What is the best cell phone signal booster. Choosing a Gsm signal amplifier for the home. Analysis and selection criteria

The life of most modern people is connected in one way or another with the Internet. Using a network connection, you can access any valuable information. This allows you to do business from anywhere in the world. Thanks to the developed network, people can travel, constantly change their geolocation, while continuing to earn money and not lose touch with loved ones.

"Looks like something will happen." Once and for a while, we have questions about the capability and legal status of cell phone signal boosters. And the concern is absolutely right. After all, cell phone accelerators are a growing niche market that has recently gained popularity in the past few years.

So let's answer some questions

Find out how many "poor" cellular signals you need to improve with ours.

Here's how the signal booster works

A cell phone booster works by pulling out a weak signal, amplifying it, and then relaying it to the area you want. Most signal boosters are essentially a three-part system: an external antenna to pick up a weak cell signal, an amplifier to amplify the weak signal, and an internal antenna to relay the amplified signal inside your home or car.

To ensure stable coverage around the world, an Internet signal booster is actively used. After all, there is nothing worse than constant failures due to an unstable connection. Low speed becomes simply painful, as a person must change his position and look for a place where there is a signal. And often you have to dodge a lot to catch him. This article will touch on uninterrupted communication, but will provide the latest signal booster cellular communication and the Internet.

The external antenna is the first main component of the cell phone amplifier. External antennas usually come in two varieties. Omnidirectional Antenna: This antenna pulls the signal with 360 degree angle. A general all-round performer and is usually used for people who have a decent signal or want to increase their carrier count.

Unidirectional Antenna: This antenna pulls the signal out of the field of view by 45 degrees. This allows it to penetrate further than an omni antenna. Dedicated performer used for extremely poor signal and those who only want to increase one carrier.

Internet choice

Technology development is very active. Ten years ago, an Internet signal amplifier was required for a satellite dish, since it was it that was the only source of network outside the city. There were various tariffs, connection methods. The stability of the signal also depended on this.

What brand of amplifier did you choose?

The amplifier is the second main component of the cell signal amplifier. After the signal is bad from the external antenna, it is sent to the amplifier for boost. All amplifiers are measured in dB. Shortly speaking, cellular frequency are radio waves that operate at a specific standard in the radio frequency spectrum.

For a cell phone signal, this signal level is -50 dB to -120 dB. In the conversation "bar" -50 dB is full bars, and -120 dB is a dead zone. What the amplifier is doing is potentially increasing your dB rating, approaching -50dB. To learn how to read dB on your phone, check out our search guide.

But now Satellite Internet recedes into the past, only a few use it in their activities. Most people have moved to a more reliable and effective way providing a signal - cellular communication. This type of connection is very popular due to the relative cheapness, stability and speed of operation. On the this moment operators provide many different options mobile internet. The data transfer rate will also depend on the format of the cellular connection. The following speeds are currently in active use:

A good home amplifier should have a gain of at least 60 dB. Most powerful devices exceed 70 dB. A good car amplifier should have at least 25 dB, while best devices exceed 50 dB. It is important to note that the amplifier can boost the signal up to its dB value, but does not guarantee that this dB number will increase immediately. Since many factors are involved, such as distance from the cell tower, external interference, internal interference, building material, etc. which may affect the results.

Growing problem with weak signal in America

Hence why it is very important to find your dB reading first and talk to a certified signal booster to get the desired and realistic results. We have a big problem with cell phone signal in our states. First, the massive popularity of smartphones is changing the landscape. What used to be several separate devices to manage our schedule, time, entertainment, business, and connections all boiled down to one.

  • 2G - 30-40 Kb / s;
  • 3G - 500-800 Kb / s;
  • 4G - 2-5 Mb / s;
  • 5G - about 1 Gb / s, the estimated launch is expected by 2020.

Operator change

The simplest Internet signal booster is not technical device, but just another operator. Some companies provide more powerful transmit translators. It is better to experiment here, because often people use what they are used to, not paying attention to other options. But one operator can provide stable and high speed where another can barely give out a couple of strips.

It's one big convergence that requires a lot of power, a lot of battery, and a lot of data - big data, fast data. It really depends on how much signal you're currently getting. Therefore, you really need to learn more about your current signal situation. This is a multi-carrier and comes with a 2 year warranty. technical support for life and free shipping. Wilson also suggests that he is a bear model as well as a daddy bear. The main functions on the back require the following approval.

Repeater Selection Criteria

Award products.

  • Works with all carriers.
  • Boosts the signal inside for complete home coverage.
  • Enhances voice and data.
  • Extends the life of your battery mobile phone.
Then it's time to find the strongest cellular signal, which means the nearest cell.

3G mode selection

Cause too weak internet may be the set mode. AT this case Internet signal booster is the user himself. Many users do not realize that modems usually only provide a speed of 20-40 Kb / s. The device simply considers one or two 3G strips too weak. Of course, in this situation, it is simply impossible to work. But it is enough just to specify in the options “receiving only 3G signal”, and the situation will clearly improve. The modem will not spray its activity on resetting to lower speeds, but will focus only on this mode. At the same time, even one weak strip of 3G Internet will provide higher speeds than 2G.

It's northeast of my house. Download an old dish and install an external antenna there and make sure it points to the cell. You'll have to get the ladder out and some sweat, but it's a good workout. The top priority is to get that boosted signal first.

Cables are connected to each antenna, connected to the amplifier and turned on. The amplifier light is green, so it's good to go. Red lights indicate oscillation problems. Orange lights mean overload problems, meaning it's too close to the cell tower. However, this problem can be easily fixed by pointing the external antenna slightly away from the cell tower.

But some users who are looking for Internet signal boosters may find that this feature is not available in their modem settings. This option is still there, only it is in the built-in commands. Here you need to understand in more detail the device and adjust the work manually.

Okay, money has been earned, let's see the results. Very, very pleased with the results. From one bar to four with the flip of a switch. Will definitely update this review in a few months. Simply put: more bars on your phone. He does it with three simple steps and components.

Q: What are all the benefits of a signal booster?

Internal antenna relays amplified signal to the desired area at home or in the car.

Q: Which towing signal companies are the best

  • An external antenna pulls your existing bad cellular signal.
  • The amplifier boosts the cell signal with patented technology.
If your signal outdoors is decent but indoors is terrible, then the signal booster can get a boosted signal. If your external signal is marginal and the service is patchy, then a signal booster can amplify the weak signal and then send it straight to you.

Extending the modem with a USB cable

Knowing the basics of physics, you can understand that the signal is a wave, so its level can fluctuate depending on the location. Of course, you can move around and find the most advantageous position, but it's too difficult. The 3G internet signal booster in this situation is a regular USB extension cable. Thanks to him, the point at which the signal reception from the operator is the highest will be determined.

The most important thing is to find out how much signal you are currently receiving. And looking at your cell phones, the bars aren't exactly accurate. Believe it or not, there is no industry standard for cell phones. Each carrier has its own interpretation. However, cell phone signals are accurately measured in decibel readings. Cell phone signals are radio waves and operate at a frequency of -50 to -110 dB. -50 dB - excellent signal, full bars. -110 dB - poor signal, close dead zone.

It's more realistic to say that this is a great desktop amp. Ideal for single office, home office and smaller spaces such as cabins and suites. The most popular cell phone amplifier. If your signal is average or mediocre, this will be the first pattern to look at.

Due to the fact that an indicator is built into modern modems, it can immediately show the level of coverage. Since on many devices the reception quality is expressed in decibels, do not get confused in terms. The lower the value seen on the screen, the better the signal.

From practice, we can say that the best places to place the modem are near windows and ceilings. Maximum reception will of course be provided outdoors at a good height. Most devices perfectly tolerate all weather conditions. The exception is direct sunlight, as this leads to excessive overheating of the modem.

If you have extremely low or marginal signal in a remote area, this would be our top recommendation. Super inexpensive cell phone car. Supplied on dashboard or cup holder. The smartphone must be in a stand for maximum signal amplification.

May fit snugly on wider smartphones with thick cases. The most popular car antenna signal booster. Thin external antenna picks up a weak signal. An unruly indoor antenna transmits an amplified signal. Most of our clients say they get 2 to 3 bars. Some of them said they needed to be closer to the indoor antenna than expected to get more bars and a stronger signal. So expect to be within arm's length of the indoor antenna.

Selection of a special device

To approach the issue of improving the quality of the Internet more seriously, you can purchase a specialized device - a cellular and Internet signal amplifier. For the user who wants to purchase such equipment, main task is the selection of the optimal ratio of price and quality. You can decide that the more expensive the amplifier, the better the result will be. But this is not always the case, as many users claim.

Three words: maximum power output. This allows 60% to reach the tower of the cell. And the distance from the cell tower is the biggest problem for remote rural areas. So it's definitely meant for extremely poor signal areas.

Commercial cell phone signal booster. Features adjustable controls for precise control for each 5-band frequency. Maximum uplink and downlink power. Most powerful amplifier cell phone signal at the enterprise level. Best for city or urban areas. Built-in meter for accurate dB readings.

In order to choose a device, you need to understand the principle of operation of such equipment. It has only two functions. One provides reception and amplification of the incoming signal. The device should improve the quality of coverage in a certain area and eliminate possible interference.

In strong areas, the signal can be further increased by 12 dB. With the Response Antenna, you can expand your reach cellular signal in uncovered space. The answer improves the quality of uncoated rooms up to 120 square meters and is ideal for home and office.

If the information provided in this guide is not enough, you can always contact us through us, where we can help you solve your problems. The days when I had to walk up to the window stairs or go outside to use my cell phone are over. Like a skylight that allows light into your home, the answer transmits and amplifies mobile phone signals from abroad in your home or office.

The second function is sending. Each communication standard has its own data rate, so the quality can be improved in various ways. But still, the point is that the direction of the signal is set at the level of the tower, and thus data transmission is supported.

Why can the internal signal be weak?

Follow simple instructions See this user guide to create coverage areas in your home or office.

There are several obstacles that can contribute to poor reception in your home or office. The following tools are required to install the Response Antenna.

Extending the modem with a USB cable

Before installing an Answer antenna in your home, make sure you can make calls outside the home, attic, roof level, or wherever you want to place the antenna. The response can only pick up the signal if it reaches the signal antenna. If there is little or no received signal, the solution will not work.

A simple solution

As many years of experience and user reviews show, there is nothing better than a conventional metal antenna to improve the quality of analog television broadcasting. If it is directed towards the tower, then the reception efficiency will increase significantly. Internet connection signal amplifiers for summer cottages can also be varied, but the simplest mobile accessory is very productive. Its advantage is that the device can be purchased at any mobile phone store. The equipment is completely portable, which is also a plus that most buyers note. The range of the device varies from 900 to 2400 MHz.

Special Antennas

The market for such products is represented by more than one antenna. The range includes an internet signal booster for the summer house Connect Street. The parameters indicated on the box say that its action extends in the range from 1,800 to 2,100 MHz. In this case, the gain ranges from fifteen to seventeen decibels. The principle of operation of such a device is to reduce the range and amplify the signal using specialized components. In practice, the device shows excellent results at a distance of more than a hundred kilometers from the tower.

The disadvantage of Connect Street, which is noted by users, is the difficulty of installation. Dismantling must be carried out in the manner prescribed in the instructions. The device is not portable. For this reason, it is not very convenient to use it outside a residential building.

Compact version

An Internet signal booster for a summer residence does not have to be large and inconvenient. As opposed to the previous option, there is a "Connect Remo" device. Unlike other equipment that is mounted outdoors, this device is located in close proximity to the modem. There are two versions of this amplifier. The first contains a USB hub, while the other does not. This distinctive feature was reflected in the price. The difference varies within five hundred rubles.

"Connect Remo" looks aesthetically pleasing due to the fact that the plastic plate is made of polymer. But for many people, just such material is alarming, and for good reason, since attractive appearance- this is the only advantage of the device. The effectiveness of its work, according to user reviews, is very low.

Increase Productivity

Many people additionally upgrade their cellular Internet signal booster. The simplest and most effective method is the addition of metal. Of course, a handicraft product will not replace professional equipment. So, of course, it will come out much cheaper, but the proper result may not be achieved. Therefore, it is better to limit yourself to a small intervention.

The purpose of the Connect amplification is to create a lure out of metal. It should provide concentrated reception of waves. To do this, it is necessary to cover with foil all the polymer elements of the device and the mount itself on the inner surface.

Professional Solution

Manufacturers of such equipment offer users a cellular Internet signal amplifier for summer cottages, which is able to penetrate even through dense walls. Such a device is used inside buildings, called repeater equipment. Its main function is to improve the quality of signal reception from the base station.

Since such receivers catch good 3G Internet, they distribute it to other gadgets without any loss in speed. They transmit a signal of such power that it is able to overcome even reinforced concrete floors, which is pretty good for a wave signal. most best model, according to user reviews, is the Nextivity Cel-Fi RS2 repeater.

Thus, when purchasing a device, it is better to focus on the reviews and opinions of other users. But in any case, having acquired a device and not getting the desired effect, you can always modify it with your own hands.

Cellular communication has firmly entered the life of every inhabitant of the earth, but not everyone can take full advantage of it. Even having cellular telephone with a connected SIM card and a positive balance, you can stay out of reach for other subscribers.

Poor communication can be due to the following reasons:

  1. Remoteness of the base station of the operator from your premises.
  2. Presence of natural barriers. This may be a forest belt or a mountainous area on the path of the GSM signal.
  3. The location of your premises in a hard-to-reach place. For example, on the basement floor or in a sheathed metal hangar.
  4. In the city, the quality of the signal is affected by dense urban development and overload of the operator's base stations.

But it is not all that bad. For more than a decade, you can see amplifiers for sale in online stores. mobile communications- repeaters. The cost of a good kit can range from 10,000 to 25,000 rubles, which is commensurate with the cost of a tablet or smartphone. In order to spend your money wisely and purchase a good amplifier, we have compiled a rating of mid-range cellular amplifiers with a coverage area of ​​800 m 2 operating at a frequency of 900 MHz.

Full coverage of the signal coming from the amplifier is provided only if there are no obstacles in the range. In order for the signal to propagate over the entire area, the following conditions must be met:

  • The receiver is installed in a location where there is good signal;
  • Minimum cable length selected;
  • The carrier's base station provides coverage at your facility;
  • There are no metal and concrete barriers.

Using the search, we found the following amplifier models that can improve cellular communication in a room with an area of ​​​​more than 800 m 2. These models are able to divide the signal into several zones.

Aileron AE-970;
- Vegatel VT2-900E;
- Vector R-810;
- Picocell 900 SXA;
- MWS-EG-B23;
- StrongCall Мх70;
- Anytone-700.

Testing will be carried out according to the following parameters:

1) Output power
2) Gain
3) Automatic Gain Control (AGC)
4) Basic equipment
5) Cost

So let's get started! Let's consider everything in order.

output power

This parameter directly affects the created coverage area. If the output power indicator is low, good coverage will not be seen.

Output power is measured in dBm (dBm) and mW. For the convenience of calculations, we will take one value as zero in order to carry out calculations relative to it. So, if we take 1 mW as the zero level, then such a unit appears as dBm (1 mW = 0 dBm).

Almost all devices under consideration have the power indicated in dBm, except for MWS-EG-B23 - expressed in mW, and StrongCall Mx70 - indicated in both mW and dBm.

On paper, all applicants have an output power value above 20 dBm, which is quite enough to cover the area of ​​800-1000 m 2 . But we are not just comparing the values ​​specified in the instruction. We have the technical ability to check the actual value of the output power. Output power and distortion will be measured with a spectrum analyzer Rohde & Schwarz FSH3.

The summary table shows the data obtained during testing (for your convenience, the value of the output power is given both in mW and in dBm):

Table #1

Device Declared output power, dBm/mW Actual, dBm/mW
Aileron AE-970 20/100 17/50
Vegatel VT2-900E 20/100 19/79
Vector R-810 27/500 27/500
Picocell 900 SXA 20/100 20/100
MWS-EG-B23 23/200 23/200
StrongCall Мх70 20/100 20/100
Anytone-700 27/500 26/398

As we can see, not all models have the declared output power "friendly" with the actual one. Models turned out to be honest: VectorR-810; Picocell900SXA; MWS-EG-B23 and StrongCall Mx70.

But some of them are not so good.

The Media Wave brand amplifier has an actual output power similar to the advertised one, but it creates high level interference towards the base station of the operator. The device will not be able to work correctly if the signal levels from different operators. It is especially dangerous to place the amplifier near the operator's tower. For the city, the use of this model is not recommended.

The most honest and safe for the operator's base station are the StrongCall Мх70 and Picocell 900 SXA amplifiers. They get the highest score.

Table number 2


One of the main parameters that indicates how much dB the repeater can amplify the output signal relative to the received one. To check this, it is enough to install on a smartphone with a platform android program netmonitor. By doing this, we will see the signal level in the room and be able to determine the location of the operator's base stations. A bad signal will be characterized by a value of minus 90-110 dB. For good level signal is characterized by a value of minus 65-75 dB.

We tested the declared indicators of the contestants. The data obtained are reflected in table No. 3.

The measurement of gain and uneven frequency response was carried out by a vector network analyzer OBZOR-804/1

Table #3

Device KU according to the passport, dB KU actual, dB
Aileron AE-970 70 66
Vegatel VT2-900E 70 68
Vector R-810 75 72
Picocell 900 SXA 70 69
MWS-EG-B23 65 64
Strong Call Мх70 70 69
Anytone-700 70 67

Unfortunately, not all contestants passed this test. Test leaders are once again StrongCall Mx70 and Picocell 900 SXA. At the current stage, an amplifier from MediaWave has joined them. The repeaters of these brands showed the actual CG indicators closest to the declared ones. 1 dB difference can be attributed to the error.

Let's arrange the grades

Table No. 4

Automatic Gain Control (AGC)

When choosing a repeater, this indicator cannot be ignored. It is very important, but manufacturers do not provide reliable information on it. The higher the AGC value and response speed, the more efficient and safer the amplifier will operate for the operator's base station.

Table number 5

Device AGC according to the passport, dB AGC actual, dB
Aileron AE-970 45 30
Vegatel VT2-900E 15 15
Vector R-810 - 30
Picocell 900 SXA 25 25
MWS-EG-B23 - 40
StrongCall Mx70 45 45
Anytone-700 30 30

After reviewing the documentation for the Vector R-810 and MWS-EG-B23 models, we did not find information on gain control in the technical specifications. But in fact it is.

In addition to the AGC value itself, it is important that the system automatically works and does not load once again base station operator. The AGC indicator on repeaters with an output power of 100 mW should have a value of about 40-45 dB, which will allow the equipment to work comfortably without interfering with the operator's cells.

The AGC index of Anytone-700 and Picocell 900 SXA is not high, but it is also 2 times higher than that of Vegatel VT2-900E, which can adversely affect the interaction with the operator's base station.

As for the Aileron AE-970 model, its AGC indicator is overestimated by 1.5 times. In addition, the operation occurs with a noticeable delay.

Vegatel VT2-900E repeater has automatic gain control. The passport value of AGC is confirmed by our tests, but the indicator itself is very low, which, again, worsens the interaction with the base station.

Vector R-810 and MWS-EG-B23 surprised us - we couldn't find AGC information. But in fact it is. If the device from MediaWave has this indicator in the norm and is 40 dB, then for the Vector R-810 model it is low (30 dB).

Only the Russian-made StrongCall Mx70 repeater passed the test. And the AGC indicator itself of 45 dB is true, and the operation occurs instantly. In testing on this indicator, the StrongCall Mx70 amplifier won a confident victory.

Table No. 6

Basic equipment

As a rule, the price of the amplifier does not include the cost of additional accessories, which are mandatory components of the system.

Integral components of the amplification system in addition to the repeater unit itself:

  • External receiver (receiving antenna). It receives a signal from the base station and transmits to the repeater;
  • Internal antenna. Creates indoor coverage area;
  • Communication cable. Connects the device with external and internal antenna;
  • RF connectors. They are wound onto a communication cable for further connection with antennas and a repeater.

On the Internet, we found complete sets of repeaters participating in testing. Let's try to disassemble the basic equipment of each of them.

Aileron AE-970

10 600 rubles

External highly directional Yagi antenna with 11 dB gain.
- Internal panel antenna ANT-65 with KU 6.5 dB.
- Communication cable 5D-FB 10 meters.
- Power adapter.

The wire has a loss of 19.6 dB at 100 m. Good equipment, but the attenuation on the cable is suspiciously high.

Vegatel VT2-900E

22 800 rubles

External highly directional Yagi antenna with 12 dB gain.
- The receiver is internal, pin with KU 2-4 dB.
- Communication cable 3D-FB 10 meters.
- External power adapter.

The signal loss is 37dB at 100m. That's a lot. Such losses can adversely affect the quality of work. It is possible that there will be no amplification effect at all.

An internal pin-type receiver is a poor choice. With a low gain, it will not be able to create a large coverage area. In addition, you will be forced to place the amplifier in the area where you need to boost the signal. During installation, this will cause serious problems.

Vector R-810

23 600 rubles

External highly directional antenna type Yagic KU 13 dB.
- Antenna internal, whip with KU 2.5 dB.
- Communication wire 15 meters.
- Built-in power adapter.

Cable loss - 27.2 dB at 100 m. Not as bad as the Vegatel VT2-900E, but still not good. The slightest obstructing factors will knock down the signal or completely drown it out.

Again, the pin-type receiver is not the best choice. Especially for mid-range amplifiers like the ones we're looking at right now.

The power supply is built into the case, and this is another minus. If it fails, there will be serious difficulties with the repair. You can’t just buy a new PSU and quickly change it.

Picocell 900 SXA

26 940 rubles

We did not find ready-made kits, so we will select them ourselves, guided by the manufacturer's price list.

All-weather directional antenna with KU 11 dB.
- Internal panel antenna AD-806-01P with 6 dB gain.
- Cable assembly 5D-FB10 meters + 5 meters.
- External power adapter.

Cable loss - 19.7 dB at 100 m. Not a bad package, but the attenuation is still high.


14 500 rubles

All-weather panel antenna with KU 9 dB.
- Internal panel antenna AD-806-01P with KU 9 dB.
- Cable assembly RG45 10 meters + 5 meters.
- External power adapter.

Signal loss per 100 m of cable - 19.6 dB. A good package is again summed up by the attenuation on the cable.

StrongCall Mx70

16 300 rubles

The set of equipment is called "Profi Mx70".
Well, let's see what the domestic "Pro" is.

All-weather directional receiver with 10 dB gain.
- Internal panel antenna Arp900 with KU 7 dB.
- Communication wire Sat-50 10 meters + set of connectors.
- Bracket for attaching an external receiver.
- External power adapter.

Cable loss - 18.7 dB per 100 m. Good equipment, and losses are not critical.


22 100 rubles

All-weather directional antenna with KU 13 dB.
- Internal whip antenna with KU 7 2.5 dB.
- Communication cable 15 meters.
- External power adapter.

Unfortunately, the sellers of the equipment could not tell us the brand of cable used. Again, a pin receiver, as mentioned earlier, is not the best option.

Table number 7

We gave low marks to the Vector R-810 kit because of the built-in power supply and high loss cable, as well as the Vegatel VT2-900E model - it also uses a cheap cable, which is characterized by high losses. In addition, a low-gain internal whip antenna is included. Also low marks were given to the repeater Anytone-700. Like the two previous models, it was pierced on the internal whip antenna. The StrongCall Mx70, Aileron AE-970, MWS-EG-B23 and Picocell 900 SXA models won this competition, which are equipped with internal high-gain panel antennas. The StrongCall "Profi Mx70" set received an additional point for the presence of the familiar 75 ohm low-loss satellite cable in the kit.


The cheapest kits were models from Aileron and MediaWave. Our "heavyweight" was Picocell. StrongCall "Profi Mx70" - the golden mean.

The ratings are given in table No. 8:

Table No. 8

General results

Table No. 9

The amplifier has high and, most importantly, honest specifications. There is no negative impact on the base station. The only thing in which this device lost to some other contestants is in the selling price.