What should be the signature of a successful person. Squiggle for business, or a successful signature

Once invented for myself beautiful signature, rarely does any of us change it throughout life. Meanwhile, a personal autograph is a kind of seal of fate, and mistakes made when creating this seal can cause a lot of trouble. So what does a signature that attracts luck and prosperity look like?

1. Don't cross out your luck

Surely you have seen crossed out signatures. Or maybe this is your case? Then by all means get rid of the extra line - why cross out your luck on your own and bring more and more new trials into life?

It is possible that it was the crossed out signature that became the indirect reason that the great Christopher Columbus lost the rights and privileges granted to him and ended his life in poverty and oblivion.

2. Don't set a ceiling to your capabilities

This advice applies to those with a line above their signature. This line is like a lid on a flower pot. That is, it is incredibly difficult for the owner of such an autograph to break through to the cherished heights. A trait is a kind of ceiling that he himself sets for his capabilities, hindering the arrival of money and love.

Who knows, perhaps the life of the famous Edith Piaf would have been much happier if the singer had corrected the signature by removing the line above it? ..

3. Open up to the energies of love and money

While the line above the signature blocks the flow of energy and love, the underline on the bottom, on the contrary, helps to attract financial well-being and find a faithful life partner who is ready to take care and support in any situation.

If your signature doesn't have an underline, follow the lead of famous writer and actress Joan Collins and add this line! By the film star's own admission, her life has developed and continues to develop very successfully!

If you lack determination and optimism, point your signature up. It is noticed that people with such an autograph have a light, cheerful disposition, an iron will to victory, and are also full of creative, constructive energy. It is easier for such people to overcome the setbacks and disappointments that are often encountered on the path of everyone, regardless of character and beliefs. They come to success faster.

Among the owners of the "successful" autograph there are many politicians and military men (Leonid Brezhnev, Georgy Zhukov), as well as world famous musicians (Paul McCartney, Vladimir Vysotsky).

5. Consolidate the results

A few more features of a signature that attracts prosperity: it should slope to the right, and also begin and end with long tails up. Leaning to the left and elements going down are a sign of weakness, pessimism and financial turmoil. A very dangerous stroke in a signature is an eight. It doesn't matter if it is present in one of the letters or in the form of an additional "squiggle" - the owner of such a stroke will have a vicious circle, he is no stranger to feeling like a "squirrel in a wheel".

The signature of a successful person is always clear, confident, without gaps. How easier signature, the easier it is for its "owner" to solve emerging problems. Take a look at the autographs of Einstein, Rockefeller or Ford - maybe you should borrow some elements from them?

You might be surprised, but even the pen you sign with can bring good luck! Make sure she writes well with clean lines and does not stain paper and hands. It is also advisable to use only your own tool, and not borrow it from anyone else. After all, the pen has the ability to "remember" the energy of its owner.

You cannot change your destiny for the better without making an effort. Start small - adjust your signature based on our recommendations. Perhaps she will become that tiny piece of the puzzle that you so lacked to create a vivid picture of a new life.

Happy autograph for a girl

Women's "lucky signature" has its own characteristics. It must begin with the first letter of its owner's name. Then the girl's opinion will certainly be reckoned with, and her authority - at work or at home - will increase. Otherwise, the young lady will have to be content with secondary roles, her ambitions will remain unfulfilled.

Another important condition is that the signature must be even, without "jumping" letters, otherwise the girl runs the risk of living her life in the clouds.

Samples of the "correct" female signature are shown to us by Ekaterina II and Valentina Tereshkova - great women who have achieved incredible success, each in her own field.

Handwriting can tell a lot about a person. It is not for nothing that a variety of things are determined by handwriting, from character to ending. An entire science - graphology - is devoted to this problem.

Handwriting can give out a person's mood, can tell about his ulterior motives or implicit traits and inclinations. Very often, handwriting gives out subconscious information that the writer himself is not really aware of. Therefore, the analysis of a particular handwriting can sometimes lead to unexpected results.

The signature is a direct product of our handwriting, an individual cast from it and our energy. To forge someone else's signature, you have to try. In this she is akin to a voice: you can parody almost any timbre, but at the same time, a unique, primordial voice is endowed with natural energy, and the second will be just a tracing paper.

By the signature of a person, you can tell about character, including luck. Graphologists believe that people with a very specific type of signature most often achieve their goals.

What signature can be happy

Angular signature. Such a signature, without rounded letters and decorating "tails", speaks of a strong character and the ability to put everything in its place. At the same time, the owners of such a signature sometimes do not know the measure in their directness and can offend a loved one, getting used to always telling only the truth. But they very often finish first and do not stop at anything in order to achieve what was intended. This mainly applies to the financial sector. But with love affairs it is sometimes not so easy for them.

Underlined signature. The bold line that the owner of such a signature sums up under the letters he has drawn indicates his perseverance. Such people are like water: slowly but stubbornly, they will sharpen their goal for years, if required. They are able to win love and successfully complete a complex project. The harder the bottom line of the underline, the more fortunate the person signing documents in this way will be sooner or later.

Calligraphic signature. Another, third, version of a signature that brings good luck is an even, legible row of letters. In the absence of all the same curls and rounded loops, such a signature will give out a purposeful and open person. He has nothing to hide, so he is honest with others, and he knows what he is striving for, therefore he achieves success. Such a signature speaks of prosperity or luck in the field of career and self-realization, which is important in our time.

How to attract good luck with a signature

You should not radically change the signature, having understood that it is yours that does not fit the listed options. It will be akin to if you suddenly spoke in someone else's voice. People around you will instantly understand you. The subconscious mind will do the same with you, having noticed a catch.

A much more correct decision would be to work on yourself. Take a closer look if roundness does not indicate a too soft and compliant character, and correct these features. And then you yourself will take the handle harder.

A signature can tell a lot, and if it is slightly changed, then it can bring changes to the fate of its owner. Be the masters of your life, observe how you write and what exactly, and appreciate the energy of what is written. Starting small, you can attract both material well-being and harmony in relationships. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

15.12.2015 01:00

Often it is extremely difficult for a woman in love to understand whether her feelings are mutual. Alas, it is impossible to read other people's thoughts, but to ask ...

Everyone who has ever touched the famous teachings of Feng Shui has long noted how symbolic his postulates are. Take, for example, the impact of beneficial Chi energy. It cannot be fixed using the most advanced technology, but there are real legends about its impact on people's lives.

Airy and elusive Qi can be activated in any space. And, moreover, it somehow penetrates into our inner world. That is why the Feng Shui masters attach such importance to various manifestations of human activity. And our signature is no exception here ...

The signature is a symbolic stamp of the person. Whether we like it or not, it can tell not only about a person's character, but also become his source of luck and good luck!

Of course, if your signature is done correctly, according to the canons of Feng Shui.

What Feng Shui signature can attract good luck?

A prosperity signature should start with a confident upward stroke and end with an equally confident upward stroke.
It would seem that there is nothing complicated, but it is better to consider the features of the signature with examples:

Feng Shui signature - fixing mistakes

If your signature does not follow the principles of ancient Chinese teaching, do not be discouraged. Thus, you are not laying a foundation for attracting trouble, but simply cannot attract good luck with it.

But, feng shui signature Is not just a symbol of prosperity, but also a wonderful tool for fulfilling desires! The masters are convinced that its power is strong enough to bring dreams closer to life:

Take your wishbook, in which you rewrite your dreams every day and, starting from a new day, sign the signature of prosperity exactly 49 times on the sheet with a wish list. The next day, write the list again on new page and sign again forty-nine times. The procedure must be repeated within 49 days! Feng Shui masters claim that then desires will certainly come true!

Anastasia Volkova

Elena: "" once again welcomes everyone to the blog. How often, friends, do you have to put your signature? Someone by occupation does this several times a day, someone only in special cases related to documentation. But, one way or another, each of us has it - ours, the confirmation of our own "I", bearing the imprint of our vital energy, our essence. These squiggles for business, confirm the right, property and individuality of each.
Numerologists have established that, because how correctly we select the letters for our signature, it depends on whether we give enough energy to our contracts with clients, salary statements, agreements, orders, orders, etc., hinder or help their implementation.
Successful signature- this is a positive life program at the time we use it. Science can help a signature and find out how successful it is. We offer a table where each letter corresponds to a numerical value.
Let's take a look at my example. In my signature, I use 4 letters: E - from the name and GOR - the first three from the last name. It turns out E - 6, r - 4, o - 7, p - 9. Add 6 + 4 + 7 + 9 = 26. Add the numbers and this number 2 + 6 = 8. My number is 8.

Now let's get acquainted with the decryption.

  • signature with number 1 helps in success, which depends solely on you.
  • with number 2 will be successful if you rely on other people.
  • signature with will help in case you use personal charm. Be attentive to companionship, for men success will go through endless drinking with colleagues, for women - through bed.
  • signed, where 4 You will climb very slowly, and only if you have sufficient accuracy and moderation.
  • the influence of the signature is twofold. You can either burn out or quickly and easily.
  • six signature informs its owner that numerous friendships and family problems will interfere with success.
  • Seven says that yours will be entirely dependent on patrons.
  • with number 8- the signature itself. always yours, and no one will deviate you from the path, if you yourself do not give up.
  • Nine reports that success will come to those who are creative in approaching the problem. Do not reject the help of foreign partners.
  • signature with the number 11- depends on how successfully you are able to leave favorable things about yourself. The first contact, the first conversation, the first step - think over everything to the smallest detail.
  • master of the number 22- mister creator. There are no barriers for him, and therefore success is real only if the owner of the signature really wants it.

Having calculated everything, I was satisfied. I have a successful signature, quite beautiful and original. That's just, putting it every day as a student, I sometimes rush and reduce it to two E and G. The new value 1 (4 + 6 = 10, 1 + 0 = 1) is also not bad, but the eight is better.
P. S. But Albert became thoughtful. While I was writing the article, he kept thinking how to fix his "squiggle".
P. S. S. It remains only to add that we found this interesting material in the book E. Korovina "115 ways to get rich, or Secrets of abundance of money"... Do you, friends, have a successful signature?

Albert and Elena

Signature of a successful person

Your signature is one of the main factors for your success and prosperity.... A person's signature can tell a lot about both his affairs and his prospects.

A signature will promote prosperity and success if it starts with a firm, upward stroke and ends with an equally firm stroke, also directed upward. And generally speaking the signature itself should go up slightly(see figure, captions 1 and 3).

Pay attention to how successful people sign, and you will be convinced that this rule is true.

If your signature ends with a line going down, practice to modify it. Train your hand so that it easily draws a signature that brings you luck and wealth.

And one more piece of advice. When you sign important documents (contracts, real estate purchase agreements and even marriage certificates), do not forget the following rules:

1. Choose an upcoming date for such an important event.

You can choose it based on the materials of the annual feng shui calendar, which is published by the OLMA Media Group publishing house. Choosing the right date will help you reduce the likelihood of failure and increase the chances of a positive outcome for your venture.

In addition to the indicators of luck indicated in the feng shui calendar, try not to sign anything important on the day of the so-called personal breakdown. All these days are indicated in the feng shui calendar.

For those born in the year of the Rat - the day of the Horse.

1. Signature that promotes success

2. Unfavorable type of signature

3. Signature with good feng shui

4. Not a very favorable type of signature

For those born in the year of the Ox - the day of the Sheep.

For those born in the year of the Tiger - the day of the Monkey.

For those born in the year of the Rabbit - the day of the Rooster.

For those born in the year of the Dragon - the Day of the Dog.

For those born in the year of the Snake - the day of the Pig.

For those born in the year of the Horse - the day of the Rat.

For those born in the year of the Sheep - the day of the Ox.

For those born in the year of the Monkey - the day of the Tiger.

For those born in the year of the Rooster - the day of the Rabbit.

For those born in the year of the Dog - the day of the Dragon.

For those born in the year of the Pig - the day of the Snake.

If you get into the habit of following these simple rules, you will notice how much easier your projects are getting along.

2. At the moment when you sign an important document, direct the energy of your consciousness from your head through your hand to your palm. Just think about how the flow of your energy is directed to the hand with which you sign the documents. Then your signature will become a focus of directed energy, and such a document will have much more power.

Do this several times, and then you will get it automatically and bring you good luck!

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