Shortcuts do not work, what should I do if the shortcuts do not open? How to fix an error when working with a shortcut: the most common situations and solutions The object has been changed or moved, how to restore it.

In this article we will discuss the popular problem with shortcuts not working. After reading it, you will find out why shortcuts do not work correctly and what needs to be done to correct this situation.

And at the end, you can consolidate the theory by watching video instructions with a practical example. So good luck to everyone, friends, don’t be afraid to correct mistakes yourself.


So, friends, if you haven't yet found yourself in a situation where suddenly all the shortcuts on your computer start acting weird. It’s really weird, let’s say you launch a music player and Word opens. You try to launch the browser, but notepad opens. There are various situations, but the essence always remains the same: when you try to launch the shortcut of interest, the “left” program is torn off or nothing opens at all.

This always happens due to a failure in the settings of your operating system, as a result of which it does not work correctly and does not perform the tasks you set. Those guys who were already interested in this or went through a similar incident know that this situation is called a failure of file associations and shortcuts.

My shortcuts stopped working, why?

For those who don't know, every file on your computer is opened with specific program and if you try to open it with the wrong program, not intended for this purpose, most likely you will see a pop-up error or incomprehensible scribbles on the monitor.

This happens because each file has its own format, called its extension. For example, you've probably heard more than once that songs are recorded in mp3 format, pictures in jpeg format, and films in avi format. All these extensions allow the user and the operating system to understand what kind of file is in front of them and what program needs to open it.

What I mean by all this is that shortcuts also have their own lnk extension. And if the operating system receives a command to open the lnk extension using notepad, then all shortcuts on your computer will automatically open through notepad. As a result of changing the settings, the shortcuts can be opened by any program on your computer, but will not serve their intended purpose.

Most people, having found themselves in this situation, immediately begin to look for a solution to the problem, this is of course good. But I would first recommend understanding the reasons for the failure. After all, if you do not understand what is happening, then in the future you can “stumble” over this situation ad infinitum.

So first sit down, calm down, think for a minute about what you were doing before the shortcuts stopped working. I think you will almost immediately determine the reason and remember forever that you don’t need to do this. And I'll give you a little hint. Most often, shortcuts are opened by the same program due to your negligence; you yourself accidentally and specifically set the default program for opening some unknown file.

To do this, just click on the file right click mouse and in the drop-down menu select the “Open with” pod, while selecting the program and forgetting to uncheck the settings options: “Use the selected program for all files of the selected type”

This is how easy it is for shortcuts and programs to break.

Of course, in addition to this, there is still a high probability of catching a virus that will do everything without your intervention necessary settings, and the shortcuts will also stop opening as expected.

How can I restore the shortcuts? How to restore shortcut associations?

There are several ways to return the system to working condition without tormenting your brain. All tasks boil down to changing the settings that are written in the registry.

Therefore, if you are an excellent programmer, it will not be difficult for you to go into the registry and manually edit it to a working state. But most likely to the average user it is impossible to do this.

To automatically make the necessary settings in the registry, any user, even one who does not understand anything, should download a ready-made registry file and run it on his computer.

After you have downloaded the archive to your computer, you should find the registry file you need, namely, select which operating system is being restored. Have you decided? Now we just double-click on it and confirm the changes in the system, after which we be sure to reboot the system.

You can clearly see it at the end of the article; there is a video instruction for this with a practical example.

If a situation arises that after automatically making changes to the registry, the shortcuts still do not work, then we are preparing for a little adventure, but do not worry. You just need to manually launch the registry and delete the extra section from there.

To launch the registry, press the keys on your keyboard simultaneously WIN+R(the WIN key is a Windows checkbox button) a command input panel will open in front of you, where you must enter the word "regedit"

After entering the command, click “ok” and a window with the computer registry opens in front of us

Now we need to find the section that made changes to the registry and delete it, for this we look for the section called UserChoice

It is located at:


Once found, simply delete it and restart the computer.

Shortcuts do not work, what should I do if the shortcuts do not open?

Write in the comments if the article helped correct the situation with non-working shortcuts.

A shortcut is a pointer to some object in the operating room Windows system. This object can be a file or a folder, and often shortcuts provide various functions. For example, using a shortcut you can command a program to run with a specific resolution at a specific time. In the Windows operating system, such shortcuts have taken root due to the presence of the Desktop and the ease of their use. However, every PC user has encountered errors when working with shortcuts at least once in their life.

What is a label?

A shortcut is a small document that contains a link with parameters to a specific installation file. It is not difficult to distinguish this type of file from others. The shortcut is an icon with an arrow at the bottom. If you right-click on a shortcut and select “Properties,” you can see information about the shortcut itself and the program to which it is associated.

Errors when working with shortcuts and how to solve them

In most cases, various errors may occur when working with shortcuts. Most often, the object that the shortcut refers to has been moved, deleted, or cannot be launched. Or the path specified in the shortcut has been changed by a virus and the document cannot provide access to the file.

There are several solutions to such problems:

  • We run a system scan for viruses, since malicious objects often change the path to the shortcut executable file.
  • Remove the shortcut. It is important to remember that it does not play an important role in the system. It contains information about the location of the game/program folder and the executive file. By deleting a shortcut, the user does not delete the program itself. A new shortcut can be created again by right-clicking on the program exe file and selecting the appropriate action.

  • By editing the link to the program's exe file in the shortcut properties, you can fix the problem. Perhaps the virus indicated the wrong address or changed it altogether. To solve this kind of problem, you need to find the object and copy its correct address. Then paste the link into the “Object” line of the shortcut properties.

  • Or, if the object has been moved, the easiest way is to create new link on him. To do this, just right-click on the executive file and then click “Send” to the “Desktop”. This will allow you to quickly access the desired document directly from your Desktop.

These are the common mistakes that are most often encountered with shortcuts. However, there are other problems that can be fixed using SoftikBox tips.

The concept of “shortcut” is known to modern people mainly thanks to computer technology. It means a pointer to some object. Such an object can be a file or folder, and often various properties are attached to shortcuts. For example, they give a command to the program to run in full screen, or with a specific resolution. In Windows, this type of file has taken root so well because of the presence of the Desktop. At least once every experienced user has encountered errors when working with shortcuts, how to fix them? It wouldn't hurt to figure it out.

To properly resolve problems with shortcuts, it is important to identify the cause.

The structure of this type of file cannot be called complex. Essentially, this is a small document in which a link with parameters is written. It is not difficult to identify this type of file - it is an icon with an arrow at the bottom (although in some “builds” of the Windows OS there may not be an arrow). Most modern operating systems support them at a very deep level. You can view the contents of a shortcut by calling it context menu and clicking "Properties".

Here you can see several tabs:

Possible problems and their solutions

Most often, when working with such links, one common problem occurs. The object referenced by the file has been moved, deleted, or lost by the system. Or it may not be able to start. It is not uncommon for a user to try to call something that is no longer at the destination address. This is the most common error when working with a shortcut.

There are several solutions to this problem:

  • Just remove the shortcut. It must be remembered that it does not play any critical role in the system. It is not written in it important information, except about the position of the file or folder. That is, by doing this, you will not delete an important document that you are used to finding by double click On him.
  • Rewrite the object reference. In the appropriate tab, simply replace the target object address with a new one. To do this, find new object and in its “Properties” look at its location. Then copy this data into the shortcut properties.
  • If an object has been moved, the easiest way is to create a new link to it. To do this, just call up the context menu of the desired file or folder, then click “Send” - “Desktop”. This will allow you to quickly access the desired document directly from your Desktop.

Errors of this kind are a small problem. Of course, if it is not caused by another, larger problem. If you can't find what you need by the name next to the icon, try using Windows Search.

Other problems

It cannot be ruled out that a virus is to blame for problems with file links. This is possible if a good antivirus package is not installed on your PC. Conduct a comprehensive scan using Microsoft Security Essentials or Kaspersky. After that, try the methods mentioned above.


The problems with labels themselves are not that difficult. If you have basic skills in Windows environment- you can probably deal with them without difficulty. And if the root of the problem still cannot be eliminated, please write in the comments, our site users will tell you the right solution!

The concept of “shortcut” is known to modern people mainly thanks to computer technology. It means a pointer to some object. Such an object can be a file or folder, and often various properties are attached to shortcuts. For example, they give a command to the program to run in full screen, or with a specific resolution. In Windows, this type of file has taken root so well because of the presence of the Desktop. At least once every experienced user has encountered errors when working with shortcuts, how to fix them? It wouldn't hurt to figure it out.

Which barcodes are available depends on the backend installed. You can use a rotation list to rotate a barcode in 90 degree increments. If the value for the required barcode is not valid, an error message appears. In theory, the barcode can be placed anywhere on the label, but in practice the software has its own problems with rotated barcodes. Here it also crashed without comment when inserting a barcode rotated by 90 or 270 degrees.

So he waits with a certain maturity and stability. Figure 1: Using shortcuts labeled with noise makes jamming twice as fun. Likewise, clicking on a product name provides expanded information about the corresponding product if the template library contains matching links.

To properly resolve problems with shortcuts, it is important to identify the cause.

The structure of this type of file cannot be called complex. Essentially, this is a small document in which a link with parameters is written. It is not difficult to identify this type of file - it is an icon with an arrow at the bottom (although in some “builds” of the Windows OS there may not be an arrow). Most modern operating systems support them at a very deep level. You can view the contents of a shortcut by calling its context menu and clicking “Properties”.

Figure 2: The new selection dialog allows you to filter by manufacturer, format or application area and prepares search results. Figure 3: Links from the template dialog lead to a manufacturer or product page. Although the manual has changed little, the maintainers have completed the documentation, but further. However, for now you must translate the program manually. The program allows parallel installation for a series program.

To get everything out of the software, you definitely need to take a look at the additional libraries. If they are present on the system during installation, the installation will automatically recognize them and associate them. Although manufacturers usually provide their products with fairly accurate information, it is worth re-evaluating: this way you avoid unwanted surprises. This is especially useful for arcs with many smaller objects because in this case the incorrect information is very clear. Sequentially measure the marks as a whole and divide the measured value by the number.

Here you can see several tabs:

Possible problems and their solutions

Most often, when working with such links, one common problem occurs. The object referenced by the file has been moved, deleted, or lost by the system. Or it may not be able to start. It is not uncommon for a user to try to call something that is no longer at the destination address. This is the most common error when working with a shortcut.

Additionally, you should add the width of the edges and check if the height and width of the arc actually occur. Under no circumstances should you skip the horizontal and vertical supernova information in the Template Wizard. If labels or cards on a sheet have interstices, this is not a waste, but a blessing: you have the ability to define a print area that first accepts small inaccuracies in the printer input and secondly makes professional perspective printing possible. Simply position half of the gap between the object as a canopy - so you always remain safe.

There are several solutions to this problem:

  • Just remove the shortcut. It must be remembered that it does not play any critical role in the system. It does not record important information other than the location of the file or folder. That is, by doing this, you will not delete an important document that you are used to finding by double-clicking on it.
  • Rewrite the object reference. In the appropriate tab, simply replace the target object address with a new one. To do this, find a new object and look at its location in its “Properties”. Then copy this data into the shortcut properties.
  • If an object has been moved, the easiest way is to create a new link to it. To do this, just call up the context menu of the desired file or folder, then click “Send” - “Desktop”. This will allow you to quickly access the desired document directly from your Desktop.

How does recycling work?

There is no real border behind the value label specified in the label dimensions, but only a helper line to show the label's boundaries in the design window. Especially for small marks, it is recommended to significantly reduce the default value of 3.2 millimeters, since the edge is otherwise more disturbing than useful. Keep in mind that this is one of the few viable ways for developers to come up with new templates - buying every possible product is prohibitive on a small project budget. That's why we only pack what needs to be packed.

Errors of this kind are a small problem. Of course, if it is not caused by another, larger problem. If you can't find what you need by the name next to the icon, try using Windows Search.

Other problems

It cannot be ruled out that a virus is to blame for problems with file links. This is possible if a good antivirus package is not installed on your PC. Conduct a comprehensive scan using Microsoft Security Essentials or Kaspersky. After that, try the methods mentioned above.

And this makes the new box even more durable. Just enter them into your biotone. . For this reason, we decided to take an environmentally friendly solution. In the Order Number field, enter 1; for multiple labels, simply use sequential numbers. Follow this link for return label. . New pre-designed templates offer more flexibility and creativity. It's easy to download Avery's Goal Master from Avery's main page. Just follow the instructions on the screen.

Before installing the application, be sure to close all applications. Also disable all antivirus programs and screen saver. Security settings for macros are located in the Trust Center. However, in an organization, the system administrator may change the default setting and you may not be able to change certain settings.


The problems with shortcuts themselves are not that difficult. If you have basic Windows skills, you can probably handle them without difficulty. And if the root of the problem still cannot be eliminated, please write in the comments, our site users will tell you the right solution!

NOTE. You must select the following option: “Disable all macros except digitally signed macros.” This option is similar to disabling all notification macros, except that the macro can be executed by subscribing to a trusted publisher that you already trust. This allows you to choose whether to enable signed macros or trust the publisher. All unsigned macros are silently disabled.

  • In the Trust Center, select Trust Settings and click Macro Settings.
  • If you do not consider the publisher to be reliable, you will be notified.
A security warning may also appear.

You are faced with this situation: shortcuts on your desktop have stopped launching. It is possible that not only the shortcuts, but also the programs themselves (files with the .exe extension) do not launch. You are in a panic, not knowing what to do in such cases, you call the Master or take your computer or laptop to the office, although in fact, with a little knowledge you will be able to solve not only these problems, but also many others. This is precisely what this article and, in general, the entire Site as a whole are aimed at.

When the security dialog appears, you are given the option to enable or disable the macro. The user then accesses the server files from individual workstations and installs the software on each computer. Below is a description of these different types of applications. Current program must be on the workstation and run there. You can only run the installation from the server. Network application can be installed once per server. The application on the server can then be called and executed from any workstation.

So, what to do if shortcuts on the desktop do not launch.

Why shortcuts do not open or are opened by one program

This happens for many reasons - sometimes we ourselves are to blame for incorrectly setting the opening of shortcuts or executable files through one program or another. (In this case, when you try to launch a program shortcut or exe file, some completely different program may open - a browser, notepad, archiver, etc.). This may be a product of malicious software.

The application does not have to be installed individually on each workstation. Click the Insert Clip button on the wizard toolbar. The Insert Picture dialog box opens. Under Data Type, select All Graphs or select the type of data you want to insert.

Find and select the graphic you want to insert. To insert a picture into your template, click Insert. The graphics are then inserted into the template. Note. This ensures the correct size and format of the graphics. If you want to change the graphics format after inserting a graphic into your template, right-click the graphic and select Format Graphics. Additional tip: Text boxes, text and graphics can be moved to suit the template layout. If you select and delete a graphic "anchor" with which a graphic object is placed, the graphic object is also deleted.

Our task is to fix this.

An easy way to solve the error is to search the Internet for files to fix this error. Search keywords are fix exe and fix lnk. You need to find files with the reg extension (pay attention to the Windows version in the description) and import data from them into your registry.

A description of how to solve the problem manually is BELOW.

What are the requirements for creating barcodes?

Click "Undo" to restore the graphics. A step-by-step guide for our assistant is available here. We recommend that you communicate barcode requirements with the appropriate authorities to ensure that the barcodes you create meet specifications. We also recommend that you perform detailed reading tests barcode before using barcodes. Also note that changing the size or appearance of the barcode may cause readability issues.

If they don't start exe files(instructions for Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10)

Restoring the launch of programs on the command line. To do this, press the key combination Win + R

The Run utility will open where we write cmd and click OK.

After this it will open Command line.

The wizard may stop working while other programs are running. To resume your session, click the Back button in the wizard and click the Next button. This will take you back to the screen you were working on when it froze and no data was lost. Select the option "Type multiple, different text input in arc." Enter text for each label and format it as desired. You can also create a partially printed sheet. Start anywhere on the bow.

However, it is not recommended to have labels fed more than once by laser or inkjet printer. If you need support, we recommend the following steps. If you need additional support, please review the questions below about your issue. You can also use the Help menu in the Find My Friends app.

In the command line, type notepad and press Enter - Notepad will launch.

Paste the text below into notepad:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [-HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\FileExts\.exe] “exefile”=hex(0):

Browsing support

Find out how to do this if the location isn't showing, the location is incorrect, or your friends can't see your device's location.

You forced the application to close

If you Find Friends may not be able to determine proximity to a geographic location. Once closed, open the app again on your device. You should force the Find My Friends app to close only when it stops responding. Find My Friends can also send your current location to friends when the app is running in the background.

Change the file type field Text Document to "all files".

"No location" displayed for friends

This feature may not be available in all countries or regions due to technical limitations or regional laws. Your friend may need to correct the date on his device. . The device's previous location is available for two hours. After two hours, "Location Unavailable" is displayed.

Location is no longer current or inaccurate

Wait a few minutes and then try again. The selection only appears if you're signed in on multiple devices using Find My Friends. If the location is too large, wait a few minutes and try again. The device may try to determine the location more accurately, or it may be unable to do so.

set the encoding to Unicode.

save the file with the extension Write any name (in picture 1).reg to drive C. and click Save.

Location tag is inaccurate

If you set a standby shortcut, such as Home or Work, the label only appears if the device's location is accurate. The tag may not appear if your device's location is too vague to match the location you used when setting the tag.

Support sending and receiving location requests

You didn't receive your friend's request

If your friend uses a different email address, look in your inbox to see how you received the request from your friend. Get support for creating a "time share". To get help creating a "time share". You can participate in up to 10 limited-time events, and any limited-time event with up to 50 friends can be registered. If you are, you can accept temporary groups or additionally create before the event is released or delete.

Perhaps the System will not allow you to follow this Save path, requiring Administrator Rights. Then Save to your Desktop, and then copy to Disk C.

Return to and enter the command: REG IMPORT C:\saved_file_name.reg in my case REG IMPORT C:\1.reg

You may see a message above when you need to configure your iMessage. Follow these steps to set up iMessage one. Version 56 Version 55 Version 54 Version 53 Version 52 Version 51 Version 50 Version 50 Version 49 Version 48 Version 47 Version 47 Version 46 Version 45.

Error when starting the application

Basic navigation Install and update Sync and save chat and sharing.

  • Do more with apps.
  • Manage preferences and add-ons.
  • Solutions for crashes, slowness, error messages and other problems.
You can also restart your computer, or if you have an administrator account, you can run programs as an administrator. In the list of users, select “Administrator” or any other user with administrator rights.
  • Select "Next User:".
  • Enter the password required to access this user account.
Next topics.

On Windows 10, this procedure can be performed in a different way. We move the cursor to Saved File and press the right mouse button, in the window that appears, click Merge.

We answer “Yes” to the system’s request to enter data into the registry.

Restart your computer - programs should start as before.

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Labels in any operating systems have to use it constantly. This is no secret to anyone. However, novice users, when performing certain actions, sometimes make mistakes when working with the shortcut. Let's try to figure out how to fix several typical situations. It’s worth immediately paying attention to the fact that even if you delete shortcuts to the system or applications for which they were created, nothing catastrophic will happen, since they only serve as a pointer to the location of the desired file for quickly starting a program, opening a document, network resource or links to a page on the Internet.

Common mistakes when working with shortcuts

Before making any specific decisions to eliminate or correct problems with shortcuts, let's figure out what, in fact, can be the mistakes of users who try to perform some actions with them.

The most common situation is when you click on an application icon, but the program does not start, and the system reports that the file being referenced has been deleted or moved. No less often one can encounter situations when a label changes its appearance, and the icon turns white (or transparent). This indicates that the application or files were removed incorrectly (along with the icon file), but the shortcut with a link to it remained. This can often be found in cases where the program was uninstalled manually and the shortcut was pinned, for example, to the “Taskbar”.

Finally, the most unpleasant situation is observed with shortcuts presented in the form of browser icons and links to certain web resources, when not opened start page or the site indicated in the link, but some kind of advertising resource, incomprehensible search system, all kinds of casinos or sites of dubious content.

These are, in general terms, the main mistakes when working with shortcuts. Let’s try to figure out how to correct each of the presented situations. Let's start with the simplest.

How to open shortcut properties and check object reference?

First of all, let's assume that the file that the shortcut refers to was actually deleted or moved to another location by the user. When you click on an icon, but the system does not find the specified object, a window immediately appears in which you are asked to specify the path to the file yourself. How can I fix the error when working with the shortcut in this case? Just use the browse to find the very file to which the link is written in the shortcut, and then click the “OK” button.

You can do it differently. Call up the shortcut properties using the corresponding item in the RMB menu on the program icon, and then on the shortcut tab look at the object type field. Here you need to either enter the path to the desired file manually, or copy it from address bar“Explorer” as text, then paste it into the appropriate block and save the changes.

How to create a shortcut on the “Desktop” instead of a remote one?

In general, as practice shows, it is often advisable to use a simpler solution. To begin with, you can simply remove the non-working shortcut or link from the “Desktop” or from the “Taskbar” (in the tenth Windows versions For this purpose, the unpin point is used).

After that, find in Explorer the directory with the required file start the application, and then right-click on “Send...”, then from the additional menu select “Desktop (create shortcut)”. The icon image for the icon will be attached automatically.

You can also simply create a shortcut directly in the workspace (or in file manager), using the RMB menu for this, and then specify the location of the required object on disk or an address on the Internet.

We figured out how to display a shortcut on the “Desktop”. But what to do if the icon has changed its appearance?

To do this, in the shortcut properties, you can use the icon change button and select any other image from the standard set or from what may be offered for the application you are looking for. Typically, such image files are in ICO format and are located in the root directory with installed programs.

Some features of viral effects on browser shortcuts

Finally, let's look at how to fix the error when working with a shortcut if you are faced with your computer becoming infected with all sorts of adware virus applets. We are not taking their removal or neutralization into account now, since this is a separate topic for discussion. Let us focus on the fact that almost all known viruses of this type create postscripts in the form of links in the object type fields of browser shortcuts, which is why, even after the virus body is deleted, redirects to dubious sites on the Internet can be made. Open the shortcut properties of the browser you are using, and then in the object field, look at the end of the address line executable file browser.

There should be absolutely nothing after its name with the EXE extension. If you find something there, just delete the postscript and save the changes.

Note: For most well-known browsers, the final file name will contain the name of the browser with the EXE extension, but for Opera browser the Launcher.exe file will be listed.