion is the presence of elongated elements in the signature, and those indicated in Trump's signature are at the beginning, middle and end of the signature, which undoubtedly indicates the ability to cope equally well with mental and physical labor. Such people easily learn and analyze theory, create ideas and do not hesitate to implement them in practice.

A signature that ends with a stroke falling down at approximately a 90° angle ( rice. 3), may belong to a person who knows how to make tough, sometimes unpopular decisions. If this is the signature of the boss, then it can be argued that he is very rarely interested in what cost the result was achieved. He is more interested in the result itself, and not in the process and the effort expended by his subordinates.

As can be seen, Trump's signature and character, even if they have a deferential and even aggressive appearance at first glance, belong to a well-balanced and pragmatically organized personality with enduring energy, strong character and autonomy. As for whether he is capable of being a leader, we can refer to the definition of leadership in handwriting given by Inessa Goldsberg, a renowned graphologist in the Israeli graphological community, which defines characteristic features successful writing of the manual as follows.

Spreading when writing letters

Large middle part of letters. Organization of productive text. Relative persistence of handwriting features. Obviously, all these signs are characteristic and clearly visible in Donald Trump's signature. They are not always what they seem at first glance. Graduated from law in Volgograd, lawyer, criminologist expert. He also trained in practical graphology. He is a specialist who has conducted a huge amount of forensic analysis, including document examination, handwriting and signature identification.

On the other hand, individuals whose signatures end with such a stroke are energetic, active, decisive and courageous.

Uzbek graphologist Hayk Nadzh (Oybek Kadyrovich Nadzhimov) in his book “How to recognize a person’s character by his signature, or Practical graphology” writes that vertical strokes at the end of the signature indicate the inability to independently complete the task, the need for control and support from the outside .

It is not by chance that a signature is used for an autograph. It is necessary for signing the most important documents and at the same time is your face to the world. You can reveal someone in their signature. Look what he's talking about. Graphologists are most concerned about the signature, since it does not obey the rules of communication, and in it a person can express himself better and freely. It is no coincidence that a signature is called the “second characteristic” of a person.

A long signature characterizes a person who is able to get into work while fulfilling his duties. Such people strive for a career and achieve it. The short signature belongs to a person who has no patience, who does not deepen things and the nature of the work. This person is not capable of monotonous work that requires constant attention.

Falling wavy stroke ( rice. 5) may indicate a person’s diplomacy, ability to find reasonable compromises, and desire to “smooth out” conflicts. If such strokes have a pronounced horizontal amplitude, this indicates a tendency to please, to fawn over the boss and more socially significant people. You probably know people who “live near management” in order to run for vodka and cut sausage. Consider their signatures - it is likely that some of them end with just such falling wavy lines.

A signature with little or no swing speaks of reasoning, observation, self-respect, intelligence, courage. A signature with additional lines reveals superficiality, pride, self-esteem, and self-esteem. With twisted curves - unreasonable and short-sighted.

Curves in the form of a web - dexterity, shroud. The caption, which looks at least half like a feature, shows wildlife despite its stagnation. Only family - immorality, modesty, politeness. A signature that begins with the first letter of the name - a responsible and thinking person.

Rice. 5

Straight, clear, horizontal stroke ( rice. 6) belongs to people who do not like to open their inner world unnecessarily. They are more secretive than open. However, outwardly they do not give the impression of closed, uncommunicative personalities.

Rice. 6

Owners of such a finishing touch, especially if it is not strictly horizontal, but directed somewhat upward, almost always finish the job they have started. If a straight horizontal stroke at the end turns down and to the left, then this is evidence of stubbornness in achieving goals, especially personally significant ones, as well as quite pronounced egoism.

A stroke in the form of horizontal zigzags may belong to an energetic and active person.

It is quite rare to find a stroke that has the shape of a semicircle turned up and to the left ( rice. 7). In this case, we can talk about a person’s imagination. This is not related to the skill and tendency to deceive, but rather something from the desire to get into children's fairy tales...

Rice. 7

An analysis of its general direction plays a major role in interpreting a signature. Thus, a signature rising upward (centrifugal), in which the beginning is lower than its end ( rice. 8), indicates such qualities as optimism, energy, ambition, and good mood.

Rice. 8

But if the signature is too directed upward, and the angle of inclination exceeds 40° from the horizontal axis, we can talk about a superficial attitude to important problems, sloppiness, self-confidence, and an increased level of egoism.

A signature directed downwards (falling down) objectively indicates a depressive nature, weakness of nervous and mental energy, the inability at times to defend one’s point of view, pessimism and dissatisfaction. If such a signature is combined with weak pressure, this indicates a weakened immune system or some kind of somatic disease, usually associated with dysfunction of the liver and gastrointestinal tract. When writing with different types or uneven pressure, you can talk about problems of the cardiovascular system.

A strictly horizontal signature characterizes a balanced person, constant in his affections. Such people are reserved, consistent and have good self-control.

Many people add final additional touches or elements to their signature that are not connected by lines to the signature itself. For example, ending with a period is an indicator of a person’s tendency to introspection. He evaluates his actions from the point of view of compliance with the rules and norms established by himself and society. Accordingly, he makes amendments and adjustments to his behavior. As a rule, such people do not repeat the same mistake twice. In addition, Ike Naj believes that the period at the end of the signature is a positive sign. Its presence testifies to discipline and the ability to complete the work started. However, if any other characters appear after the dot, for example a dash and another dot ( rice. 9), this speaks of distrust, suspicion, and excessive caution. An increase in such signs in the signature indicates abnormal personality development, an increase in the listed negative qualities, which take on a painful nature. In addition, people whose signatures have several dots, dashes and other signs after the signature itself are prone to the appearance of obsessions and states.

Rice. 9

Underline signature below ( rice. 8), as D. Zuev-Insarov wrote, is found in the signatures of English lords and is an indicator of a pronounced sense of self-esteem. If there are two, three or more such traits, we can talk about painful ambition, sometimes wounded, negative personality development, and strong resentment.

Sometimes the signature is covered by a dash ( rice. 10). This option may indicate a person’s desire to find peace of mind and some inner balance. In most cases, this concerns personal life.

Rice. 10

In addition, individuals who sign this way are proud, strive for great achievements, and have good taste. Sometimes they are vain. Such people, when they become bosses, must be afraid of flattery, because flatterers can easily gain their trust with bad intentions.

If a person crosses out his signature ( rice. eleven), we can talk about his lack of self-confidence, constant doubts, and sometimes a tendency towards neuroses.

Rice. eleven

There are very sophisticated and decorated signatures ( rice. 12). They are decorated with various curls, arcs, titles, which harmoniously fit into the signature, visually make it more beautiful, but at the same time seem superfluous. The more such decorations, the more demonstrative, hysterical, superficial and ostentatious behavior a person has. Such people are usually selfish and require increased, unjustified attention. It is important to them external forms. As a rule, they never delve into the depths of the problem; their knowledge is superficial. In addition, such people have well-developed communication skills. At the same time, their whole nature is aimed at gaining recognition from others.

Rice. 12

Owners of such signatures are characterized by narcissism to the detriment of business, easy distractibility, suggestibility and inconstancy.

To avoid mistakes when conducting analysis, it is necessary to pay attention not to one sign of handwriting, but to their entire complex.

By analyzing a person’s signature, you can obtain a fairly wide range of information about him and influence him accordingly in the interests of a joint business; it will be possible to avoid hiring an employee whose personal qualities do not correspond to certain company standards. It will also be possible to predict a person’s reaction to certain proposals.

However, it should be noted that signature analysis provides only a small fraction of the information about an individual compared to what can be obtained by analyzing handwriting as a whole.

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The signature, or stroke, is considered a synthesis of the features of the inner self. If you apply certain knowledge, you can learn to read a character by signature. To master this art, remember:

♦ all lines at an angle indicate determination, independence, strength of character of the owner of such a stroke;

♦ curved lines indicate calmness, gentleness, adaptability, politeness and good upbringing of its owner;

♦ clarity and proportionality of signature elements determine sincerity, directness and frankness, balance and honesty;

♦ illegibility reflects the confusion of ideas and extravagance, lies, insincerity and the tendency of such a person to intrigue;

♦ trembling letters indicate a person’s indecision; perhaps he is overcome by doubts or is simply ill;

♦ a firm stroke reflects the health, will and determination of its owner;

♦ thick lines are a sign of energy and will; such a person is characterized by a love of life;

♦ thin lines reflect the weakness and sensitivity of their owner; he is fearful and timid;

♦ dots are a sign that a person needs to clarify a lot in life;

♦ tangled lines reflect the need for protection and caution of their owner.

Graphological test of strokes. Character by signature

Find among the given strokes the one that is most similar to yours and read its graphological meaning.

Character by signature. Graphological test results:

1. Will, determination, firmness and love of order.

2. A person who thinks about his actions before taking them. Analyst.

3. Dexterity of hands, good character, sociability.

4. The need for protection, concentration, mistrust and caution.

5. Ingenuity, charm, playfulness.

6. Organized. A person has made a life plan and avoids improvisation.

7. Perseverance, strong character. This man is a fighter.

8. Such a person is well-mannered, easy to learn, and pedantic.

9. Determination, independence, love of life, passion.

10, A person cannot form a true opinion about himself.

Character traits by signature

A person whose signature is clear (1) and easy to read demonstrates honesty and trustworthiness.

If the signature is small, compressed and narrow (2), it may indicate an inferiority complex.

Large, with flourishes (3) demonstrates a lack of taste and an exaggerated ego.

The underlining of the signature (4) demonstrates selfishness and a desire to persuade.

Thread-like painting (5), tapering towards the end, is a sign of the calculating mind. Such a person usually gets along with people, is diplomatic and intelligent.

A circle around a signature often signifies depression and a cry for help. Crossing out a signature indicates a lack of ego and often means a lack of faith in one’s own strength. Such a signature makes it possible to assume that something is not right in a person’s life.

It is very important how the signature is placed on the page. If it appears immediately below the text, it reveals the need to maintain a close connection with the environment. If placed at a distance from the text, it emphasizes the independent nature.

This is how Alan signs (6)

The signature has a triple underline, showing that he wants to be seen as an important person. This is a sign of the ego and reveals a tendency to seek prestige and status. Very often this type capital letter hides an inferiority complex.

This is how Anne signs (7)

The letters are very narrow and pressed together, the signature shows a suppressed personality and pent-up emotions. Squeezed letters indicate narrow-mindedness, lack of ideas, but she is tough and firm in her opinion.

Norman Wall Signature (8)

The signature “as in the copybook” and with the round type reveal immaturity and a slow, cautious mind. A slight left slant shows a tendency towards introspection, poorly formed letters are a sign of low self-esteem.

Tom's Signature (9)

Tom has a semicircle around his signature, which in graphology means suicidal tendencies. The circle is on the left, it's open, it's a cry for help. The remaining lines with the lines descending towards the end confirm depression.

Richard Nixon signature (10)

These differing signatures belong to Richard Nixon and have been interpreted as evidence of mental and physical degradation. His first signature(s) was made in 1959, when he was Vice President of the United States, and the signature had a socially accepted right-wing slant.

His next signature (b) is from 1969, when he began his first term as president: the thread-like lines show that he learned to manipulate and deceive people.

His third signature (c) was made in 1974, on the eve of the Watergate scandal, it is clear that he is aware of the upcoming criticism of his ethical positions. His fourth signature (d), almost unreadable, shows that his manipulations have led to lies and dishonesty. Lighter pressure reveals that his physical health is rapidly deteriorating.