What is a touchscreen screen? How to understand that it is the touchscreen that has failed? How different screens work

Today it is difficult to meet a person who has never heard of touch-screen before. However, many older users do not know what is a touchscreen in phones. Let’s try to answer this question, since today the entire new generation of computer and mobile equipment is associated with this term. Although it is possible without a stylus.

What is a touchscreen and how does it work on a phone?

Translated from in English"touch-screen" means "touching the screen", or "screen that is touched". In other words, it means touchscreen, which can be controlled using your fingers. Today, the touchscreen is very common, because it completely replaces such external devices like mouse and keyboard. This technology used to create smartphones and tablets.

Touch screen revolutionized the use mobile phones, becoming an integral attribute of smartphones and tablets. A well-known tool for all amateur photographers, it has also become popular among digital cameras and camcorders, allowing it to extend its capabilities to other areas of photography. Therefore, a touch screen is not only a gadget, but also a functional solution. So, how can it be used during filming and filming? And how easy is it to control the camera? You will find the answer to these and other questions in this article.

Structurally, it looks like this: we have a screen, and above it there is Touchpad. We see the button we need and click on its image, touching the display with our fingers.

Touch-screen owes its appearance to Western scientists. The very first samples were born in the second half of the 60s of the last century. Based on this, we can conclude that the touchscreen has been in use for more than 40 years. Before smartphones, they were used in ATMs, etc. Currently, every person who uses cellular communication, car navigators, visits banks and stores, encounters this technology, sometimes without even knowing what it is called.

Touch screens have been used in digital cameras more than 10 years. Originally appeared in compacts. Today, touch screens can be found in any type of photo and video equipment. The touch screen improves ease of shooting, shooting, adjusting individual settings, and navigating menus.

Touch screen in shooting and video modes

The touch screen has become very popular in compact cameras. Most users use this type of equipment due to its small size. The compact size will fit into your wallet or pocket, making it a great alternative to smartphones. The touchscreen eliminates the need for extra buttons and buttons, allowing for a significant reduction in size while maintaining functionality and ease of use.

So, we figured out what a touchscreen is in phones. Essentially, this is the same as a finger touch display. It is perfectly used instead of a keyboard and is actively used in mobile technologies. The advantages of a touchscreen include protection from dust, moisture and other adverse environmental factors, as well as high degree reliability.

The operation of this mode is very intuitive. You can set the focus point while releasing the shutter automatically, or just to indicate the focus of the image. You can also change the size of the focus frame using sensory function or enable image area magnification. Individual parameters depend on specific models cameras, but in each case the basic principle of operation is the same. This solution is especially useful in devices without a viewfinder.

Touch screen in playback mode and menu

Touch features make it easy to capture video using digital cameras. These solutions are also widely used in digital cameras. The advantage of a touch screen is that it makes operation easier. There's no need to take your eyes off the viewfinder. Selected models offer a live command mode that is displayed with a finger on the screen, making it easier for beginners. The touch screen is useful not only for shooting and shooting, but also for playback and menu operations. It works the same way as on smartphones and tablets, making navigation much easier.

If our touch device does not always respond to touch, or even refuses to do so, for example, does not want to, most likely, it is the touch-screen that has failed. It is relatively inexpensive (especially if we are interested in a resistive display), and it is easy to replace.

Where else is a touchscreen used, besides phones?

You can, for example, enlarge individual parts of an image or easily switch between images by moving your finger across the display surface. Adjusting camera settings is also easier with the touch screen. This allows you to bypass the selection of individual functions using buttons and freely change parameters by specifying them.

It's true that the glass touchscreen looks better for the sky, but it's probably the smartest part of the smartphone. Anyone who has thrown a phone on the sidewalk knows this. The smartphone, originally a luxury item, has become a mass product. Touch smartphones Already used by more than 1.7 billion people in the world, even compulsively - on average we reach for the phone 150 times a day, usually within a quarter of an hour after waking up.

Installing equipment with touch-screen technology in stores, banks, supermarkets and other commercial and retail establishments can significantly increase the level of sales and service. This has a positive effect on the competitiveness of enterprises and optimization of their work. In recent years, the presence of such equipment is usually subconsciously associated among buyers with the success of a particular organization.

Mass production of smartphones is an advantage for consumers who can buy the best and best gadgets for a small fee. But some of the manufacturers of these devices have a headache to stand out and survive. The remaining crumbs must be eaten by all other producers. Will flexible screen smartphones bring mass production?

The company was founded just four years ago and has become the third largest smartphone manufacturer in the world. In December, he raised nearly $1 billion from investors and the company is now valued at $46 billion, the most valuable startup in the world. What is the secret of Xiaomi's success? Easy copying of proven solutions.

If we use POS terminals, it is very convenient for us to select the product that interests us, calculate its cost, etc. It is also common to find self-service terminals with an interactive menu – for example, when paying for services or placing orders.

25 Feb 2015

What is a "touchscreen"?

Development of the device sector mobile communications happening at an unprecedented pace. Not everyone has yet gotten used to the “candybar”, “slider” or “clamshell” when new devices begin to appear. For example, regardless of the wishes of the consumer, the manufacturer forcibly transfers everyone to work with a touch screen, forcing them to give up buttons. Today, the choice in favor of push-button devices is negligible. Whether this is good or bad - time will tell, however, everyone should know what a touchscreen is.

This big advantage For large corporations have flexible displays. Analysts will tell them about the bright future - today it is a market whose value is negligible. But conquering this market will not be easy. But not by modern technology only the inexorable laws of physics. The range of flexible displays has been in the market for a long time.

You just need to implement it for mass production. Next year, another production line will be launched, which will produce 15,000 units per month. sheets. It is not yet enough to think about mass production of flexible smartphones. In addition, production flexible screens much more expensive. A flexible display is just the beginning of the journey to a flexible smartphone. Because you need to be able to bend the rest of the phone: the electronics or the battery. When it comes to flexible transistors, scientists have already achieved some, but mass production is still a long way off.

The term " touchscreen" appeared as a result of the merger of the words " Touch" And " Screen”, which can be translated literally from English as “touch-responsive screen”. A device with a touch screen is encountered by city residents almost every day: these are ATMs, a bank box for accepting payments, a reference terminal, a mobile phone screen and much more. Clicking on a certain area of ​​the screen leads to the registration of the fact of touch and the action is performed according to the algorithm of the running program. Today, on the question of what a touchscreen is, there is a lot of information on the Internet. However, in fact, such screens have a fairly simple general principle of operation, which even a person far from electronics can understand. It should be noted that this term is called various devices, the type of touch screen of which is determined by the manufacturing technology.

There is great promise for graphene, which is a variant of coal with extreme flexibility and durability. Let's assume, however, that in a few years there will be a cheap way to build an entire smartphone, from display to battery. The idea of ​​translating a phone into a roll or fold of a tablet screen like a newspaper should work on the imagination. But the undersigned comes up with a bunch of mundane questions that don't fit into this sci-fi climate: How are we going to use such a flexible sheet?

Touchscreen smartphones are easy to use due to their rigid design - and the flexible sheet will bend under your finger. And how to bend the device to take a good picture? But smartphones are one of their most important elements. The most interesting thing is that new technology should not bring great hopes of "escape" to large corporations.

Everyone who chooses modern phone, draws attention to the type of touch screen, which can be resistive or capacitive. A person who understands this issue and knows “what a touchscreen is” easily chooses best model because he knows the difference between them.

Where to buy a touchscreen?

If you are going to buy a touchscreen for your phone, be careful! You should buy only original touchscreens, as this part is very important in a smartphone or tablet. If the touchscreen does not work, then in fact the device does not work either. The same applies to the situation if you are going buy a touchscreen for a tablet.

Most smartphone owners know that touchscreen phone is an important feature of any smartphone. Your phone's touch screen should be carefully cared for and cleaned when necessary to increase its lifespan and ensure Good work phone.

We'll talk to those who don't know what a touch screen is. The touch screen allows you to display user commands by pressing the corresponding buttons on the screen. There are many widely used systems that enable touch screens. Each method allows commands to move the computer as a result of reaching a certain point on the screen. Most of them specify location coordinates in specific actions to be performed by the system.

The basis of the touchscreen.

The basis of any touchscreen is a liquid crystal matrix, which is actually a smaller copy of the one found in the monitor. On the back side there are backlight diodes, and on the front side there are a number of layers that record pressing (resistive screen) or touch ( capacitive screen).

A person who is well versed in what a touchscreen is understands that most of the devices manufactured use a resistive touchscreen. This follows from their low cost and relative simplicity of design. Many Chinese “smartphones” that have flooded the market have a resistive type of screen, the manufacturing technology of which, by the way, appeared earlier than capacitive.

One of the most common touch screen systems is the one that goes by the name resistive. What does it cover? transparent panel screen, some metal conductive and resistive layers that show electric current between them. When the screen is touched, an electric current can accurately identify the location of the contact and send the coordinates to the operating system.

This is similar to how a mouse works when it is connected to a computer, where the central operating system identifies the exact point where the click is made and it can then respond by activating the requested action. Capacitive systems offer brighter and clearer images than sustainable technology, and this is because the electrical layer on the monitor allows transmission large quantity Sveta. These touch screens carry an electrical charge that responds to the electrical fields of the human body.

Sensor resistive screen consists of two transparent plastic plates with a thin conductive mesh, which are located on the surface of a conventional liquid crystal screen. Between the plates there is a transparent dielectric layer. The program displays a graphical interactive interface, which, thanks to the transparent materials on the matrix, is clearly visible. When responding to a program request, the user clicks on the desired interface point (for example, an image of a button). — The plastic dielectric diverges, the plastic plates come into contact, supplying current from the electrode of one to the grid of the other. The appearance of current is recorded by the recording controller, which, in accordance with the coordinate grid, will determine the pressing point. The coordinates of the point are entered into the program and processed according to the established algorithms.

Circuits in each corner of the screen measure distortion caused by screen touch and response operating system. Using a spring mechanism at the corners of the screen, the tensiometric sign can measure the pressure exerted on a touch point. Touch screens are considered beneficial because they remove redundant hardware such as a mouse or keyboard. Some experts believe that it won't be long until the day when computers are made with just a monitor and a CPU.

Along with this trend of making portable devices lighter and more compact, touchscreen technology may soon become extremely common in laptops as it is today for small devices, such as smartphones and tablets. The progress made by mobile phone screens since they were only used to display the caller's phone number or the SMS you wrote is enormous.

Disadvantages of resistive screen:

  • touching is not enough, you just need to press;
  • redistribution of the mass of the insulating layer leads to screen calibration;
  • number of clicks for each section of the screen - 3÷35 million.

The capacitive screen is designed differently. On the top surface of the screen there is a transparent conductive coating, with electrodes at the corners. Human touch causes current to leak into the body (high capacity). The coordinates of the touch point are processed and calculated. A touch screen made using this technology will withstand more than 200 million touches.

This technology involves low power consumption, which makes it very popular. Technically speaking, the way the liquid crystals are stimulated by electrical energy is different and their orientation is different. They reproduce colors more accurately, with only black being reproduced as a modest looking rather dark gray and having better viewing angles.

We don't have to worry about the phone's battery whether we use darker or lighter themes or wallpapers. The technology is the same, but the screen integrates a digitizer and reflects less sunlight than a standard one. They are even thicker, integrating touch response and a display layer, improve power consumption and are among the most rated.