Wi fi distribution on a Windows 10 laptop. Problems with creating a virtual network

Connect to WiFi, on a laptop or computer under Windows control 10, very simple.

In the tray, on the "Network" icon, click on the left mouse button:

Note. If the network icon in the tray looks different this means that you do not have a WiFi adapter, or it is disabled. See the section at the end of this article.

A panel with a list will open available WiFi networks (access points). You need to click on the network you want to connect to. After this, the “Connect” button will appear:

After this, a field will appear in which you need to enter the password for this access point:

Note. In order to see the text of the password that you wrote, you need to click the "Eye" button at the right end of the field. The password text is only displayed when the button is held down!

Enter the password, click “Next” and if the password is correct, then in half a minute or a minute the connection will be established. The network icon in the tray will change its appearance. In this case, all parameters, except the password, for the new Windows connections 10 will install automatically.

After connecting to the point Windows access 10 will prompt you to assign the type of this network:

If you click the "Yes" button, then you can exchange files and other resources on this network (for example, print over the network). If you click the "No" button, then this network will only have the Internet.

The connection is established and you can use the Internet:

How to Change WiFi Settings on Windows 10

In the tray, on the "Network" icon, click on right button mouse and then select "Network and Sharing Center" from the menu

In the Network Control Center, you need to click on the connection name (in the illustration it is “Wireless network sQuad 7.82 3G”:

The status window for this connection will open, in which you need to click the "Properties" button wireless network":

And after that a window will open in which you can change the settings for this connection:

How to use WiFi

Using WiFi is very easy. Once you have created a connection, you can turn it on and off through the network icon in the tray.

However, you need to understand that the ability to use WiFi is highly dependent on external factors. Because the radio signal is affected by the external environment. Various obstacles such as walls, ceilings, floors weaken both the signal of the access point and the signal of the client device. Windows shows the signal strength from the access point in “sticks”. The pictures at the beginning of the article show the signal level of one or two short sticks. This is a very weak signal. With such a signal, you most likely will not be able to use the Internet.

There are programs that show the signal level in numbers - dBm, for example 60 dBm or 40 dBm. The higher the number, the weaker the signal - a good signal is a number less than 50 dBm. However, you need to understand that the accuracy of such numbers varies depending on the adapter and the driver of this adapter. Under the same conditions, one adapter may show, for example, 71 dBm, and another adapter 82 dBm.

In addition to passive barriers, the quality of WiFi signal transmission can be negatively affected by sources of electromagnetic radiation. So, even if you have the best WiFi adapter installed on your laptop, this does not mean that you will always be able to use the Internet via WiFi.

In situations with a poor signal, using an adapter with an external antenna can help. For example USB WiFi The TP-Link TL-WN722N/C adapter is equipped with an external antenna. Moreover, it is removable and, if necessary, can be replaced with another one with a higher gain.

What does presence give external antenna? Continuing the same example - under equal conditions - the same access point, the same time and place of connection, the presence of passive barriers between the access point and the client - as a result, a weak signal in both directions:

  • The internal "native" WiFi adapter of the laptop connects to the access point, but practically does not provide the ability to use the Internet due to low speed and frequent interruptions.
  • TP-Link TL-WN722NC with its own antenna provides a stable Internet connection at a good speed.

If WiFi doesn't work

If your computer does not have a "Wireless Network Connection" the reason may be as follows:

  • There is no WiFi adapter on your computer at all. You can find this out through Device Manager. There should be a wireless network card in the list of devices.
  • On your computer WiFi There is an adapter but it is disabled. For example, many laptops have buttons to turn off the WiFi adapter. This can be a separate button or one of the F buttons in combination with the Fn button. If the WiFi adapter is built into motherboard, it can be disabled in the BIOS.
  • There is an adapter, but no drivers are installed for it, in this case it will be in the list of devices as an unidentified device.
  • There is an adapter, but it is disabled by software.

There is no WiFi adapter in the list of devices:

There is a WiFi adapter in the list of devices, but it is disabled (icon in front of the adapter name):

If "Wireless" network connection"there is, it shows list of networks, but cannot connect to the desired network, then the reason may be that:

  • The signal between your adapter and the access point is too weak. Long distances, thick walls, etc. Moreover, the signal level of the access point may be decent, but the signal from your adapter does not reach the access point. Because the adapter signal, in general case weaker than the access point signal. Especially if the adapter is built-in, such as in a laptop.
  • You entered the wrong password. This is especially true for Windows XP because the password characters cannot be seen there.

If the connection to the access point is established, but the Internet does not work, then the reasons may be:

  • WiFi router (access point) is not connected to the Internet. For example, a technical failure at the provider, or a lack of funds in your account with the provider.
  • Technical failure DNS servers at the provider.

Private WiFi network

WiFi Security

Since when using WiFi, all information is transmitted via radio waves, this makes WiFi networks much more vulnerable compared to wired networks. The fact is that the radio signals sent by the access point (WiFi router) and devices that are connected to the access point are available for interception by any similar device that is within the “hearing” radius of the access point or from the client of this access point. That is, intercepting network traffic becomes very simple, affordable and invisible. And intercepting network traffic allows you to collect the information necessary to attack a WiFi network. As more and more access points become available, WiFi increases and so does the number of people willing to “hack” the WiFi network.

The most common motivation for hacking points WiFi access This internet connection via WiFi is free. A fairly common picture today is that you have a WiFi router installed in your apartment and not only your devices are connected to it, but also the computer of one of your neighbors. You pay for the Internet, and your tech-savvy neighbor gets the Internet for free.

But "stealing" the Internet is not the only reason which is used to "hack" WiFi networks. The fact is that if an attacker gains access to your access point, through it he can gain access to all devices that are connected to your WiFi router. And this gives him the opportunity to steal your personal data. For example, passwords to mail, to Internet banking, your documents - in one word, to everything you own.

Therefore, you need to use WiFi with caution. Here are a few rules to follow.

Do not connect to open public WiFi networks through a laptop on which you store valuable information. And if you need access to the Internet via open networks WiFi, then use a firewall and antivirus on your laptop. It’s even better if you install two operating systems on your laptop. One main one, in which all your valuable information will be stored. And the other is empty, only for accessing the Internet through open WiFi networks.

If you are using WiFi router at home or in the office, you must correctly perform WiFi setup router:

  • Use WPA2 security type.
  • The password for protection should be long - preferably 10 - 15 characters, and should consist of an arbitrary set of characters. Password marina1234 very bad - it will be hacked in a few minutes. Password nve5k-sjehr)