What does the computer do when running the game? The computer stopped playing the games it used to play before.

Hello, can you tell me what is wrong with the system?

1)CPU type QuadCore Intel Core i5-3350P, 3100 MHz (31 x 100)

2) System Asus board P8B75-M LE (2 PCI, 2 PCI-E x16, 2 DDR3 DIMM, Audio, Video, Gigabit LAN)

virusinfo_autoquarantine.zip Send to quarantine according to Applications 2 rules on the red link Send the requested quarantine at the top of the topic

Now everything is very simple. Go to the “Advanced” tab, and there click the first “Options” button, which is located in Performance. You will automatically be taken to the settings visual effects. Do everything as in the screenshot, and the load on the system will be greatly reduced. Don't rush to turn off the window, we'll need it later.

1.2. Setting up the swap file

If you did not close the windows that were open in the previous tip, then good. The rest - look above. In Performance Options, you need to select the “Advanced” tab, and then look at Virtual Memory. Click on "Edit".


- PC from the Internet/LAN.
- Antivirus and Firewall

Red squares are bad squares. The more there are, the worse. We are trying to put them together into one large fragment, which will essentially cease to be a fragment. For each disk, first defragment and then optimize. After this, it is best to restart your computer.

3.3. Autorun programs

Many programs, the developer of which does not think about the load on the computer due to the automatically set autorun, start as soon as you turn on the computer. And, most importantly, they will sit quietly in the lower right corner and load your processor with tasks. Naturally, you can enable any program manually, and therefore you need to correct the situation

Everything here is also quite simple: you need to uncheck the boxes next to the processes that you know. It is for this purpose that the developer has placed a label next to each process, if there is one. It is by this that one can determine what kind of process it is. Most often, processes that can be disabled are located in the “Login to the System” tab. Don't uncheck things you don't know about - this can completely destroy the system! Only programs you know about.

3.4. In addition

Game system requirements

CPU temperature
CPU-V idle 30 C
Load 44 C
CPU Core 1 -32 max 53 C
CPU Core 2 -33 max 55 C
CPU Core 3 -33 max 53 C
CPU Core 4 -34 max 53 C

Diode PCH - 45 C

The RAM test was completed without errors, HDD verified.
Games in which it slows down; WoT,Battlefield 2-3,Point Blank (Texture flickering)

Make repeated logs according to the rules of paragraphs 2 and 3 of the Diagnostics section. (virusinfo_syscheck.zip;hijackthis.log)

What to do if your video card can’t handle the game you like, and you don’t have enough money for a new one? You can overclock it. However, overclocking is a delicate matter and requires a certain approach.

Overclocking itself is a process of increasing performance by increasing the frequency. By the way, this procedure is not suitable for all video cards.

If the card itself has a certain safety margin, then you will be able to overclock it. By the way, some manufacturers carefully create such video cards - pre-designed for overclocking - already included with them special program, which is safe for the card and will increase its performance.

But such cards also cost more than regular ones, although if you plan to buy a new one with greater frequency, then it will not differ much from the variable price.

Increase the speed of the video card using tweaker programs. Such programs determine such parameters of the video card as the amount of memory and the frequency of the graphics core.

It is the numerical characteristics of these parameters that tweaker programs overclock.

There are many similar utilities, but only one or two are popular. For example, such as Power Strip and Riva Tuner. The first allows you to change video card parameters various types. And the second is ideal for a certain type of cards from nVidia and ATI.

The interface of these overclocking programs is very convenient and functional, and the hardware is designed to protect the video card itself from overheating.

As mentioned earlier, the overclocking process itself requires a certain approach. The main thing is not to overheat the system of the entire device. Just add an extra cooler, the extra insurance won't hurt.

And be prepared that the meter will drain your electricity twice as fast.

Next, think about this: can your graphics card handle overclocking? Maybe it has served you for more than a year and it simply cannot bear the extra load. Therefore, overclock the card in stages, monitoring the level of stability at the output.

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Have you ever encountered problems due to which games or the computer as a whole began to slow down and not respond to your actions? Only very rich people don’t know this. This article is aimed at trying to remove the "brakes" from games and make your computer "think faster". I note that we are not talking about lags (Problems with the Internet and connection to it). We may touch on this topic later.

Let's start with the simplest. The definition of FPS has been included in the dictionary of computer users for a very long time, but some still do not understand the meaning of this abbreviation - the number of frames per second (Frame Per Second). That is, the more, the better. The norm is considered to be 60. And we will try to increase your “cadres” with a whole bunch of inconsistent actions. If it works, then the games will start to fly, and the computer as a whole will start working a little faster.

Don’t think that there is some kind of program that, by pressing one button, everything will work faster - such programs exist only in heaven. And that’s unlikely. Once you've done everything I'll tell you below, your computer should be working at full capacity. If nothing has changed, then blame the categorically bad hardware: it is best to buy newer components or assemble system unit fully. Let's begin.

I have operating system, by the way, not licensed. Don't be alarmed, everyone has their sins.

1.1. Increased performance by disabling effects

If you have noticed, then in Windows 7 there are a lot of visual effects, such as smooth window opening, all sorts of crashes, and so on. Dedicated to those who do not need them or even bother them.

For their partial or complete shutdown you need to go to “System Properties”. This can be done in several ways:

Go to “Start”, then select “Computer”. There you will find the “System Properties” button, which is what we need.

- Press the key combination “Win” (Check) + “Pause|Break” on your keyboard. You will immediately find yourself in System Properties, which is very good.

Next click on “ Extra options systems." Please note that only the administrator can get here. Such places and settings are marked with a blue and yellow shield. Make sure you have administrator rights.

Now everything is very simple. Go to the “Advanced” tab, and there click the first “Options” button, which is located in Performance. You will automatically be taken to the visual effects setting. Do everything as in the screenshot, and the load on the system will be greatly reduced. Don't rush to turn off the window, we'll need it later.

1.2. Setting up the swap file

If you did not close the windows that were open in the previous tip, then good. The rest - look above. In Performance Options, you need to select the “Advanced” tab, and then look at Virtual Memory. Click on "Edit".

There, select any hard drive and change the existing page file if it seems small to you. For example, I have a recommended size of 12 GB. But it only costs 8. So I changed it while I was taking a screenshot. After a reboot, everything will change, and the computer will run a little faster.

2. Uninstall programs you no longer need

As you understand, a computer can be loaded with unnecessary data, information, etc., when there is too much installed on it. It's time to remove what you no longer need. To do this (if you don’t know), you need to go to “Start”, then click “Programs and Features” (or Add or Remove Programs)

Don't regret any unnecessary programs- if you really need them, you can download them again. In the meantime, you need to improve your computer performance, so be cool.

3. Working with Total Commander

I know that many sites advise downloading programs such as CCleaner when dealing with slowdowns (Which you can do if you wish), but I’m not one of them. I would really like to bring this to the masses useful program, How Total Commander. I used to think that most people use it, but that turned out not to be the case. Many people are still messing around with My Computer, opening several windows. And this is quite inconvenient, you will agree. Total Commander is great file manager, which I have been using for many years and have no complaints ().

But this is only its main advantage as a program. Total Commander can do a lot of things that we need to improve the performance of our computer and games. If you don't like this idea, you can download another program, but it's very much in vain. It's easy to get used to, I'm telling the truth. Give it a try. And I'm moving on to the 4th the most useful additions TC.

3.1. Cleaning the registry

One of TC's features is cleaning the registry. This is a rather useful feature, since the program searches for all unnecessary system keys and makes them available for removal. It’s very simple: first you click “Search”, and after it’s completed, click “Cleaning”.

Please note that the deleted keys are divided into secure and insecure. The checkboxes for deletion will be only on the first ones (They are green). The second ones can also be deleted, don’t worry, the system just warns us: minor changes may occur after deletion. If you have never done this before, then most likely you have over a thousand keys that simply need to be deleted.

3.2. Disk Cleanup

Another option that already allows you to delete unnecessary files With hard drive. Is it safe? You can completely trust that she will never allow herself to delete something important. Everything is done in the same way as in the previous case, but I will still provide a screenshot.

Since unnecessary files are formed almost every day, if you haven’t done such cleaning for a long time, get ready to delete gigabytes of crap. But that's not all. The same program has the ability to Defragment, which we will also need.

3.2.1. Defragmentation

An equally useful thing that allows you to complete all the data on disks. The same as folding laundry in a pile and socks in pairs. Defragmentation greatly helps your computer run faster, but it also takes quite a long time. For each disk you need to do several things to ensure everything is fine:

Red squares are bad squares. The more there are, the worse. We are trying to put them together into one large fragment, which will essentially cease to be a fragment. For each disk, first defragment and then optimize. After this, it is best to restart your computer.

3.3. Autorun programs

Many programs, the developer of which does not think about the load on the computer due to the automatically set autorun, start as soon as you turn on the computer. And, most importantly, they will sit quietly in the lower right corner and load your processor with tasks. Naturally, you can enable any program manually, and therefore you need to correct the situation

Everything here is also quite simple: you need to uncheck the boxes next to the processes that you know. It is for this purpose that the developer has placed a label next to each process, if there is one. It is by this that one can determine what kind of process it is. Most often, processes that can be disabled are located in the “Login to the System” tab. Don't uncheck things you don't know about - this can completely destroy the system! Only programs you know about.

3.4. In addition

TC has many more programs that can help you as you move into your computer life. It has its own Uninstall Programs, its own Task Manager, the ability to write to Disk, and the ability to display Hidden files, and much more. By experimenting, you can figure out these features yourself - I won’t talk about them today, since the topic is dedicated to improving the performance of your PC. But TC - the best choice, I am delighted with this program.

4. Setting up the video card

In the video card settings, most often the priority slider is set to “Quality,” which greatly reduces the performance of all games. To fix this, you need to go to the settings of your video card (they are most often located in the control panel), and then go to the 3D settings.

Both Ati Radeon and NVIDIA have a slider: on the left is Performance, and on the right is Quality. If the slider is fully pointed towards right side, then fix it. Should help a little.

5. Speed ​​up with Game Booster

There is a program that speeds up processes by switching the system to “Game Mode”. It's called Razer Game Booster. You can download it from the official website ().

Register and launch the program. Next you need to go to utilities, where you will see the acceleration. There are many more utilities there, but this is at your discretion. At any time, you can speed up and return the computer to normal mode either from the program or with a key combination (can be configured). Useful stuff.

6. Acceleration with CPU Control

Maximizing a computer's gain by tricking the system is CPU Control. It is not recommended to use on computers with more than 4 cores. Relevant for everyone else. As you know, OS Windows uses all cores for all processes, and with the help of this program we can transfer all processes to one core, and game processes to the rest. ()

The third column indicates how many cores the process is using (1 - used core, 0 - unused). I have three ones and one zero everywhere, since I have a three-core processor. Poking right click mouse for each process, we select CPU 1 so that they load the first core. And by right-clicking on the game process, select all cores. (If there are more than two, then do it as in the screenshot. If there are three cores - 1+2+3, if there are four - 1+2+3+4). I hope everything is clear.

7. Speed ​​up with GameGain

The latest program for today, which, according to some, also improves game performance. Everything there is very simple. Install, launch, check whether the processor and operating system are selected correctly, and then click “Optimize Now”. That's all. It seems to help. ()

8. Update drivers

I forgot to tell you that updating video card drivers also helps games run faster. Basically, noticeable results are achieved if your old driver lives for 1-2 years already. I have a long time ago, when the first one came out Borderlands, it was such a joke - the mentioned game was terribly slow when the others were practically flying. So it also flew when I updated the driver: it had been idle for a year. So it goes. And these are the good old links:

A prerequisite for the successful functioning of any game is the availability of the latest drivers for all devices in the system. Download the utility to easily and quickly download latest versions drivers and install them with one click:

  • download and run the program;
  • scan the system (usually it takes no more than five minutes);
  • update outdated drivers with one click.

This is where my little tips end. Naturally, there are a lot more programs, but there is no need to litter the comments with links to them. I think that what is above is more than enough for anyone. As I already said, if nothing helps you, then the old, albeit good, hardware is to blame. Change it. And good luck.

Have you ever encountered problems due to which games or the computer as a whole began to slow down and not respond to your actions? Only very rich people don’t know this. This article is aimed at trying to remove the "brakes" from games and make your computer "think faster". I note that we are not talking about lags (Problems with the Internet and connection to it). We may touch on this topic later.

Let's start with the simplest. The definition of FPS has been included in the dictionary of computer users for a very long time, but some still do not understand the meaning of this abbreviation - the number of frames per second (Frame Per Second). That is, the more, the better. The norm is considered to be 60. And we will try to increase your “cadres” with a whole bunch of inconsistent actions. If it works, then the games will start to fly, and the computer as a whole will start working a little faster.

Don’t think that there is some kind of program that, by pressing one button, everything will work faster - such programs exist only in heaven. And that’s unlikely. Once you've done everything I'll tell you below, your computer should be working at full capacity. If nothing has changed, then blame the categorically bad hardware: it is best to buy newer components or assemble the entire system unit. Let's begin.

By the way, my operating system is not licensed. Don't be alarmed, everyone has their sins.

1.1. Increased performance by disabling effects

If you have noticed, then in Windows 7 there are a lot of visual effects, such as smooth window opening, all sorts of crashes, and so on. Dedicated to those who do not need them or even bother them.

To partially or completely disable them, you need to go to “System Properties”. This can be done in several ways:

Go to “Start”, then select “Computer”. There you will find the “System Properties” button, which is what we need.

Press the key combination “Win” (Check) + “Pause|Break” on your keyboard. You will immediately find yourself in System Properties, which is very good.

Next, click on “Advanced system settings”. Please note that only the administrator can get here. Such places and settings are marked with a blue and yellow shield. Make sure you have administrator rights.

Now everything is very simple. Go to the “Advanced” tab, and there click the first “Options” button, which is located in Performance. You will automatically be taken to the visual effects setting. Do everything as in the screenshot, and the load on the system will be greatly reduced. Don't rush to turn off the window, we'll need it later.

1.2. Setting up the swap file

If you did not close the windows that were open in the previous tip, then good. The rest - look above. In Performance Options, you need to select the “Advanced” tab, and then look at Virtual Memory. Click on "Edit".

2. Uninstall programs you no longer need

As you understand, a computer can be loaded with unnecessary data, information, etc., when there is too much installed on it. It's time to remove what you no longer need. To do this (if you don’t know), you need to go to “Start”, then click “Programs and Features” (or Add or Remove Programs)

Don't skimp on any extra programs - if you really need them, you can download them again. In the meantime, you need to improve your computer performance, so be cool.

3. Working with Total Commander

I know that many sites advise downloading programs such as CCleaner when dealing with slowdowns (Which you can do if you wish), but I’m not one of them. I would really like to introduce such a useful program as Total Commander to the masses. I used to think that most people use it, but that turned out not to be the case. Many people are still messing around with My Computer, opening several windows. And this is quite inconvenient, you will agree. Total Commander is an excellent file manager that I have been using for many years and have no complaints (yadi.sk/d/LDyUkFrscHE8W ">Link).

But this is only its main advantage as a program. Total Commander can do a lot of things that we need to improve the performance of our computer and games. If you don't like this idea, you can download another program, but it's very much in vain. It's easy to get used to, I'm telling the truth. Give it a try. And I move on to the 4 most useful TC additions.

3.1. Cleaning the registry

One of TC's features is cleaning the registry. This is a rather useful feature, since the program searches for all unnecessary system keys and makes them available for removal. It’s very simple: first you click “Search”, and after it’s completed, click “Cleaning”.

Please note that the deleted keys are divided into secure and insecure. The checkboxes for deletion will be only on the first ones (They are green). The second ones can also be deleted, don’t worry, the system just warns us: minor changes may occur after deletion. If you have never done this before, then most likely you have over a thousand keys that simply need to be deleted.

3.2. Disk Cleanup

Another feature that already allows you to delete unnecessary files from your hard drive. Is it safe? You can completely trust that she will never allow herself to delete something important. Everything is done in the same way as in the previous case, but I will still provide a screenshot.

Since unnecessary files are formed almost every day, if you haven’t done such cleaning for a long time, get ready to delete gigabytes of crap. But that's not all. The same program has the ability to Defragment, which we will also need.

3.2.1. Defragmentation

An equally useful thing that allows you to complete all the data on disks. The same as folding laundry in a pile and socks in pairs. Defragmentation greatly helps your computer run faster, but it also takes quite a long time. For each disk you need to do several things to ensure everything is fine:

Red squares are bad squares. The more there are, the worse. We are trying to put them together into one large fragment, which will essentially cease to be a fragment. For each disk, first defragment and then optimize. After this, it is best to restart your computer.

3.3. Autorun programs

Many programs, the developer of which does not think about the load on the computer due to the automatically set autorun, start as soon as you turn on the computer. And, most importantly, they will sit quietly in the lower right corner and load your processor with tasks. Naturally, you can enable any program manually, and therefore you need to correct the situation

Everything here is also quite simple: you need to uncheck the boxes next to the processes that you know. It is for this purpose that the developer has placed a label next to each process, if there is one. It is by this that one can determine what kind of process it is. Most often, processes that can be disabled are located in the “Login to the System” tab. Don't uncheck things you don't know about - this can completely destroy the system! Only programs you know about.

3.4. In addition

TC has many more programs that can help you as you move into your computer life. It has its own Uninstall Programs, its own Task Manager, the ability to write to Disk, the ability to show Hidden Files, and much more. By experimenting, you can figure out these features yourself - I won’t talk about them today, since the topic is dedicated to improving the performance of your PC. But TC is the best choice, I am delighted with this program.

4. Setting up the video card

In the video card settings, most often the priority slider is set to “Quality,” which greatly reduces the performance of all games. To fix this, you need to go to the settings of your video card (they are most often located in the control panel), and then go to the 3D settings.

Both Ati Radeon and NVIDIA have a slider: on the left is Performance, and on the right is Quality. If the slider is completely pointing to the right, then correct it. Should help a little.

5. Speed ​​up with Game Booster

There is a program that speeds up processes by switching the system to “Game Mode”. It's called Razer Game Booster. You can download it from the official website (www.razerzone.ru/product/software/gamebooster ">Link).

Register and launch the program. Next you need to go to utilities, where you will see the acceleration. There are many more utilities there, but this is at your discretion. At any time, you can speed up and return the computer to normal mode either from the program or with a key combination (can be configured). Useful stuff.

6. Acceleration with CPU Control

Maximizing a computer's gain by tricking the system is CPU Control. It is not recommended to use on computers with more than 4 cores. Relevant for everyone else. As you know, OS Windows uses all cores for all processes, and with the help of this program we can transfer all processes to one core, and game processes to the rest. (yadi.sk/d/rffCJ_9IcHE46 ">Link)

The third column indicates how many cores the process is using (1 - used core, 0 - unused). I have three ones and one zero everywhere, since I have a three-core processor. By right-clicking on each process, we select CPU 1 so that they load the first core. And by right-clicking on the game process, select all cores. (If there are more than two, then do it as in the screenshot. If there are three cores - 1+2+3, if there are four - 1+2+3+4). I hope everything is clear.

7. Speed ​​up with GameGain

The latest program for today, which, according to some, also improves game performance. Everything there is very simple. Install, launch, check whether the processor and operating system are selected correctly, and then click “Optimize Now”. That's all. It seems to help. (www.pgware.com/products/gamegain/ ">Link)

This is where my little tips end. Naturally, there are a lot more programs, but there is no need to litter the comments with links to them. I think that what is above is more than enough for anyone. As I already said, if nothing helps you, then the old, albeit good, hardware is to blame. Change it. And good luck.