What is better: many friends or many VKontakte subscribers? Statistics on Instagram - ways to look


Well, no one could give an exact answer to the guys, they went somewhere into the forest. Now a pro will tell you everything about quality methods.

1. Automated programs that subscribe from your account to others, like posts, write comments, and are configured for auto-liking. Their subscription limit is 100 per day, per month on average there are 3000 subscriptions for different people, who respond with a mutual subscription in 70% of cases, then so that the account does not look suspicious, the bots unsubscribe from those who have subscribed to your account. These programs are very accurate, in They fill in certain groups of people who are more likely to subscribe to you, they have a very precise geolocation and with good settings this program can subscribe to everyone who lives in your city, district or even home. They also know how to scrape and steal from specific accounts subscribers, for example, you have a pet store, why do you need to subscribe to people around the city, you take an already promoted account of competitors and the program starts subscribing to them, they are a hotter audience and the percentage of mutual subscriptions will increase to 90% of cases.

2.Purchasing hacked accounts, you can take it as a promoted account and make it yours, but it is much more effective to advertise yours on them, since you can have the program described in option 1, it will begin to promote these purchased accounts and redirect them to yours, so the number of people reached will grow by 3000 for each account under your control (that is, creating a web).

4.The option to purchase bots described in option 1 is worth including, but I assure you only illiterate schoolchildren use this method.

5. Well, I won’t talk about the celebrity option there, and so everything is clear that people like to follow celebrities and they themselves look for them on Instagram.

6.Creating viral content (videos) indicating your authorship, which people will forward to each other and some will want to find the original source.

7. There are a lot of other methods, but they are not very effective; you should not pay attention to them.

In general, I want to say that Instagram is just a tool for advertising. In half a year of high-quality work, you can become many times more popular than Elena Sheidlina, but you will have to invest about 80,000-150,000 rubles only in Instagram (depending on what content). Well, this is just promotion, you need to have high-quality content that can appeal to some large audience. You will spend a lot of money on its creation, but this business is quickly bought, and I think in 4 months you can already become a profit.

But if you want to start without large investments, then torment yourself, it’s easy, the program described in option 1 costs 2000 rubles/month. It will take 3 days to master it. It’s much more difficult to create content, because content is the most important thing!!! Well, yes, think about whether you need it?

Having only recently registered on VKontakte, the user may not understand what he is getting a large number of subscribers. And, to be honest, not all of the regulars know this. But many intuitively strive for more friends and subscribers! And for good reason.

In fact, large quantity followers on a social network affects not only the authority of your page in the eyes of others, but also the functions that are available to you on the site. And not everyone knows about this.

But let's talk about all this in more detail below. This article will make you a VKontakte subscriber professional.

Revealing secrets

In fact, sometimes, a larger number of subscribers is much more profitable than the number of friends. But what do subscribers in VKontakte give? Here is a list that will help you better understand the social network system:

By the way, did you know that Pavel Durov has the largest number of VKontakte subscribers? Today he has more than six million of them. So, for comparison, Dmitry Medvedev has a little more than two million. By the way, we dedicated one of the articles on our website to this. We recommend that you read it if you don’t know how to do this.

In addition to all of the above, I would also like to say that the number of subscribers affects the internal search results of VKontakte. The more of them you have, the higher you will be in searches for queries like “First Name Last Name”.

In addition, of course, the more people follow your page, the more significant it will seem. The same as your opinion expressed on this social network. Such is human psychology. If we see that a person is popular, then his opinion is more correct.

Almost everyone is aware that subscribers are simply a necessary thing in promotion and promotion, but not everyone can explain why exactly, in addition to satisfying their own ambition. This material is just for those who want to know why they buy subscribers.

1) Trust. Agree, trusting a person who is really unknown and does not have at least minimal recognition on social networks is quite problematic, especially if this person wants to become your business partner, or, moreover, you want to buy the product he distributes. It’s a completely different matter if at least several hundred, or better yet several thousand, people subscribe to a page or group. This gives a certain weight, especially in the eyes of those clients who are not aware of the existence of promotion. All services for boosting VKontakte are available here.

2) View the news feed . Subscribers, especially if they are recruited by attracting live, real pages, will regularly see in their personal news feed everything that appears within your page or group. Read all about methods of attracting live VKontakte subscribers. Perhaps the subscriber will like it all so much that he will even make several reposts, which will have an even more positive impact on your popularity. And just once again sending a signal to the subscriber’s head about how good your product is or how attractive your services are, it never hurts, that’s right.

3) With the help of subscribers, you can display the page by keyword , however, this will require some transformations of your own page, which may not be to everyone’s liking. For example, you can try to go into editing mode on your page, find some unhelpful column, like the “maiden name” section, and enter there certain necessary keys with which you want to advance. Why do this? At least in order to display the page among subscribers for the same reason key queries, entered in the column. If you really liked the “maiden name” column, then without prejudice you can change the gender of this very page, which, after all, should preferably not be your personal one. You can achieve good results, and thanks to your subscribers (according to their number) and the use of the last name column, you can achieve good results. Just don’t forget that gender is not something to joke about, and if you confidently show yourself as a man on your page, then inscriptions like “I came online two hours ago” can seriously tarnish your reputation. Read also on the topic of how to name a group to bring it to the top of the search.

4) Interesting page . If your page has achieved such a generally quite serious indicator of a thousand subscribers, then a lot more people will be able to know about your page, and this happens because of one simple thing. Your page, having acquired the coveted thousand subscribers, automatically moves to the rank of the so-called “ interesting pages”, and is shown in the groups field for each of your subscribers. And our. Even if this is not so obvious, it is still an excellent method for increasing the number of your own subscribers.

5) Top rating by city, region, etc. . Do you want your personal page to be at the top of the top rankings, and sometimes just show up to random users when they go to search for friends? If you are really involved in promotion, then of course you want to. You can be glad that such a possibility really exists, but like most other good things, it is not easy to achieve. First and most importantly, if you want to get into the ranking of the most popular personalities in, say, a city, then you definitely need to gain a lot of subscribers. A lot is good, but I would like to find out a little more precisely what indicator you need to inexorably reach in order to get an acceptable result?

We enter in the search this simple algorithm People-Country-City. After completing this simple operation, the first five people of a given city with the largest number of subscribers will be shown. It is easy for such leaders to stay afloat, because almost everyone who is looking for someone in the city first of all ends up on the page of this very “magnificent five”, creating excellent traffic for them. When you go to any of the first pages, you will see the number of subscribers - this is the very indicator that you need to surpass in order to become the Internet leader of a given city on the VKontakte social network. If you surpass it, the dividends will be excellent, because the prospects for the page to constantly flicker in the search are very high, and with proper development they have practically no clear boundaries. It is also necessary to take into account the so-called pages with a check mark, which means verification, and such a page will always have a preferential position in relation to all others. Therefore, you can’t just look through the search and set goals; you have to let your own brain work and conduct some kind of analysis. Calculate the number of subscribers you need, discuss verification options and determine your own promotion strategy.

Those necessary subscribers and traffic will definitely become yours.

Commercial posts

They come in several types, let's look at them in more detail:

  • Company/product news (awareness, increasing product recognition, interest);
  • Promotions, discounts, sales (sales promotion);
  • Advertising (subscription base growth, sales);
  • Survey (attracting attention to the product, feedback);
  • Combined (valuable information + commercial part).

Based on this information, a content plan is built. It is determined what types of posts are suitable for this group and how many posts per day will need to be published and at what time.

In the book “GURU. How to become a recognized expert" (A. Parabellum, N. Mroczkowski, S. Bernadsky), the authors write that you need to entertain people: “If you only teach, people will leave you.” And I completely agree with them.
The picture below shows an example content plan.

Overall, a content plan makes working with group content much easier. And most importantly, you will never ask the question: “What should I post today?” because you will have a plan for posting, and thanks to the “delayed recording” function, you can create content for a week or a month in advance in just one day. And do not return to this issue for a long time.


  • You shouldn’t place advertisements on weekends – it’s not effective;
  • Saturday is the least active day;
  • Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday are the most optimal days for advertising;
  • On Monday it is better to post “light” content, without riddles, puzzles, puzzles and without advertising;
  • Motivational posts and pictures go very well on Monday.

With this we can finish the analysis of the content plan. I tried to present all the information in an accessible and visual way for the effective promotion of the VKontakte group through content.

I wish you good luck on your journey of group administration!

Administration of VKontakte groups:

SMM store promotion

Looking at the price tags in a bookstore, you immediately understand that the Internet has arrived at just the right time...

To be honest, I have never dealt with online stores on social networks. Despite the fact that the use of groups to sell any services or goods is gaining popularity every day.

On the forum, I asked experienced users about how to effectively promote their online store, but no one answered this question. But everyone started selling themselves, like I’m the one you need! Order a service from me and I will promote your store.

But I took a different route - I contacted the head of the Print Textile store, Irina Konopleva, which is popular not only in the Internet environment, and agreed on an interview in which she would talk about how she started her business and how she promoted her store .

— Irina, hello, you have an online store, and as far as I know, you yourself have always been involved in its promotion. Could you tell us how you promoted it, what difficulties you encountered, how you found your target audience and started selling online?

Yes, you are right, I personally promote my online store myself. Without personal staff. Initially, when the idea of ​​the business itself arose, I analyzed all possible options. How you can promote your business without investment. And of course, first of all, these are well-known social networks. Since the leading network in our region is “Contact,” I accordingly created a community in this network. And so I entered the stage of starting an online store.
Since I am engaged in interior photo textiles, then the target audience- These are mainly girls and women from 25 to 50 years old. Who, if not a woman, will be responsible for creating comfort in her home?

- Yes, I agree. What other criteria do you use to determine your target audience?

I also work with business individuals. After all, photo printing has a wide range of applications. Logos or advertising information can also be transferred to textiles, but for business you need to attract customers different ways. And the more interesting, the better.

— How exactly do you attract clients on the Internet? Advertising? Through friends? Are there any secrets?

This is where the difficulties begin. But everything, of course, can be solved. The main thing is that you cannot initially set yourself up for the fact that everyone will immediately admire the product and snatch it up without looking. After all, buying something without touching it is not so easy. But social networks are now also developing and allow you to present your community page properly.

So the main factor in attracting customers is the external design of the page. Sufficiency of its information and constant updates in the news feed. Loud headlines also make your brand and the message you want to convey memorable. And targeted advertising allows you to clearly direct your campaign to a potential audience. Well, word of mouth is simply a mandatory procedure for any business.

— And for our readers, do you have any template for promoting a store that you use?

The first vector of development should be strategy. Essentially, a strategy is the goal your business strives to achieve. No goal - no path of development.

Next is marketing. Proper marketing allows you to receive, with the same efforts and costs top scores. We must devote a lot of time to marketing strategies. Moreover, they need to be constantly monitored, measured and new ones introduced.

So, initially you just need to set a goal. Thoughtful and precise. And then, thanks to marketing strategies, go and achieve it. Something didn’t work out, we thought about the path we had taken, identified errors and corrected them.

— What are your future plans for promotion?

Now I am promoting my brand and firmly entering the market system. I am engaged in improving advertising information, increasing the number of potential clients through advertising.

— What can you say about the competitive environment? And, by the way, have you used user cheating systems?

Competition is good. This is our constant motivation to become better. As for cheating users, no. I do not accept this strategy. It's better to have a small number of subscribers. But exactly those who will really be your clients. From reality it is easier to see your development path. Are we in the right direction or where have we stumbled?

- Thank you, Irina!

Here, such a wonderful interview took place with Irina Konopleva. Based on our conversation, let's make a small summary:

  • If you have the opportunity to promote yourself, don’t waste it. Since it is in your interests;
  • You need to accurately determine your target audience;
  • The main factor in attracting customers is the external design of the page (read about this in the article “The secret of an effective avatar”)
  • Don't be afraid to invest money in targeted advertising. It will pay off in any case if you choose the right target audience;
  • There should always be a goal and vision for several years ahead; There should be a strategy for the development of the online store;
  • You should not use cheating services;
  • There is no need to be afraid of the competitive environment.

Good luck in your development!

Instagram is now one of the fastest growing social networks with the most active users. And at the same time, I don’t have my own statistics on Instagram. How to evaluate the effect of advertising, the quality and activity of accounts? And in general, how to compare several accounts and track dynamics and much more you will learn from the article (+ for the attentive readers bonus).

How to view statistics on Instagram

Of the services that exist (taking into account the functionality and cost of Western ones), the most suitable and convenient are:

  • popsters.ru - the ability to analyze your own and other people’s accounts;
  • — functionality is more suitable for monitoring.

The service is actively developing and new functionality is constantly being introduced. There is support for the most popular social networks, among them Instagram.

It would take a long time to list everything that the service can do. I'll highlight the main points.

  • Can compare and analyze multiple accounts simultaneously in graphical form:
  • Activity per week, in %
  • Activity by hour, in%
  • Comparison by “Likes”, “Comments”, “ER” (subscriber engagement indicator)
  • Ability to export data to Excel

The service also helps to analyze most popular publications on Instagram and sort them by:

  • “Like”, “Comment”, “ER”
  • By publication type (photo, video, text)
  • Show ER of each entry

It is also worth highlighting the following functions:

  • You can add your favorite entries to “Favorites” and sort them by tags. With subsequent possibility of sending to autoposting NOVAPRESS or
  • New feature " Abstracting". Which will analyze the texts of all downloaded publications and show you the most frequently used words and hashtags.

Instagram account statistics

By going to service, choose social Instagram network, log in through your profile. And you can start downloading the necessary accounts. The interface is intuitive and convenient.

Attention! If you want to compare several accounts at the same time, then when adding each one, click “+”, select the download period, click “Download”.

After loading several accounts, you can choose which ones you will work with now (arrow below right):

Or you can select everything and study which publications were the most discussed and “viral” (that is, received the most likes). You can analyze them and use them as an example to increase the activity of your accounts. I don't recommend copying it completely.

Important update. Summarizing text. The “Text Abstracting” and “Search” buttons have appeared above the content type filters. What are they for? Using this function, you can find out which topics work best in the community.

By clicking on the “Referring” button, the texts of all downloaded publications will be analyzed, and the most frequently used words and hashtags will be displayed to you (photo above). After clicking on any word or hashtag, all posts containing this word (hashtag) will be filtered, and the service will recalculate the amounts of likes, reposts and ER (engagement rate) for all filtered posts.
Amounts and ER will also be recalculated when any of the filters by content type is enabled: photos, videos, links, etc. (all analytics will be updated).

The “Search” button allows you to filter all posts with a specific phrase, after which all indicators will also be recalculated.

In general, there is a huge field for action.

Instagram account statistics in charts

For accuracy, upload posts in accounts for the same period. For example, in these accounts I downloaded publications in 150 days. Based on these data, the average activity is taken by day of the week and time of day.

More useful metrics for analytics on Instagram

Days of the week/volume of text: shows the average ER post of posts with text of a certain length, published on different days of the week for the entire analyzed period. A very interesting metric for analysis and analytics on Instagram. All calculations are made based on your time zone.

Time of day/volume of text: shows the average ER post of posts with text of a certain length, published at different times of the day for the entire analyzed period.

Relative activity days of the week/volume of text: shows the average effectiveness of posts with text of a certain length, published on different days of the week, in relation to posts published on other days for the entire analyzed period in percentage terms.

Relative activity time of day/volume of text: shows the average effectiveness of posts with text of a certain length, published at different times of the day, in relation to publications published at other times for the entire analyzed period as a percentage.

Quantity by text length: displays the total number of publications by publication length.

Er, content type and content

ER: displays ERday for different dates in the analyzed period.

ER by content type: Displays the average ER post of posts with specific content.

ER by text length: Displays the average ER post of posts by post length.

Relative activity by text length: displays the average effectiveness of publications with a certain text length to the average effectiveness of other lengths.

Hashtags, Er and activity

Hashtags: displays the number of posts published with the specified hashtag.

Hashtags/ER: Shows the average ERpost of posts with a specific hashtag.

Relative activity by hashtags: displays the average performance of posts with a hashtag relative to posts with another hashtag.

Quantity by content type: displays the total number of publications with a particular type of content. Different types attachments (photos and videos, for example) in one publication are considered here as different units

Comparison of accounts by “likes”, comments, ER (engagement indicator) In dynamics, everything is very clear.

The ER indicator shows more about the quality of the account, how good the administrator runs it. It is useful to focus on it when choosing an account for advertising. Statistics on Instagram are simply necessary to understand the capabilities of your account and the shortest ways to increase them.

A short promo video of the service:

Update: the service has been updated and significantly more data has been added for analyzing the Instagram account and comparisons with others. There is information that monitoring of account performance will be added in the near future.

Instagram account statistics in the form of monitoring indicators

To use the service, quick registration (by e-mail) is required.

But first, briefly, what he can do:

  • Show the dynamics of changes in the number of subscribers by day/hour;
  • Show the total number of subscribers for the selected time, days/hours;
  • Display the dynamics of account subscriptions to other profiles;
  • Show comments on the last 5 posts.

Now about everything in more detail. The service has updated its design. Anyone who hasn't seen what he was like before was like this:

Now you can compare the changes 😉 So, now about the functionality.

By going to the section " Profile statistics"(on the left side) you will see that you can add accounts to track statistics. The sooner you add accounts, the more information you will have about them. More complete statistics of Instagram accounts.

This is where the Instagram account statistics are located. You will be able to track:

Total number for the selected time (step 1 day) What does this mean: how many subscribers the user had on the selected date. It is also possible to track by hour. It is convenient to view the results of advertising campaigns.

Subscriber growth dynamics

Here you can see on what days/hours how many people subscribed/unsubscribed from your account.

It is possible to track the dynamics of likes and comments in a convenient graphical form.

Growth in the number of subscriptions by day

In the “Subscriptions” tab, you can see the dynamics of your account’s subscriptions to other profiles. Conveniently track “mass following”

Video of the service:

Thank you for looking to this page 😉

The functionality of these services practically does not overlap. Both have unique, useful features. I am sure that thanks to them, you will have a fairly complete picture of Instagram statistics.

How to get followers on Instagram and why

It happens that there are accounts with thousands of subscribers, but there are almost no normal comments on the publications. There is a high probability that they have a lot of fake subscribers (bots), and these will not be target participants and they will not be particularly active in the future (purchases). This is justified only if if you think for example, that an account with 500 members is easier to promote than one with 10. In this case, I can recommend this promotion service soclike.ru(auto).

In it, I tested and ordered a basic boost for 500 subscribers (600 signed up in 3 days 😉). There is almost no sense from such subscribers. No comments on the topic of the post with meaning, except that they occasionally give likes (+ they fulfill their function “for quantity”). Important point, you can order promotion for an account older than 10 days and already visually designed (with publications).

This service also includes targeted promotion based on a given hashtag, interests, and geo-referencing of unmotivated users. These are probably more “live” and targeted user accounts. This is, if necessary, a proven service.

Good articles on the topic:

  • How to post ;
  • How ;
  • Methods that work.

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