Win 10 network connections. How to set up a local network on Windows? The simplest ways

Hello friends! We continue to understand setting up the Internet and solving various problems in Windows 10. I have already prepared several useful articles on this topic, I will provide links below. Well, in this article we will set up the Internet in Windows 10. Let's talk about setting up a regular network connection, high-speed connection (PPPoE), Wi-Fi networks, and 3G/4G modems. I think the article will be useful to many. After all, after upgrading to Windows 10, not everyone can immediately figure out where and what to configure and how to do it. And there are cases when, after upgrading to Windows 10, the Internet simply does not work. Most likely, you just need to reconfigure the connection.

We know that there are different ways to connect our computer to the internet. In this article I will try to talk about setting up basic connections:

  • Setting up a regular Ethernet connection. Connecting the cable directly from the provider to the computer, through a router, or ADSL modem.
  • Internet connection via Wi-Fi.
  • Internet setup via USB 3G/4G modem.

Now we will take a detailed look at setting up an Internet connection through the connections listed above. You should find out what kind of internet you have, and you can immediately go to the desired subheading in this article. Let's probably start with Ethernet - a very popular way to connect to the Internet.

Ethernet: connecting to the Internet in Windows 10 via a network cable (router, modem)

Let's look at the simplest connection first. If your Internet provider just laid a network cable into the house, and the provider did not provide a login and password to connect to the Internet, then you have a regular Ethernet connection.

The Internet connection in Windows 10 is configured in the same way via a router or ADSL modem.

To set up such a connection, just connect a network cable from your provider (router, or ADSL modem) to your computer (laptop), into the network card connector:

If everything is fine with the Ethernet settings on the computer (nobody changed them), then the Internet should work immediately (you will understand this by the connection status in the notification panel). If the Internet via a network cable does not work, the computer simply does not respond to connecting the cable, then see. I myself faced such a problem.

If the connection appears, but status Limited, or unidentified network, and the Internet does not work, then you need to check the parameters of the Ethernet adapter.

In Windows 10 this is done like this:

Right-click on the Internet connection status in the notification panel and select . Next, click on the item in the new window Change adapter settings.

Right-click on the adapter Ethernet and choose Properties. Select an item from the list IP version 4 (TCP/IPv4). If the checkbox next to this item is not checked, be sure to check it, otherwise the Internet will not work. So, select “IP version 4 (TCP/IPv4)” and press the button Properties.

In the new window, check that automatic settings for obtaining IP and DNS addresses are set, and click Ok.

The Internet should already be working. If not, then restart your computer. If you still can’t establish a connection, then check the cable connections, whether there are any problems on the provider’s side, whether the router or ADSL modem through which you are connecting is working properly (if you do not have a direct connection to your ISP).

If you are trying to set up an Ethernet connection directly from your provider, and the Internet does not want to work for you, then ask your provider if they bind by MAC address. If it does, then you need to tell the provider the MAC address of the computer. He will register it in his settings, and the Internet will work. Few providers use such a binding, but it does happen. Read how to find out the MAC address in Windows 10.

That's it, we've sorted out this type of connection, then we have a high-speed connection.

If your Internet provider laid a cable into your house and provided you with a login, password, and possibly some other data for connecting to the Internet that you need to set in the settings of your computer or Wi-Fi router, then you need to configure High-Speed ​​on Windows 10 connection (PPPoE). What are we going to do now? Essentially, this is the same as Ethernet, but here the Internet will not work until we create connections.

If your Internet connection is through a router and a connection is configured on it (PPPoE, L2TP, PPTP), then you do not need to configure anything on your computer. Just connect the network cable from the router to the computer. I talked about setting up such a connection above.

If you connect the cable directly to the computer, and you have a username and password to connect to the Internet, then you need to create a connection.

Opening Network and Sharing Center:

Click on the item. Then, select the item Internet connection, and press the button Further.

In the next window, select the item: High speed (with PPPoE).

Next, set the username and password that your Internet provider must provide to you. You can also set a name for the connection, for example: “Beeline high-speed connection”. And you can also check the boxes next to the items saving the password, displaying the password and allowing other users to use this connection. I recommend checking the box next to Remember this password.

Click on the button To plug, and if everything is connected correctly and the parameters are set correctly, a connection will be created and a connection to the Internet will be established.

You can see and manage this connection by clicking on the Internet icon in the notification panel.

Clicking on the connection will open a menu Dialing a number, where you can connect, delete, or edit connection settings.

Internet connection via Wi-Fi

If you have a Wi-Fi router installed at home, or you want to connect your laptop to the Internet with friends, in a cafe, etc., then you can use Wi-Fi for this. If you already have the driver installed for your Wi-Fi adapter, and Windows 10 almost always installs it automatically, then all that remains is to open the list of networks available for connection, select the one you need, and specify the password (if the network is secure), and you are already connected to the Internet.

On this topic, I have already written a detailed article: . I think there should be no problems connecting to a wireless network.

Setting up the Internet via a 3G/4G modem in Windows 10

All that remains is to consider setting up a connection via a USB 3G or 4G modem. On a computer with Windows 10, setting up such a connection will be practically no different from.

First of all, we need to connect the modem to the computer and install the driver for our modem. The driver can be downloaded from the modem manufacturer’s website, from the Internet provider’s website, or simply found on the Internet. Search by modem name and model. Also, the driver can be on the disk included with the modem, or on the modem itself. If there is no driver for your modem for the Windows 10 operating system, then try to find one for Windows 8, or even Windows 7. Perhaps it will work.

After you have installed the driver, connect the modem to your computer, and you can start setting up a 3G connection on Windows 10. By the way, everything is almost the same as when setting up a high-speed connection.

Opening Network and Sharing Center.

Click on Create and configure a new connection or network and choose Internet connection.

And we set the parameters that the provider provides: number, username and password. I showed the example of the Intertelecom provider. I recommend checking the box next to Remember this password. Specify a custom connection name. Once you have filled in all the fields, click on the button Create.

If everything is ok, a connection will be created and a connection to the Internet will be established.

If the connection fails, check all the parameters and the USB modem connection. It may also be that your provider's coverage is very poor. In such cases, the Internet may not connect at all, or work very slowly. I wrote how to see what your signal level is and how to increase it. In some cases, if the network is very bad, you need.

You can start, stop, delete, or edit the created connection by clicking on the Internet connection icon and selecting the created connection.

The Internet connection status is always displayed in the notification panel. By clicking on it, you can disconnect from the Internet, or start the desired connection.

And a few more words

No matter how you set up the Internet, you may encounter a popular error "Limited". When the Internet does not work, and there is a yellow exclamation mark next to the connection status. We dealt with this problem in .

The article turned out to be long, but it didn’t seem confusing. I would like to fully answer the question posed in the title. I hope you found useful information in this article and connected your Windows 10 computer to the Internet.

You can ask questions in the comments. Before describing your problem, read this article carefully. Perhaps the solution has already been written. Also, look at the links to other articles, there is a lot of useful information on the topic.

A local network is often used for work purposes, when the user of one PC needs to quickly access a specific file or disk of another device. However, in private use such a network is also quite useful. For example, if you have two computers or laptops, then you can transfer data via a local network, and not using removable media. It's much simpler, faster and more reliable.

How to create and configure a local network in the Windows 10 operating system?

Previously, we wrote about how to create a homegroup on a PC running Windows 10. To create a local network, we will need a workgroup, and all PCs that you are going to connect to the local network must have the same names. You can check the name of the working group as follows:

  • Press “Win+R” and enter “sysdm.cpl”.
  • The System Properties window will open. Look at the name of the group. If you need to change the name, click on the appropriate button.

After the workgroup name matches on all PCs, perform the following steps.

  • Go to the “Control Panel” and select “Network and Sharing Center” or click on the network icon on the taskbar.

  • In the left menu, select “Change advanced sharing settings.”

  • For all Win 10 profiles, you need to enable network discovery, file and printer sharing, and automatic configuration.

  • Password protection can be removed so that PC users can easily connect their device via a local network.

The preparatory stage is over. As a result of the actions taken, all computers should have the same workgroup name, network discovery enabled, and file and printer sharing. These steps are aimed at ensuring that the computers are connected to the same router. In some cases, it is necessary to register a static IP address in the subnet in the connection properties.

Now, to provide access to disks on a PC over a local network, you should do the following:

  • We look for the folder that we want to make available to other users and right-click on it and select “Properties”.

  • Go to the “Access” tab and select “Advanced settings”.

  • Check the “Share this folder” checkbox. Click the “Extensions” button.

  • We set the folder access parameters: read, full access or change.

  • Let's return to the folder properties. Go to the “Security” tab. Click on the “Change” button, and in the new window – “Add”. Select the “All” item.
  • Reboot the computer.
  • To access this folder, you need to go to Explorer. Here in the left menu select “Network” or your group. Open a folder that is open for access.

How to change the network type from public to home or vice versa?

To change the network type or network location on Windows 10, you need to follow these steps:

  • Click “Start”, “Settings” and select “Network and Internet”.

  • If you are using a wired connection, then go to the “Ethernet” section. If the adapter is disabled, the tab will be inactive.

  • In the next window, if you want to make the network private, then drag the slider to the “Enabled” position. Thus, you will change the type of public network to home.

  • If you are using a Wi-Fi wireless network, then go to the appropriate section. In the new window, select “Advanced options”.

  • In the next window, you need to drag the slider to the “On” position to make the network private or to the “Disabled” position to make the network “Public”.

You can also change the network type using the command line. To do this, enter the following commands in PowerShell:

  • get-NetConnectionProfile
  • Set-NetConnectionProfile -InterfaceIndex interface_number -NetworkCategory Public – a command for a public network, where instead of the interface number we insert “InterfaceIndex X”, which we look at in the results of running the first command.
  • Set-NetConnectionProfile -InterfaceIndex interface_number -NetworkCategory Private – command for a private network.

  • After restarting the computer, the network type will be changed.

How to connect a network drive in Windows 10?

In order not to mess with the network connection every time and open tabs again, you can put Win 10 folders into the disk and simplify the speed of working with the system. A network drive is intended for this purpose. To connect it to Windows 10, perform the following steps:

  • In the Start menu or on the Metro tiles, look for the “My Computer” icon and right-click on it. Select "Map network drive".

  • Next, in a new window, select the drive letter and indicate the folder that you want to make a network drive. To do this, click “Browse” and specify the path to the folder.

  • Then click “Done”. The disc is ready to use.

What to do if the PC does not see the network or it disappears?

After upgrading to Win 10, many users encountered a number of errors related to connecting their computer via a local network. Such errors manifest themselves in the fact that the PC does not see the network, or sees computers, but does not give them access. The network may also disappear. What to do in this case?

If your network disappears or your PC does not see it at all, perform the following steps:

  • Open Notepad.
  • Enter the following characters.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


  • Save the file with the extension .reg.

  • After making changes to the registry, we recommend restarting your PC.

If the PC does not see the network after tweaking the registry, check the connection cable and group name. It may also be that the changes made in the Network and Sharing Center have not taken effect. To do this, you need to restart the device.

If your PC sees the network, but does not allow you to perform any actions, then you should update the network card drivers. We also recommend that you temporarily disable your antivirus, as it may block access of other devices to the local network.

What to do if Dune does not see network folders in Windows 10?

The popularity of the Dune console has not decreased over the years. But with the update to Win 10, many users encountered a problem where Dune sees the computer on the network, but cannot display files and folders. There is a solution to this problem.

  1. In the Control Panel, namely in the home group settings, you need to specify which folders you want to allow for public access. Perhaps you did not specify separate folders for the Dune prefix.
  2. We install the FTP data transfer protocol on our PC and share folders for Dune.
  3. Disable the firewall, which may block access to the media player.
  4. We make the correct connection, namely: connect the LAN connector of the Dune player to the router, turn on the player’s power and wait up to 3 minutes until the media player receives an IP address.
  5. As soon as the menu appears, select “Pop up menu”. Next, select “Create a network folder.”
  6. Enter the parameters of your network drive or look for them in the “Network Browser” item. The network drive should be specified here.

To access folders, files and drives on a PC running Win 10, enter “ftp://ip_address” or “\\ip_address” in Explorer (Windows Explorer), where “ip_address” is the IP address of the player.

How to fix error 0x80070035 when network path not found in Windows 10?

Error 0x80070035, which Windows 10 users encounter, indicates that the application that is responsible for accessing the Internet cannot find the network path. That is, network detection does not occur and the program crashes.

To set up a local network and get rid of error 0x80070035, you need to find out what type of host is being used. To do this, enter “ipconfig /all” in the Win 10 command line with administrator rights.

The following window will appear. We are looking for the node type.

If you have “Single-Range Node Type”, then error 0x80070035 may occur. To fix it, go to the registry editor. To do this, press “Win ​​+ R” and enter “regedit”.

Next, follow the branch “HKEY_LOKAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\NETBT\Parameters”. We find and delete parameters such as “NodeTYPE” and “DhcpNodeTYPE”. Reboot your PC for the changes to take effect.

Recently, one small company asked me to look at why, after installing the Windows 10 Creators Update, they had a problem: In a simple network without domains and Active Directory, workgroup computers are not displayed. Before the update everything worked fine. What should I do? Users completely cursed the “ten”, swearing at its crookedness and dampness, backing it up with exclamations like “But on the Sermerka everything worked perfectly!” I don’t think so, but I didn’t argue, I simply figured it out and corrected the situation, which I’ll tell you in detail now.

Indeed, in the last major Creators Update package, the developers went a little too far with security, which led to some problems that, however, are relatively easy to solve.

So, we open the network environment to display the workgroup computers - it’s empty. We start by checking whether we have file and folder sharing enabled and how it is configured. To do this, open the Windows 10 settings and go to the Network and Internet >> Status section and click on the “Sharing options” link:

The following window should open:

Here you need to check the “Enable network discovery”, “Enable access to files and printers” and “Allow Windows to manage homegroup connections” checkboxes for your local network. Save the changes.

Then you need to open the “All Networks” profile:

Here you need to check the “Enable sharing” checkbox.
At the bottom of the page, pay attention to enabling and disabling password protection. For ordinary home networks, as well as in small offices, password protection is usually disabled, although this is not entirely correct from a security point of view.

If after this you still do not see workgroup computers, then the network discovery option in Windows 10 may be turned off.
To check this, open the “Ethernet” section in the “Network and Internet” section (if you are working via a wireless network, then “Wi-Fi”) and click on the network icon:

This will open up the available options, including “Make this computer discoverable”:

Check that the switch is in the “On” position.

Note: After the April update of Windows 10, this item was removed from the Updates and “Security” >> “For Developers” section.

Sometimes a computer may not appear in the network environment due to problems with workgroup settings. In this case, it is recommended to add it there again. To do this, click on the computer icon on the desktop and select Properties from the menu. In the window that appears, click on the “Advanced system settings” link in the menu on the left:

Another window will appear in which you need to click on the “Identification” button on the “Computer Name” tab. A special wizard will launch. First, check the “Computer is part of the corporate network” checkbox:

Then you need to check the box “My organization uses a network without domains”:

Then enter the name of the workgroup (by default WORKGROUP) and click the “Next” button.

The wizard’s work is completed - click on the “Finish” button.

Now you need to restart the computer and check the operation of the network environment.

In my case, adding the computer to the group again helped, it appeared, but I couldn’t log into it. The error “Could not connect to the computer” occurred. As it turned out later, the network was recognized as public, which means access to the PC from it is limited. To solve the problem, you need to change it to a private one. It's done like this. Open the Windows 10 network settings and in the “Status” section click on the “Homegroup” link:

In the window that appears, click on the line “Change network location”:

After this, a sidebar will appear on the right with the following request:

Click on the “Yes” button. We check access to the computer from the workgroup.

The computer is not visible on the network after Windows update

After the Windows 10 April 2018 Update, problems with accessing computers over the network began to arise all the time. The reason turned out to be quite simple - Microsoft decided that workgroups were no longer needed and disabled this feature. To make the workstation visible again, do the following. Press the Windows key + R to open the Run window. Enter the command services.msc there and the operating system services management window will open:

Find the Function Discovery Resource Publication service. After the April update it is disabled by default. Double-click on the line to open the service parameters. Set the startup type to “Automatic” and launch it. Now you will see this PC in the network environment.

Disable the firewall for a private network

This is one of those actions that you should resort to when nothing else helps. The firewall is one of the main lines of defense of the operating system, and it is recommended to disable it only as a last resort.

It's done like this. In System Settings, go to the “Network and Internet” section and open the “Status” menu item. Click on the link “Change connection properties”:

By the way, if you are using some other security system like Kaspersky, then you may have to turn it off, unfortunately. But check your access first.

Resetting Windows Network Settings

If none of the tips listed above helped and you still do not see computers in your workgroup, then I would advise you to try resetting the Windows network settings. To do this, go to “Settings” >> “Network and Internet”:

On the left in the menu, select the “Status” section and scroll the page on the right to the very end, where there should be a “Network reset” link. Let's click on it.

Next, you need to click on the “Reset Now” button. After this, the operating system will completely reinstall the existing network cards and install the default settings on them. Next, you will need to configure the computer again for your network and add it to the workgroup.

If you need to provide shared access to a large storage of software, movies or music in the office or at home, you can do this by organizing a local network connection between computers. At the dawn of the development of the Internet, in order to set up such a connection, the only way out was to purchase a separate device, called a hub or switch (switch). Today, if you are setting up a local network for work, purchasing a switch is also a necessary measure to ensure a stable high-speed connection. However, in order to download a movie or game from a server, an accessory that is present in almost every modern apartment - a router, or router - is sufficient. In addition to the fact that a regular Wi-Fi router guarantees a wireless Internet connection from any gadget, be it a mobile phone or tablet, it can also be used to organize a local connection over the network between several computers or laptops. The principle of building such a connection in Windows 10 has undergone some changes, compared to a similar algorithm that is relevant for the “seven”. In this article we will tell you how to set up a local network in the final OS from Microsoft to date.

The principle of building a classic network using a router differs from the standard client-server scheme. Thus, several nodes on the network can act as servers at once. You can share file objects on several machines at once, setting up the connection so that all participants in the local network have equal access to all network resources provided for universal connection. Also, you can give read-only access or view content without the ability to write any new files to the folder or change existing ones. How to do it?

How to set up a local network - basic principles and techniques

A precondition for organizing a local network is the correct, thoughtful configuration of the router. The communications provided by this device must be reliable and stable. There should also be no breaks in the connection, otherwise the connection between individual network nodes may be similarly disrupted. Not long ago on our blog we already discussed how to set up a router. The preliminary configuration for building a local network completely repeats the procedure described in this material, so we will not dwell on this further.

The first thing we need to do to ensure connectivity is to add all nodes on the network to a single workspace or group. By default, during OS installation, a working group “WORKGROUP” is created and the computer on which the setup takes place joins it. In order to make sure whether the selected computer belongs to this default network space, go to the system settings form by right-clicking on the “Start” button and selecting the appropriate item in the menu.

In the window that opens, among the name of the node on the network and its description, you can find the “Workgroup” field, next to which the active workspace is indicated.

As far as you can see from the screenshot, my PC belongs to the “WORKGROUP” network space. Most likely, if you haven't changed anything, your workgroup will have the same name. The trick is that all computers connected to a single network must be connected to a workspace with the same name (in my case, WORKGROUP). Most likely, your online group has the same name. If you suddenly change it and want to set a new value, on the PC properties form, click the “Change parameters” button.

On the “System Properties” form, go to the “Computer name” tab and click the “Change” button at the very bottom of the window. To get to the same form, you can use another method: using the “Run” command and the keyword “sysdm.cpl”. You can call a mini-form for entering commands using the “Win+R” key combination.

In the new window that opens, it is possible to specify a new workspace in the corresponding field.

Now let's move on to additional settings that determine how to set up a local network in Windows OS. Open the control panel using the same start menu again.

When the window is open, click on the “Change advanced sharing settings” button.

So, finally we got to the form for setting up a shared network space. We enable the system permission to control workgroup connections, sharing of printers and files, detection and configuration of PCs in automatic mode.

After that, select the “All networks” subsection and at the very bottom, check with the radio button the option responsible for disabling password-protected sharing.

Now all settings are ready. We save them by clicking on the button at the bottom of the screen.

An important point: all the same steps must be done on all computers that you want to connect on the local network. This is a prerequisite for successful connection and will not take much time.

As you can see, setting up a Windows 10 local network is very simple, intuitive and does not require much time. Now let's open access to folders and set permissions.

How to configure access to file shares and shared folders?

To organize shared access to the selected directory, right-click on the folder you need and go to “Properties” in the menu that appears. Switch to the “Access” tab and then the “Advanced settings” item. Next, you can learn how to set up a local network by organizing shared access to one or more folders.

To organize shared access to the directory, check the box of the same name at the top and then click on the “Permissions” button.

On the form that opens, check the boxes of those users to whom you want to provide access. Also set the permissions: some can be given the ability to only enter the folder without the ability to edit, while others can be given write permissions - it's up to you. Do not give full access to users you do not know, otherwise chaos and garbage may soon appear in the folder, and you will have to clean or restore these open directories.

When everything is ready, switch to the “Security” tab and for the “Everyone” user we set the ability to only read the contents from the folder and run executable files directly in the directory. This is necessary so that guest users can watch movies and listen to music directly from your computer without copying file objects to their hard drive. To change rights, use the “Change” button, after selecting one of the users for whom you want to configure access.

So, if you did everything exactly according to the instructions, by going to the “Network” section in Explorer you can see the folders that you made open. Using the above method, you can also learn how to set up a local network between computers with different versions of operating systems (for example, between a PC with a “seven” and a “ten” on board).

This approach to organizing file space is incredibly convenient and practical, since it allows you to store all the necessary files in one copy and access them from any other computer. This will allow you to keep important disk space on your hard drive unoccupied and allow network members to spend time together playing an exciting game or watching an interesting movie together.

A local network between two computers is an excellent way to conveniently and quickly transfer files. It can be used both for home use, connecting several computers at home, and for work purposes. And despite the fact that Windows 10, like previous versions of Windows, has all the necessary tools for creating and configuring a local network, the procedure for creating it is somewhat complicated for ordinary users.

Creating a local network in the Windows 10 operating system

There are two main ways you can create a local network. This is the creation of a wireless local network via wi-fi, or the creation of a local network using a network cable. Both methods have their pros and cons.

Creating a LAN using a cable

It’s worth pointing out right away that you have a wi-fi router at home and all computers are connected to it; no additional effort is required to create a network. There is already a connection between your computers, so there is no need to connect them additionally to each other. But in most cases, the need to create a local network arises when there is no such connection. In this case, you will need to connect the computers directly to each other (modern models can easily be connected with a simple Internet cable). Then, the first step is to make sure that the “Workgroup” parameter is given the same name on each of the connected devices. To do this, you should do the following:

Next, you need to configure network discovery settings. Enabled network discovery will allow you to interact with your computer on the local network, while disabled will block this ability. It's good to be able to toggle this setting for safety reasons. This is done as follows:

This is already enough if the computers are connected by cables through a router. But if they are connected directly, a number of additional settings should be made. We do the following:

Thus, we have created and configured a local network via a network cable. The computers share files and printer access with each other, which will suit our purposes.

If you still have questions about creating such a local network, you can watch this video.

Video: creating a LAN between computers in Windows

How to create and configure a wireless network via Wi-Fi connection

A wireless connection is more convenient for most users, although the connection may be less stable than we would like. To create it in Windows 10 you will have to use the command line. But to simplify the process, which must be repeated every time you turn on the computer, we will immediately consider creating an executable file that will reproduce this command. To do this, create a text file and enter the following block of commands there:

netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=”network-name” key=”connection-password”

netsh wlan start hostednetwork

In this case, the name of the network and its password must be entered without quotes.

Next, when saving the file, we change the .txt format to .bat simply by changing the file format signature after the dot in its name. The executable file is ready. It is worth running every time you start your device.

After the network has been launched with this series of commands, another device can connect to it using the connection password and network name you set.

Setting up access to folders on the created network

Now that a local network has been established between two computers, let’s figure out how to open shared access to certain folders. Shared access can be configured for any individual folder or for the entire disk, depending on your goals and the level of trust in the user of another computer. For this:

Now all that remains is to configure the security settings. To do this, go to the appropriate tab in the folder properties and do the following:

Thus, access for users to the specified folder was configured. You can do this for any number of folders and users.

Adding a new device

If you have already set up a local network according to the instructions above, then adding a new device for general use will not be difficult. To do this, just open the control panel of your computer, go to the “Hardware and Sound” section, and then select “Devices and Printers”. In this folder you will see all connected devices. We do the following:

Now that the device has been shared, all you need to do is connect it via a computer on the local network. This is done like this:

Connection problems in Windows 10

If you have created and configured your local network correctly, you should not have any problems. Just make sure that:

  • You enter the security key correctly when connecting to a local network via wi-fi
  • The cable is connected securely to both computers.
  • You have given all necessary access and security rights.
  • All connected devices have the correct IP address if it is not set automatically.
  • Network discovery of your device is enabled in the settings.

In addition, there are a number of specific problems when connecting devices.

For example, if, when trying to connect to a device, you receive a standard Windows error about the impossibility of this action, you should take the following steps:

Removing LAN in Windows 10

Despite the fact that in most cases it is enough to disable device detection on the local network using the method indicated above in this article, there is no need to keep local connections on the computer that are not used.

Therefore, we will consider how to delete an already created local network that we do not need.

This can be done in Windows 10 through the registry. To call it, press Win+R and enter the regedit command in the window that appears.

Attention, any incorrect change to the registry can harm your computer. You perform these actions at your own peril and risk.

In the registry, follow this path:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\NetworkList\Profiles

There you will find many traces of past network connections with specific names. Just delete those subsections that point you to network connections that you no longer need.

Video: removing a local network in Windows 10

We looked at how to create a local network using a network cable and using a wireless connection. Now, you can organize a connection between your devices at home or at work for comfortable and fast information transfer.