Why create a VKontakte group? What is a VKontakte group and how to create it

Why do entrepreneurs create their own community on social networks? In order to make a profit. This is the main goal. And to achieve it, it is necessary to identify and solve the main supporting tasks. Today we will talk about what business issues the community on VKontakte solves and Oksana Kim, the author of the “Business Online” project, will help us with this.

Firstly, this communication with your target audience. People come to social networks precisely to communicate. They go to online stores to buy. If you can produce unique, interesting and useful content in your group, then you will be guaranteed attention from your target audience. By reading your news, people begin to trust you and, therefore, gently and unobtrusively go through all stages of the sales funnel, smoothly moving towards making a purchase.

Secondly, this increasing awareness of your personal brand or company brand. If you are a psychologist, teacher, consultant or trainer, then this is very important for you. People should feel sympathy for you not only as an expert, but also as a person. Only then will they start buying your products or services.

Thirdly, this formation of a pool of loyal users. These are your subscribers who read you constantly, trust your opinion and respect you as a person. We need to strive to have as many such people in the group as possible. They are the ones who will most often make repeat purchases and, if necessary, will always come to your defense and defeat any negativity.

Fourthly, this delivering news to the target audience. Are you having a sale? You have new product? Have you created a new unique collection of women's jewelry? Tell us about it on social networks immediately! How else will people find out about your news?

Fifthly, this testing new products and ideas. Often the personal perception of their products by the project author is very different from how our customers perceive them. That is why, before investing money in any innovation, it is advisable to ask potential buyers for their opinion on this matter. Create a topic in the discussion block or simply arrange a poll in the group, and people will definitely give you their opinion. By the way, this will help save your budget.

Sixthly, this working with negativity. If a person is dissatisfied with your product, then you need to provide him with a platform where he can express this dissatisfaction. Don't be afraid of constructive negativity! It helps your business grow and become better!

Just try to solve the buyer's problem as soon as possible. If you learn to work competently with negative reviews, people will come back to you and, very likely, become regular customers.

Seventhly, this providing traffic to the site. If you have your own website, then the VKontakte group can become a significant source of quality targeted traffic. All elements of the group must be tailored to this task and then the result will not be long in coming.

Eighth, this growth of the subscription base. Many entrepreneurs do not even suspect that a group on a social network can become a very effective tool for collecting a subscription base. But in vain! Under no circumstances should this opportunity be missed. Think about what problem your subscribers have that you could solve. Create subscription page and post a post with a link to it in your group. This works very well!

Well, ninthly, this, of course, sales. VKontakte groups sell well. But this only happens if you have correctly structured your work in the community, if it contains the target audience and a reasonable budget is allocated for promotion. But this is a topic for a completely different article.

And if you have a business that can and should be promoted, but you still haven’t used the VKontakte social network for this, you don’t know where to start and how to competently administer the process in order to experience profit, we invite you to Oksana Kim’s training course “We make money on VKontakte”.

Updated: 2016-07-22 Oleg Lazhechnikov 64

Recently, in an effort to put things in order in my work, I started thinking, why does a blogger need a public page on VKontakte or a page on Facebook? Well, really, why? Subscription? Or the never-fulfilled desire to create another media outlet? I went through several blogs and they all had public pages, I was no exception.

It is understandable if we are not talking about personal blog, then you need some kind of distinction between work (public) and friends (personal profile in social network). For example, a person made a website about transformers, and posts posts from the site to the group, plus some news on this topic. Of course, his VKontakte friends don’t need to see all this in their news, that’s why the public is needed. But if a blogger writes about personal things, posts photos of himself and his travels, then the public’s subscribers and his friends need this too.

From time to time you really want efficiency. When a lot of things pile up, their list only grows, and you are fussing around, doing something, but there is no result. And then, when you sort it out, a whole list is compiled again. And it would be nice if he was already earning millions, but no, things are still there. Therefore, there is a desire to get rid of everything unnecessary. As you know, only 20% of activities bring 80% of the results, and this is even in the best case. And there is so much useless stuff in blogging...

So why does a travel blogger need a VKontakte or Facebook group? I will talk specifically about this type of blogger, because I am one myself. And you know, I couldn’t answer this question for myself. After all, if you are serious about working on a group or page, then it should be a separate project with its own time costs, its own monetization and payback. It will be necessary either to post a lot of interesting news (mostly from other people, since there won’t be enough of our own), or to somehow tailor the group specifically for a specific affiliate program. That is, you will have to gather an audience and monetize it all somehow through this or that advertising. Such a group will have little connection with a regular blog, will bring in little traffic, and in most cases this traffic will not be convertible. Therefore, it turns out that there is practically no point in creating a public page just like that, as a subscription.

Better suited as a subscription in this case the usual profile. From my own experience, I see that confusion arises: someone subscribes to our public page, and someone knocks on our friend’s door. Thus, part of the audience is in the public, part is in friends. And as a result, announcements from the blog have to be cross-posted to both the public page and the social network profile. Butter. Why duplicate work? Yes, even if you automate, you will still have to control the process, and check comments in several places.

And then, when you want to upload photos to Contact or Facebook, every time you think about where to post them on your wall or in public? Here, you can come up with a distinction: everything related to travel goes to the public, the rest goes to the profile. But! The audience is already divided from the very beginning, so the best way is to repost either from public to profile, or from profile to public. Again, some kind of dubbing, and one thing will definitely be a purely repost.

As an option, I see that all activity (announcements from the blog, photos, statuses) should be posted in the public, and the profile wall should be kept almost empty. I've seen them do that.

But somehow I come to the conclusion that if you don’t promote a group or page in social network and not to make a whole project out of it, it’s easier to limit yourself to the usual profile itself and dump all the relevant content on its wall. After all, we write about ourselves, about our personal lives. Let everyone be added as friends or subscribers. And it will all be more intuitive when everything is in one place, and the profile will be more lively. And not as it happens, one blog announcement in the public and one status on the profile wall, and reposts to each other.

Then you can create another profile, not public, only for close 10-20 friends. Well, if there is such a need.

P.S. What do you think, do we need groups for bloggers or not? Time is a valuable resource, is there any point in wasting it when everything can be simplified?

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You need to look not only on Booking! For this I use a search engine - . He searches for discounts simultaneously on 30 booking sites, including Booking too.

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The VKontakte group is a place for communication between people with similar views and common interests.

Groups are created for sharing useful information, coordinating some joint actions, implementing interesting projects or solving current problems. Any user can create a VKontakte group.

How to create a VKontakte group?

Before you do this, you must link your VKontakte page to mobile phone, otherwise the system will not allow you to create a group. Having linked to the mobile number, you can proceed to the main task.

Each profile has a window in the menu "My groups". First step to create new group– click on this link. If you are already a member of any groups, go down to the very bottom of the page in the drop-down block that opens.

There you will see a button "To create a group" . If you're not in any groups yet, creating a new group will be even easier. On the page "Creating a new group" you need to specify a name for your group and click the button "To create a group" . Then you can edit the design of the group page.

While on this page of the VKontakte group, you can make a description for the group (tell why it was created, what topics they will discuss in it), select the type and topic of the group, indicate the city and country, and also indicate the address of your website.

How do I configure the group?

The “Settings” section allows you to make using the page as convenient as possible. Here you can choose a number of options for your group that relate to posting news, videos, photos, and discussions. Be sure to check the button "News on".

It is in the section "Group News" It will be possible to post videos, various information and images in different formats. It is also necessary to put labels in the “boxes” with names "Wall", "Photo Album", "Discussions", "Video", "Audio recordings".

This will make the page wall active and, with appropriate selection of privacy settings, will allow you to post audio and video recordings, start discussions, and comment on opinions. In addition, you can give group members the opportunity to write graffiti on a common wall.

Learn more about privacy settings. If you want group members to be able to freely create photo albums, start various discussions, post videos and photos, you need to do open access to these possibilities.

You can also limit access by allowing only selected group members to add information. After completing all the basic settings, you need to click on the button "Save".

Group page design

After all settings have been completed and saved, you can proceed to design. Click on the link with the group name and start editing. You can download (to do this, click on the link "Photo"), add photos to albums, create new topics for discussion. These features are limited and only available to administrators.

The administrator can edit information about the group, assign other administrators, change the cover, and add friends. Editing options are limited to "Edit information" , "Edit Guide" , "Edit group composition" (send someone to a ban, add new members, consider applications for membership from newcomers).

There is also a button "Invite to group" , through which you can send an invitation to your friends and other users.

Using the option "Add to bookmarks" you can create a new bookmark with a link to the group page (if you have the function enabled "My bookmarks" ). Button "Leave group" makes it possible to leave the group, button "Statistics"– see the number of people in the group, the number of new requests, and so on.

You can create libraries in groups; Group members can also create new cross-referenced pages. This is possible thanks to a special page editing system - wiki markup. If you want to use a group to maximum effect, it's worth learning the basic principles of wiki markup (for this you can follow the link "Markup Help" ).