The back of the computer wall affects a person. How a cactus protects against computer radiation

Do you remember how personal computers became widespread in our country in the 90s? Back then, almost every person who worked on a computer for a long time considered it their duty to acquire a cactus and place it near the monitor. Like, a prickly friend saves you from radiation.

First, let's determine what terrible thing people try to protect themselves from with the help of a cactus? Old monitors actually emitted x-rays. However, those times have sunk into oblivion, and modern computers can only emit electromagnetic waves. Many computers are marked Low Radiation, but this is not radiation, but electromagnetic radiation.

However, in relation to it, technological thought has moved far forward. If a dozen years ago monitors (more precisely, the “tails” of their picture tubes) emitted quite a lot of electromagnetic waves with a frequency from tens of hertz to hundreds of megahertz and could negatively affect the development of cardiovascular diseases, pregnancy, and reduce immunity, then modern monitors have many "lotions" designed to protect the user as much as possible. The newest monitors emit almost nothing. The number of electromagnetic waves from them is comparable to the number of the same waves from any other electrical appliances, or even less. By the way, staying near electrical wiring for a long time (for example, if your bed is near it) gives our body much more harmful effects of waves than a computer.

The wavelengths of this radiation are much larger than the size of any cactus. Therefore, electromagnetic waves seem to flow around the cactus, practically “not noticing” it. However, it turns out that in radio engineering there is such a thing as “effective size,” when the shape of the reflector is even more important than its size. Then the space of its action increases many times over. The cactus, with its rows of needles, exactly resembles the shape of a so-called multi-strip corner reflector, capable of reflecting an electromagnetic signal in the opposite direction.

The only thing is that the reflector itself must be made with precisely adjusted dimensions. As we understand, cacti made by Mother Nature do not have precise sizes and each one is a little different from the others. But there is a solution here too. A system of several reflectors can work effectively even with errors in the sizes of its individual cacti elements. That is, you need to take 5 cacti and place them around the electrical appliance so that they are at the vertices of a regular pentagon, the edge of which is from 5 to 25 diameters of the cactus. They say that this system is absolute protective screen, beyond which no electromagnetic radiation will escape.

So, as we see, there is no need to be afraid of radiation from a single modern monitor - it is very small in the total mass of waves and rays acting on us. But a cactus (or any other plant) is worth putting on your table, if only simply because indoor flowers, in general, have a beneficial effect on our condition and delight us with their appearance.

A few more factors in favor of cacti near the computer

1. Like most indoor plants, cacti ionize and humidify the air. Placing electrical equipment at high density, for example in offices, worsens the air ion composition, which can cause headaches. Ventilate the room more often and place cacti there, which work as a passive ionizer.

2. Under conditions of electromagnetic radiation, cacti grow better, which means their appearance creates a positive microclimate and improves mood.

Have a nice day!

Greetings to all readers of our wonderful blog. Today we will find out why do they put cacti near computers? and is it true that they absorb the radiation that your personal friend emits, thereby protecting you from radiation. So these are just myths and nothing more. First, let's dispel the myth that a computer emits radiation.

Do not rush to judge us for the fact that recently, at first glance, non-thematic articles have appeared on the site. This may be so, but we decided to at least somehow positively influence your health, we wrote an article about preserving vision, and wrote about coffee and energy drinks. It all seems simple things, which surround us everywhere, but there are a lot of stereotypes and myths around this.

Computer radiation

This reminds me of my childhood, when my father, seeing me at the computer, always asked:

"Are you going to eat?"
I answered: “No, I don’t want to.”
In response, he said: “I see. So I’ve eaten enough radiation and I’m already full.”

Based on this, I read the literature to convince my father that my computer does not emit any radiation. Our iron guy does not emit any radioactive alpha, beta, gamma, or neutron particles. If it was still possible to receive X-ray radiation from old monitors, now this is completely excluded in new monitors.

Sometimes on monitors you can see such an inscription as “Low Radiation”. You may immediately think that the translation will be “Low level of radiation,” but the word “Radiation” itself in translation will mean “Radiation,” namely electromagnetic, and in no case radioactive. This type of radiation can be emitted by any electrical object. Of course, the monitor emits the most, but if you sit half a meter away from it, then you are already in the safe zone.

If you have many computers in one office at work, and they are on a trailer like desks at school, it is better to rearrange them and now I will explain why. The fact is that the electromagnetic radiation from the monitor acts not only in front of the screen, but also on the sides and behind, even stronger than in the front. Therefore, you should be wary not only of your computer, but also of neighboring computers.

This radiation affects the human body, thereby disrupting the metabolism in his body. Therefore, be careful when installing a computer at your workplace or at home.

There is one more nuance that not everyone pays attention to - air. The monitor has the ability to electrify not only itself, but also the air in the room in which it is located. The air itself receives a positive charge, and this is not very good for the human body. How do you think, why does a person feel good in the mountains? or when they relax at sea? The whole reason is that the air there is negatively charged, so a person feels good. Therefore, in a room where many computers are working, the air is heavy and it is not very comfortable to stay there for a long time.

What does this have to do with cacti?

Now let's talk about the myth about cacti. They say that cacti absorb radiation from a computer, but as we found out, it certainly does not absorb any radiation, but I can agree about electromagnetic radiation. Many plants tend to grow more in an electromagnetic environment, one of these plants is a cactus. Thereby they absorb electromagnetic radiation, but do not in any way reduce the level of radiation itself.

From this we can conclude that the cactus stands near the computer more for beauty than for benefit. Since it does not solve anything fundamental in your workplace in terms of protection, and especially the radiation is not so great as to cause harm to a person. For it to have any effect, you need to sit in front of the monitor for 200 years. And we, as you know, don’t live that long.

Articles constantly appear in the press about the harmful radiation that comes from computers and, in particular, from monitors. Yes, there is radiation. But not much more than from most household appliances. And many times below acceptable standards. However, some “hot heads” are exaggerating this topic. And to draw attention to it even more, they claim radiation emanating from the monitors.

Since Chernobyl, panic about radiation has exceeded all imaginable limits. Many people are ready to believe anything when they hear the word “radiation”. Computers do not, and cannot have, the radiation that occurred in Hiroshima or Chernobyl. All sources of such radiation are strictly controlled by governments and they certainly are not placed in computers.
Once upon a time, while still a student, I studied BJD within the walls of the institute. One of the topics of this subject was radioactive radiation. That’s when an electronic dosimeter fell into my hands. I share with you the measurement results:

    surrounding objects (table, walls, clothes): 10 mR/h;

    clothes of students from Sarov (nuclear center): 12 mR/h;

    glassware in the laboratory: 14 mR/h;

    walls in the basement: 13 mR/h;

    piece of granite: 20 mR/h;

    monitor screen turned off (CRT, manufactured in 1993): 7 mR/h;

    screen of the same monitor in maximum resolution mode: 14 mR/h;

    sample of material from Chernobyl (the size of a fingernail in a lead box): 150,000,000 mR/h.

People who talk about computer radiation have confused the monitor with a nuclear reactor. The computer does not emit any radioactive particles (alpha, beta, gamma, neutron).
The word “radiation” in the PC documentation is literally translated as “radiation”. The same word in English means direct bright light - solar radiation - solar radiation. When working on any of modern monitors the user absorbs significantly less radiation than when walking along a sunny street. Perhaps ordinary “solar” radiation can cause harm, but here the role of a PC monitor is not noticeable against the general background.

But where did the belief about radiation come from? From bad knowledge in English and the inscriptions on the monitor "Low Radiation". The correct translation into Russian means "low level of electromagnetic radiation." The computer does emit this radiation, just like any electrical device, including a coffee maker. Emits electricity especially strongly magnetic fields CRT monitor. We “grab” no less a dose of electromagnetic radiation from a TV, a vacuum cleaner, a trolleybus, and if there is electrical wiring near your bed, then it will be worse than a computer.
Nevertheless, there are people who even believe the ancient joke about how cacti protect against radiation (it was invented without any reason by one of the users of the FIDO network). There are even publications in which cactus needles are compared with antennae, formulas are given and theorems are proven. Alas, if everything was as it is written in these articles, then radars would not work in Mexico. And they work. And no worse than in any other country. The harsh truth of life is that the presence of plants does not in any way affect the level of radiation from the monitor. Rather, plants evoke positive emotions in the grower than have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, negating the harmful effects of electromagnetic fields on it (the nervous system).
The problem of electromagnetic safety when working on displays has not yet received correct arguments for or against and remains open. The debate about the role of electromagnetic radiation in affecting the health of computer users is still ongoing. Without disputing the fact that monitors, like televisions, emit certain types of electromagnetic energy, some believe that staff illnesses have no connection with them. Others believe that radiation is dangerous and can cause various pathologies, including cancer. And as soon as the words “cancer”, “oncology”, “malignant tumor” are uttered, hysteria immediately arises in society.
CRT monitors are a source of almost all types of radiation. But it should be noted that others electrical devices create magnetic fields of much greater intensity. So, for example, a fax machine at a distance of 30 cm creates a field of 300-600 nT, and a copy machine at the same distance creates a field of 2100-3100 nT. The monitor, manufactured in 1993, emits 200 nT under the same measurement conditions. Newer monitors are even smaller: 2-25 nT. However, unlike a fax or copier, the problem of electromagnetic radiation emanating from personal computers, becomes quite acute due to the fact that the PC user works at a close distance to him for a long time.
The reason for the ambiguity of opinions is the research methodology. Proving the impact of one factor, it is very difficult to exclude the impact of others. Sometimes this causes unreliable results or ambiguous conclusions. One landmark study found that lung cancer is more likely to occur in people who shave their faces with electric razors. Indeed, all statistical calculations were performed without a single error. Men are more likely to suffer from lung cancer. Men shave more often than women. Accordingly, the conclusion was correct: lung cancer is more common in people who shave. From here it is not far to accusations against companies that produce “cancer-provoking” household appliances.
Approximately the same situation arises with the electromagnetic hazard of monitors. To date, a significant amount of experimental research has been carried out in the world. But there is no definite answer, and it is not expected in the near future.
To deny the general influence of monitors on health in such conditions is at least unreasonable. But, speaking about the prevention of malignant neoplasms, it is worth noting that electromagnetic fields play a minor role compared to other factors. And if you have already decided to prevent cancer, then you need to start with simpler things: quit smoking, drink alcohol in moderation, exercise regularly and monitor your body weight. These simple and timely measures will actually reduce the risk of cancer several times.
And in conclusion, we will consider in more detail the radiation from the monitor (given in the full format of the book - note by the compiler).
The computer system unit also emits radiation. But he is iron on all sides. Provided it is grounded, electromagnetic radiation cannot escape from it. What if the body is made with plastic windows or even made of plastic? Do you think plastic can create a barrier to such radiation? So a stylish modding case, with plastic windows and light bulbs inside, may not be so attractive.

A home computer is a source of information that emits computer radiation. Its value can range from 2 to 50 mGs. How harmful is such an effect on the human body?

Where does the radiation come from?

Electronic devices emit radiation different types– electromagnetic waves, electrostatic voltage and radiation. Modern gadgets are safer; they do not have a cathode ray tube that emits rays that resemble x-rays in their properties. Electrostatic voltage is created by all devices that use electricity; its main sources are power lines. Living in the city it is impossible to get rid of it; radiation from computers makes up a small amount of this exposure. Therefore, it is worthwhile to dwell in more detail on electromagnetic waves.

They are not felt and do not cause visible harm to health, but the World Health Organization has included them in the list of environmentally hazardous factors.

When operating from an electrical network, devices create pulse oscillations in the physical field surrounding the Earth. These fluctuations cause disturbances in the general electromagnetic field of the planet, having a negative impact on the state of the ecosystem. And harmful radiation from a computer at home can have a negative impact on health.

Let's look at what a computer emits and why it is harmful.

The human body also produces electrical impulses. With their help, signals from the brain and spinal cord are sent through nerve endings, and skeletal muscles and heart muscles contract. Thousands of signals per second are transmitted along nerve endings, so it is easy to understand what harm can occur from a computer; radiation affects the complex system of transmission of electrical impulses and can lead to disruption of their interaction. The impact is not felt immediately, it accumulates in the body, gradually worsening the functioning of organs and systems.

The two most important systems are the most vulnerable:

  • Nervous
  • Cardiovascular.

Under this influence, brain signals can be abnormally altered. This causes disruption of the functioning of the cardiovascular system and brain.

The normal functioning of the cardiovascular system depends on the consistency and strength of impulses. One or more devices in the house cannot cause a noticeable disturbance in the functioning of the heart, but constant exposure to radiation can cause arrhythmia and cardiovascular failure.

Long-term exposure can lead to headaches, migraines, decreased immunity, depression, hormonal imbalance and sleep pathology. Working at a computer increases the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, cancer and reproductive system dysfunction.

Important! Such exposure is especially dangerous for a growing and developing organism - children and pregnant women are at risk.

How dangerous is a home computer?

A home computer, laptop or smartphone is a source of harmful radiation. How much radiation you receive from a computer depends on various factors: type of device, time of use, location.

Radiation from a computer monitor

Monitors with cathode ray tubes are considered the most harmful. When using them, the question arose for the first time: does the computer emit radiation? Yes – the radiation from the monitor can be compared to X-ray radiation in terms of harmfulness. The device creates pulsating fields of energy around itself and high electrical voltage, which persists after the computer is turned off for 2 or more hours.

Liquid crystal monitors are safer; they generate radiation of about 50 Hz. This dose is not enough to cause specific harm to the body, but with constant exposure, unpleasant consequences cannot be avoided.

Radiation from the computer system unit

The system unit actively creates an electromagnetic field around itself. A minimum phonation level of 2 mG (milligauss) already has a negative effect on the body. It can be created by a device located at a distance of 50 to 100 cm from a person. The closer the processor is, the stronger the impact.

Other devices

There are no safe devices around or for the computer. Headphones, sources uninterruptible power supply, routers, printers, chargers - emit electricity. The magnitude of the impact depends on the power of the device, type and proximity to the body. Bluetooth systems also turned out to be dangerous, due to their maximum proximity to the human body when used. Don’t forget about the one who is always nearby.

Children and computer

During pregnancy, many factors influence the development of the fetus. The condition of the child in utero can be influenced by being near a computer.

If a pregnant woman stays near it for a long time, the harm from a computer monitor can exceed a critical level and cause various diseases. The habit of placing a laptop on her lap, close to her developing baby, is especially dangerous for a pregnant woman.

Because of rapid growth and development of the nervous system in childhood, radiation has a more pronounced negative effect. It is impossible to say exactly how a computer will affect a child - no such studies have been conducted. Scientists believe that prolonged exposure to gadgets causes decreased immunity, impaired neurodevelopment, and attention deficit disorder.

Methods of protection

You can check whether there is radiation from the computer yourself. To make sure whether radiation is coming from a computer, you need to purchase a special device for measuring radiation power; such devices are sold in specialized stores; they are carried out by SES specialists if it is suspected that the safe radiation power has been exceeded at enterprises, factories and other facilities.

Ways to reduce electromagnetic radiation from your computer:

  • Increase the distance to the device - the further away the monitor and system unit, the less radiation. At a distance of 10-15 cm, radiation is 4-10 mGs, and at a distance of 1 m - only 2 to 5 mGs.
  • Spend less time at the keyboard - it is important to develop the habit of not being near the device if you are not using it. There are standards for safe stay near a working device for pregnant women and children of different ages. Everyone is encouraged to take breaks every 15-20 minutes and leave the area with devices.
  • Ventilate the room - ventilation reduces the risk of exposure to electromagnetic radiation several times. Provide ventilation daily in any weather, and active work– every 20-30 minutes.
  • Use a protective screen or film.
  • Turn off devices after use and minimize their use.

Protection against computer radiation cannot completely neutralize its harmful effects, but by following all safety rules you can minimize its harmful effects.

We all know that the space around us is filled with all kinds of energy fields and electromagnetic radiation coming from all household appliances (TV, radio, refrigerator and others).

Recently, this number of sources of electromagnetic radiation has been joined by computer .

On the one hand, this is a unique device, without which many people cannot imagine their life and work; it is an inexhaustible source of knowledge. Everyone now knows the word "Internet".

On the other hand, The computer is the source of many diseases. The phrases “chronic fatigue syndrome” and “information stress” are also familiar to many. And that is not all.

The threat of exposure to electromagnetic field radiation on the human body has long been a scientifically proven fact. A number of diseases are associated with the influence of electromagnetic fields on the human body.

The nervous, immune, endocrine and circulatory systems are primarily affected. This is expressed in increased fatigue, headaches, sleep disorders, allergies, anemia, and reproductive dysfunction.

I think it would be appropriate to say that the Chinese called the radiation coming from the computer “dragon teeth”. Since the source of electromagnetic fields is electric current, high-current wires create powerful magnetic fields - invisible lines of force that easily penetrate everything that comes in their way, including penetrating the human body.

Scientists have found that the greatest radiation from computer is coming in front and to the right of the user. This radiation exceeds permissible standards. In the 1980s, scientists discovered that low-intensity electromagnetic fields negatively affect the ability of T lymphocytes to destroy tumor cells. This means that such fields suppress the immune system and thereby contribute to the formation of tissue tumors and blood diseases.

I would like to draw your special attention to the fact that in the case of exposure to weak electromagnetic fields created by the display, the tissue reaction may follow repeated field pulses. As a result, the rhythmicity of vibrations of tissue elements will repeat the temporal periodicity of the field - this phenomenon is called “increase”. As a result, cellular immunity and the activity of various enzymes may change, similar to what happens when tumor growth is stimulated.

Scientists have found that people who work on computers are much more likely to have children with birth defects. Measuring the radiation emanating from the monitor, we found that it was as close as possible to sawtooth. This has an extremely negative effect on the embryo, especially in the early stages of development. In this case, the nervous system of the unborn child suffers the most.

It has been observed that women who work on computers have a relatively higher incidence of miscarriages. Doctors noted that people who work at a computer for more than 2 years experience disturbances in the functioning of the tail of the pancreas, this very important organ of the endocrine system.

But the radiation from the processor, which goes in all directions, is the cause of skin and allergic diseases. The situation is aggravated by the fact that human senses do not perceive electromagnetic fields. A person does not feel this type of radiation and cannot control its level of presence himself. A person knows that there is radiation, but he does not know its intensity. This condition can be defined as “situational stress”.

Simple and magical methods to protect people working on a computer

In order to reduce the level of harmful radiation emanating from the monitor and processor, without resorting to expensive filters and circuits, sometimes it is enough to simply change the location of the computer in the room. To do this, you need to position the computer in relation to the person sitting behind it, from the south or southwest side. Since the field lines of background electromagnetic radiation come from the north pole and end at the south. The computer's background radiation will be contained by natural background radiation coming from the north. As a result, an invisible barrier will arise that protects the person.

The room in which the computer is located must have live plants. It’s especially good if they are pink or red pelargoniums, and plants from the family begonias. Very good plant - pike tail. Flowers must be looked after, they must be watered regularly, and, what is very important, dust must be wiped off them.

But in the immediate vicinity of the computer, on the monitor or to the right of the processor, it is advisable to “settle” cactus. This unique plant will greatly help you protect your health.

It is very good if the room in which you work has a computer aquarium with fish. The aquarium must be round in shape. It should contain odd number of fish. Among these fish there must be at least one gold, red and black fish. It is advisable that the aquarium with fish be in your field of vision when you are working.

It has a great protective effect against harmful computer radiation. red clay. From red clay you must mold with your own hands three balls, each with a diameter of approximately 3 cm. One ball should be placed between the monitor and the keyboard. And the other two should “rest” at this time, preferably on the windowsill, so that they receive sunlight and sometimes fresh air.

Every ball should be near the monitor for one week, and cleaned for two weeks. That is, once a week the ball near the monitor is replaced with one of the two located near the window. Once every six months, the clay balls must be completely replaced. Used clay balls are best left in the field.

It also has protective properties rosin. You need to take a piece of rosin, preferably in the shape of a cube with sides measuring at least one and a half cm or a parallelepiped measuring 2 x 4 x 1 cm and place this piece of rosin in front of the monitor. Rosin should be in front of the monitor at all times. It needs to be changed after a year.

We should not forget about such a simple remedy as lime. Lime should be poured into a box the size of a match and placed open behind the monitor, at a distance of five centimeters from the back wall of the monitor. Lime must be changed once every three months.