What is better intel core. Intel or AMD – my opinion

Hello. Today we will think about what is better. I'll probably start with the fact that our desktop computers, laptops, netbooks are built on one of these technologies, companies. That is, they work on processors produced by the company Intel or AMD. These two large companies can be said to make the difference in the world of computer technology. I think you understand what I mean. Before buying a computer, everyone probably thinks about which platform to choose, what will be more affordable and how this will affect the quality and duration of the computer. These are the questions I will try to understand. Let's consider two options:

Intel is better than AMD

In the first case, I want to tell you what is good about Intel processors and why they are the ones. Well Intel company this is the undisputed leader in the computer field, someone may disagree with me, but it still seems to me that this is so. For example, a dedicated server hosting company uses Intel processors in its servers. First, I will write the pros and cons that are already taken into account when choosing processors from Intel and AMD.


  • Intel creates standards and this is more true than not
  • Intel processors work more stable and much longer
  • These processors have lower heat dissipation (they heat up less)
  • They work faster than AMD processors, even at a lower frequency.


  • Intel processors are about 20% more expensive than AMD
  • They lose to AMD processors in games and when working with graphics.

I would like to note that the points written above were not invented by me, these are the main pros and cons that are circulating on the Internet. You will see my opinion at the end of the article. Now it's the other way around...

AMD is better than Intel

Of course, AMD processors have their advantages and disadvantages. In fact, it is generally accepted that AMD is worse than Intel, but many will disagree with this, and rightly so. Now point by point:


  • Price, they are cheaper than Intel and this good way save money when buying a computer. This is the biggest plus.


  • They break down more often and get hotter
  • They work slower than similar Intel processors (questionable).

Here are a few points about AMD processors. I did not delve into all sorts of incomprehensible terms, but tried to write in such a way that everyone could understand the essence and choose a suitable platform for their computer.

My opinion on “Intel or AMD”

I want to say this: if you buy an AMD processor and save money, this does not mean that it will burn out in a few months. And if you choose Intel, then it will not work as much and several times faster. It seems to me that the average user will not notice any difference between Intel and AMD. Both the first and second brands have their pros and cons, and that’s how it should be. I will not recommend one of the processors to you, because each of them is good in its own way. I think you understand what I wanted to tell you in this article. If you have any questions, ask them in the comments. Good luck!

Hi all! Today you will find a very interesting article. Any person has bought a computer at least once in his life, no matter what: gaming or office,the first question that the salespeople in the store asked him was: “On the basis of which processor do you want to buy a PC - AMD or Intel ?”, seeing your ignorance in this matter, they explained to you that it is better to purchase a system unit with an AMD processor, since it will come out much cheaper than with Intel, and in terms of performance it will only be slightly inferior to the latter. So, friends, in 2017 several new models of processors from both competing companies were released and everything changed dramatically, so if you want to know why processors from AMD: A4-4000, Sempron 2650, FX 4300, everyone's favorite Intel The i3 6100 has faded into the background. Is the new processor so strong? Ryzen 7 1700 and what kind of processor is it?the best of 2017, read our article!

Which is better AMD or Intel in the summer of 2017

The furious debate between fans of Intel and AMD does not subside for a second, both of them claim that their chosen processor manufacturer is unrivaled and is the leader in its field. Today I would like to express my opinion on this matter and help you figure out which of the two manufacturers is still worth choosing. With this article, I in no way want to become the cause of a new battle in the endless war between AMD and Intel, but I only want to help ordinary users who do not belong to either side with a choice.

First, a short introduction. Currently on the market computer processors in fact, a duopoly reigns. And the two competing leaders are represented by two well-known companies - AMD and Intel. They produce processors for any category of computers; in total, five categories can be distinguished. Office, home, gaming, advanced gaming and professional. Let's look at each of them.

Office - as the name implies, they are designed to work with simple office programs and documents, suitable for watching videos, nothing more. Home - unlike the first ones, they have greater functionality, have average hardware, allow you to use graphics programs and play weak games. Gaming - (again the name says it all) have strong, modern hardware and allow you to play demanding games. system resources games. Advanced gaming ones are the same as the previous ones, only they have the most powerful hardware. Professional - used for a very narrow range of tasks (video editing, graphic work, etc.), they usually have multi-threaded processors and a huge amount of RAM (unfortunately, we will not consider them today due to their low demand and a small amount of information and tests from which at least some conclusions could be drawn). As I already wrote above, both companies have a bunch of processors in any category, but we will look at the best representatives, so to speak, flagships in their price segment.

Speaking of price. I think that for most users, price, along with performance, is a fundamental factor when choosing a processor, but you should also not forget about others, for example: availability in stores, reluctance to order abroad, discounts or others profitable offer, the bitter experience of owning this or that brand and much, much more. Perhaps you already have a motherboard with a certain socket and that is why you choose, say, AMD over Intel or Intel over AMD. What do I want to say by this? And the fact is that the final decision when choosing depends on a huge number of factors and circumstances, and in your specific situation it may differ from mine. Whether you ultimately agree with me or not is up to you to decide.

So let's get started. Based on the prices I will use famous internet Regard store. https://www.regard.ru

The first category in line is office computers. When choosing a processor, the buyer primarily considers price and reliability. If we look at all the processors in this price category, we will see that the vast majority are processors from AMD.

And if you are at all interested in cheap stones, then there will be nothing surprising for you here. AMD has been leading the budget segment for a very long time. However, this is how you look at it. The first, cheapest processor on the scene from Intel is the famous Celeron G3900(2160 rubles) which, unlike the most prominent representatives of the “red” army: AMD A4-4000(2080rub.) and AMD Sempron 2650(1710 rub.) has one very big advantage– This is support for 4K video playback. And it is on its basis that I recommend assembling a car if the most important thing for you is watching movies (you still won’t be able to assemble a gaming car based on any of these stones). In addition, the processor has a modern socket - 1151. This means a large selection of motherboards and the ability to upgrade your PC without replacing the motherboard.

For example, here is the entire selection of boards on FM2 and AM1 sockets in regard.

You will say that, for example, a processor with socket FM2 is compatible with motherboard having an FM2+ socket. Yes, this is true, but the choice is still not great compared to Intel's 1151. But here's to you number of query results on 1151 sockets.

I don't think that the situation with the availability of goods in other stores is radically different.

Although in this category the performance is not that great great importance, since the percent mainly acts as a plug to open documents and watch videos, but still here is a comparison of the performance of the A4-4000 and Celeron G3900 processors using two special services, the first http://www.cpubenchmark.net (as use of this service is shown in)

In the end, it's up to you to decide, but for me personally at this stage the score is 0-1 not in favor of AMD . Of course, if you only need to open and close Microsoft Word, then take AMD, since the price of the cheapest model with a built-in video core (A4-6300) is 620 rubles lower than the cheapest model from Intel Celeron G3900. I do not consider the remaining celerons due to the poor, in my opinion, price/performance ratio. And most of them are on socket 1150, which is obsolete.

Let's go further and next in line are processors for home computers with advanced multimedia and light gaming capabilities. For a long time, AMD had no competition for its heavy flagship in the form of FX 4300. But everything changed when relatively recently Intel introduced heavy artillery in the form of Pentium G4560. After such a turn, the situation on the market has changed dramatically and right now, while you are reading this, all the shelves with the new “stump” are being swept away in stores, leaving the seasoned old man from AMD on the sidelines (and not only him). And all because Intel this moment is pursuing an active policy aimed at promoting AMD in the budget sector. The new "stump" is a representative latest generation Kaby processors Lake and has 2 cores and 4 threads thanks to the well-known Hyper-threading technology. The price difference between the flagships is currently only 350 rubles in favor of AMD,

but performance is on the side Intel.


Website performance comparison http://cpu.userbenchmark.com

I think the result is obvious here, FX loses in performance, yes, it can be overclocked a little, but the “stump” will still be ahead. Plus, do not forget that the G4560 has a more common socket 1151, unlike the fx 4300 with an AM3+ socket. I would like to remind you that I do not consider other processor models, since I consider them inappropriate to purchase from a price/performance point of view, all the processors reviewed are the best in their category. Many people now probably have a question: where did everyone’s favorite go? Intel i3 6100? The answer is very simple, it was eclipsed by the new “stump”, just as it was eclipsed by FX. At a price almost 2 times cheaper (3,770 rubles versus 6,680 rubles), they have almost the same performance.

If so, why pay more, right? Of course, the second one can be overclocked quite well, but this is a completely different story, besides, as practice shows, only 10% of users overclock hardware. And for overclocking you need a special motherboard with a 170 chipset, which costs significantly more and a more sophisticated cooler, which also costs a pretty penny.

So, to summarize the chapter, we see that AMD is losing the current battle with collapse, and in this category I would also choose Intel. I can already see rotten tomatoes flying at me, but let's not rush to final conclusions. In addition, at the beginning I mentioned that the article is purely subjective and Until we move on to the next category, I would like to separately highlight the pebble from AMD FX 8300 for 6280 rubles. For a relatively low cost we get a processor with 4.2 GHz and 8 cores. Besides, he races well.

This processor is a legend and is perfect for video editors or other multi-threaded tasks or games. I don't even see a good competitor processor from Intel that can handle multi-threaded tasks as well. If you have approximately the same budget, you are engaged in video editing and want to play medium-sized games in terms of system load that require a lot of threads, then feel free to take it! AMD has no competition here. And yes, I did not include this percentage in any of the groups, because, in my opinion, it is somewhere in the middle between home and gaming. By the way, such processors as FX 8320, FX 8320e, FX 8350, FX 8370, FX 8370e are essentially variations of the same processor and I don’t recommend overpaying for them because they all run about the same, and the benefit for overpaying is minimal.

The next type of computer is gaming. The top model from Intel is the i5 6400 for 10,600 rubles, as it has an undeniable advantage over its analogues in the form of excellent bus overclocking. After overclocking () it turns into an i5 7600K, which costs 1.5 times more. The other brothers of this processor, such as i5 6500, i5 6600, i5 7500, are significantly more expensive, but this is of little use. In general, not worth the money. That is why the i5 6400 is the best representative of the Intel army in this segment.

The closest competitor from the “reds” is the recently rolled out gun that everyone has been waiting for AMD for so long Ryzen 5 1400 for 10610 rubles. A solid quad-core processor with 8 threads and a turbo frequency of 3.4 GHz.

But the question is, did that gun fire? The closest competitor for the i5 6400 before the release of Ryzen was the FX-9590, which, to be honest, was not even close to it. Of course, if you are a seasoned editor and do nothing else on your computer other than editing and rendering videos for days on end, then perhaps FX had some significance for you, in other cases it did not. 59% of the total overclocking for the i5 6400 spoke for itself, I already wrote about this, I will not repeat it.

Many argue that with the release of Ryzen the situation has changed radically. Is it so? Let's figure it out. As we can see, the price of the processors is almost identical. What about performance? One site shows superiority AMD Ryzen 5 1400.

Another site is not so categorical and performance plus or minus is the same (note that in Intel tests i5 6400 not overclocked),

Ryzen only wins in multi-threading, as do many other processors from AMD. Let me remind you that it makes sense to buy the I5 6400 only for overclocking, because it is with the help of overclocking that it becomes a flagship. The Ryzen 5 1400 is also capable of overclocking, but the total gain is much worse. This stone can hardly reach the 3.8 GHz mark, while the i5, with the right skill, can reach the 4.5 GHz mark! Do not believe the numerous videos where Ryzen calmly reaches the 4.1 GHz mark, such videos were released relatively recently, and in them AMD itself provided processors for review and it is clear that they did not provide processors from a bad batch and with poor characteristics. If your processor reaches the desired frequency, good, but be prepared for the fact that this may not happen. Many will now say that multithreading is the main attribute in modern world and all games are “sharpened” for it. This statement is only partly true. I would like to remind you that the first i7 with 8 threads was released back in 2008, but only now games are being globally optimized for multithreading and it is unknown how long it will take. It’s also far away not all games are friendly with big amount threads (for example, everyone’s favorite tanks generally use 1 core and 1 thread). Based on everything written above, I can conclude that if you need a processor for working with graphics and video, or for streaming or other complex calculations, then definitely take Ryzen. AMD has succeeded in this regard for quite a long time. But if you only need a PC for gaming, then the i5 6400 will be much better. I don’t recommend taking the older brother of the new generation i5 7400 at all; it won’t be able to outdo the younger one in terms of overclocking. The most attentive can say that overclocking the i5 6400 requires a special motherboard and a well-pumped cooler, and this is a different level of budget. Yes, I agree, but Ryzen motherboards are not cheap either. Don't believe me? Let's get a look.

As we can see, the prices are almost the same. Well, a cooler for both systems to take high frequencies you will need a tower one. So, there is no difference in terms of money.

As for more advanced versions gaming computers The situation here is similar to that in the previous category. The i7 6700 (with bus overclocking) and AMD Ryzen 7 1700. On the Intel side, the i7 6700K and i7 7700 can also be used, they are all approximately the same and very good.

Unfortunately, for full overclocking and stable operation of the new Ryzen processors necessary RAM with a frequency above 3000 MHz, which is quite problematic to find at the moment, and in the end it also costs a pretty penny, plus we should not forget that on new mothers for Ryzen the memory does not always behave correctly. AMD is trying to correct this absurdity, but for now this is the situation.

Ryzen appeared on the market relatively recently and has become a best choice, for which special thanks to AMD. For gaming stations, it is better to choose an overclocked i7 6700, since Intel's performance is usually higher when performing computing operations within the load on one core. In general, I myself wanted to switch to Ryzen, but, in my opinion, the product, although very successful, is still crude. Now the optimization of new processors is in full swing, so I would advise you to wait, because, as it seems to me, AMD will eventually surpass Intel, the era of four core processors will pass (just as it did with 2 core processors) and the time of everyone’s favorite multi-thread will come , but as they say, wait and see. As for other models, the unsuccessful i7-4770K and Xeon E3-1276V3 are not worth your attention. The Ryzen 7 1700X costs almost five thousand more, but is also not worth the investment. Increasing the multiplier in the version without X will give the same performance.

So, after this detailed analysis flights, I think we can smoothly complete the article. Finally, I want to say that any company cannot be better than its direct competitor in everything. Everyone has successful and unsuccessful models, their pros and cons. And there are also a huge number of factors that influence the manufactured products, which we are talking about, regular users, we don’t know. Choose a processor that suits your specific tasks and needs, regardless of the brand, and respect the opinions of others. I also want to note that prices and the market situation in the modern computer world changes every day, today one thing is more profitable, and tomorrow another. This article may not be relevant at the time you read it. I hope I have somehow helped you understand the current state of affairs. Thank you all for your attention, see you soon in new articles!

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Which is better - AMD or INTEL?
What to choose - AMD or INTEL?

These questions are constantly spinning in the heads of those who want to upgrade an existing system unit. In this article, dear readers of the blog, we will talk about the most pressing issues; we will try to compare the products of two giants of the computer world that produce processors - Intel and AMD.

Each brand has its fans and opponents, who can argue until they are hoarse about whose company is better, but this is a purely subjective opinion of an ordinary person. Let's try to move away from all the speculation and myths regarding these companies and evaluate the objective characteristics of their products.

We are not so poor to buy cheap things!

Before, let's determine what you are going to use it for and what tasks to solve with its help.

Why would you buy an expensive Ferrari if you have to drive through potholes? This comparison is not entirely accurate, but we can conclude that if you are an avid gamer, working with large amounts of video and graphics, pay attention to expensive and productive copies.

But if you are going to conquer open spaces and work with office applications, then the best solution will a budget option with average performance and low price.

Intel and AMD - dandy versus hard worker?

Today, the processor production market is divided between two monsters of the computer industry, Intel and AMD. Intel is a more popular and branded company, whose processors range from budget Pentium and Celeron models to leaders model range"Core i7". The most popular models at the moment are the i5 and i3 models, the price of which, combined with performance, is optimal for the average buyer.

AMD processors are less known in our country; this, of course, does not mean that the company produces second-rate products. This is due to many factors, including myths.

Mythical fire-breathing processor

The first processors produced by AMD generated a lot of heat, which led to overheating of the processor and its failure. IN modern models company, this problem was solved long ago and the heat sink was made using high level. This myth is often used by sellers who seek to increase revenue by selling more expensive processors.

There is a myth that AMD processors do not overclock well, this is a far-fetched opinion, since AMD and Intel products have processors that overclock well and others that lag behind in this indicator.

So, for example, in August 2011, a team of AMD engineers led by a Finnish company employee and famous overclocker Macci set a new absolute world record for overclocking processors. They managed to overclock the AMD FX-8150 processor to 8429 MHz. Liquid helium was used for cooling. This result was included in the Guinness Book of Records.

Overclocking the AMD FX-8150 processor to 8429 MHz

Contrary to the negative myths previously stated, Intel processors have slowly developed without any serious shortcomings, as a result of which they have a positive reputation that works well. It is this tradition of producing reliable processors that has created an image among buyers of more reliable Intel processors.

2012 - AMD vs INTEL?

To understand what results the companies achieved by this time, let’s look back a little. AMD started talking seriously after the appearance of the Athlon 64 line, which turned out to be quite successful. Then there were approximately equal races with AMD's Phenom and Intel's Core 2 Duo (Quad). During this period, AMD developed a reputation as a manufacturer of inexpensive, budget processors. Which attracted many new clients to the company.

But the situation changed after the appearance of the Nehalem architecture from Intel, which became a technological breakthrough in the production of processors. New i5/i3 processors based on this architecture received great demand, and after the release of the second generation, Intel consolidated this result, luring many customers from its main rival.

AMD has not yet been able to find a worthy answer to this attack and continues to develop the old architecture, adding new frequencies to the Phenom. And although these processors are at a high level in terms of price-quality ratio, in terms of technology they are significantly inferior to their competitors. The Bulldozer architecture was supposed to be a breakthrough, but the product turned out to be crude. The so-called 8 cores cope well with multi-threading, but with single-threading everything is much worse, which is due to flaws in the architecture. But this architecture has great potential if it is brought to fruition. AMD does not rest on its laurels and has presented a line of new AMD Trinity hybrid processors, a continuation of Llano, with integrated graphics directly into the processor. This line has a great future when working with graphics applications.

Whose processors are better - AMD or INTEL?

Ask yourself why you need a processor, and for what purposes, what means do you have. After that, choose. If you are not short on money and need best processor, you can opt for the latest Intel I7 line of processors. And in the budget niche, you can go for the Phenom if you need an affordable processor with 4 cores. It is impossible to give an exact answer to the question What better than AMD or Intel, since it all depends on the personal preferences of the user. After weighing the pros and cons, assessing your capabilities and needs, you can make the right choice.

When it comes to the processor, there are only two major players in the market: Intel and AMD. You may have seen information that Intel is better, and the next day, another post that AMD is better. Let's conduct a study comparing Intel and AMD processor ov.

Both AMD and Intel are processors built on different designs (architectures) and therefore it is difficult to compare them. If you ask me which one is better, I will tell you that both of them are equally good and your choice completely depends on your needs and preferences.

Below we will discuss the unique features of each processor.

Core frequency

If you notice, Intel's speed will always be higher than AMD's. Be careful, this doesn't mean Intel processors are better.

High speed means it completes more work cycles per second, not more work done per second. Intel processors have a tendency to divide their task into many small parts for easier processing. Therefore, the amount of work done per cycle is relatively small. Unlike AMD, it has a shorter duty cycle, but it processes more data per clock cycle. Thus, when he adds up the amount of work done, it comes out to be quite large.

Comparative analysis of the efficiency of each AMD and Intel processor is not a good idea, because we cannot say with 100% certainty that specific model Intel is better than the other model from AMD only because it has a higher clock speed.

Socket type

The main reason why you can't use AMD and Intel processors on the same board, this is because they have different PIN code configurations. Due to different circuits, the number of connecting pins among processors also differs. Even for one brand, in different models, different pin configurations can be used.

The new generation AMD chips have 938 pins and use the AM3 socket. The Intel chip (new generation) has 1366 pins and uses an LGA1366 socket on motherboard. Thus, when choosing a processor, it is important to keep in mind the type of socket on your motherboard.


When comparing Intel and AMD processors in roughly the same category, AMD processors will always be cheaper (probably because Intel uses L2/L3 cache in its processors. Cache memory allows the processor to store the most frequently accessed data within the processor itself for faster access. AMD, on the other hand, integrates a memory controller into the processor to reduce data retrieval times, allowing AMD to close the performance gap between the two manufacturers.) If you want to save money without sacrificing performance, then you need an AMD processor.


After AMD acquired ATI, they began to integrate graphic capabilities processing into the processor core and these efforts paid off. If you're using an AMD chip for gaming, you'll usually get better graphics performance compared to an equivalent chip from Intel (if you're using an ATI graphics card).

When it comes to multitasking, Intel has the edge with its HyperTreading technology. However, this benefit only works if software/ the application supports multitasking (the ability to divide your tasks into smaller parts).


In general, for similar models, Intel has slightly higher performance than AMD (only for processors in the high price range; for cheap and mid-range processors this rule does not always work). If you need gaming processor, then the combination of an AMD processor and an ATI graphics card will give you higher performance than an equivalent processor from Intel.

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