Windows live id login. The provided Windows Live ID is not associated with a gamertag

Often, when using a home or work computer on Windows, users need to create a separate workspace. It is much more convenient when you use accounts for each user separately, this opens access to your files, documents and programs.

And even the browser settings may differ for each user, and this greatly affects the usability.

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And then the question of creating a Microsoft account arises, because Windows is one of the most common operating systems today.

How to prepare to create a new account

In addition to the convenience of working on the same computer with family members or work colleagues, a Microsoft account helps to combine several devices, for example, Personal Computer and mobile phone. Then the necessary files and documents are always at your fingertips.

Earlier Microsoft accounts were called Windows Live ids. This account provides access to the most popular Windows services, such as:

  • Windows Phone (for users of smartphones on the Windows platform);
  • Outlook;
  • MS Office (Word, Excel, etc.);
  • Skype.

It can be described as a combination Email with a password that must be installed by the user himself. Mail can be registered in absolutely any electronic mail system.

To get started, you should still check: you may have already registered an account with Windows Live id. This is possible if the user has previously created accounts in the above-mentioned popular services. Using these data you can log in other Microsoft services using the same login details.

If it is discovered that Live id accounts. these services have already been created, but you have problems logging in, you can simply send a request to reset your password, the response to which will be sent to the email specified during registration. You can also create a new one Mailbox based on what was previously registered.

Registration in at least one of these services allows synchronize data with social networks Twitter and Facebook, as well as with Windows Phone.

How to quickly create a new account

If the user already has a permanent email account, using it to simply create a new one Microsoft account from scratch. To do this, on the page you need to select the “Register” item. It is located on the bottom right of the page. After this, a page will open on which you need to enter the necessary information in each field: address email box in the “Username” and password line.

The password must be strong enough to avoid the possibility of account hacking. For best reliability it should:

  1. consist of 8−12 characters;
  2. include numbers and Latin letters of different cases (large and small).

It would also be a good idea to enter your phone number for identification and better protection, as well as the correct date of birth and gender. This information may be useful if the user needs urgently recover your password and access to your account.

After this, the system requires you to enter verification characters to verify that the data was entered by a person and not by a machine. After filling out all the fields, click the “Create” button account».

Creating an account is quick, literally in a few seconds. During this time, you need to check your mailbox, which will receive an email with a link to confirm your account from Microsoft technical support. By clicking on the link from the email, the user is automatically redirected to a page with his created account. They will already appear there general information about the user, his personal data and name.

If the user does not have a mailbox and need to create an account Microsoft entry from scratch, then you just need to select “Get a new email address” under the line with your email address on the page for creating a new Microsoft Live id account. The system will prompt you to come up with a name for the mailbox or choose from the proposed options and check the address for availability. The user also chooses Domain name for your email address. In system Microsoft is one of two options: or

Mobile version of registration

For mobile users, there is another quite convenient way to register - through a phone number. When registering, you need to enter your phone number in the username line and select the country in which the number is registered (to determine the code). Then registration confirmation code will be sent directly to your phone via SMS from the service technical support Windows.

Creating a new Microsoft account (Live id) is a very simple process, but it makes life much easier Windows user, combining everything you need for everyday activities.

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First, we register, and if you are in the same situation as me when registering, then you may well have this problem, because skipping pop-up windows is fatal.



If you have completed the registration now, or completed it a long time ago, but you are still unable to this error, then go to this site:

Click the “log in” button and go to that same page.
Congratulations! You are awesome!

Connection with the same Tag.

You are one step away from being able to play trash games through this system, all you have to do is click on the “confirm” button.

Don't forget to uncheck the box.

The connection to the tag is complete

Problem number one:

One of the users asks: “After clicking on the review, I’m thrown to home page damn XBOX "Outdated devices support"

I think that here I will call the best expert we have - that is, Myself.

In short, says the expert, you need to remove this crap from your computer, because live cannot update too old versions.
Just type "WINDOWS" into "Add/Remove Programs"

After that: either download new files from their official website (good luck with the search, losers), or simply download the game for which this system is needed. But if you are completely hardcore crazy, then after deleting them, check the integrity of the cache of that very game.

And yes, I don’t know how to get “No” out of the keyboard - like a number. He's a C, in short, you understand.

Help, or rather the lack thereof.

Each request for help, whether in comments or through adding as a friend, was processed in the same way - going through the entire registration on the site up to this malicious tag with the creation and deletion of mail.

I can't do this anymore. If Microsoft changes something (and they have already done this, and radically), then I simply will not be able to go through this change. Why, you ask me? They added an authenticator for mobile.

Ironic, don't you think? Create a system with the idea so that people don’t register dozens of accounts and push it into a place where you have to register a new one every time in order to understand what’s going on there.

Even though I had a PS, I never understood the problem of consoles, and even now I don’t understand, just like with video cards - people of narrow minds do all this. But I'm glad I donated money to Sony and not Microsoft.

To give an analogy: giving preference to Xbox is like being on the Amigo browser. It seems to work and is not very different from others, but not everyone will smile year after year when the creator sweeps his face with indifference and contempt.

I'm indifferent to all consoles, but I'm a little bit of an Xbox fan, just a little bit, but I keep an eye on them. Well, you know, I can't trust people without self-respect. By the way, Gabe had it.

The concept of Windows Live ID should be understood primarily as the email address and password that will be used to log into various services. For example, using this ID, the user can log in to: Xbox LIVE, Zune, Hotmail, MSN, Messenger, search for a phone, or OneDrive (formerly SkyDrive). Thus, it turns out that the accounting Windows entry Live ID is needed to synchronize various information: contacts, downloading games and applications, surfing the Internet, etc. If the user does not have a Windows Live ID, then he is unlikely to be able to download anything using special applications Microsoft, restore your notebook on a new mobile device, etc.

To create a Windows Live ID account, the user will need either a personal computer with Internet access or a mobile phone running Windows OS (this will also require a network connection). The procedure itself creating Windows Live ID takes a few minutes, after which you will be able to use absolutely all Microsoft services and features operating system Windows.

Create a Windows Live ID on your computer

To create a Windows Live ID account via your computer, you should go to the official Microsoft website. After you log in to the site, you will have to fill out absolutely all the fields available on the site. You can fill them out as you wish, but you need to keep in mind that if you indicate an age of less than 18 years, then you will not be able to download anything from the Microsoft store. You can specify any existing mailbox. Next you will need to provide your mobile phone number. Of course, you can specify any other one, but then you will not be able to recover your password if you forget it. You also need to specify the region and postcode. After you fill out all the fields, click on the “Create account” button. At this point, the procedure for registering a Windows Live ID account can be considered complete.

Create a Windows Live ID via a mobile device

Owner mobile device operating room based Windows systems, can create a Windows Live ID when initial setup phone. To do this, just follow the instructions of the phone, after starting it for the first time, until you reach the “Windows Live ID” item. Next, you can click on the “Login” button if you already have a Windows Live ID, or on the “Create” button and follow all the instructions. Here you will need to indicate your full name, mobile phone number, email address, password, country of residence and postal ID. Once you create a Windows Live ID account, you can link it to services on mobile phone, through “Settings”.