Which is better: Android or iOS

On this moment the electronic world is filled with mass mobile devices, tablets and laptops different types. For most people, life without means cellular communications is already unthinkable, and residents of large cities use smartphones so actively that they have simply become their salvation in any situation. In this regard, competition in the software market and in this area is significantly intensifying. The battle between operating systems can be considered one of the most decisive confrontations between mobile giants. It is the question of which is better: Android or iOS that has become increasingly of concern to modern users. Both systems are represented by major players in the mobile device market, so it is understandable why people want the best product.

Now it is impossible to say specifically which is better: Android or iOS, since the first system is newer than the second. It is developing dynamically, gaining everyone's attention. more users. However, the second has become a proven assistant for many fans of Apple products. Each system has its own tangible pros and cons, which usually depend on the tastes of the users. Such people not only choose one product, but also identify themselves as supporters of one or another option quite categorically.

If we talk about which is better: Android or iOS, then it is worth considering the fundamental differences between these systems. First of all, it is worth mentioning the design, which users like or dislike solely depending on their individual preferences. If we talk about the convenience of the interface, then the advantage is in this case on Android, since widgets and icons are very easy to install here. On all Apple equipment, widgets are located in a special menu, for which you need to go into the settings, and this is very inconvenient.

Both operating systems have a large number of applications, but Android is distinguished by well-thought-out multitasking. Apple products up to and including the iPhone 4S will close old apps when new ones are opened, which in some cases significantly reduces functionality.

When figuring out which is better: Android or iOS, it’s worth talking about personalization and customization. Here we can give a slight advantage to the second system, since it has more stable operation of specialized firmware compared to similar Android products. Both systems have excellent browser support, as well as social networking. It's hard to say why iOS better than android, since both platforms support many programs for transmitting video and photos, as well as text information in real time. However, the Apple product has a faster connection on Wi-Fi and 3G protocols, which makes working with the Internet much more convenient.

The advantage of iOS is the more stable operation of applications and the absence of viruses. Program code The system is closed, which protects the user from unwanted software. With Android the situation is a little different. Viruses here are ordinary situation, which can be solved by installing anti-virus software that provides protection even during the installation of programs. Applications for iOS are provided only for a fee; competitors have a whole set of freely distributed ones.

It is clear that it is impossible to unambiguously call one or another system the best, since each of them has pros and cons, by paying attention to which, the user will be able to make the best choice for himself.



What is an operating system what is the difference between iOS and Android, and other questions regarding IT technologies arouse quite a lot of interest among ordinary users. An operating system is a whole set of control programs in an interface format. The most famous universal operating systems are Apple's iOS and Google's Android. Currently, Google's product is considered the dominant platform on the market. Sounds funny once Steve Jobs threatened to destroy Android. Alas, the head of Apple died of cancer, and Android versions Gingerbread and Jelly Bean account for 33 percent. and 36.5 percent. operating systems market.

Differences between iOS and Android - closedness and openness

Both operating systems appeared one after another: Android in 2006 and iOS in 2007. iOS firmware is considered purely proprietary, it is supported Apple products: iPhone communicator, iPad tablet, player iPod touch and AppleTV. Google's software product Android firmware is open system, which is provided on a commercial basis to device manufacturers. In 2008 Google developers made their operating system code available to third party developers. This allowed them to adapt other firmware from Android. In addition, other platforms have appeared on the market, the basis for which was the development of Google. Experts, assessing the capabilities of the two operating systems and answering the question of how iOS differs from Android, are unanimous that iOS is a more attractive platform than Android - the latter works more slowly, and its interface is less interesting. Although the user who votes with his wallet is more interested in Android devices.

iOS vs Android – Advantages and Conventions

The iOS and Android operating systems have a common advantage - they are multitasking. Both platforms distribute their updates and other applications through their own stores. Now about the conventions - you can get an update and fix errors in iOS only after the release of the corresponding official update (although, for example, you can read about the error on our website). New applications can be integrated into an Android device “over the air” by transferring files, while on iOS devices this is done using the iTunes service. Android firmware supports Adobe Flash, but iOS does not. What’s very important is that in Google’s operating system you can override the function of collecting personal data from users, which cannot be done in iOS devices. By the way, quite recently precisely because of this function iOS developers Apple had to justify itself to its millions of users.

Surely only the lazy did not ask this question. However, there is no clear answer to it. Why? If only because every user has a hundred reasons in favor of one or another operating system. Today I will tell you about the main pros and cons of both operating systems and we will discuss them. But first, I would like to immediately note that iOS is more convenient for me and it’s not at all that I’m an ardent fan iPhone phones. No, I really love my iPhone, but I will never scream until I’m blue in the face that it is better than some other model. The same applies to the operating system. I can note that for some moments I have great respect for the operating room Android system And at the same time, I don’t understand those people who literally shout that iOS is better than Android or vice versa. No, each “OS” is good in its own way, as you can see right now.

Pros of iOS

  • It was the first operating system for smartphones. Yes, I’m talking specifically about smartphones in their current form, and not about PDAs or communicators that were popular some 6-8 years ago. Experts led by Steve Jobs showed us what convenience is touch phone without using a stylus (oh, those styluses!). It was simply a phenomenal breakthrough - in 2007, when the iPhone 2G was introduced, no one even dreamed of something like this. But the Cupertino team did the impossible.
  • The design of iOS is very concise and simple, and most importantly, incredibly convenient. So, you don’t have to spend hours delving into the settings, everything is already configured, with perhaps a few exceptions. I’m talking about both the first versions of the system and the latest “seven”, which turned out to be extremely interesting in appearance, but at the same time has a number of shortcomings that, I want to believe, will be corrected in subsequent updates.
  • Developers sleep peacefully. What am I talking about? The fact is that in order to develop applications in the case of Android, you have to deal with a lot of phones - test new game It is impossible only on one smartphone, because there is a risk that it simply will not run on another model. With iOS everything is much simpler - there is no choice as such, although after the release of the iPhone 5, iPad and iPad mini the developers had to make significant changes to their masterpieces.
  • I can also attribute the operating time of the phone to the positive properties of the operating system. Indeed, the smartphone consistently lasts for the whole day, even if you use calls, the Internet, watch movies, listen to music... And this is despite the fact that Apple specifically made the battery non-removable, for which they are grateful service centers- here this operation costs at least 1.5-2 thousand rubles.
  • Speed ​​of work. Yes, Apple phones have always been famous for this. You can take some powerful smartphone on Android and compare its performance with iPhone. Despite the noticeable difference in power, the second one will work at least as slowly, if not faster, than the first. Thanks to the excellent customization of iOS for this.
  • There is no point in talking about the AppStore. In this regard, both systems are equally good - at the moment there are so many for them useful applications and games that you can get confused in them.

Pros of Android

  • Now let's move on to Android platform. And the first thing that comes to mind is the openness of the platform. Yes, that’s right - this OS simply does not have any restrictions and you can customize it exclusively for yourself. For example, you can even adjust the processor frequency. Therefore, if you are one of the people who likes to delve into numerous settings, then Android is definitely suitable for you.
  • Excellent browser. Indeed, using the built-in browser allows you to almost instantly load pages on the Internet if you are connected to Wi-Fi or, in extreme cases, to 4G. In addition, the browser supports Flash, which has never been found in Apple phones...
  • Personally, I find the taskbar very convenient, which can be displayed by swiping your finger across the screen from top to bottom. With its help you can connect notifications, Wi-Fi, 3G, GPS and so on. An irreplaceable thing and it is sorely missed on iOS.
  • Availability of additional buttons. As you know, the iPhone uses only one button - HOME, and everything else requires touch buttons. In phones on Android based There are many models that have additional keys. In my opinion, the solution is not the most convenient - on Samsung Galaxy S3 I keep accidentally pressing the Back button.
  • Possibility of completely changing the desktop. Let's say you're tired of the standard look of your gadget. What would you change about it? Buy a case? Not an option. Better change your desktop. A very cool feature, I must say. It's a shame it's not available on iOS.
  • Finally, Android phones are often cheaper than Android smartphones. iOS-based, sometimes several times. And this is a huge plus.


Let's draw the line. So which is better? You could read my opinion above - both operating systems are wonderful in their own way, but I personally chose iOS for myself. If possible, take two smartphones at once and experience the delights of both OSs at the same time.

One thing I can say for sure is that the confrontation between Android and iOS will not end for a long time until they have worthy competitor, but no such ones have been found to date.

By the way, among you, dear readers, there will probably be many users who will talk about other pros and cons of these two competitors. You can tell us about this through the comments section, which is located just below the article.

Before going out to buy a new smartphone or tablet, the buyer makes a difficult choice: iOS or Android. As a result, each person makes his choice based on personal beliefs and the advice of other users. We decided to make a comparative analysis that can help many users decide what exactly will be more convenient, practical, cheaper, etc. for them. We are not trying to show one opponent in the best light and the other in the opposite light. Only adequate criticism and comparison. We present to your attention the modern requirements of users; we will not describe who has a “cooler” processor and more “RAM”, because these issues can be debated forever.

Mobile environment

In 2014, when choosing a tablet, player or smartphone, the main criteria are not specifications like processor, camera resolution or memory capacity. They are more or less the same Android devices, and on gadgets with iOS. The main requirement for an advanced user is the mobile ecosystem.
The mobile ecosystem is the potential for creating applications and their relevance.
And in this matter, Android definitely loses to iOS. The most active users of smartphones and tablets are owners of Apple gadgets. That's why the creators of all successful and popular applications focus on iOS. Only then do these applications, games and utilities reach Android and Windows. For example, 90% of Wheely users are owners of Apple gadgets. Another question is that there are not many such “advanced users”, so Android is the leader in sales.

Flash technologies and data transfer

If you meet a person who had a gadget on both Android OS and iOS, and ask him what is the advantage of Android, then with a 95% probability he will answer you: “You can download the game to your phone via USB.” Yes, Android users do not need to download an equivalent of iTunes, you just connect to your PC and download everything you need to your phone: from music to games. Whatever you say, with the advent of the Internet people have become accustomed to “downloading” music rather than buying it in online stores. Whether this is good or bad is not for us to judge. But! The quality of licensed content from iTunes is a level higher than pirated mp3. In terms of Flash technologies, both Android and iOS are now at the same level. Although just a year ago, iOS was far behind Android.

Interface and design

We continue the fight between Android vs iOS. If you have not yet decided for yourself which is better - Google Android or iOS Apple, then we continue to fight. There is a tendency that the iPhone is the choice of the successful. If you think that this is a stupid misconception, and that rich people buy Apple technology only because of fashion, then you are mistaken. iPhone on iOS has become popular among businessmen because it is convenient. For people whose time is valuable, the iPhone is suitable precisely because it can save that very time. A nice design allows you to have a good time with the gadget and focus on work: write messages to the right people, respond on social networks, and do all these actions without unnecessary movements and glitches.

And the gadgets themselves, and software Apple looks great. If Android devices also have an attractive design, then boast an equally attractive Android interface can not. The iOS device looks great both in the hand of a student and in the hand of an entrepreneur. The iOS interface wins over Android in terms of attractiveness; even ardent Android fans cannot find anything to object to. Not only the system, but also applications on iOS almost always look more beautiful than on Android. Just compare this item when choosing a smartphone in the store. Sometimes it gets ridiculous - the icons of the same applications on different platforms look different: on Android they look more blurry. Another thing is that applications work identically on two platforms, the hardware is almost the same, so the debate “which is better” is not appropriate here.

Who is stronger?

Which retains its functionality better: Android or iOS? The Apple platform also wins in this matter. Thanks to the fact that Apple has been honing its system for years and refining its design, iGadgets are more stable than their competitors. The appearance of brakes after a year of using an Android smartphone is a common occurrence. Therefore, the Apple system turned out to be better here, because tablets or phones with the “i” prefix work quietly for 3-4 years without brakes. Android will have to be reinstalled from time to time.

As for repairs, it is much easier to repair an Android gadget; these devices are better suited for repair work. The Android system crashes more often than on iOS devices, but reinstalling Android will not be difficult. This is easier to do than Apple. Android user does not wait for a message after flashing that mobile connection blocked due to the fact that you installed an unlicensed system. Freedom from Android more, for some it is decisive factor. Others are ready for a “golden cage” for the sake of more reliable performance, style, and comfort.

Let's sum it up

As you understand, it is impossible to decide which is better - iOS or OS from Google Android. The last thing we will touch on is freedom of action. There is less of it in iOS. It will be easier for an Android user to customize an Android gadget for themselves by changing a number of parameters better than optimizers did before. But not every tablet or smartphone owner needs this feature. But there are also plenty of amateur hackers, because thanks to their efforts, jailbreaks for iOS and Root rights for Android appear. For those who do not particularly need to know all the functionality and capabilities of the device, it is better to opt for technology from Apple.

So let's summarize. The main advantage of Android is free access to files, settings, and the ability to download any content for free. The main advantage of iOS is practicality and convenience. In other respects, the two top gadgets from Apple and Samsung are equal - powerful processors, huge amount of memory. There are exclusives for both the Apple operating system and Android from Google. We hope that you will determine what is best for you specifically. Happy shopping!

What to choose: iOS or Android? This question worries every potential buyer of a new smartphone. As a result, each of them makes their choice based on personal preferences, advice or experience of other users. The publication decided to conduct a survey among senior positions in the field mobile technologies and find out which system they prefer.


“Today, when choosing a smartphone or tablet, the main thing is not various technical characteristics such as battery capacity, camera resolution, etc. They are more or less similar at all modern devices. The main thing for the user is the mobile ecosystem. And on iOS, for example, it is much more developed. The most active users are on iOS, which is why the developers of all popular and successful applications make their product primarily for this operating system and only then finalize it for Android and Windows. 90% of regular and active Wheely users also use Apple smartphones, so our main product is the iOS version.” - speaks Anton Chirkunov, founder of Wheely.

"Data transfer. Flash technology"

“When Android first came out on NTS phones, the founder Apple Steve Jobs said he would do everything to destroy the main competitor of iOS. Back in 2008, he predicted that Android would eventually gain significant market share, and he was right: Android held about 70.1% of the smartphone market in the fourth quarter of 2012, according to Strategy Analytics.

Over the four years of its existence, Android, along with iOS, has created innovative and advanced software products and has established itself as an integral part of many electronic devices, has gained popularity among users. Unlike iOS, Android supports Flash, which is used on many websites, has opened its source which gives freedom of choice software products. Android also benefits from the fact that transferring files to mobile devices occurs without special programs, this can be done via USB or via a flash card.

According to the expectations of many analysts, Android's share of the mobile device market will not decrease in the coming years; there is a tendency for it to remain at the same level or even increase. But regarding iOS, on the contrary, the forecasts are not very positive. Well, we’ll wait and see.” Maxim Evdokimov, CEO MOBI.Money.

“User-friendly interface, serious design”

“How many famous people have you seen? successful people from iPhone? What about Android? Probably the ratio will be 95% to 5% in favor of the iPhone. And this is not because it is fashionable. Quite the opposite: the iPhone has become popular among successful people because it is convenient. People whose time is valuable make this choice because the iPhone allows them to save time, enjoy using the device and focus on what they want to do: communicate with the right people, write messages, use social networks, and do it all without hindrance. Don't fight with the interface.

Both the iPhone hardware and software look great. The devices look appropriate in the hands of an entrepreneur, a student, a catwalk model, and a neighbor from the nearest entrance.

It's funny, but it's true that all applications almost always look more attractive and more convenient on the iPhone. Just compare in the store by running the same applications. It gets to the point of comical: compare how the icons of identical applications look, which, it would seem, should look the same: on Android the icons will look “collective farm”. Anatoly Maryin, CEO of ShopPoints and StarCard.

"Accessories and repairs"

There are plenty of accessories for the iPhone: cases of various textures and properties, films, external batteries etc. Another thing is Android, on which so many devices have been released that accessory manufacturers simply do not have time to develop their products for each of them.

When it comes to repairs, the situation with iPhones is much simpler - they are repaired literally at every step, unlike Android smartphones, for which you will have to look for better repair shops.


Thanks to the fact that Apple has been honing an already established design for years and refining an already stable operating system, i-smartphones are much more reliable than all their competitors. Even if your iPhone is already three or four years old, it will work quickly and without slowdowns, unlike an Android device, which begins to slow down over time.

According to a study by Strategy Analytics, the iPhone is three times more reliable Samsung smartphones and five times - Nokia.

"App Store vs. Google Play"

To say that the number of applications in the Apple store exceeds Google's trading platform no longer makes sense - the numbers are approximately the same. However, game and program developers strive to launch their products on iOS first and only then on Android. Why? It's simple - it's easier to create applications for iOS thanks to convenient tools.

Whether Android owners agree with the above is rather a rhetorical question. Both operating systems have their own pros and cons. In my opinion, it is better not to make a choice in favor of one thing, but to use, if possible, both systems and get maximum pleasure and benefit from it!