Yandex string for windows 7 voice search. “Listen, Yandex!” voice search on computer

Smart line - unique technology, developed by Yandex Corporation and applied in Yandex.Browser. A distinctive characteristic of this innovation is that through it you can set search queries, or directly enter the domains of the sites you are interested in.

Besides, with a smart line you will have access to:

  1. Search tips, which are no longer news for users of search engines such as Google or Yandex, but are an innovation in the world of browsers.
  2. Automatically corrects the keyboard layout if you select the wrong language for entering a query.
  3. If the site is quite popular among Internet visitors, then when you type its address, the smart line will offer to automatically display the name and address of the site without typing the full address.

How to take advantage of Smart String

To get all the advantages that the technology we are considering from Yandex Corporation provides to its users, need to download Yandex browser. It is advisable to use the official source and download the program for Windows and others operating systems and devices from there to avoid infection by various virus programs.

Next, install the browser from Yandex Corporation on your computer equipped with Windows or another OS, or on another electronic device. The software installation process will not be difficult for you: just follow all the recommendations of the installer program.

How to set up Smart Line

Notice the two buttons located to the left of the address bar.

Using the first one, you can select the search engine that will be installed by default. The search engines available after installing the browser include:

  • Wikipedia;
  • Yandex;
  • Google.

Using the second button, you can configure the parameters of the search engines that you use, as well as indicate the values ​​​​assigned to a specific search engine, by entering which in the Smart line, you can use the search engine you are interested in directly in it, and not the default one. To use this feature, follow these steps:

Another interesting feature of the technology we are considering is that it can work not only with built-in search engines, but also with the ones you installed yourself. How to do it? Take advantage step by step algorithm actions presented below:

  1. Go to the website of the area you are interested in search engine. Let's take as an example.
  2. Find the field where users usually enter their queries and click on it with right button your mouse.
  3. A menu will appear in front of your eyes, in which you will need to click on “Add as a search engine”.
  4. In the window that appears in front of you, set a name for the search engine, under which it will be displayed in the search engine settings; install keyword(this is the name in this window for the value with which you will search in the Smart line if you have another search engine installed by default); Be sure to leave the field where the link is indicated unchanged.
  5. Click on "OK".
  6. Test the search engine you have installed by entering its value in the Smart line and typing queries.

What is Yandex.Stroke

This program was developed and released by Yandex Corporation. Its purpose is to search on a device equipped with Windows, like " world wide web", so do you think electronic device. Yandex.String after installation becomes integral part taskbar of your operating system.

This program can:

  1. Transmit your voice orders to the computer.
  2. Search for what interests you on the Internet, both by entering a query and using voice orders.
  3. Get almost instant access to the sites you most frequently visit, or to the services of Yandex Corporation.
  4. Find any file you need on your hard drive, turn on the video or run the utility.

Installing and configuring Yandex.Strings

In order for the software to work smoothly and you can use its functionality 100%, you need to make sure that one of the following is installed on your personal device latest versions Windows, namely Windows 7 or higher.

Download the file to install the utility here:

After completing the installation of the software, which does not require any special knowledge from you, proceed to setting it up.

Start with appearance utility and its location on the taskbar. The developers have provided two solutions:

  1. Line mode, when you can see the field in the taskbar in which search queries are entered.
  2. Icon mode when there is no search bar.

To change Yandex.String modes, right-click on it. In the menu that opens in front of your eyes, click on the item called “Appearance”. In the next menu, select “Line Mode” or “Icon Mode”. In the “Appearance” item, you can also change the location of Yandex.String on the taskbar and place it either next to the clock or next to the menu called “Start”.

How to use Yandex.Stroke

Let's consider one of the interesting features of Yandex.Strings, namely the ability to give orders by voice. That being said, you need to know the following features of the utility:

  • Voice orders are understood by the software only if they were given using the Russian language.
  • Say one of the following phrases to activate the software: “Hey, Yandex,” “Okay, Yandex,” or “Listen, Yandex.” If the program has started working, you will hear a beep.
  • If you say any phrase other than those listed below, the utility will consider that you are sending a request to search in Yandex. But, if you say “Restart computer”, “Open website” (for example, “open YouTube”), “Go to sleep mode”, “Open file” (for example, “open Powerpoint”) or “Turn off computer”, the software will understand command and will immediately execute it.

If you prefer to learn about the benefits of the product and how to use it through videos, then you can watch the following training videos on working with Yandex.Stroke:


If you encounter problems while working with the program, use the Yandex.Stroke help, which is located at the following link

Yandex.String is a free search string widget that is built into the panel Windows tasks and helps you search for any information.

  • search for what you need on the Internet using voice or regular search;
  • through the command “Listen, Yandex!” open on computer required file, folder or program;
  • open any Yandex service.

You can download Yandex String from the official website for Windows 7, 8 and 10 for free using the links below immediately after the description. Having installed the program on your computer, String will always wait for commands using voice: Open, Run or Turn On. For example: “Listen, Yandex! Open the World Hockey Championship."

It is convenient to enter search queries in the line from Yandex: you just need to click write the first 2-3 letters, and a list of what you may be trying to find will be displayed. We recommend downloading and installing a browser to open Internet pages upon request through a smart bar.

Yandex String voice search The download is recommended for those who often have their hands full or work through a Windows tablet. After all, this is convenient in a situation where a grandmother is baking pies for her grandchildren in the kitchen, there is a computer nearby and it is enough to say “Listen, Yandex! Open the weather forecast in Moscow."

Today, a line from Yandex can only be downloaded for Windows systems, and comprehensive integration into Android will happen very soon, this will allow you to manage mobile device 100% hands free.

Yandex String is a full-fledged voice assistant that can recognize and process your search queries. To perform a voice search, just say the command “Listen, Yandex” and then voice the search words that will be used to search.

“String” is one of the alternatives to the famous voice assistant Cortana. Unlike the application from Microsoft, Yandex analog has support for the Russian language. In addition, not all voice assistants support the ability to search the Internet through Russian-language search engines.

Yandex String: new search assistant


Small convenient application Lets you search for files on your computer and the Internet. After installation, the program automatically goes to the taskbar, from where it continues to work.

During installation of the program, all parameters are set automatically. When you launch it for the first time, a short instruction will be shown using the main features.

Smart String can:

search the Internet;

search for files and folders on your computer’s hard drive;

find installed applications;

launch Yandex services (Market, Weather, Maps, Pictures, etc.).

Additional features

So far, the program is positioned as a beta version, which indicates further prospects in its development. We hope the application will continue to develop and will be able to support at least some Microsoft capabilities Cortana. Still, Yandex String does not yet predict the user’s needs and does not perform an intratext search.

As you may have noticed, Google developers decided not to build into their own Chrome browser voice search function. But Yandex engineers decided to do the opposite, and prepared a module with similar functionality for their followers, posting it in open access plugin "Yandex.String". This add-on does not require third-party installation of Yandex Browser. Moreover, it is distributed on a completely free basis, which cannot but please the end user. In today's material we will tell you how to activate Yandex voice search for computer and smartphone, how to use it, and what capabilities it is capable of.

So, let's install the Yandex.Stroke module on the PC. To do this, download the extension distribution from the official project pages. The installation process itself is no different from a similar procedure performed with any other software products, and we will not dwell on it in detail. Just follow the wizard's instructions and literally a minute later the application will be installed on your hard drive.

When everything is ready, a text line will appear on the taskbar for entering character and voice commands.

As we wrote before, Yandex.Strok is a completely autonomous project, and its operation does not require installing a browser from the same developer.

How to use Yandex text search for a computer?

Working with the module is as easy as shelling pears: click on the text search bar, and a list of the last web resources you visited, as well as those search queries that are in this moment are in trend.

So, that's sorted out. Now let's move on: just start typing the corresponding word or phrase in the search bar, and the application will immediately offer you the most popular search queries based on your key.

Moreover, if you enter your own query to the end, or select one of the proposed keys from the list, your default browser will immediately launch, and the key you specified will be available in the search bar.

In addition to the fact that the engine searches for the most relevant search queries on the Internet, it also scans the contents of the drive, as a result of which the names of programs corresponding to the searched query appear in the results. As you can see, the Yandex.Stroke module is very omnivorous and has a lot of capabilities.

How does Yandex voice search for computer work?

To launch the voice search function, you need to click on the microphone icon and say the search word or phrase. Instead of using a manipulator every time to launch a feature, all you have to do is say the phrase “Listen, Yandex!” into the microphone, after which the module will also start in automatic mode. If you are sitting in front of a laptop, this is generally incredibly convenient: since most laptops are equipped with a built-in microphone, you don’t even need to connect a headset.

If you decide to use Yandex voice search for your computer, you should definitely know what commands can and should be spoken for processing by the engine. Requests can be absolutely anything, starting from the words “open”, “find”, “listen”, “restart the computer” (or “turn off”) and relate not only to operations performed by the browser, but also contain words related to the work The PC as a whole, namely: launching or closing a specific application, stopping the computer itself. For example, by saying the command “Open Word,” you can literally open text editor without having to use a mouse or keyboard, and the "restart computer" command will result in the corresponding derivative action.

Voice search Yandex for Android

In the Android OS, the voice search function is not separate from, and in order to use this feature, you will have to first install a proprietary web navigator from a Russian company. When this is done, two icons will appear in Android to launch voice search. The first of them is Yandex.Browser itself. We launch it, and in the center we see an icon in the form of a microphone. Click it and say the search phrase you are looking for. Similarly, we can use the command “Listen, Yandex!”

The second option is a special module designed exclusively for voice search. It’s called “Listen, Yandex!”, and it works completely identical to the feature built into the Yandex navigator. Separate these two functionality– in our opinion, this is not such a bad idea, it allows us to highlight this feature along with other web browser modules, and attracts the user’s attention even more.

How to set up Yandex voice search for a computer?

The authors of the plugin have prepared some module settings for us, which we will now talk about. Called context menu parameters by right-clicking on the Yandex search line. So, let's see what can be configured here?

The first field “Search string” is responsible for the hotkey combination for quickly calling up the search string. By default, the sequence is “Ctrl+Ё”, but you can change it according to your personal preferences.

The next group of parameters involves customizing work with files on the hard drive. If the file is found, the directory containing it will open, or the object itself, discovered through the search function, will open.

Another section involves opening web search results in the browser window installed in the OS by default, or directly in the Yandex.Strings window. The default is the first option.

That's all the important settings that can be set to work with the search function in Yandex.String. Row additional parameters available by right-clicking on the search bar, but they are not so important, so we will not dwell on them.

How to delete Yandex voice search?

To remove a module from Windows, just go to the application manager and delete Yandex.String like any other system application. To do this, open the control panel and select “Uninstall a program” in the “Programs” category, then find it in the list installed applications the plugin we need called “Yandex.String” and execute it on it double click. Then simply follow the wizard's instructions, and the program will soon be removed.


So we figured out what Yandex voice search is capable of for a computer, as well as for a smartphone. This feature is incredibly convenient and in demand. Having figured it out once, you will be able to use your favorite search engine (Google, Yandex, Bing or any other) much faster and more productively, and this, in turn, will save you a lot of time and effort.

Modern digital technologies are designed to make our lives much easier. They allow us to communicate with each other in a few seconds, shoot video and record audio, navigate on the map using satellite navigation and much more. Another digital achievement is the ability to voice search in search engines, which is promoted by Google, Microsoft, Yandex and a number of others. In this article I will go into more detail about what it is voice search Yandex for a computer, I will introduce the reader to its features and functionality.

Yandex voice search for PC - what is it

To understand what Yandex voice search for a computer is, you need to turn to the works of science fiction writers of the past. Probably, many have come across a description of a virtual assistant that conducts a conversation with the owner and sensitively responds to all his commands. Today, when fantasy becomes reality, users personal computers can experience the benefits of working with a voice assistant that is good at recognizing the user's speech, performing searches on the Internet and on the PC, and even launching programs on your computer.

Such a virtual assistant from the future is “Smart String” from Yandex, which is becoming increasingly popular (the program itself can be downloaded here). The capabilities of this product are truly impressive; it is called the Russian-language version voice assistant Cortana on Windows 10.

"Smart line" from Yandex

At the same time, unlike Cortana, the Yandex smart line can be easily installed on both Windows 10 and Windows 7 and Windows 8. The program icon is always located in the taskbar, and to activate voice search you just need to say two words : “Listen, Yandex.”

Yandex voice search functionality on PC

After we have defined what Yandex voice search means, we should outline its capabilities. They are as follows:

  • Voice activation(just “Listen, Yandex”, “Hello, Yandex” or “Okay, Yandex” is enough);
  • Searching the Internet for the necessary information(text information, pictures, music, video);
  • Search your computer for files and folders;

Also, by clicking on the icon with a magnifying glass of this program, you can launch additional elements of the program - Yandex.Radio, Yandex.Pictures, Yandex.News and more.

Smart line menu from Yandex

Yandex speech search settings

After we have outlined what Yandex voice search for a computer is and what its functionality is, it is worth considering the features of its settings and search.

By right-clicking on the program icon in the taskbar, you will have access to a menu where you can select the specific appearance and location of the program icon, enable or disable voice activation, and also make a number of other settings.

Please note that the program requires your microphone to work correctly (it should be configured before using the “smart line” from Yandex).

The following commands are currently supported:

  • Find (something) – a search will be carried out on the network using the Yandex search engine;
  • Open website (name);
  • Open file (folder);
  • Go to sleep mode(the computer will count down 10 seconds, then go into sleep mode);
  • To restart a computer;
  • Turn off computer.

In order for your favorite browser to launch when the “smart line” is running, just go to its settings and set it as the default browser.

Voice search doesn't work

If for some reason Yandex voice search on a PC does not work, then try changing the microphone settings (for example, to increase its power), and also try disabling the antivirus for a while, it may be the reason for blocking the work of the “Smart Line” from Yandex.

Let me also remind you that the program works on Windows 7, Windows 8 and 8.1, as well as Windows 10.

Video review

In this article, I described what Yandex voice search is and how to use it on a computer. In most cases it is enough to download this program, install it on your computer and start working with its functionality. If for some reason it does not start, then check the settings of your microphone and your antivirus - the main reason for the dysfunction of the Yandex smart line may be in them.