Why isn't a copy of icloud created? Why isn't an iCloud backup created? Let's solve the problem. (life hack)

Backing up information on your iPhone device, iPad or iPod touch means that you will have a saved copy of your personal data for use if your device is changed, lost or damaged.

In what ways can you make Backup on iOS devices?

Before you create Backup on iOS, you will need to decide on a backup method. You can do Backup by using iTunes and save a copy on your PC, or save it in the cloud if you are going to make a copy via Cloud.

Making Backup using iCloud

First of all, connect the device to Wi-Fi networks. Go to Settings and find the tab iCloud and click on it.

Scroll to the bottom of the page, select the " tab Backup copy" and make sure that the parameter " iCloud backup" included.

Click " Create a copy now"Do not turn off Wi-Fi until the process is complete.

Make sure the backups are finished: click " Settings"- "iCloud"- "Storage"-"Manage", then select the device. The backup copy should be displayed in the data window with a note about the time and size of the copy.

Automatic Backup of personal data in iCloud

To set up iCloud automatic Data backup on the device, you need to do the following:

  1. Make sure the iCloud Backup option is turned on in the Settings iCloud Backup menu bar.
  2. Connect your device to a power source.
  3. Connect your gadget to a Wi-Fi network.
  4. Make sure the screen is locked.
  5. Make sure iCloud has enough free space in order to make a Backup. When you sign up for iCloud, you get 5 GB of iCloud cloud for free. If you need to upgrade your iCloud storage, you can get secondary storage with using iPhone, iPad, iPod touch or Mac computer.

Making backups using iTunes

Open iTunes app and connect your device to PC. If you are asked to enter a password for the device or indicate this PC as a trusted one, follow the instructions on the screen. If you can't remember your password, look at the help information.

Select your iPhone, iPad or iPod when it appears in iTunes. If your device doesn't show up in iTunes, find out what steps you can take.

To save information from the Health and Activity apps on iOS or Apple Watch, you need to encrypt the copy you made; to do this, check the box next to the “Encrypt backup (device name)” option and set a password that you can remember.

Attention!!!: Write down and save the password, without it you will not be able to restore information from backup iTunes copies.

If you don't want to create a copy for the Health and Activity apps, you can create an unprotected copy in iTunes. Just click "Make a Copy" in the iTunes menu bar. Also in the iTunes menu you can either on your device.

At the end of the procedure, you can verify whether it was done successfully backup, to do this, select the menu "iTunes Settings" - "Devices". (If you are using iTunes for Windows, in the menu bar at the top iTunes window select "Edit" - "Devices"). The name of your device along with the date and time should be indicated there. creating a Backup on iTunes. If you have encrypted a copy, an icon like this should appear next to the device name. castle.

To ensure that data can always be recovered, even if it was lost from a smartphone or computer, it is necessary to make regular backups. A backup saves the user's purchase history, photos and videos, application data, device settings, and personal messages. This procedure can be done either in automatic mode, and manually. In this article I want to talk about how to make a backup copy of iPhone in iCloud. Many users who have recently started using Apple products may have some difficulties with this.

Making a copy

In order to create a backup copy of your smartphone you need:

Important! Once the “Copy to iCloud” option is enabled, the user no longer needs to return to this procedure, since saving will occur automatically. The date of the last copy can be viewed at the bottom of the screen.

Data recovery

Now you know how to backup to iCloud. If you are using a new device or if important data has been lost, you can recover it. To do this you will need:

  1. Turn on the device and follow the assistant's prompts to set up your smartphone.
  2. Select the “Recover from iCloud copy” option.
  3. Select the backup you need to restore.


I often hear from users of Apple smartphones that they cannot create backup copy in iCloud. Most often, difficulties arise due to insufficient quantities free space in cloud storage. In order to solve the problem, you can use several methods:

Important! If the backup takes too long, it may be due to your geographic location. This procedure is performed most quickly in the region in which you most often connect to the Internet.


I know that many users refuse to use iCloud and choose iTunes to create a backup. Now I will tell you how to save all the necessary data from your smartphone using this application installed on your computer:

  1. Connect the device to the computer.
  2. Select “File” from the main menu.
  3. Click on the “Devices” button, and then “Create a backup copy”.

With this, I would like to end my article on how to create a backup in iCloud. I really hope that my readers will no longer have difficulties with this procedure. Also, to solve this kind of problem, I recommend contacting support on the official Apple website. You can read about how to find your iPhone via iCloud, and how to block it with using iCloud read .

I encountered this problem a long time ago, but I never got around to figuring out how to cure this disease. The most interesting thing is that I have three devices for iOS: two iPads and an iPhone. There were no problems with iPads, but the iPhone refuses to create a backup copy from the moment of purchase. In general, today I figured it all out and am sharing it with you.

I am aware that Apple devices are not a mass product these days. This is primarily due to the exchange rate of the ruble and their prices. However, judging by search queries the topic of life hacks with the treatment of small software problems very relevant. For example, "" written in the summer of 2014 is still at the peak of popularity in search queries:

People go, read and say thank you. I am very pleased that my posts help solve problems.

Let's go back to the backup. As we know, backup in IOS is available in two ways: through iTunes program and copy to cloud storage iCloud. I always use the latter. This is very convenient, because... no need to connect the device to the computer, press any buttons... all you need to do is put your phone on charge with wi-fi connected and go to bed. A copy will be created in the morning. It is also very convenient to restore your device when purchasing a new device. Just connect to your account and restore from the latest copy.

So, two ways to restore copying if it is not carried out automatically.

1. You need to go to Settings-iCloud, go down the menu and exit account. When you exit, the system will ask whether to leave the content, we answer - yes:

If a copy is still not created, then you can try the second method. You need to delete the previously created copy of this device. It is best to do this not from the device, but from the computer. I have a Mac, so the screenshots will be from Mac OS. On Windows, you need to go to the iCloud application and find a similar function.

2. On the Mac, go to Settings - iCloud

At the bottom of the window, click the “Manage” button:

In storage management, select “Backups” on the left and the copy of the device that needs to be deleted. As I already said, copies have never been created on my iPhone, for this reason there is simply no previous copy. If you previously created copies and suddenly stopped, then the last copy will be here. It needs to be removed:

After deleting, go to the device menu Settings-iCloud-Backups and click “Create a backup copy”

That's all! I hope you find this useful.