Closing a profile in Odnoklassniki. We close our Odnoklassniki page from prying eyes

Is it currently possible to close a profile on Odnoklassniki for free, quickly and easily?
Yes, it's easy. But, unfortunately, it won’t be possible to do this for free.

For this you need.

Currently, this service on Odnoklassniki is paid. It costs 48 OK (48 - 80 rubles depending on the payment method). Accordingly, there must be sufficient funds in your account.

After you close your profile, only friends will be able to visit your page, write messages to you, give you gifts, etc. For everyone else, your page will be blocked and look something like this.

Good to know: If your profile is private, you need to be added as a friend to communicate.

And also. By closing your profile, you can visit the pages of other users and write messages to them. But only friends can answer you.

How long does it take for a profile to be closed in Odnoklassniki?

This service does not have an expiration date, so you can close your profile forever or until you decide to open it. You can also repeat everything again later and you won’t have to pay a second time.

How to close your profile on Odnoklassniki via computer

Step 1

Under your main photo, click the arrow link “More”. Click the link in the drop-down menu "Change settings". This is necessary in order to close your profile.


Press "Close profile" in the settings of classmates, as shown in the figure.

Good to know. In addition to this service, there are also publicity settings. They also allow you to customize access to your page. You can read about such settings


Click the Close button.


If you do not have enough funds on your balance, you will have to deposit them. To do this, click on the button "Pay for the service".


How to close your Odnoklassniki profile from your phone

There are 2 ways:

  • via the mobile version of the site
  • via the app

Via mobile version:

Click on the classmates logo in the left top corner.

In the menu that appears, select “Private profile”

A pop-up window with information will appear. Click "YES"

In order to close your profile you must have 48 OK. Click "Buy"

You will be offered 2 payment methods to choose from: by card and by phone. It is more profitable to pay by card, because... rate 1 OK = 1 rub, but if you pay by card, then 1 OK = 1.67 rub.

Via mobile application:

If you use classmates through applications, then in order to hide your profile, take the following steps:

  • 1. Click on the menu button, which is located in the lower right corner
  • 2. Select the “Settings” section
  • 3. Next, select “Profile Settings”
  • 4. Select the appropriate option
  • 5. Confirm your decision by clicking on “YES”
  • 6. Choose a payment method: from your phone or from a card


After payment, you will need to confirm your actions. Well, after this the service will be activated. Now only friends can access your page :)

What's happened closed profile in Odnoklassniki? It is used when you need to hide most of the information about yourself: photos, messages, groups. Only friends can view a profile that has this status. In addition, you can make sure that this profile is not displayed in the search engine of this site.

Closing the profile

Step-by-step instruction:

How to pay

Now let's figure out what payment options are available and how to actually pay:

Payment is made by Okami (OK). Usually they offer to buy 20 Shackles for 35 rubles. But sometimes there are promotions when you can pay 1 ruble for one OK. That is, the same 20 Shackles will cost 20 rubles.

How to make a private profile for free

Unfortunately, this feature is not free. However, in the settings you can make it so that strangers can see only part of the information.

We also have a video for you that shows in detail how to close a profile on Odnoklassniki.

When registering in social network each user receives personal account, also called an account, with a unique login and password. He enters personal data into it - first name, last name, age, city of residence and other information that will subsequently be needed to identify him on the Internet. This personal page is called a profile. By default, the account is visible not only to users of the same resource - it can be found and viewed through search engines.

Odnoklassniki provides functionality that allows the user to independently set access settings for their page. You can completely block it from visiting unfamiliar users using , or you can set a viewing ban on certain categories in free settings publicity.

Option Closed profile

When this function is activated, access to the page is completely blocked for users who are not among the “Friends”. When they try to visit an account, they will only see the owner’s avatar, but all personal data - photos, videos, list of friends, groups, etc. will be hidden. Also, strangers will not have the opportunity to leave comments, rate posts or write messages.

The service is paid, to activate it you need to have . After purchasing the service, you can use it without any restrictions - turn it off and activate it free of charge an unlimited number of times.

To connect the option:

If you have Shackles on your account, the service is activated immediately. If there are no funds on the balance, the system offers to top it up using one of the listed methods - from a mobile account, from bank card, electronic wallet and others.

Changing publicity settings

You can restrict access to your account like this:

If you move all the dots to the right, you can achieve the maximum possible privacy of the page. The main thing is not to forget to save all changes.

IMPORTANT: The “Private Profile” and “Publicity Settings” functions are mutually exclusive. At closed account Be careful with the publicity settings - when you change some items, the page opens automatically.

If a user wants to protect his page from visits from a specific person, it is not necessary to change the settings and buy a “Private profile”. An unwanted guest can be added to - in this case, access to the page data will be completely blocked.

    How to close a profile on Odnoklassniki for free - an overview of possible options;

    How to close access to Odnoklassniki from your phone and permanently;

    How to access the page if Odnoklassniki is closed and is there such a way.

How to close a profile on Odnoklassniki for free - overview of options

The Odnoklassniki network was designed for people to find those with whom life once brought them together. Friends from school or another educational institution, distant (and sometimes close relatives), neighbors, colleagues look for each other and communicate in the virtual space. But social connections are not limited to friendly contacts. Sometimes undesirable individuals look at a user’s page and they want to hide from them. And there is such a possibility. Let's figure out how to close a profile on Odnoklassniki. To enable this option, follow these steps:

    Go to your page and click on your personal photo thumbnail located in the upper right corner;

    Select the “Private Profile” option from the menu;

    Confirm your decision to hide your data and pay for the activation of the function, now it costs 100 OK (rubles), but the price may change.

The site administration reports that this option needs to be activated only once. With its connection, the user gets access to new settings, with the help of which he can independently and free of charge determine the degree of openness of the profile and adjust it.

A private profile keeps information about you secret for everyone except your friends. Outsiders will only see a drawn castle on your page.

In addition, other users with whom you do not want to become friends will not be able to send you a private message or write something on the forum, see your photos, rate or comment. The only thing they can do is please you with gifts.

Some Odnoklassniki members, trying to follow the instructions that hide the page, discover that their menu does not have a “Close profile” button. There is only “Change settings”. The site administration explains: this is not an error at all. If there is no such button, it means that the user has already closed his profile and, apparently, forgot about it. And now updated and improved publicity settings have become available to him. Including, he is allowed to open and close his page at any time and without additional payment.

Let's remember how to open your profile again:

    Click on the photo thumbnail on the right and top;

    In the menu, mark the line “Change settings”;

    In the left column, select the “Publicity” option;

    At the top of the “Closed profile” field, move the slider to disable the function;

    We adjust other publicity settings as desired and save the changes.

There is another way to close Odnoklassniki for free. It is suitable for those who do not want to make public only some information about themselves, but do not intend to hide completely. In other words, the user can change the publicity settings at his own discretion. For example, make information about age or marital status invisible. Reconfiguring this function is very simple:

    Click on your miniature photo in the upper right corner or open the “Edit personal data” section in your profile;

    Mark the desired options that determine who can see this or that information about you, save the changes.

We talked about what a private profile is in Odnoklassniki and how to make it in the full version of the site, as well as about changes in publicity parameters. But maybe you decided not to limit yourself to a lock on your profile, but want to completely delete your Odnoklassniki page, then read our article.

How to close access to Odnoklassniki from your phone forever

As you have seen, locking your profile from unwanted visitors or classifying some personal information on your computer is quite simple. But what to do if you only have at your disposal mobile device. It's not a problem. Detailed instructions How to close Odnoklassniki from your phone is given below:

    Through the Odnoklassniki website symbol located on the top and left of the screen, go to the menu;

    Click on the “Private profile” line in the menu;

    Agree to pay for the service and follow the site prompts to complete the operation.

After payment and activation of the function, only friends will see your page. You have a private profile to use forever. The option will remain in operation even when you reopen your account and then decide to classify it again. You can do this as much as you want. And if your phone does not yet have this social network, read how to download Odnoklassniki.

You learned how to close Odnoklassniki from your phone. But in mobile version You can also change the publicity settings of your personal page completely free of charge. Do this:

    Click on the Odnoklassniki logo in the upper left corner of the page;

    Select the “Settings” section from the menu;

    In the new window, check the line “Publicity Settings”;

    We set the settings acceptable to you;

    Save the changes.

Closed Odnoklassniki - how to access the page, is there a way

It happens that you have visited a user’s page more than once, even corresponded with him and commented on photos, but never bothered to offer him friendship. And now another visit ended in failure. Instead of a profile, you see a lock, messages are not sent, photos are not opened. If this person is indifferent to you, you are unlikely to do anything. But when you want to communicate, and you suddenly find that Odnoklassniki has been closed, you should figure out how to log in.

It must be said right away: there is only one legal way to look into a hidden profile. You will have to offer friendship to the mysterious user or wait for an invitation from him. If the friendship is approved, you will have access to all information. Otherwise, the secret will remain unsolved.

There are no other legal options. Odnoklassniki introduced this option to protect users from unwanted communication. But if Odnoklassniki is closed, the most curious people have already figured out how to get there. Still, there are several workarounds that allow you to see what is hiding behind the lock.

First, try to become a friend of a closed user by being deceitful. You can make a page on behalf of his relative or other loved one (of course, if you know something about them). And then ask to be friends. Seeing a familiar name, he will most likely accept the invitation. But keep in mind that there are super-closed profiles that even friends cannot see.

Secondly, you can try to open a forbidden profile using special sites that offer viewing closed pages in Odnoklassniki. One of these resources,, has established itself as a reliable and free assistant. He opened pages by ID number. However, due to user complaints, it was blocked. And so far they have not found a worthy replacement for him. Some sites offer the same service for a certain amount, but there is a chance that you will run into scammers.

Thirdly, you can ask a programming specialist for help. True, with such a specific request you should only contact a person you know well if you are confident in his reliability and professionalism. So that the hacking operation remains secret and does not harm either your computer, or the profile of the user you are curious about, or your reputation.

So, we found out how to make a private profile on the computer version of the site and on the phone, how you can look through the keyhole on a non-public page. And those who especially love secrecy should learn more about the invisible function in Odnoklassniki; there is a separate article about this.

Odnoklassniki users can often observe the presence of unfamiliar “Guests” on their pages or unwanted comments under personal photos, statuses, or in forum discussions. “Guests” who visit your profile do not always have benevolent intentions. Sometimes this is how information is obtained.

But the account user can protect himself from unauthorized intrusion and close his page with a “lock.” It should be said right away that this function is paid. You cannot close your profile for free. You should have Oki on your account - this is a virtual currency with which in Odnoklassniki you can:

  • buy and give gifts;
  • purchase bonuses in games and applications;
  • participate in various quizzes and tournaments;
  • close profile;
  • buy an invisible one;
  • rate photos 5+;
  • pay for the opportunity to use cool emoticons.

Closing our own page from strangers

A function that allows you to close your profile from prying eyes is located on home page under a large photo of the owner. We look a little lower and find a line with a lock “Close profile”.

Click on this item and proceed to pay for the service, but first the system will ask you for confirmation.

If you came here by mistake, click the “Cancel” button or the cross in the upper right corner. If you want to close the page, confirm the action with the “Close profile” button. A window will appear in which we apply the “Proceed to Payment” action.

By clicking the “Other functions” button we order other services.

But there will be a separate topic for this. We are now closing the profile. By clicking the “Proceed to Payment” button, the user opens a window in which he must select a payment method:

  1. From a bank card.
  2. Via terminal.
  3. From the phone.
  4. Electronic payment.

A phone number is assigned to the page on the network, but if you want to make a payment from a different number, you need to click on the “Change number” line.

You won’t be able to use someone else’s unknown number, since an SMS code will be sent to the specified phone number, which you will need to enter in the appropriate field. If you pay by card, fill in the required details.

As soon as the money arrives in your account, your profile will be closed. But the user can open it whenever he wants.

What can you do for free?

A user who is unable to pay for the service can place restrictions on his page that prohibit strangers from:

  • write messages in private;