When is the best time to post on Instagram? How to increase engagement on your Instagram

Every day more and more people are interested in account statistics, where they are actively developing their activities. Instagram account statistics were no exception. It is gaining popularity not only among ordinary users who share photos of a new dish or a beautiful landscape, but also. Business entities use this service, How .

Instagram was launched in the fall of 2010. After three years, there were approximately 150 million active users. Today this figure has tripled. To evaluate the services of the service, you first need to download it and install it on your PC or tablet.

Instagram account statistics allow you to view certain indicators for a certain period. By referring to them, you can adequately assess the situation and, if necessary, correct shortcomings. Thanks to this, you can improve your field of activity.

How to find out account statistics

How to view Instagram account statistics? This question usually arises among novice users of the service. This can be done in two ways:

  • on your page using your business profile;
  • through third party services.

It takes a few days to decide which one is best to use. free viewing Instagram account statistics online. The most commonly used services are:

Name Functions Cost per month ($) Free period
Picalytics Indicates both gained and lost subscribers 5 3 days
Weight of bots
Follower Reach
What are subscribers interested in?
Location, audience gender
A lot others
Minter.io Growing number of subscribers 20 Two weeks
Location and gender of followers
Number of subscriptions and reach of signers
Number of comments and likes
Selecting the best publication
Links the time of posting and likes
Iconosquare How the number of subscribers changes From 9 to 49. It all depends on how the service is used Two weeks
Followers Location
Gender and interests of subscribers
Audience activity
Number of comments and likes
Photo promotion. The influence of hashtags on attracting subscribers
Picaton Displays users by location and gender from 6 3 days
What topics interest more subscribers?
Highlights the best time to post
Analysis and determination of the most effective tags
Shows which profiles are public and which are not
Indicates how photo format and filter affect audience engagement
Smartmetrics.co Shows how your business profile is developing from 3 to 750 Free to use if you have less than a thousand subscribers
Displays information about subscribers - their gender and location
Indicates follower engagement
User activity at specific times
Highlights the most effective hashtags
Much more
Appaction Shows how the number of subscribers is changing around 5 Two weeks
Audience activity
Percentage of attracted users
How many posts were there on your profile?
All information comes by email
FlyStat Tracks all changes up to an hour Payment for the service depends on the number of subscribers and the functions used
Determines account subscribers and unfollowers
Indicates the number of comments and likes
Finds the best time to post
Audience Engagement Rate
Goodlike Highlights the number of subscribers and unsubscribers 60. This is with the number of subscribers – 1500 and using all the functions of the service 3 days
Defines audience growth graph
Indicates top performing posts
Distributes comments both by day and hour
Helps track bots
Ink361 Audience engagement percentage For free
Regularity of profile posts
Number of comments
Most Popular Photos
Quality of hashtags in your profile
Feedsry Compares competitor profiles 3,5 5 analytics downloads
Marks subscriber growth graph
Highlights the best photos On the page
Controls audience engagement

These are not all services. But from the table we can conclude that even on additional platforms it will not be difficult to view Instagram account statistics for free. Some of the programs are best used exclusively for analyzing Instagram business account statistics.

View statistics via Facebook

If you have a simple profile, then all statistical information is available. Beginner users may have a question: how to view Instagram account statistics via Facebook? All you need to do is connect to your business account on Instagram. To do this, this group must be connected on Facebook, which represents a user engaged in public activities.

Then you should go to Facebook and create like this. Then go to Instagram and attach a link to it. After that, in the settings, confirm the connection to your business account. Next, all that remains is to observe the statistics of the Instagram account via Facebook, how it rises/falls, by clicking on the button in graphical form on the right top corner profile. Some users install the following applications to monitor their subscribers:

  1. InstaFollow.
  2. Followers + for Instagram.

Here, Instagram account statistics through applications determine not only the number of users, but also (in the second option) who liked what, who didn’t like it, who was secretly interested in the user’s profile.

Free viewing of Instagram account statistics

How to view Instagram account statistics for free? You can use Webstagram. The following services are provided here:

  • viewing the number of downloaded videos and photos;
  • number of likes;

A social network like Instagram is a very profitable means for running your business on the Internet. To effectively promote it on Instagram, you need to know the strengths and weaknesses of your page. For this, it is very important to see the number of visitors, as well as their activity. This means that it is very important to know how to view statistics on Instagram.

What are statistics on Instagram?

Statistical information in the described service is the dynamics of user subscriptions and unsubscribes, the increase in the number of likes and comments. The question immediately arises: where to look at statistics on Instagram? " ? There are several ways to view it:

  • business account via Facebook;
  • special applications (Iconosquare, Statigram).

They will help you get a lot of what you need and useful information about the profile.

View statistics using Facebook

Let's figure out how to view statistics on Instagram using Facebook:

  • First of all, here you will need to create your page. To do this, you need to go to the menu on Facebook, then select “Pages”, and then “Create a page”.
  • Give the page a name and select the desired category, and then click on “Start”.
  • Now you need to indicate your website and fill out the “About Page” column.
  • Click on the “Save information” button.
  • The address and photo do not have to be filled out right away. Click the "Create Address" button and the page is created.
  • After this, you should go to Instagram and check if everything works.
  • The next step is linking the page. When logging in, you need to select it on “Instagram” and indicate your address Email. After this, the page takes on the appearance of a business account with statistics available at any time, which are activated using a special button.

This button is located at the top right corner and looks like a graph. By clicking on it, you can see statistical information that indicates demographics, impressions, activity, reach, age of users, their location, time of viewing photos and much more.

Statistics using the Iconosquare website

How to view statistics on Instagram using Iconosquare? You can also find out interesting and relevant statistical information using the convenient Iconosquare website. It demonstrates:

  • graphs of activity of your page and subscribers’ pages;
  • some of the most popular publications that received more likes and comments;
  • those users who subscribed and unsubscribed from the page;
  • how many publications appeared in the “Popular” section;
  • which subscribers give the most likes and comment on photos most often.

By learning which photos are the most popular, as well as at what time they were posted and with what tags they were signed most often, you can improve and make your publications even better.

How to view page statistics on Instagram using Statigram

The Statigram service will also help solve the described problem. How to view statistics on Instagram using the Statigram application? To do this, through this service you should go to the website statigr.am and click on the button located in the upper right corner - Sign in with Instagram. After this, you should enter your data, or rather, the login and password used on Instagram, and access is open.

Statistics of active subscribers in Statigram

The statistics mentioned include the five most active subscribers, as well as five people the user follows and views regularly. In addition, the statistics display those who did not subscribe to the page, but liked and commented on the photos. The statistics also show tags that were used in publications.

Photo statistics in Statigram

How to view photo statistics on Instagram using Statigram? The statistics show the five most popular photos, which are determined by the number of likes given. It also displays five photos from big amount comments to them, as well as five filters that are most often used. In addition, in the statistics you can see the ratio of processed and unprocessed images as a percentage that were not uploaded to Instagram.

Statigram also displays the number of subscribers, photos, comments and likes. Here you can find any statistical information on tags and users.

FollowMe app

Having learned how to view photo statistics on Instagram using this application, you can find out who is interested and viewing the profile, and who has long abandoned this matter. In addition, the service is able to add new subscribers to the page. But to do this, you need to have virtual coins, which you will have to buy with real money, or receive for completing certain tasks. If the question arises about how to view statistics on Instagram from your phone, then the FollowMe application is perfect for this.

In FollowMe you can see statistics and those subscribers who have never liked or commented on photos. In order to delete all such subscribers at once, there is a special button in the application. Statistics are also kept of friends who constantly like and comment on photos. The exact number of comments and likes is displayed for each person. Separate statistics show those users who like but never comment on posts. In addition, there is a section that shows those people who have unsubscribed but continue to like photos.

You can also use this application to find out which of your publications are the most popular for the last week, month and entire existence of this account. There's also a section with popular tags, a list of people nearby, and random profiles that might be of interest.

The application contains graphs showing subscriber activity hourly. Those people who suddenly unsubscribed are also tracked. FollowMe app has many useful functions, which will not be superfluous if Instagram is used as a working tool.

Advanced statistics on Instagram is not available to everyone. You can see the number of likes, the list of subscribers shows each person's preferences. But this is not enough for high-quality promotion of the group. From our article you will learn how to view statistics on Instagram - information for analysis can be obtained by creating a business profile on the social network itself, or through third-party online services.

Built-in analytical data inside Instagram is available only to business class profile owners; the functionality is not available on personal accounts. You don’t have to pay anything - the function works for free, you just need to link your account with a Facebook page of the same name. A Business type account does not have to belong to any brand; you can create it for an ordinary person. Facebook recently bought Instagram, so Instagram statistics work on its servers.

To view Instagram business account statistics, first log into Facebook. Create a new page through the Pages - Create a Page menu, select its activity type from the list (artist, blogger, photographer, product, brand). If you need Instagram statistics for a brand that is already officially represented on Facebook, select its page to link accounts (you must be its administrator).

Now open Instagram app, in your account settings, click “Switch to company profile.” The Facebook login window will appear, select the page you created earlier. Allow access to the FB page, enter official contact information - email address, phone number, address.

Now, under each photo on Instagram, data will appear: the number of views (including live broadcast), unique visitors, likes and comments. On the main profile screen, click on the icon in the form of a bar chart to view extended visit statistics on Instagram - which cities people come from, what age, gender, at what time of day.

Third party services

If you want to view Instagram statistics for several accounts, including those belonging to competitors, or do not want to create a page on Facebook, contact the appropriate online services. There are quite a few of them, let’s look at the most popular and convenient ones.

The service https://popsters.ru/ offers analytical data on the number of traffic social networks. Will help:

  • find out the most popular publications;
  • compare several profiles graphically;
  • display activity by hour and week;
  • count the number of likes and comments;
  • select frequently used words and hash tags.

How to view statistics on Instagram using Popsters: go to the service website, log in using your Instagram account. You have a free trial period for 7 days, after which you have to pay to use the functionality. Load the required profiles and summary information about them will appear. You can open “Charts”, which shows the change in indicators for the selected period. The Text Referencing feature shows popular words and hashtags by loaded accounts.

The https://picalytics.ru/ service collects data for in-depth analysis that will help you understand how to make your profile more popular. In addition, it can display summary information on competitors. Available options include:

  • gender, country and city of subscribers;
  • number of bots;
  • top of new subscribers and top of those who left you;
  • determining the time when your audience is most active;
  • collection of hashtags for photos.

Information is displayed in the form of visual graphs, charts and maps. Trial period – 3 days.

The main function of http://www.spellfeed.com/ is a catalog of advertising Instagram profiles. Statistical data comes as an addition, but you can track up to 3 accounts for free. How to view statistics on Instagram using Spellfeed: register or log in via VKontakte. Add a profile for analysis (yours or someone else’s) or select any one from the catalog. See the growth of subscriptions and daily dynamics on the charts.


A business account on Instagram is a convenient way to quickly obtain summary data on your group. Third-party services are more suitable for comparing several profiles and choosing a marketing policy.

In contact with

By the way, in the vastness of our country, the opportunity to uninterruptedly use all the delights of this update appeared in 2016, while residents of Europe enjoyed them much earlier.

But that’s not about that now. You can convert your page into a “business” exclusively through Facebook! Only after this you will have access to page statistics, you will be able to see which of the publications are the most popular, find out the number of impressions, and so on.

Viewing statistics is now very easy

I would like to note that thanks to this approach, the life of not only businessmen has been simplified, but also yours with us, because now we can check how popular we are.

So, to access statistics on Instagram, you need to connect to a business account. However, there is a “but” here. The same group must also be connected on Facebook. If you have personal account, you need to create a group on Facebook and introduce yourself as a public figure.

To create a group, go to Facebook from your computer, where we create new group(it must correspond to reality: musician, blogger, product, photographer, model, and so on). Next we go to Instagram, where we attach a link to the group. To do this, go to settings, where we select the “connect to business account” option.

Once connected, you will be able to monitor the frequency of traffic to your account and rejoice (or vice versa) at your popularity.

What statistics can you see?

You can find out how and how often people view your photos or videos. By the way, I want to note that statistics will be displayed only after switching to “business”. That is, you won’t be able to find out how popular you were previously.

So you will be able to see:

  • Reach is the number of people who visited your page;
  • Impressions - include the total number of views of your materials;
  • Subscriber actions - here you will find out how much time your subscribers spent on your page per day on average;
  • Clicks - shows how many people touched the links.
  • Exits - how many people went from your page to another user’s account;
  • Responses - how many people wrote messages.

You can view statistics on any device: Android smartphones, iPhones, computers.

Now I’ll tell you in more detail what impressions and reach are. You should not confuse them with each other, since they are completely different things. For example, reach shows the number of people who viewed your posts. Each person who visits your page will be read only once, even if he has viewed the publication 20 times.

Impressions - here you will have the opportunity to see how many times your publication has been viewed in total. If 10 people viewed a photo or video 5 times, the total number of views would be 50.

Also in the statistics you will be provided with information about subscribers: how old they are, what gender they are, where they are located. Also, when you open the statistics, you will see the “Engagement” item, which will tell you about the total number of visitors who liked your post and left a comment on it.

Each of us, no matter how secretive he may be, somewhere deep down in his soul dreams of being. Maybe not on stage, but at least on Instagram. We all want to be more interested in us.

And many representatives of the fair sex are eager to prove to their exes how necessary and beautiful they are - let them regret that they lost them. Therefore, I will share a wonderful service that will help you achieve your goal - to become a mega popular Instagram user - " Soclike e".

Well, the same thing, I told you about a free and valid way to view statistics. You won't be able to connect it in 2 seconds, but the best always requires some effort. I hope you liked the material and are happy to share it with your friends on social networks.