Which is better, matte or glossy screen? Ideal laptop screen

one of decisive factors is the quality and type of display (matrix) used. For the average consumer who has no knowledge in this area, all laptops can be divided into groups only by display size. And the size largely determines the functional orientation of a laptop computer. Let's say laptops with a display diagonal of 14 - 15 inches, and even more so with a diagonal of 16 - 17 inches, are more suitable as a complete alternative to a desktop PC. With their help, you can work with graphics and multimedia files, convert videos and record music. However, when used in road conditions, such devices are quite cumbersome and often do not provide the required autonomy in operation.

Smaller laptops between 8 and 12 inches, called netbooks, are fully intended for use on the road. Although they are somewhat limited in functionality mainly due to the small display size and lack of a read drive optical disks– are still quite competitive, precisely because of their mobility (lightness, small size and fairly long autonomy in operation).

In addition to size, the overall characteristics of the matrix used are also determined by the aspect ratio. There are two standard variations: 4:3 (normal) and 16:9 (widescreen). Conventional aspect ratio has long been used for broadcasting television programs and films. Even 10-15 years ago, widescreen images represented for us the format of films shown in cinemas. Now this format is quite widespread and is even slowly being introduced into television broadcasting. By the way, laptops with a 3:4 display format are practically no longer produced - this is the prerogative of older models.

But this, so to speak, is a purely visual side of the issue. We are primarily interested in what is hidden from the eyes of non-professionals - this is the comparative quality of the picture displayed on the display, which is mainly determined by the type of matrix used. Have you ever thought that the characteristics of LCD displays for desktop PCs include viewing angle (diagonal and vertical), brightness, contrast and resolution? All these are the qualitative characteristics of the display used. This fully applies to laptop displays. Typically, the higher all these parameters, the better.

Now a little about the types of matrices used.

  1. TN+Film– one of the oldest and most common matrix production technology in inexpensive laptop models. The cheapness of its production with relatively good characteristics reproduced picture determine its widespread use to this day. The disadvantages include relatively small viewing angles and poor quality of image color reproduction. Defective pixels(non-working areas of the matrix look like white dots). But the response time of the matrix is ​​very low, which allows you to view dynamic images without “braking” the picture. If you are planning to buy an inexpensive budget laptop, but this type of matrix is ​​almost 100% likely to be used there.
  2. MVA– developed by Fujitsu. The response time of the matrix is ​​quite long, which is not very good for dynamic images. However, color rendering and viewing angles, as well as simply incredible contrast, make this type of matrix a good alternative to the previous one. In addition, a dead pixel looks like an inconspicuous black dot. It is not known why, but this type of display is not widely used and is mainly used in laptops from the developer - Fujitsu.
  3. PVA– an analogue of the previous type, somewhat modernized by Samsung. At this stage of development, it is used very rarely in laptops, most likely due to the fact that it is still at the stage of improvement and modernization. Work is underway to reduce the response time of the matrix for normal viewing of dynamic images. It is possible that in the near future these matrices will be widely used in laptop displays.
  4. IPS- originally developed by Hitachi, now used by various laptop manufacturers under different names (S-IPS, Dual Domain IPS, A-IPS). Apart from the slightly worse contrast and relatively longer response time (compared to TN+Film), this is by far one of the most best types laptop display. However, due to the relatively high cost, it is used only in expensive models.

Of course, finding out the type of matrix used from a sales consultant in most cases is most likely a lost cause. They either don’t know what we’re talking about or they’ll lie so as not to admit their ignorance. One way or another, you will have to look for information on the Internet. By the way, a bag for a laptop 17, which is simply necessary when using it on the road, is purchased after purchasing the laptop itself, and not before it. You never know what non-standard dimensions your future portable PC will have. And it must perform not only transport functions, but also at least somehow protect the device from damage from impacts and falls.

One of the most important parts of a laptop is its screen. LCD screens are used, their operation is based on the use of liquid crystals, discovered in 1888. They have the properties of a liquid. At the same time, they have an ordered molecular structure. For the first time, liquid crystals began to be widely used in the production of electronic watch displays. Now they form the basis of all matrices produced for laptops.

LCD Screen Design

A layer of crystals is sandwiched between two glass electrode plates, which are located between two polarizers - vertical and horizontal. A color filter is placed between the front polarizer and the glass. Due to the presence of a crystalline structure, light passes through this entire structure without loss.

The main advantages of such screens:

  • compactness;
  • there is no flicker on them;
  • sharp image;
  • good resistance to electromagnetic interference fluctuations.

The orientation of the crystals is changed using electrical impulses. The stronger the pulses, the less light passes through the polarizer. The brightness of the light depends on the voltage.

Types of matrices

There are 3 main types of laptop matrices: TN, MVA and IPS. The difference between them lies in the way the matrix crystals are arranged. The passage of light and image quality depend on this.

TN (varieties - DSTN and STN, TN+Film)

The most popular technology that appeared in the 70s. The crystals used are oblong in shape, without a rigid structure, but organized like a twisting spiral.

The main disadvantage of such matrices is that the movement of the crystals is not completely synchronous. Because of this, the light stream is scattered, resulting in an unequal image at different angles.

The viewing angle is only 90°; even the slightest deviation changes color and contrast. Faded picture, not the best color reproduction, black color looks more like gray, low contrast. Dead pixels appear as bright dots.

TN+Film uses a special film to cover the laptop matrix. As a result, the viewing angle has expanded and reached 140° horizontally, but some distortion remains in the vertical.

Among the advantages are fast response (16-25 ms) and low price. This matrix is ​​used in inexpensive laptop models designed for studying and performing simple tasks.

MVA (varieties – ASV, PVA)

In the case when there is no voltage, the liquid crystals are located perpendicular to the second filter. When voltage appears, they rotate 90°, thanks to this the direction of the light passing through them does not change, and it passes through without loss.

Good brightness and clarity. Response time – 25 ms. The viewing angle is greater than that of TN and is equal to 160°.

The color quality is better than with TN. Deep and pure black color, but still the color rendition is imperfect and somewhat distorted, depending on the angle. This is not noticeable to the average non-professional eye, but photographers can see the difference, so this type of matrix is ​​not suitable for working with graphics.

IPS (varieties – Super IPS, A-IPS, Dual Domain IPS)

Another name for this matrix is ​​Super TFT.

The crystals are located parallel to the screen and rotate at the same time. This is achieved thanks to two electrodes in each cell on its underside.

Excellent contrast and color reproduction, pure blacks, great review– 170-180°. Good picture quality is maintained at any viewing point.

But there are also disadvantages. Long response time is 30-40 ms, in some cases it can reach 50-60 ms. At large viewing angles, black may have a purple tint. High energy consumption and decent cost. In order to turn the entire array of crystals in the desired direction, a lot of energy and a certain time are required, which is why the response speed is so low. These matrices are used in expensive laptop models.

Screen resolution

Matrix resolution is one of the most important parameters; it shows the number of dots on the screen horizontally and vertically. High quality image provided at high value this parameter. The most common values ​​for this indicator are: 1280×1024, 1280×800, 1024×768, 1366×768.


The type of backlight used for the laptop matrix also plays an important role. There are two main types of backlighting used in laptops:


A fluorescent lamp is installed. This is outdated technology. Such lighting is short-lived, takes up a lot of space, and has high level energy consumption. It is used only in some budget models.


The light source here is LEDs. A compact laptop matrix backlight system takes up little space, but provides excellent contrast on the laptop screen. Reliable and consumes little energy. Used in most manufactured laptops.

Matrix coating

There are two main types of screen coverings:

  • matte;
  • glossy.

The matte coating has an anti-reflective effect, you can work in bright light, and gets dirty less noticeably. But the picture is dimmer than on glossy screens. A laptop with this coating should be purchased if it is intended simply for work.

The glossy finish has best quality images than matte. Great for gaming. The picture will be saturated, but it is inconvenient to work in bright lighting, glare appears.

What type of matrix should I choose?

It depends on what you are purchasing the laptop for. If the main priority is the quality of color reproduction and images on the screen, then you need to choose an ISP matrix. This best option for photographers, artists, designers. If the laptop is intended for gaming, then in this case the main thing is the response speed. Then a great option is TN+Film or MVA. For easy work with documents in the office and as home laptop TN will also work.

The material was prepared by specialists service center

Modern laptops are not characterized by the same choice of screen technologies. And this is probably fair - someone needs low price, for some, better color rendition, and for an avid gamer - the absence of delays or “lags” in the picture in their favorite game.Very conditionally, several groups can be distinguished modern matrices. Let's limit their number to four, this is quite enough to cover 95% of the matrices.

Excellent quality laptop screens

These are the best matrices to date, suitable for the most demanding users in multimedia applications and, in most cases, for professional work, including graphics and color. The main features will be: high contrast, usually high brightness, excellent clarity, best (available) color rendition, wide viewing angles, usually deep blacks. As a rule, these matrices are made using , CASV or improved TN+film technologies. Technologies:

    IPS- average brightness, very large viewing angles (up to 180 degrees) in all directions, good black color, not overly bright colors with excellent color rendition. Excellent reproduction of shades of dark and light. The main features of IPS are huge viewing angles - visibility up to almost 90 degrees on one side, there is distortion, but quite insignificant. Which is convenient for working with color graphics, because... no distortion when changing head position. The overall brightness and brightness-color saturation are rather average, some may think it’s not enough. Many claim that color rendition is very good. A distinctive feature is that when viewed from an angle from the side, a slight (some say strong) purple tint can be noticeable on black. The second sign is that they mention viewing angles of 170-180 degrees, including downwards. IPS are more suitable for games that require fast matrices with low response times. However, you need to look for the fastest ones among TN+film. Which practically excludes 1st class. To this category include the best TruBrite matrices from Toshiba (for example, the Qosmio family), best models X-Brite (X-Black) matrices from Sony, IBM (IPS with matte finish, under the FlexView or FV brand). However, some matrices have a purple tint (Sony FS series), but it is visible even with a direct look, and the quality is a little worse, hardly IPS, apparently – good TN+Film. These Sony FS series have a smaller viewing angle from below. LG p Some models are stated to have IPS matrices. The Russian representative office provided information that the models are equipped with a 15" IPS SXGA+ (1400 x 1050) matrix LM70-3222, LM70-32HR/8, LM70-34HD, LM70-36JE1/2/3, LM70-3424AL, LM70-9KMB/P, LM70-CKJB, LM70-CKMH/1, LM70-P333, LM70-P555, LM70-P6HR/L/LR8, LM70-P6MK, LM70-QKMH/1, S1-P855R . IPS matrices from Fujitsu-Siemens - for example, Celsius H230. ASUS IPS matrices are glossy, under the ACE View brand. ASUS IPS matrices are glossy, under the Color Shine brand, only 15” SXGA+ 1400*1050 and only on new models. Identified by the letter F in third place in the full designation of the laptop model. For example. V Asus models V6F00Va and V6F00J. In fact, the quality needs to be checked. There are comparisons that are somewhere on the level of IPS on IBM or ASUS L5F and better than excellent TN+Film from Sony. Viewing angles in all directions are close to 90 degrees, even downwards.

  • CASV- large viewing angles, excellent brightness, contrast, color saturation, deep blacks. CASV matrices - some old Toshiba models (5205-s705, 5205-s119), Sony many old series on Pentium-4 - 16" 1600*1200 and some 16" 1400*1050 matrices, Sony TR-series (from PCG -TR1 according to PCG-TR5) - 10.6" 1280*800. TruBrite matrices 15", 15.4", 17" for Toshiba models of the Qosmio family. According to the data we have encountered, the contrast level is 500:1 and higher (in different models is different). X-Brite matrices from Sony, used in 17" A-series models (VGN-a170 and later, at the time of writing - up to VGN-A790), in 17" AX-series (AX570, AX580), in 13.3" S models -series, 10.6" T-series models (VGN-T140, -T2XRP and older), 11.1" (1366x768) in TX-series models (VGN-TX1, VGN-TX650, etc.).
  • TN+Film(top class) - high or very high brightness, bright saturated colors, sometimes even excessively, good or excellent color rendition, good contrast, usually - but not always - deep blacks (sometimes corrected by reducing brightness) large horizontal viewing angles, rather medium - vertically, good or excellent reproduction of shades of dark and light.
  • MVA, PVA are less common, good color rendition. Found on some expensive models from Fujitsu-Siemens, for example Celsius. It was mentioned that it can be identified by its yellowish tint when viewed from a side angle.

Good screens

In general, they are inferior to the above-described models in vertical viewing angles (horizontal - usually large, vertical - especially down - smaller). Image details are also worse distinguished at the edges of the brightness range - dark on black, light on white. But unless you look closely, many people don’t notice it.Color rendering is somewhat worse - the colors are usually bright and beautiful. For games, viewing photos and videos - excellent! But professionals think that they are not quite correct, for example, they are too bright. For professional work with color, more accurate color rendering is desirable.Suitable for any text work, demanding users of multimedia applications, including for viewing by a group. With restrictions, applicable for working with graphics (color) on a limited budget.

  • Technology used: advanced TN+Film. These include Toshiba "TruBrite+HCSV" matrices, P35-S611, P35-S6112, A75, M30x, M35x, M40x, M45x, M45-s2653 series. Sony displays of good quality are primarily part of Sony X-Brite matrices (glossy with “deep” black color) and matrices of the PCG-K23, PCG-K25, PCG-K33, FS115, FS215, FS315, FS550, FS660, FS742 series, VGN-FE11SR, VGN-FE550, VGN-sz1XPR, VGN-SZ110, etc. All are very bright, contrasty, with good viewing angles. Although the black color is not too dark, the images look great. Non-professionals usually do not notice shortcomings. It should be noted that Sony SZ with LED backlighting has noticeable vertical striping - multi-colored, alternating stripes of pinkish and greenish shades. However, most people do not notice them. But it catches the eye of professional artists and interferes with their work with images. ASUS laptops With good displays j-series are presented (for example W1J/W1J00GA). Hewlett Packard Pavilion 17” zd8xxx series, for example. zd8000, zd8110; Fujitsu-Siemens Amilo M 3438G, 17”, Amilo Xi 1546, 17”,

Average quality laptop screens

There is a very wide range of individual parameters here. The brightness and clarity are good, the contrast is usually lower, black and all colors in general are less saturated, slightly “diluted” with white.Color rendering may be poor - not for professional use. For ordinary users, the colors are usually good (sufficient).Viewing angles are average (horizontally sometimes excellent), a common feature is small vertical viewing angles, especially downwards.Also, image details are usually even worse distinguished by brightness - dark on black, light on white.Many matrices high resolution- 1400*1050 and above - not lower than 3rd class, unless they reach higher ones.Area of ​​application - working with text, surfing and for quite comfortable work with multimedia applications - viewing videos and photos, . Great for line graphics - type drawings.

  • Technology used: TN+Film. Fujitsu-Siemens Amilo M1437, 15.4”, Toshiba Sateliite series P100, P105, Toshiba Satellite P105-s921, ASUS W5A/W5G00A, DELL Inspirion 700m, Inspirion 710m, IRU Novia 3221W, Rower W200. Sony 13.3" SZ-series models (VGN-sz1HPR, VGN-SZ110, etc.) - option with a standard backlight lamp. Toshiba Satellite M55 (M55-s139, M55-s325, M55-s3293, etc.), Toshiba Satellite M105 (M105-s322), ASUS W3(W3H00V), Hewlett Packard Pavilion DV104, DV1000, Sony FJ-series (FS270, FJ290, Toshiba Satellite series A100/A105, A100-220, A105-s1217, A105-S4001, Toshiba Satellite M70, ACER Aspire 5024WLMi, ACER 5021WLMi (vertical angles are very small).Dell Inspirion 6400 15.4”, ASUS A6Q00Va, Hewlett Packard Pavilion zd8xxx series, Toshiba Satellite P105-s921, Fujitsu-Siemens Amilo Xi 1546, ASUS - w1j(W 1J00Ga). Satellite series P20/P25, P30/P35, P10/P15, M30x/M35x, M40x/M45x, Toshiba old multimedia series Satellite 19xx-xxxx, for example, 1955-s705 (16" 1280*1024), 2455-sXXX (15" 1024*768),

Mediocre laptop screens

The most widespread, inexpensive matrices are included in 50% of manufactured laptops (including expensive ones) and are found in 99% of inexpensive laptops (up to $1000). The main comments are low brightness, no pure black (visibly gray), therefore less contrast. The colors are less bright, unsaturated, “whitish”, color distortions are noticeable - as a rule, a shift to blue colors. Some have bright, saturated colors, but unnatural, “chemical”.Viewing angles are medium to small. Sometimes the vertical angles are so small that the top and bottom of the screen cannot be seen with equal brightness.Usually the details of the image are even worse distinguished by brightness - dark on black, light on white.Usually these are low-resolution matrices – 1024*768, but there are also 14-15” 1280*800, 14-15” 1400*1050.The clarity may be low - it is noticeable, for example, that the letters are slightly “scattered” into dots.Moreover, different models may have noticeable differences in the brightness (saturation) of colors, clarity, among other things - sometimes certain parameters are quite decent. In general, these are matrices of an average, low level, even if the matrix is ​​good in some respect.Scope of application - office work with 1C, with text, surfing.Viewing photos, videos, games is possible if you do not make high demands on image quality and mostly alone, because... due to small viewing angles, the second or third viewer sees a highly distorted image.

  • Technology used: TN+Film. Toshiba M35x-s149 15.4", M35x-109, - M35x-s111, Dell Inspirion i2200, Toshiba Satellite A50/A55 series, ASUS 12", 14" - S5200N, M5200N, M2400N, M3700N, M3700N, A3500N, and A-ser ya 15" overall, Samsung P29, ACER TravelMate 2xxx, TravelMate 4xxx.

Class 5 are the cheapest matrices, poorly suited even for text work. They are rare. For example, with horizontal viewing angles of 5 degrees.These are matrices with terrible color rendering (pure blue instead of gray).However, they can also be used in limited cases. For example, for short-term work with the screen - (rare) server administration, taking readings from some equipment, etc.These are not recommended for permanent work - health is more expensive. If your budget is strictly limited, it is better to take a used one. laptop with a decent quality matrix.

  • Technology used: TN+Film, TN

Practical review

As for the practical part, alas, everything is very sad. Marketers of laptop companies tend to not give the user all the information, which makes comparison, and ultimately choice, difficult.Almost all companies have proprietary names for matrix technologies, which are designed to hide the true type of matrix. Moreover, hOften one name hides several different types matrices of very different quality.In addition, one laptop model can have different matrices of noticeably different quality (for example, Dell, ACER have been noticed in this case).Or under the same matrix type designation (ASUS) different models have different matrices. In general, it should be noted thatand in recent years there has been some averaging of quality. There are practically no new models with the best IPS matrices or the worst TN-film. BMost of the matrices produced are average and simple good level. It should also be noted thatPeople often look for the “best matrix” so as not to damage their eyes. And the best monitor, from a technology point of view, may not be best choice for people with vision problems - sometimes the matrices are too bright and contrasty. In such cases, it is recommended to expand the search among less bright laptops with a mediocre matrix, with a mandatory thorough check by the user himself.