Windows 10 is trying to restore the installed system. Using a USB drive

Restoring the Windows 10 system from a recovery point (TV) is convenient when the user installs many programs downloaded from the Internet. Often you come across low-quality software, outdated or with a virus. The procedure may also be necessary if there was an attempt to connect an additional device and a conflict occurred with the system.

TV is a service that saves backup versions system files and the registry in the state at the time of creation of such a milestone. It is recommended to create them before each change that is made to the operating system.

A failure can also occur in an emergency situation:

  • power outage;
  • sudden drop in voltage in the network;
  • infection with viruses, etc.

In this case, you need to have a mechanism that will help you return to a working operating system without reinstalling it. How to enable is described here.

The basis of this method is the shadow copying mechanism built into the “top ten”. It allows you to restore the initial state of any files important to the OS.

How to run a rollback

We'll tell you in detail how to roll back Windows 10 to a restore point. This can be done in different ways:

  1. Press the WIN+R buttons and type the line "systempropertiesprotection".

The properties window will open. Clicking on the "Restore" button will start the process.

Through the search, find the control panel and launch it.

In small icons view, click the appropriate link.

You can also get to this window through the search.

Click "Run" to start the process.

Here you can configure the settings.

To roll back to a restore point in Windows 10, click the “Restore” button.

If you want to know what it is and how to enable it, follow the link provided.

How to rollback

In the first step, you will be asked to confirm the start of the operation. This is done so as not to start the procedure by accidental pressing. Although you can undo changes in the future, it will no longer be possible to interrupt the process itself.

To see which actions will be undone, tap “Search for affected programs.”

The OS will be scanned to find all affected activities.

You'll see which programs were restored or removed before the milestone was created. After the rollback they will return to the initial state. Please note that programs that were installed from the Tens store are not shown here.

If everything is satisfactory, close this window and click “Next”. You will need to confirm the start twice as the start point Windows recovery The system does not give 10 by chance.

Agree with the action.

Confirm again.

The preparation process will begin.

Then the computer will reboot and all you have to do is wait. With minimal changes, the process took half an hour.

Return to point Windows recovery 10 completed.

Restart your computer. As a result, we will get a new name.

After that, roll back your Windows 10 system to a restore point again.

Check if the WindowsApps folder has been created and delete WindowsApps.old. As a rule, if the Windows 10 restore point does not work, this method helps.

You can run a Windows 10 system restore from a startup restore point. In this case, you should be taken to the special boot options menu. If the operating system does not boot at all, then this is done with boot disk. If you don’t have one, you need to create one on another computer with “ten”. If the OS has loaded, but the TV does not work, go to “Settings”.

Then select Update & Security.

And reboot.

A menu will appear in which select “Diagnostics” and then the first item (using TV).

This will help you roll back and. Once again we remind you of important information:

  • TVs disappear when protection is removed from the system.
  • You should create a milestone BEFORE installing questionable software or when the OS is in a working state that suits you.

In all operating rooms Microsoft systems provided various means system recovery. In its new operating system, the company has provided more options for restoring Windows 10. When deleting system files by an inexperienced user, a system restore may be required, as well as in many other cases when the OS is unstable or does not start at all. In this material we will describe all available recovery tools operating system Windows 10, and we will also describe how to use them and on what operating principles they operate.

Recovering Windows 10 using new operating system features

As many PC users with the Windows 10 operating system know, it implements two control panels computer. The first one is familiar to everyone “ Control Panel" and the second is new " Options" In this example we will use the new panel " Options" You can get to the new panel through the menu “ Start", clicking on the item " Options"or through the notification area by clicking on the button " All parameters».

Once in the panel " Options", the next step is to go to the tabs " UPDATE AND SECURITY» - « Recovery».

Now in the window that opens we are interested in the only button Start. By clicking on this button, a window with a choice will open in front of you.

This selection menu offers the user two options: saving or deleting personal data. First option completely saves all the user’s personal files and completely cleans the system. Second option deletes all data on the computer, including user files, OS settings and all applications. In our case, we will choose the first option " Save my files" After this action, Windows will display a message indicating which programs will be removed from the PC.

The message also mentions that if your apps are installed from the Windows 10 Store, then you can quickly restore them, including their settings. In the last window, the wizard will warn you what actions will be taken. To confirm Windows reset 10 to its original state, press the corresponding Reset button.

This method is very convenient when you need to reinstall Windows 10 without an installation DVD or when you don’t have it at hand bootable flash drive. Judge for yourself, at the end of this reset on your personal computer there will be a clean top ten, including only personal data.

Recovering Windows 10 using a recovery disc

Now let's look at an example creating an optical recovery disc dozens. To make this disc we will need a blank DVD and a PC with a DVD drive. Now let's go to the regular panel Windows management to create it. You can find and open the control panel by clicking on the menu “ Start» right click mouse and select the option we need.

In the panel itself, you need to follow the following links: “ system and safety» - «».

The wizard has only one button Create disk. Therefore, after pressing it, disc recording will begin immediately.

Now let's try to boot from the newly created disk. To do this, insert it into the drive and select it when loading through BIOS BOOT MENU.

If in the menu that appears, select “ Diagnostics", then we will get to the menu " Extra options» recovery. In this menu you can restore the bootloader or OS image. In addition, you can call command line in administrator mode, which has many commands to restore the system. You can also call the Checkpoint Recovery Wizard. Particularly interesting is using the command line in administrator mode. Using the command line in special privilege mode, you can run, for example, a console program BOOTREC. On the command line, the BOOTREC utility can record a new one boot sector . Also on the command line BOOTREC can fix MBR record, and look for lost Windows installations, which the BIOS does not see when the computer boots.

Complete recovery of dozens via image

For this example, we will use the tips from the previous one and go to “ Control Panel» using the same links. Now, on the right side of the panel window, click on the “” link. This action will be launched by a wizard in which we will create an image of the entire operating system.

As in the previous example, we will use optical disks to save information. In our case, this is one Blu-Ray blank You can also save the image to a regular flash drive. Saving to a flash drive is especially important for computers that do not have optical drive, especially since the price of a large-capacity flash drive is now very low. Now let's continue the master's work.

In the wizard window that appears, a message appears that archiving the entire system into an image may require 46 gigabytes. By clicking the Archive button, preparation will begin for archiving the OS into an image and burning it to a DVD.

The saved image can be launched either in the control panel add-in we opened, or directly from the DVD when the computer boots.

This example will be especially interesting system administrators who need to quickly restore their jobs and not bother installing drivers and various programs.

It is worth noting that you can configure automatic reserve creation archives.

Configuration is carried out in the same control window where you launched the wizard using the link " Tune backup " Setup is very simple. After choosing a location to save the archives, be it external storage or network resource, the system will automatically do backups. Automatic creation of archives prevents you from losing data if the hard drive breaks, so it's worth paying attention to.


Restore Windows using a checkpoint It was possible in Windows XP. In the top ten, the implementation of these points is the same as in Windows 7 and 8. The developers did not even change the interface of the point recovery wizard. It is also worth noting that the developers have disabled the automatic creation of control points (in the seven it is enabled by default). To enable automatic creation of restore points, just go to “ Properties of the system" to the tab " System protection" You can quickly move there using the systempropertiesprotection command in standard program «».

Once on the desired tab, you need to click on the Configure… button. This action will open a window in which you need to enable system protection, as well as indicate how many gigabytes on the screw can be used for all points in the OS.

As you can see, enabling protection is quite simple. Immediately after this, the system will begin to automatically create control points.

The Windows 10 operating system does not create restore points spontaneously, but only when some event occurs.

For example, you installed the driver sound card in the OS or installed heavy software. Also, in addition to automatic creation, you can make points manually. To do this, on the same system protection tab we will find a button named Create.... By clicking on this button, we will launch the wizard for creating restore points. First of all, enter the name of the point and click the Create button.

The time it takes to create each point manually depends on the volume installed programs and OS settings on the computer. A rollback to the previous point is carried out by calling the wizard using the Restore... button.

In the next wizard window, you can find all the created control points, both automatically and manually.

By selecting one of the points, you will restore the state of your OS at the moment when the point was created. This type of recovery is especially convenient to use when the operating system is unstable, there are constant freezes, screens of death and spontaneous reboots. In addition to recovery using the wizard from Windows 10, you can use a recovery disk if the OS does not want to start.

Advanced PC users will also be interested in ways to create points using PowerShell in administrator mode. Below is a demonstration of the PowerShell console running in administrator mode, where the following command is executed: Checkpoint-Computer -Description “InstallBetaMicrosoftOffice”

This command creates a restore point named "InstallBetaMicrosoftOffice". When creating breakpoints using PowerShell, you should wait until the console has fully executed the command, but if you don't, the breakpoint will not be created. And running PowerShell in administrator mode is quite easy. Just find it in a search engine and right-click “ Run as administrator" You can also immediately launch PowerShell through the command line, which is running in administrator mode. To do this, in the command line just enter the command “ PowerShell».

It is worth noting that in Windows 10 you cannot delete a specific checkpoint, but only delete everything at once.

Such a popular utility as CCleaner. CCleaner can remove unnecessary control points, thereby freeing up a lot of hard drive space.


From the examples considered, it is clear that the developers new Windows 10 decided to keep most of the built-in recovery functions that were in previous OSes, and also added new ones to the system. Except standard methods recovery, we advise our readers to also pay attention to such a program as Acronis True Image 2017.

>> Download Acronis True Image 2017
This program can quickly make backup copies of the entire OS, and also quickly restore it. Distinctive feature utilities, in addition to rich functionality, is cloud data storage. That is, you will not need to save backups to external drive. Also using Acronis True Image 2017 is possible encrypt all archives with a 256-bit key, which provides increased security for data storage.

Video on the topic

If you are interested in restoring Windows 10, then you have come to the right place.

Let's figure out how to get Windows 10 back up and running without using third-party programs.

System Restore

This option will help correct errors that appeared after installing software, Windows updates, changes in the registry, and similar actions.

The Resume feature allows you to return registry settings and protected system files to a previously saved state - to one of the checkpoints that Windows creates automatically.

The user's documents are not affected.

Regeneration points in the “tens” are created before installing programs, drivers, system updates or just once every 7 days. In addition, the user can create them manually.


  • Go to the Control Panel, open the “Recovery” applet and select “Run System Restore” from the list of commands.
  • Select the checkpoint created before the failure and click Finish.

  • While the task is running, the computer will restart. After 5-7 minutes, Windows 10 will return to the state that preceded the problem.

Resuming the system is also available when Windows 10 does not start. If the download fails, you will see the following instead of the welcome window:

By pressing the button " Additional options recovery" you will be prompted to choose an action. Here you need to click on “Diagnostics”.

After this, a familiar window will open asking you to select a control point. Follow the instructions and wait for the wizard to finish.

Restoring your computer to its original state

This option can help you deal with errors that System Resume does not resolve, or when appropriate checkpoints are missing or not created.

Restoring Windows 10 to its original state can be done:

  • With saving user files and series preinstalled programs. In this case, all system settings, drivers and software installed by the user will be reset.
  • Without saving personal data, programs and settings. This option returns the system to the state it was after a clean installation. No user information will not remain in it.

Important! On computers and laptops where Windows 10 was installed by the manufacturer, a third option may be available - restore to factory settings. This deletes not only user data and settings, but also the contents of non-system hard drive partitions.

Returning to the factory state without saving personal information is used as a last resort - an alternative to reinstalling the system in case of intractable failures, as well as before selling the computer or transferring it to another user.

Order Windows return 10 to original condition

  • Open the Start menu and click the Settings button.

  • Select Update & Security from the list of options.

  • Next, select "Recovery".

  • In the "Reset your computer" section, click the "Get Started" button.

  • After that, select the option you need: “Keep my files” or “Delete everything”.

After about 40-60 Windows minutes 10 will be back in service.

Rollback to a previous version of the system (Windows 7 or 8)

This method is available only to those who installed the “ten” in the order of updating the previous OS - “seven” or “eight”. And it is possible only within a month after the update.

In this case, the user’s files in personal folders, drivers, software and settings of the previous system will be saved, and everything that was in Windows 10 will be deleted.

To roll back to the originally installed OS, launch the Settings application from the Start menu, open Update and Security, then Recovery and select Return to Windows 8.1 (7).

If this item is not in the list of parameters, then the function is not available. It will also not be available if the user has deleted from system partition hard drive Windows.old folder.

Reinstalling Windows 10 from a recovery disc

This option will be useful for those who have created a regeneration disk in advance. It stores a backup copy of the system with working parameters.

To create a recovery disk, you must do the following:

  • prepare a blank DVD or flash drive (the minimum storage capacity is determined individually) and connect to the computer;
  • open the “Recovery” section in the control panel, select “Create a recovery disk” and follow the instructions.

The finished Windows backup media should be stored in a safe place and not used for anything else.

How to restore Windows 10 from a backup

If the system boots, open the Settings app -> Update & Security -> Recovery and Reset your PC.

After rebooting into the recovery environment, select the “Diagnostics” and “System image recovery” sections.

Advice! If the system does not boot, you need to start the computer from the distribution disk, but instead of installing (Install now), select “Repair your computer”.

  • Select the system image for the required number.
  • If necessary, specify additional options, such as disk formatting.
  • Confirm your consent to the rollback and wait for it to complete.

Will be done automatic recovery Windows with saving user files, software and settings. The system state will be the same as when the backup was created.

Windows 10 boot repair

Resumption Windows boot loader 10 is also performed by starting the PC from the “tens” installation disk.

The procedure is as follows:

  • Connect the drive with the Windows 10 distribution to your computer.
  • Instead of installing, select "Repair your computer."
  • In the Select Action window, click Diagnostics.
  • Next, in the list of additional options, select “Startup Repair.”

In some cases, automatic startup recovery does not produce results. Then manually overwriting the bootloader files and boot partition of the hard drive can help. How to do it:

  • Open Command Prompt in the Advanced Options window.

  • Follow the instructions bcdboot.exe X:\Windows, Where X:- letter of the system partition on the hard drive.

IN Recovery environment The partition letters often do not match those assigned in Windows. To determine them, you can use console utility Diskpart from the system distribution.

Type in the command line one by one:


List disk

Sel disk 0(or 1, 2, 3 - depends on where the bootloader is located, if there are several physical drives on the PC)

Detail disk

In our example, the boot partition is assigned the letter C, which means the recovery command is written like this: bcdboot.exe C:\Windows.

To fix boot failure on hard drives with MBR partitioning, you need to run 2 more commands in the console: bootrec/fixmbr And bootrec/fixboot. The boot partition code will be overwritten.

How to restore Windows 10 system files

To restore protected system files in Windows 10, use the application SFC.exe, launched on the command line with the parameter /scannow.

Scanning and fixing takes about 20-40 minutes.

When SFC completes, a report (CBS.log) will be generated and saved in the C:\Windows\Logs folder. From it you can find out which files were damaged and restored.

Windows 10 Recovery

Despite the fact that Windows 10 is highly efficient and stable, it may need to be restored

Windows 10, like earlier operating systems, may be susceptible, for example, to virus attacks or system errors. In this regard, specialists from Microsoft have provided their Windows 10 with special built-in functions so that you can quickly restore the operating system, allowing you to effectively return it to a working state. Among these tools, the new product contains, as well as methods that have already been tested over the years, for resuscitating the OS, for example, using a pre-created recovery point or recording an image of the entire OS on an external drive, but also some improved methods have been introduced, such as creating a USB specifically for the possibility of recovery.

This article describes in detail for Windows 10 five methods to ensure quick recovery when system failures occur. The first three methods should be used when not particularly difficult situations arise, and the last two will effectively help even in cases where it is impossible to boot the system. The option of a clean installation of the system will not be considered here, since it already refers to cardinal methods and even in its essence can no longer be called a recovery method, since the OS will be installed “from scratch” (with formatting of the system hard section disk).

Method 1: Using a recovery point

It is envisaged that in automatic Windows mode 10 like her previous versions at certain intervals it creates points for the possibility of its recovery. But at any time the user can always save such a point in manual mode. For example, before making any important adjustments to the system or before installing applications and special software.

The main advantage of method 1 is that after the procedure, all information on the user’s computer is saved and will only be deleted software installed after the restore point date.

If the user is interested in the question: “How to restore the OS using 1 method?”, then the algorithm of actions is as follows:

Method 2: Restore to factory state

The Ten has added a feature that allows you to return your PC to factory settings. This method provides the ability to perform a total system rollback or without affecting the personal information of the owner stored on the computer.

How to restore the OS using the reset function? To do this, you need to perform the following sequential steps:

Method 3: Using the file backup function

In Windows 10, there is a convenient “File History” function, with which the user can independently or by setting automatic execution in the settings, create backup copies of information stored on the PC. To do this, you just need to enable this setting and show what exactly needs to be reserved. The time interval after which copies of files should be created is specified in the settings. This, in the event of failures or errors in the OS, will allow you to quickly and without investing much effort, return your information and resume full-fledged work with them.

Method 4: through creating a USB disk

In cases where the OS does not start at all, the first three methods will not help. In this case, you will already need to use a recovery disk that allows you to use additional features downloads.

The algorithm of actions consists of the following stages:

Method 5: Using bootable media with Windows 10

If you do not have a previously created recovery disk and if you cannot boot your PC, you will need to use bootable media with Windows 10 to restore the system. Bootable (installation) media is created on a USB flash drive or DVD.

Windows 10, like previous versions of this operating system, is not completely protected from failures, impacts computer viruses, equipment failure and other problems. Therefore, if you have problems operating or loading the OS, you can use the built-in tools to return the operating system to a working state.

There are several ways to restore Windows 10.

If the computer boots:

  1. Using a restore point.
  2. File history.

If your computer won't boot:

  1. Using a recovery disk.
  2. Using the installation disc.

Now let's look at these recovery options in more detail.

Method 1 – Using a System Restore Point

Windows periodically stores information about programs, system settings, drivers, the registry, and drivers in system restore points. This occurs before significant changes to the OS, such as installing programs, drivers, or system updates. You can also create a restore point manually. You can read how to do this in.

It is worth noting that after recovery, your data will remain intact, and drivers, programs and updates installed after creating the restore point will be deleted.

1. Launch the system properties window (keyboard shortcut Windows + Pause) and open the item "".

2. Click the button Restore", and then "Next". In the list of available recovery points, select the desired item and click “Next” again.

3. Check the selected parameters again, click the " Ready" and then "Yes" in the warning window. The recovery process will begin and the computer will restart.

Method 2 - Reset to factory settings

Windows 10 has the ability to return system settings to their original state. In this case, you can do full reset or saving user files. The advantage of this method is that if you want to reinstall the system you do not need to Windows installation from scratch, just do a reset.

To use this function, you need to go to the following section: “ Computer Settings -> Update and Security -> Recovery -> Restore your computer to its original state" and click the "Start" button.

We discussed the factory reset process in more detail in this article:

Method 3 – File History

This method is not directly related to system recovery, but in combination with other methods it can also be useful.

File History allows you to back up your files automatically and manually. You just need to activate this function and specify which folders you want to save. The system will automatically backup your documents at a frequency that can be configured. If necessary, you can easily restore files to the version you need.

You can read how to enable, configure and use this tool in this article:

Method 4 – Using a recovery disk

If Windows 10 won't boot, you can try to resuscitate the system using a recovery disk, which will allow you to access additional parameters launch.

If you don't have a recovery disk yet, use these instructions:

After booting from the USB recovery drive, go to the " Diagnostics -> Advanced options».

Here you can use several options for resuscitating your computer:

  1. Restoring Windows using a restore point. We have already discussed this option above. Its meaning is the same, only it is launched in a different way.
  2. Restoring the system image. This method has been known since Windows 7. If you previously created a system image in Windows, you can easily restore it using a recovery disk. How to create a system image in Windows 10 can be read here:
  3. Using the following point, you can try to automatically fix boot errors.
  4. For more advanced users, it is possible to launch the command line for system recovery or other purposes.
  5. Well, the last option is to return Windows to the previous build.

It should also be noted that if, when creating a system repair disk, you burned system files to the disk, then you will have the opportunity to reinstall Windows from this disk. But if you bought a computer with Window 8 (8.1) pre-installed with a hidden recovery partition, then the version of the system that originally came with the computer will be restored.

Method 5 – Using the installation disk

If Windows won't boot and you don't have a recovery disk, you can use installation disk for resuscitation of the computer.

You can burn the installation disc to a USB drive or DVD using the media creation tool that you can download.

After booting from the installation media, you will see a window in which you need to select language options and click the “Next” button.

  1. Restore the computer to its original state. A factory reset will be performed with or without saving user files. We have already discussed this tool above (method 2).
  2. Extra options. Just like on the system repair disk, a list of tools will open that can help you restore Windows functionality using restore points, a system image, etc.

We looked at the main methods of restoring Windows 10. Usually they are quite enough to return the system to a working state. It was also possible to add a clean installation of Windows here, but this is already an extreme measure and is indirectly related to system recovery.