Why can a group be banned? Blocking a VKontakte group

When a group is blocked, you usually react like this: “But nothing was broken there! Please help! - how do you know that nothing was violated? Why are you so sure? Have you read the rules for using the VKontakte website? We will look at the most common situations when a group is blocked, as well as what needs to be done to unblock it (and whether this is possible).

Why was the group blocked?

When a group is blocked Always show the reason for blocking. To find it out right away, just go to the page of your blocked group - it will be written there. True, if you log in through the mobile application, you can only see "Blocked due to user complaints." In this case, go to the group through the full version of VK - this way you will definitely find out the reason.

Community blocked for attracting members using spam

The VK rules and the help section clearly state: you cannot send private messages to people or leave comments anywhere advertising the community. This is called “spam” and they block you for it. We talk about permitted and prohibited methods of promoting the community here:

Community blocked for violating the rights of third parties (at the request of copyright holders)

It is written that you have violated the rights of third parties. What are these third parties? What rights of these individuals did you violate? Everything is very simple. The first person is yourself. The second person is the site administration. And third parties are any other people or organizations who may not be users of the site, but whose interests you have affected by your activities in the group.

Most likely, you posted some materials or used trademarks without the permission of those who own the rights to use them. Conclusion? You need to know the laws - ignorance of them does not exempt you from responsibility. And of course, you can't steal. Every work - photograph, drawing, video, music - has a copyright holder, and he has the right to demand that you remove what you do not have the right to. Just because something is publicly available on the Internet does not mean that it can be taken and used. Even the rights to the works of deceased people are owned by someone - for example, their heirs.

Also, with the mark “at the request of copyright holders,” groups that sell copies of goods of well-known brands (counterfeits, replicas) are often blocked. Naturally, copyright holders protect their interests in accordance with the law and demand that VK eliminate violations, which VK does.

Community blocked for cheating members

Everyone wants their group to have a lot of participants, but you can’t order cheating of participants - they always block you for this. No options. In addition, when cheating, it is not real people who are added to the group, but their hacked pages - they are of no use.

Community blocked for personal insult

You cannot insult people and humiliate their dignity. Including on the VK website. You didn't know this? Now you'll know. Of course, it may be that it was not you who insulted the person, but someone else, but if you are the owner, then this is your problem - you did not follow the group.

The community is blocked for posting materials justifying the commission of *******

This is an extremely sensitive topic. Placing posts or pictures in any way related to it (even indirectly) is absolutely unacceptable. The chances of being unblocked are slim. If you try to achieve it, figure out how the prohibited materials got into the group, and tell the agents what you did to prevent the situation from happening again.

The community is blocked due to a possible violation of site rules

In this case, most likely you already know or can guess why your group was blocked. The group violated the rules for using the VKontakte website or they were violated by the advertising that you posted in the group.

If you don’t understand what happened at all, it means that the matter is connected with the “hacking” of your page or one of the other group administrators. The attackers took advantage of the fact that you did not care about security and posted something in the group on your behalf that violated the rules of VK. You should restore access to the hacked administrator page, and then contact agents about unblocking the community (below).

The community is blocked for holding dubious competitions or promotions

There are a lot of scammers on VKontakte who “play” or “give away” iPhones and other prizes, and then ask the victims to transfer money for shipping, insurance, etc. (more details: Won a prize (iPhone) in a competition. Is this a scam, a scam?). If you did something like this, it's a hint that It's better not to continue. If not, and the competition was fair, contact support and prove it. How to do this is written below. Please familiarize yourself with rules for holding VKontakte competitions and make sure that they have not been violated.

Community blocked for suspicious donations to charity

The VKontakte administration is actively fighting against scammers who collect money on behalf of charitable foundations, for the treatment of non-existent children, to help supposedly some animals, and so on. Fraudulent groups and pages are constantly blocked. Sometimes normal groups that, for one reason or another, have aroused suspicion are also blocked along with them. The problem can be solved. To do this, the group owner or one of the administrators must contact support and explain the situation (how to do this is written below). But only one! Under no circumstances should you organize a flash mob and ask people to massively send requests for unblocking.

There are special rules for conducting charity fundraisers on the VKontakte website - you can familiarize yourself with them. You need to be prepared for the administration to ask you to provide certain supporting documents. This is important and necessary for the normal operation of a charity group - after all, there must be something that convincingly distinguishes it from scammers.

Perhaps the community has been taken over by ill-wishers. We blocked him to return him to his real owners.

This usually happens when a group was stolen (more precisely, the group owner’s page was hacked) and unacceptable materials began to be posted on it. In this case, you should restore access to the hacked administrator page, and also think about how you allowed this to happen, and what to do to prevent this from happening again (see security measures). Only after this can you try to unlock it (more on that below).

Also, this reason for blocking can arise if you bought a group, but it was stolen, and the original owner complained to VK support. In this case there are no prospects.

How long was the group blocked?

If the group owner does nothing (does not contact support as described below), the group will remain blocked forever. But it is possible that even after an appeal the group will not be unblocked - it all depends on the seriousness of the violation, and each case is considered individually.

How to unblock and restore a group?

You cannot ask group members to contact support en masse and write requests to unblock the group - this will not help in any way, but will only hinder the unblocking. The group creator or one of its administrators must communicate with support.

Typically, those who are looking on the Internet for how to bypass a ban in a VKontakte group (vkontakte.ru) are trying to solve two problems - 1) returning to the community and the rights to comment in it (the ability to leave messages), 2) gaining access to the content posted there ( readability). Let's say right away that it is impossible to return to the group after you have been banned, unless the administrator or moderator himself removes you from the blacklist. However, you can view new posts in a group even if you are on the blacklist. To do this, just open a group without being logged into VKontakte. So…

How to bypass a ban in a VKontakte group: ways to bypass a ban

  • Right-click on the link to the group and select “Open a window link in incognito mode” (and in the English version of the browser – “Open Link in New Private Window”).
  • Use another browser where you are logged out of a social network.
  • Create a new profile in Firefox and use it to view the group where you are banned.
  • Leave VKontakte for a while.

These methods of bypassing blocking only work if the community is an open group or public. There is no way to get around a ban in a closed VKontakte group - you can only create a new page and apply to join.

Why can you get banned from a VKontakte group?

To summarize this short article, we note that it is much easier for any user to follow the rules established in the community than to look for ways to bypass a ban in a group. Most administrators are quite loyal to even the most emotional communication in the public, because this only increases its activity, so if it comes to a ban, most likely you have managed to annoy the administration with your flooding and trolling.

In addition, before you start communicating in a group, be sure to read the rules adopted in it. Some groups automatically block users who post videos, external links to sites, pictures, or use obscene words on the wall. Be mutually polite, and then you won’t have to think about how to get around the ban in the VKontakte group.

If you have ever wanted to block any group on the VKontakte social network, then this article is for you.

Why do you need to ban someone else's group?

  • Excessive reposting of posts from your personal community;
  • Placing unflattering materials (and sometimes materials that are completely contrary to the law);
  • Personal hostility towards the participants or administration of the group.

What to do if you need to block a group? The VK administration provides several ways to cut off user access to an objectionable community.

Method one. You need to go to the main page of the group and mark any message as containing spam - more than a dozen groups have been blocked this way. To do this, look for the cross above the message in the upper right corner. You can complain not only about spam, but also about violations of the law - posting drug propaganda, insults, extremism; the list is quite long. This is the most likely to get you banned.

Method two. In the top panel of the social network, find the Help tab and go to the page. In the search field you need to enter the main problem you are facing - Complaint about the group. VKontakte will display a small list of questions that users face, and one of them will be How to complain about a group. Click on it, then click on the Complain about the community button and describe the essence of the problem, finally clicking Send.

What to do next? After this, all that remains is to wait for the blocking of the group that offended you or broke the law. It will be very difficult to unblock a community after serious violations.

Group. In fact, there are only two simple methods that will definitely help. True, you will have to try. As a rule, such actions require special attention and effort. Let's see how to block a group on a social network.

For what?

But before that, it’s worth talking about a rather important point. Namely, why do we need to block? Maybe this is really important, or maybe it’s just pampering?

Honestly, if you really think about how to block a group on VK, then you need to understand in advance why you need it. This case can be accomplished only when the public does not comply with the laws and rules of the social network. For example, it disseminates false information, spam, or contains elements of extremist actions, violence, pornography, and so on. Only then can you hope for the actual implementation of your plans. Let's see how to join the group.

Getting ready

Before implementing our plans, we will have to do a little preparation. To be honest, this process may take a long time. Especially if you decide to close some popular public page.

The first thing you need is to have a work account in Contact. Without it, you will not be able to use the features provided by the network. If you don’t have one, you can go through a quick registration and fill out your profile. After this, you can think further about how to block a group in Contact.

In addition, it would be nice to find like-minded people. Preferably more. The more people, the better. This is all done to ensure that blocking does not occur on the first complaint. Collective action is what will give you a real chance of carrying out the operation. Now we can talk in more detail about our topic today.

We're complaining

Now we’ll see how to block a group in Contact. To be honest, this method does not provide a 100% guarantee that your idea will be realized. However, this is the only method that can be used.

You must file a complaint against the public. Many indications of violations usually help to bring special attention to the group, which leads to its removal. Just what we need.

Log in to the social network, and then go to your profile. Take a close look at the top bar of the social network. There you will find the "Help" item. Now click on this inscription, and then select the “Complaint” section from the drop-down list. There you indicate the “Per group” parameter, and then click on the line “other” (or “none of the options are suitable”).

Now you will need to take the public address and copy it into the letter that you will have to compose. Write why you want the group to be blocked. Make a strong argument and then submit your request. Now you can ask like-minded people for help. Let them write their complaints too. Only such that they do not look like they were copied. You can wait for an answer. If your actions are justified, the public will soon be closed. That's all.


Now you know how to block a group in Contact. As you can see, this is a rather long process, which does not guarantee that your desire will be realized. So we have to look for other solutions.

Some users claim that blocking public pages and communities may require a special program. Honestly, this kind of content is a terrible thing. The point is that such software serves as a virus. It steals user accounts and infects the computer with various infections. Remember that the only safe way to block public pages is to file complaints.

The VKontakte social network has tens of thousands (if not hundreds) of all kinds of communities, groups and public pages (see). Some of them are very useful. Others don't. And in third places you can find outright prohibited materials. Such as porn, financial pyramids, sale of low-quality goods, etc. How can you block such a group in contact??

In fact, there is no particular difficulty. And now I will show you how this can be done.

What is it for

If you are an active user and you care about what information is available on a social network, then you probably go to block a suspicious community for fraud, insult, or other prohibited actions.

How can you block a group on VK

Since you are not an administrator or the creator of the group, you will not have a simple blocking mechanism. In this case, you must send an official complaint to the VKontakte administration (see). You must indicate the address of the community that you consider suspicious, attach screenshots with a description (see), which would confirm your words.

Let's see how to do it correctly.

Send a complaint about the group

I have already discussed this issue in the article -. Let's look at this point again.

We go to contact and click “Help”.

A list of popular questions will open. Here you need to write any text in the search bar. A message will appear stating that no answers were found for this query. And there will be a link “Write to us”. Follow it.

You will be taken to a form where you need to fill out your question.

In the title we write that it is necessary to block the VKontakte group. Further in the text of the message, we need to indicate her address (see), as well as the reason for the blocking. It is advisable if you attach photographs that clearly show the materials that you consider prohibited. When you have completely filled out the form, click the “Submit” button.

Now you need to wait until the administration considers the complaint and makes a decision to block the community.

Sending a collective complaint to a group

Please note that the more complaints are sent, the greater the likelihood that the group will be blocked.

How can this be done? VKontakte has a large number of groups where users work together to help each other. This could be, or sending collective complaints.

All you need to do is find such a group and post a message asking for help in blocking a malicious public page.

To do this, go to VKontakte and write “Complain” in the search bar. And filter by community. In the final list we look for a suitable group.

We see that the community “Complain about a group in contact and pages”, suits us. We go into it and leave our request on the wall about the need to block the group. Don't forget to add her address.

Now you need to wait until active users see your request and also send a complaint to block the specified VK group.

This will greatly increase the chances that the administration will close the community.


Keep in mind that no one gives a 100% guarantee of blocking a group. It is not a fact that the administration will consider your complaint adequate.

Also, do not forget that your groups may be blocked. Therefore, you should not get carried away with publishing unscrupulous materials.


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