Burn an audio CD (Audio-CD) in Nero. How to record files in Nero? How to record mp3 using nero

Let's say you have an image DVD movie, saved on HDD, but not in the form iso file, but simply copied to a folder. You want to burn the contents of this folder (usually files with the extension .vob, .ifo and .bup) to a DVD disc.

Let's use the Nero program, which is good tool for recording CD/ DVD discs.

So, in order:

  1. Insert a blank DVD into your DVD drive and launch Nero (Start -> All Programs -> Nero, or simply double-click the Nero shortcut located on your desktop).
  2. In the main Nero window that appears, select DVD from the disc type drop-down menu, then click on the “film strip” icon and click on “Burn DVD Video Files”:
  3. The main program window that opens will be divided into 2 parts. The left side of the window is the contents of a blank DVD disc. The right one is the contents of your computer (more precisely, your hard drive).

    Click on the VIDEO_TS folder on the left side (so it looks like an “open” folder):

  4. On the right side, go to the folder where the files of the movie you are recording are located. Now click on one of the files and then press the key combination Ctrl and A (after this action, all files in the folder will be selected). Simply left-click on the selected files and, while holding down the mouse button, drag from the right side of the window to the left (where the arrow points in the figure. Please note that the VIDEO_TS folder on the left should still be “open”):
  5. After the files have been successfully transferred to the left side of the program, you can set the name of the disc to be written. To do this, on the left side, at the top, double-click on the name of the disc and change it from “New” to the name of the movie being recorded (don’t be fooled by the long name, as this has a limitation). After changing the name, click on the icon, which will launch the disc burning wizard:
  6. In order for the disc to be written without errors (yes, this happens!), I recommend burning discs at the minimum speed. Yes, it takes longer, but reliability comes first! If you want to burn multiple copies of a disc, change the number from 1 to whatever you need.

    Once everything is selected, we can start burning a DVD. To start the DVD burning process, click on the Burn button:

  7. If you burn a disc at a higher speed, you can choose to check the recorded disc, which will begin immediately after burning, unless, of course, you check the "Check burnt data" checkbox. You can also turn off your computer after successfully burning a disc:
  8. Once the recording is completed successfully, the drive tray will open (and you can remove the disc), and you will be notified on the screen:
  9. Click on OK and then on Done:

This is the process Burn DVD Movie Using Nero finished. All you have to do is close the program and continue your favorite activities.

Often you have to record movies and various videos onto physical media for viewing on the road or on other devices. In this regard, flash drives are especially popular, but sometimes there is a need to transfer files to disk. To do this, it is advisable to use a time-tested and user-tested program that will quickly and reliably copy selected files to a physical disc.

Nero is a confident leader among programs in this category. Easy to use, but with rich functionality, it will provide tools for implementing tasks for both ordinary users and confident experimenters.

The operation of transferring video files to a hard drive involves several simple steps, the sequence of which will be described in detail in this article.

1. We will use the trial version of the Nero program, downloaded from the official website of the developer. To start downloading the file, you need to enter your address. mailbox and press the button Download. The Internet downloader will begin downloading to your computer.

The developer provides a two-week trial version for review.

2. After the file is downloaded, the program must be installed. Through it, the necessary files will be downloaded and unpacked into the selected directory. This will require Internet speed and certain computer resources, so for the fastest installation, it is advisable to postpone work on it.

3. After installing Nero, launch the program itself. The main menu appears on the desktop in front of us, in which we need to select a special module for burning discs - Nero Express.

4. Depending on what files need to be written, there are two options for subsequent actions. The most in a universal way there will be a choice of item Data in the left menu. Using this method, you can transfer any films and videos to disk with the ability to watch on almost any device.

Clicking the button Add, the standard Explorer will open. The user must find and select the files that need to be written to disk.

After the file or files are selected, at the bottom of the window you can look at the fullness of the disk depending on the size of the data being written and the free space.

After the files are selected and matched with the space, click the button Further. The next window will allow you to make the final recording settings, set a name for the disc, enable or disable checking of the recorded media, and create a multisession disc (suitable only for discs marked RW).

After selecting all required parameters insert a blank disk into the drive and press the button Record. The recording speed will depend on the amount of information, the speed of the drive and the quality of the disc.

5. The second recording method has a more narrow purpose - it is useful for recording files only with .BUP, .VOB and .IFO permissions. This is necessary to create a complete DVD disc for use with the corresponding players. The only difference between the methods is that you need to select the appropriate item in the left menu of the subroutine.

Further steps for selecting files and burning a disc are no different from those described above.

Nero provides a truly complete tool for burning discs with any kind of video files, which can be initially created to work with any device that can “read” discs. Immediately after recording, we receive a finished disc with error-free recorded data.

Hello, dear readers. Today we will talk about a question that interests many novice users, namely, how to burn a disc? I’ll say right away that there are a great variety of programs for burning CDs and DVDs. You can even burn a disc using standard Windows functionality. But in this article we will learn how to burn a disc in the Nero Burning ROM program. I consider it the best in terms of convenience and functionality. However, there is only one drawback - this program is paid.

So let's get started. First of all, install Nero on your computer. The Nero package includes many programs for (for example, using), video, graphics, but we are only interested in Nero Burning ROM. Therefore, you can do a custom installation and install only this component. After installation, from the menu Start launch our disc burning program.

Burning a data disc

First of all, let's learn how to burn an ordinary disk with data. When you start Nero, the following window will appear:

In the drop-down menu at the top left, you need to select which disc we are going to burn - DVD, CD or Blu-ray. Let's say we have a DVD.

Next, on the left side of the window, you need to indicate that we are recording a disk with data. To do this, select either DVD-ROM (UDF) or DVD-ROM (ISO). UDF and ISO are format specifications file system for storing files on optical media. The difference between UDF and ISO is that UDF allows you to burn files larger than 2GB, meaning there is no file size limit like there is with ISO.

On the tab Multisession I have an opportunity start multisession disc. This means that next time it will be possible to add some more files to this disk. If without multisession– then nothing more can be written to the disk.

Next tab – NeroDiscSpan Available only for UDF projects with multisession disabled. This feature allows you to automatically distribute large files (more than 4.7 GB when burning a DVD) across multiple disks (you can learn how to split large files into several parts using Winrar).

On the tab UDF (ISO) I recommend leaving the default values.

Tab Label allows you to set a name for the future disk. By default, the disk name is New.

Well, the last important tab for us is Record. Here we set the recording speed. The default is Maximum, but we are not happy with this. I recommend setting the speed as low as possible. Thus, there is a greater chance that the disc will be written without errors and will be read normally on all possible media.

Now all the settings are set, you can move on to the next step. Press the button New. The Nero Burning ROM working window will appear in front of us. This window is conventionally divided into two parts. On the left are the files located on our disk (currently empty), and on the right are all the files that are on the local computer.

Now, we drag the files that we want to burn to disk from the right side of the screen to the left, holding down the left mouse button. You can create folders on disk to somehow organize their storage.

I would like to draw your attention to the bar at the bottom of the screen. It displays the degree of disk fullness. Let me remind you that for a regular DVD the usable capacity is about 4.5 GB. Therefore, carefully watch this bar - as long as it is green, the disc can be recorded.

After the selection of files for recording is completed, you can proceed directly to recording. To do this, press the button Record, check the settings again, and then press .

That's all, the program itself will finish recording and open the drive with the finished disc.

Nero is one of the most powerful disc burning programs. It has many functions built into it, although most often people don’t use half of what it’s capable of. We will learn how to burn blank CDs and DVDs using the Nero Express program, as it is the simplest and most convenient.

To open it, click on the “Start” button, open “Programs” (All Programs), find “Nero” in the list that appears and open Nero Express.

To begin with, the program prompts you to select the data type (Data; Music; Video/Pictures; Image, project, copier).

We will burn to a CD or DVD using the “Data” item. The fact is that this option is universal: you can record text, pictures, music, and video through it. Moreover, such a disk will open on any other computer (not only on yours).

Click on the “Data” item. WITH right side Nero select the disk on which you want to burn the information - CD or DVD.

Just remember to insert a blank disk into your computer.

A new window will open.

Click on the "Add" button on the right.

A window will open overlaying the Nero program. Find the files and folders in it that you want to burn. Please note: on the left side you can select a different location (Computer, Documents, etc.).

When you find in the window necessary files and folders, add them. To do this, left-click once on the file or folder you want to record and click the “Add” button at the bottom.

You can add as many files and folders as you like, the main thing is to make sure that the disk does not become full. To do this, the Nero program has a bar at the bottom. As long as there is enough space, the bar fills up green. Make sure it doesn't turn red. This will mean that the disk is full.

After this, the window will change.

Click the Record (Burn) button.

And wait. The recording process is in progress.

When the disc is burned, it will most likely pop out of the computer itself, and a small window will appear in the center of the Nero program in which it will say “Burning completed successfully” or something similar. Click the "OK" button in this window, then the "Next" button at the bottom right and close the Nero program.