Go to the friend around app. Friend around enter my page

Friend Around on your computer is a functional client for communication from the same name social network. It's very easy to make new friends here. Just go to the “Broadcasts” tab and select any person you like from the list to start a conversation. Of course, many people come in wanting to meet a girl (or man), but there are also people with whom you can just chat. If you want to send your message to “Ether” (to attract attention), then you can do this for 7 “friends” - the currency of this network, which is bought for real money. Gifts are also available only for “friends”.

Unfortunately, you cannot use a video camera or microphone here. But you can send various files. The leftmost tab shows all your friends and their status (online or offline). To add friends, your interlocutor must accept the request. Actually, everything is similar to the standard ICQ client. The “Events” tab displays important messages about added friends and changes in text status. There is also a “My Guests” tab, where you can see all those who are interested in your profile (personal characteristics). The most last tab used for advanced user search. Here you can configure the location: country (not all countries in the world are supported), region and city; age and personal interests or hobbies. By the way, in the Friend Around client for your computer you can select the profiles of only those users who are in this moment online.

If you are annoyed by the constant connection of the program when the OS starts, then this can be corrected through the main menu: “Settings” → “General” → uncheck the “Launch FriendVokrug at system startup” checkbox. Also, if you wish, you can connect a Bluetooth device and use its capabilities in Friend Around on your computer.

This client is valuable for those who do not want to register on different dating sites, but want to have almost all the same functions and good base questionnaires You can not only find your soulmate, but also meet interesting people.

FriendVokrug is an online dating service that offers the ability to search for people nearby. It is available for computers, laptops with Windows and all current mobile devices. U Friend Around Entrance to your own profile is necessary to use the service; without authorization this is impossible.

Authorization in the service

Windows and Mac OS

First of all, let's look at how to access Friend Around on a computer or laptop. First, you need to download and install the program. The nuances of the procedure are outlined. In the meantime, we offer you a short version:

  1. Open the website https://drugvokrug.ru/.
  2. Click on the “Download FriendVokrug” button.
  3. Run the resulting file.

After a few seconds, the login form will appear. There are two login options here:

IN mobile version It is possible to log into the application via Facebook, but the developers did not provide this for the desktop client.

Phones and tablets

In the application for phones and tablets, everything is slightly different than in the desktop client for Windows systems. But the login procedure is the same for the versions of DrugVokrug for WP, Android and iOS. It looks like this:

Changing account

Changing your account is worth mentioning in a separate paragraph. This is especially true for users who have several accounts in the dating service Friend Around.

Computers and laptops

In the Windows program, logging out of your account is done like this:

Friend around– an interesting program for those who want to keep in touch with friends around the clock or make new acquaintances. Its main difference from other services is that Friend Around Login to the site through a browser is impossible.

Login to the page through the application:

All communications are carried out only through the official application, which is ported to all popular and little-used platforms today. The lack of a profile visit function via the web interface is explained by the pursuit of slightly different functions compared to popular messaging services.

Operating principle

As you know, it is impossible to log in to Friend Around without downloading. To use the service’s functions, you need to download the program to your device and register by linking your phone number to your account. After confirmation telephone number you need to log into Friend Around using the attached phone number and the specified password. Next, the program will require you to fill out questionnaires, and the information should be entered truthfully and in as much detail as possible, because in this case it will be easier for like-minded people to find you.

You can create a list of friends in the application using several methods:

  • adding to contacts people who are registered in Friend Around and are in the phone’s address book or SIM card memory;
  • search for like-minded people located within Bluetooth range using this interface;
  • using the capabilities of an integrated search system.

When you log in to Friend Around for the first time, the program, without asking, will scan the device’s telephone directory and offer to add the first friends from among your contacts who have an account in the system.
The unique function of searching for people using the application via Bluetooth will allow you to find users located within a radius of several tens of meters. In reality, this is provided that they have Bluetooth activated and this client is running.

The classic search with filters by age, gender, interests, place of residence and other criteria is familiar to all fans of social networks.

Communication process

Having formed a narrow circle of friends for now, entering Friend Around next time will be more interesting, because some of them may leave a message or recommend you to their friends. There is also a chance that like-minded people will find you if your range of interests does not affect big number people (receiving a friend request from a Go checkers fan is much easier than from a Pokemon fan, because there are orders of magnitude more of the latter).
Any user can start a conversation and exchange messages in the form of text, emoticons, stickers and files, because the concept of the program is no different from ICQ or the like, with the exception of some interface subtleties and unobtrusive functions.


The project designers did not reinvent the wheel, and made an application with a typical interface for social networks. However, instead of the main menu, the program contains tabs that act as sections. It is through them that you can view the news, enter dialogues, a list of friends, look for new friends using one of the algorithms, or make acquaintances in a general chat.

Such chats are divided into:

  • home – includes users from the same city;
  • regional – users of one geographic area participate;
  • Anyone can enter the global chat.

Keep in mind: if someone claims that Friend Around Login online is real or has reached the login page in account via a browser, you should know that in both cases you are faced with scammers or the fruits of their creation (phishing pages, malware). After entering authorization data in the second case, for example, the “Login” button simply activates a Java script that will send your login and password to the attacker’s email. In such situations, you should immediately change your password and scan your PC with an anti-virus scanner.

The concept of a mobile phone today has a completely different meaning. Now a mobile device is not only a device that can connect you, if necessary, with subscribers, that is, relatives, friends, acquaintances, but a full-fledged small computer that provides opportunities greater than making simple calls.

A mobile device can not only keep you connected at any time of the day, but also gives access to various Internet networks, as well as a variety of other types of communication, such as text messages, voice mail. In addition, a mobile phone, that is, a large-scale mobile device, can allow you to solve many problems at any time using various applications.

Such opportunities include not only online dating, convenient calls and current location determination, but also all the possibilities of using the Internet, that is, watching movies online, listening to music.

At the moment there are many different applications for operating system The Android it uses maximum amount mobile device manufacturers various types. One of such applications at the moment is the Friend Around application on Android. Downloading Friend Around on Android is very simple, and by doing this you can use all the functions of this application.

With this application you can always stay in touch with your friends, and you can always be aware of their location and their current activities. In addition, with the help of this application you can also very simply and easily, completely at ease, make new and interesting acquaintances, which may well develop into a wonderful friendship.

The Friend Around application will allow you to know every minute of every day who is around you at one time or another.

Main functions of the Friend Around application

  • communication, namely the exchange of various messages in this application, which is very convenient, comfortable and simple using a wide variety of pictures, emoticons, and it is also much cheaper than text messages;
  • knowing people around you is very simple, you just need to use bluetooth and then you can find out who is next to you at the moment, namely classmates at your school, students at your educational institution, strangers or beautiful strangers in various places of pastime;
  • dating without fear and prejudice, both virtually and in reality, is now possible with the Android application Friend around;
  • finding new, interesting friends is now very easy, thanks to this application, tens of thousands of incredible girls and courageous guys are always online and ready to communicate with you, all you need to do is download Friend Around on Android and write a greeting to all the people you are interested in;
  • stay up to date with events that happen with your friends and acquaintances in the Friend Around application, monitor changes in your profile, status, profile photo;
  • you can stand out and be noticeable, and to do this, in this application you can write a message “live”, and this message will be seen by everyone in this chat, you can easily show off, happily congratulate everyone you know on the holidays, and much more”;
  • be cool and popular, because the more people you meet in a week using the application, the higher your rating will be.

The Android app Friend Around is an opportunity to keep abreast of all the events of your friends, the ability to follow updates, hobbies, meet new people and be popular. The Friend Around app is exactly what you need!

Friend Around is one of the programs for communicating on the Internet. The service can be installed on any device. Using the software functions you can exchange text messages, photographs, and also view data from other users.

The program works very well on mobile devices. The service is very well equipped convenient system search. Thanks to this, finding users in different parts of the world is simply not difficult. The developers of this messenger have created a very convenient and attractive interface. This makes it possible to view any images in high resolution.

The Friend Around dialog box is located in the very center of the software. Users can send and receive messages very quickly. You can download your correspondence history at any time. The program is equipped with a wide range of functions. Due to the huge number of advantages, the software has become very popular. The program is installed on different versions devices. The updated version of the utility has become even more modernized.

Registration procedure

To download Friend Around, you just need to find a site with a good reputation from which you can download this utility. After this, the installation of the service on the device will begin. After this, registration is performed. Users are required to read the proposed agreement. After opening the form, you can study all the items.

Registration is quite simple. The procedure for a phone looks like this: first, come up with a nickname. This must be a unique virtual name. If it’s difficult to come up with, you can use a special selection of nicknames. Users can use various combinations of foreign words, icons, and numbers.
After this, you must indicate your gender, enter your date of birth and city.

The last number to be entered is mobile phone. After this, the user agrees to the terms of the agreement. At this point, the registration procedure is considered complete. A message with an account activation code will be sent to the specified phone number. You will need to enter it into the remaining empty window.

The most convenient way is to use the remember password function. This will help you not waste time writing it in the future. But the password is encrypted, so it is simply impossible to read it. So you can enter the program and perform all possible actions.

The registration procedure on a computer is identical to the procedure performed on mobile device. The most important thing is to correctly enter the phone number, which will then have a code. If an error is made, you will not be able to complete the registration procedure.

Key features of Friend Around

The program searches for friends. You can also organize chats in which several users will participate. Also, the list of contacts can be constantly expanded. The program allows you to exchange instant messages. You can make changes to your personal profile at any time and insert photos.

Users can go to the profiles of their friends and rate the photos they posted. To do this, you just need to put a smiley face. It is also very convenient to send images, videos and audio recordings.

To enter the program, enter your username and password. Afterwards the modern interface opens. Communicating in the software is very easy. Users will get a lot of pleasure from the high speed of loading messages and the excellent quality of displayed photos. The program has a very convenient form of dialogues.

The utility is distributed completely free of charge. Users can download different versions of Friend Around and update them if necessary.