Run a command on the command line. Commands for the Windows command line

Why is there such chaos in the world? Yes, because the administrator of our system forgot about his duties. Or just lost the list of cmd commands from our world. Although this is a somewhat original look at the existing order of things, it nevertheless reflects part of the truth we need: using the command line, you can easily clean up your computer:

What is command line

The command line is the simplest tool for managing a computer's operating system. Management takes place using a number of reserved commands and a set of characters of the text keyboard without the participation of the mouse ( in the operating room Windows system ).

On UNIX-based systems, you can use the mouse when working with the command line.

Some of the commands came to us from MS-DOS. The command line is also called the console. It is used not only to administer the operating system, but also to manage regular programs. Most often, the most rarely used commands are included in such a set of commands.

The advantage of using basic cmd commands is that it consumes a minimum amount of system resources. And this is important in case of emergencies, when all the power of the computer, one way or another, is involved.

cmd implements the ability to execute and create entire batch files, which are a specific order in which a number of commands (scripts) are executed. Because of this, they can be used to automate certain tasks ( account management, data archiving and more).

The Windows command shell for manipulating and redirecting commands to certain operating system utilities and tools is the Cmd.exe interpreter. It loads the console and redirects commands in a format that the system can understand.

Working with the command line in the Windows operating system

You can call the console in Windows in several ways:

Both methods involve launching the console as the current user. That is, with all the rights and restrictions that are imposed on his role in operating system. To run cmd with administrator rights, you need to select the program icon in the Start menu and select the appropriate item in the context menu:

After running the utility, you can get help information about commands and their format in the console. To do this, enter the help statement and press " Enter»:

Basic commands for working with files and directories

The most commonly used commands are:

  • RENAME - rename directories and files. Command syntax:

RENAME | REN [drive/path] original file/directory name | end filename
Example: RENAME C:UsershomeDesktoptost.txt test.txt

  • DEL (ERASE) - used to delete only files, not directories. Its syntax is:

DEL | ERASE [processing method] [filename]
Example: Del C:UsershomeDesktoptest.txt/P

The processing method is a special flag that allows you to implement a certain condition when deleting a file. In our example, the "P" flag enables the display of a permission dialog for deleting each file:

For more information about the possible values ​​of the "processing method" parameter, see technical documentation on the Windows operating system.

  • MD - allows you to create a folder at the specified path. Syntax:

MD [drive:] [path]
MD C:UsershomeDesktoptest1test2

The example will create a subfolder test2 in the folder test1 . If one of the root folders of the path does not exist, then it will also be created:

  • R.D. ( RMDIR) - delete specific folder or all directories in the specified path. Syntax:

RD | RMDIR [process_key] [drive/path]
rmdir /s C:UsershomeDesktoptest1test2

The example uses the s flag, which will cause the entire branch of the directories specified in the path to be deleted. Therefore, you should not unnecessarily use the rmdir command with this processing switch.

In the next section, we'll take a closer look at cmd network commands.

Network Commands

The command line allows you to manage not only the PC file system, but also its network capabilities. The console network commands include a large number of operators to monitor and test the network. The most relevant of them are:

  • ping - the command is used to monitor the network connectivity of a PC. Remote computer a set number of packets are sent and then sent back to them. Packet transmission time and loss percentage are taken into account. Syntax:

ping [-t] [-a] [-n count] [-l size] [-f] [-i TTL] [-v type] [-r count] [-s count] [(-j hostlist | - k hostlist)] [-w interval] [target_PC_name]

Command implementation example:
ping -w 10000

In the last example of the cmd ping command, the request is sent to the destination with the specified IP address. The interval between packets is 10,000 (10 sec). By default, this parameter is set to 4000:

  • tracert - used to determine the network path to the specified resource by sending a special echo message through the protocol
  • ICMP (Control Message Protocol). After running the command with parameters, a list of all routers through which the message path passes is displayed. The first element in the list is the first router on the side of the requested resource.

The tracer syntax of the cmd command is:
tracert [-d] [-h max_hops] [-j host_list] [-w interval] [target_resource_name]
Implementation example:
tracert -d -h 10

The example traces a route to the specified resource. This increases the speed of the operation due to the use of the d parameter, which prevents the command from trying to get permission to read IP addresses. The number of transitions (jumps) is limited to 10 with the help of the set value of parameter h. By default, the number of jumps is 30:

shutdown [(-l|-s|-r|-a)] [-f] [-m [\PCName]] [-t xx] [-c "messages"] [-d[u][p]: xx:yy]
shutdown /s /t 60 /f /l /m \

There will be a shutdown (s) of the remote PC (m) with the specified IP address ( after 60 seconds (t). This will force you to log out of all applications ( f ) and the current user session ( l ).

Take Command- offers you a new approach to working with the Windows operating system, giving users all the power of the command line and ease of use with the Windows interface. Take Command supports existing CMD.EXE commands and batch files and adds a thousand new features, giving you all the power and flexibility you can imagine. Both CMD and PowerShell users will love Take Command's tabbed console and Windows shell integration.

System requirements:
Windows® XP, 2003, Vista, Windows 7, Server 2008R2, Windows 8, Server 2012, and Windows 10, and are available in 32-bit and 64-bit versions (32/64-bit)

Torrent Windows Command Prompt - Take Command 21.01.48 in detail:
Take Command adds powerful features such as online help context menu, plugins, collections of frequently used commands, a powerful command line editor, history recall, file name completion (even over the network), command popups and directory histories, and advanced search directories. , which can be in any directory on your system: you only need to enter part of the name. Take Command expands control commands Windows files, giving you the ability to copy, move, delete, or view the list various files from one team. You can select or exclude files from any command by date, time, size, and extended checksums for added flexibility.

Additional Information:
Batch file users will be impressed with the power and speed of adding batch files with Take Command in Windows, with an array of new batch commands. The extended batch language in Take Command includes subroutines, DO statements, IF THEN ELSE statements, SWITCH statements, error handling, over 100 internal commands, and 250 internal variables. And if you don't want to work with the default behavior of the program, Take Command will allow you to customize your configuration using interactive dialogs or in command line. And if you want even more power, then download the professional version of the program, which has FTP and HTTP support, an interactive batch troubleshooter, more than 40 additional internal commands, and 130 additional internal variables and variable functions.

Program features:
· Take Command adds features such as extensive context-sensitive online help, aliases for frequently used commands, a powerful command line editor, a command history log, advanced directory search that can take you to any folder on the system by typing just part of its name.
Take Command expands processing file Windows commands, providing the ability to copy, move, delete multiple files with a single command, and adds support for FTP and HTTP (including SSL).
· You can add or exclude files from any command, their dates, creation and modification times, size and extended mask for even more flexibility.
·Using batch files, you will be amazed at the power and speed of the functionality that Take Command adds with many new commands, a powerful debugger, syntax highlighting, variable and editing popups.
· The unique features of the Take Command product include the ability to create an additional Windows desktop directly from the command line or from a script. And the useful RESOLUTION command helps to set the display resolution, its refresh rate and, of course, the color depth.
· In Take Command, according to the developers, many interesting tools are integrated, including an improved mechanism for networking and a powerful text editor based on the popular Scintilla technology. The Take Command package guarantees the efficient use of a variety of commands.

Treatment procedure:
Install the program, register using the keygen.

Windows allows you to do a lot of different things with all sorts of tools and utilities, most of which can be easily accessed in . A similar, but more efficient and faster way is to use the Run function, which is available in all Windows operating systems.

Some users think that this window is meant for geeks or nerds, but in fact it is not. It can be used by both intermediate and beginners, but only if they know what they are doing and what commands to enter. In short, the tool allows you to become more productive when working on your computer. Therefore, if you are interested, or need to know about it, then here is a list of commands for the dialog box Run.

We have given you a list of 30 commands to execute so that you can bypass a number of endless clicks, thereby accelerating the process of launching utilities and tools in your everyday use Windows. It should be noted that in Windows 8 the Run window has not disappeared. To call this window, simply press the key combination "Win + R" on the keyboard and it will appear.

Note: again, to bring up the Run dialog use Win(Start) + R on the keyboard, then, in the input field, type any command to access the corresponding tool and press Enter.

List of commands for the Run window

one. "\"

Most users usually open the C drive through Windows Explorer or the My Computer desktop icon. There is nothing wrong with this, there is just a faster way to do this - this is using the Run dialog box by entering a backslash (slash) into it.

2. "."

The single-dot command opens the home folder of the current user.

3. ".."

The two-dot command opens the "Users" popup, which is directly located in the C drive.


This command opens a folder network connections.


Use this command if you want to quickly access Programs and components where you can uninstall any installed program on your computer.


If you want to open the calculator built into Windows, the fastest way to do this is to type the word calc in the Run dialog box.


Everyone Windows users sometimes you have to deal with the command line. Typing cmd will quickly open a command prompt without administrator privileges.

If Command Prompt is too old for you, try PowerShell instead. To do this, simply type (without a space) into the input line of the Run dialog box, and it will open without administrator privileges.

9. perfmon.msc

Enter this command in the Run dialog box and a utility will be launched that allows you to monitor Windows performance, program performance and provides access to many other useful data.


Windows allows you to adjust the power consumption of your computer by reducing screen brightness, computer power, and so on. Using this command launches a window.


This command opens Dispatcher Windows devices , which allows you to manage all of your computer's hardware. You can also use the command for this hdwwiz.cpl.

12. Regedit

The regedit command opens a window. It's a hierarchical database that stores settings for just about everything on your computer: program settings, drivers, user passwords, Windows settings, and everything else.


Use this command to open the Windows system configurations, where you can configure boot, startup options. services, services, etc.


Opens system properties

15. netplwiz

This command is useful for computers with multiple . Administrators can open any account and customize how they want. And other users can only open and edit their own personal user settings.


Want to quickly disable or enable windows firewall? - just enter firewal.cpl in the run box, and the firewall settings window will appear right in front of you.

17. wapp

If you want to check or adjust settings windows updates then use this command.

Type services.msc and press the Enter key, a window will open Services, where you can easily configure the settings for each service individually.


If you want to get system information quickly, use the msinfo32 command and you will have access to all system information, including hardware and software.



Above, we showed you how to open the On-Screen Keyboard in Windows. But besides that, there are other useful Windows utilities like Magnifier, Narrator, etc. You can access them with this command.

34. write

Last but not least, the write command opens the built-in Windows editor word pad(Notebook).

The Windows Run tool, including its commands, is one of the best tools you can find in Windows. In addition to the commands listed above, there are hundreds of other commands that provide access to various tools and utilities of the operating system.

The command line (command line, console, terminal) in the Windows operating system is designed to work with the system in text mode. The software shell is used to connect the user with the operating system by entering text commands from the computer keyboard.

Working with the command line proceeds as follows: the user launches the cmd.exe application on the computer, the command line interface window (command line interpreter) opens, then the user enters a command or sets of commands from the keyboard, the system executes them, sometimes issues prompts or messages displayed in command line interface window.

To perform various tasks on the computer: launching programs, configuring the system, changing Windows settings etc., you need to enter certain commands for the command line.

At the dawn of the creation of operating systems, the OS did not have a graphical interface, all actions were performed using commands typed on the keyboard. After the appearance of the graphical interface, the command line did not disappear from the system.

Most users, sooner or later, come across the command line, the other part of the users are not even aware of its existence.

The advantage of the command line is that the command line is independent of the GUI of the operating system. The user enters commands in a command prompt window, and the system executes them immediately. In some cases, this process is faster than similar steps using the Windows GUI.

The command line is often used when problems occur on the computer, when it is impossible to perform work to fix system failures in another way.

It is difficult for novice users to work with the command line due to the fact that they do not know the commands. Therefore, the command line is more often used by advanced users and administrators.

In this article you will find a list of command line commands. The table contains the main command line commands that work in the operating systems Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7.

How to run command line

In Windows 10, it is not obvious to find the command line right away, so read the article about different ways launching a console on that OS.

In the Windows operating system, there are several ways to start the command line, here are the simplest ones:

  • From the "Start" menu, go to "Programs" ("All Programs"), and then to "System Tools" (in Windows 7 - "Accessories"), select the "Command Prompt" application.
  • In the search field, enter "cmd" (without quotes), among the results that open will be the command line.
  • After pressing "Win" + "R" on the keyboard, in the "Run" window, enter the command to launch the command line "cmd" (without quotes).

In normal mode, the command line is run as the user. To perform some actions on the command line, you need elevated Computer Administrator rights. In this case, the command line must be run as an administrator. Read the article about different versions Windows operating system.

How to run a command on the command line

Working on the command line is very simple: the user enters a text command, and then presses the "Enter" key (input). If you need to enter several consecutive commands, repeat this operation several times.

After launching the command line, the version of the Windows operating system is displayed in the command line interpreter window, and the location where the user is currently located. When started in normal mode, this is the address of the user profile on the system drive.

When running the command prompt as an administrator, the path looks like this: "C:\Windows\system32".

Windows command line commands must be entered in the interpreter window immediately after the ">" sign, the cursor blinks in this place.

To copy a command from a computer and then paste the command into the command line, use context menu right mouse button. Copy the command to the clipboard, paste the mouse cursor into the command line window, click the right mouse button. Windows 10 supports copying and pasting using standard keyboard keys: "Ctrl" + "C" and "Ctrl" + "V".

Some system applications are launched immediately after entering a command that consists of the name of the application, for example, if you enter the “calc” command, then the computer will start system program Calculator.

For other programs, you will need to enter the full path to executable file applications. If there are spaces in the path to the file, the full path is enclosed in quotation marks, for example, this is how the command to launch the browser looks like Google Chrome:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe"

After running a command from the command line, the implementation of the command execution is not always visible externally, due to the fact that internal changes occur in the operating system.

Other parameters are often added to the main command, keys to perform specific actions.

If you enter an incorrect command, such as a misspelled one, or if the Windows operating system is unable to execute the command for any reason, a message will appear in the command line interface window.

Windows command line commands

The user can independently learn the basic commands from the Command Line utility itself. To do this, just enter the command: "help".

The CLI will display a list of basic commands.

To get information about the parameters of a particular command, you need to enter one of the following commands, which work in the same way (don't forget to include a space):

command_name /? help commandname

As a result, you will receive information about all the parameters of this command.

Windows Command Prompt: List of Basic Commands

Check out the table that summarizes the commands used in the command line Windows line. If I missed any important command, write about it in the comment to this article, I add the command to the table.

TeamAction to take
appwiz.cpllaunch system tool to change or remove programs
arpdisplaying and changing ARP tables for converting IP addresses to physical ones used by the address resolution protocol
assocdisplaying or changing file name extension mappings
atlaunch programs at a specified time
attribdisplaying and changing file attributes
azman.mscauthorization manager
bcdboottool to create and restore boot configuration data files
bcdeditediting changes in the system bootstrap database
breakchanging the processing mode of the key combination "Ctrl" + "C"
blastclnworm cleaning tool
bootcfgconfiguring, extracting, modifying, or removing command-line options in the Boot.ini file in Windows XP
callcalling one batch file from another
caclsviewing and editing changing access control tables (ACL) to files
calcLaunching the Calculator app
cddisplay name or change current folder
charmapsymbol table
chcpprint or change the active code page
chdirdisplay or change the current folder
copycopy one or more files
chkdskcheck disk for errors and display statistics
chkntfsoutput or change disk check options at boot time
ciddaemonfile indexing service
cipherencrypting files and folders in NTFS
cleanmgrDisk Cleanup utility
clsscreen cleaning
cmdlaunching another Windows command line interpreter
compmgmt.mscopening the computer management console
colorsetting default foreground and background colors
comexp.msccomponent services
compcomparing the contents of two files or two sets of files
compactviewing and changing file compression settings on NTFS partitions
compmgmt.mscComputer management
computer defaultsselection of default applications
controlControl Panel
control admintoolsadministration
control desktopscreen customization and personalization
control folderfolder properties in explorer options
control fontsfonts
control keyboardopening the keyboard properties window
control mousemouse properties
control printerdevices and printers
control schedulesTask Scheduler
control userpasswords2
converttransformation file system FAT volumes to NTFS (does not work on the current drive)
copycopying files to another location
credwizarchiving and restoring usernames and passwords
dateprint or set the current date
debugdebugging and program editing tool
defragstart disk defragmentation
deldeleting one or more files
desk.cplscreen resolution setting
device pairing wizardadding a new device
devmgmt.msDevice Manager
dfrguidisk optimization (defragmentation)
dirlisting files and subfolders from a specified folder
diskmgmt.msopening the Disk Management snap-in
diskpartdisplaying and setting disk partition properties
diskperfenable or disable the performance counter
dokeycommand line editing, Windows command recall, macro creation
dpiscalingdisplay settings
dxdiagDirectX diagnostic tool
echodisplaying messages and switching the mode of displaying commands on the screen
endlocalend local environment changes for a batch file
erasedeleting one or more files (wipe)
esentutlutilities Maintenance bases Microsoft data Windows
eudceditcharacter editor
event createcreating a special event entry in the specified event log
eventvwr.mscevent viewer
expanddecompress compressed files
explorerWindows Explorer
fccomparing files or sets of files, displaying the differences between them
findsearch for a text string in one or more files
findstrsearch for a text string in a file
fingerinformation about the users of the specified system running the Finger service
firewall.cplWindows Defender Firewall
forrun the specified command for each file in the set
formatdisk formatting
fsmgmt.mscshared folders
fsquirtBluetooth file transfer
fsutildisplaying and setting file system properties
ftypeinferring or changing file types when matching filenames
ftpFTP file sharing
gototransfer control to a specified line in a batch file
getmacdisplay the MAC addresses of one or more network adapters
gpresultInformation about group policy for computer or user
graftabldisplay extended character set in Windows graphics mode
gpedit.mscLocal Group Policy Editor
gpupdateupdating multiple group policy settings
hdwwizhardware installation wizard
icaclsdisplay, modify, archive, restore ACLs for files and directories
iexpresscreating a self-extracting archive
ifconditional processing in batch programs (files)
ipconfigIP address information
joy.cplgaming devices
labelcreating, modifying, and deleting volume labels for disks
lodctrupdating registry settings related to performance counters
logmanmanaging the Alerts and Performance Logs service
log offsession termination
lpksetupinstall or remove Windows interface languages
lusrmgr.msclocal users and groups
magnifyLaunching the Magnifier app
main.cplmouse properties
makecabarchiving files to CAB archive
mdcreating a directory (folder)
mdschedchecker random access memory for mistakes
mkdircreate directory (folder)
mmsys.cplsound properties
modeconfiguring system devices
mofcomp32-bit compiler
moresequential output of data in parts of one screen
mountvolcreating, viewing, and deleting connection points
movemoving one or more files from one folder to another
mrinfowork with multicast messages
mrtlaunch the uninstall tool malware Malicious Software Removal Tool
msconfigsystem configuration
msgsending messages to the user
msinfo32system information
mspaintlaunch graphic editor Paint
msraWindows Remote Assistance
netnetwork resource management
ncpa.cplnetwork connections
netstatdisplay of protocol statistics and current network connections TCP/IP
netplwizuser account management
notepadlaunching Notepad
odbcconfODBC driver setup
open fileslist output open files and folders open in the system
optional featuresenable or disable Windows features
osklaunching the on-screen keyboard
pathprint or set the search path for executable files
pausepause batch file execution, output a message
perfmonsystem monitor
resmonresource monitor
popdrestoring the previous value of the current folder, saved by the pushd command
promptchanging the windows command line
pushdsaving current directory and then changing directory
pingsending packets to the specified address
power cfgsystem power management
printprinting a text file
qprocessdisplaying process information
qwinstadisplay information about Remote Desktop Services sessions
rddeleting a directory
recoverrecovery of saved data on a damaged disk
recdisccreating a Windows recovery disk
regregistry command
regeditRegistry Editor
remplacing a comment in a batch file or in a config.sys file
renamerenaming files and folders
rmdirdeleting a directory
replacefile replacement
rstruirestoring windows from system restore points
runasto use applications on behalf of another user
rwinstaresetting the values ​​of subsystems of equipment and programs of the session to the initial state
secpol.msclocal security policy
setlisting, setting and removing Windows environment variables
setlocalstart local environment changes in a batch file
scdisplay and configure services (background processes)
sfcchecking the integrity of all protected system files and replacing the wrong ones
sigveriffile signature verification
shiftchanging the contents of the overridden parameters for a batch file
sluiWindows activation
sndvolvolume mixer
startlaunch the specified program or command in a separate window
schtaskslaunching programs and executing commands on a PC according to a schedule
sdbinstcompatibility database installer
sortsorting program
substmap a drive name to a specified path
sysdm.cplproperties of the system
systeminfooperating system configuration information
taskkillforce termination of a process or application
tasklistshowing all tasks running in this moment, including services
taskmgrTask Manager
tcmsetuptelephony client installation
timeviewing and changing the current time
timedate.cpltime and date setting
titleassigning the title of the current command line interpreter window
tracerttrace route to the specified node
treegraphical display of the structure of a given drive or folder
tsconattaching a user session to a remote desktop session
tsdiscondisconnecting a Remote Desktop Services session
tskillprocess termination
typedisplaying the contents of text files
typeperfdisplaying performance information on the screen or in a log
utilmanaccessibility center
veroutput of information about Windows versions
verifierdriver check manager
verifysetting Windows to check whether files are written to disk correctly
vollabel output and serial number volumes for disk
vssadmincommand-line tool for administering volume shadow copy service
w32tmshow current settings to display time zone
winterWindows version information on the screen
wmicinformation about the WMI toolkit in the interactive command shell
writewordpad text editor
wscui.cplsecurity and service center
wusastandalone update installer
xcopycopying files and folder tree

Article Conclusions

The command line in the Windows operating system allows the user to control the computer without using a graphical interface. To perform certain actions on a PC, you must enter special commands into the command line interpreter. This article published a table with a list of the most popular commands for the Windows command line.

Windows to communicate with a computer in a language it understands. However, programs are still launched using the usual command line (console). It is the ancestor of the interface and a means of communication between the user and the PC. The essence of the work is that commands are entered into a line using the keyboard. This control method is often used system administrators. Regular users should also know the basic commands.

Console - what is it?

launch Windows programs carried out using the console - command line. This is one of the types of text interface that has become available to many MS DOS users. Commands are entered on the command line manual mode. The console is considered by many to be an obsolete way of managing that users and system specialists often need. The command line is a black window with a green location label and a blinking cursor. The corresponding command for the computer is entered in the specified place.

Command line - incredible convenient window to solve many problems. However, to interact with the console, you will need knowledge of writing commands. The advantage is that they reduce the time to complete complex actions. To do this, just enter the desired task in the line.

Why are commands needed?

Commands for the command line are necessary to establish user contact with the operating system and computer. Working with the command line is an urgent need for specialists who deal with system administration. The console is a small part of what can be used as a tool to work with Windows. The command line is convenient, fast, with its help it is easy to solve many issues. To work with it, you will need knowledge of teams and skills that will lead to a positive result.

CMD - there are a lot of commands. Practicing will help you remember the main ones. With the help of commands, you can change, edit files, create, restore partitions, configure, start, restart the computer, delete folders, copy, and much more. Experts advise making a list of important commands in alphabetical order in a notebook. It is convenient and helps to quickly navigate.

How to start?

Commands for the Windows command line run without much difficulty. In spite of GUI, the console has always been and is the main control of the computer. Console basics will come in handy ordinary user. To start the command line, open the menu: "Start" - "Run". Enter the word "Cmd" in the window that appears, press "Enter". If the version of the operating system does not have the "Run" item, then the combination "Win + R".

In Windows 7, click right click mouse on "Start", go to "Properties" - "Customize", check the box next to "Run". If you need to open the console as an administrator, enter the command "Cmd" in the "Start" search bar, right-click on the "Cmd" program, select "Run as administrator". It is convenient to create a shortcut on the desktop that will open the console. Appearance line windows can be changed at the request of the user (color, font, location).

Sometimes you may have problems copying and pasting text into the command line. In the case of the console, the clipboard buttons do not work. If you want to make a copy, right-click on the window, select "Mark", select the text with the left mouse button, and then right-click. To paste text or caption, right-click on the "Paste" command prompt window. In addition, you can work with the console using "hot" keys on the keyboard, the "up / down" arrows.


The main commands for the command line help the user to solve tasks of paramount importance in a short time.


The list of commands, which is auxiliary, is often used by system specialists to work with information located on the hard drive.

  • The "Format" command deletes data from the hard drive, prepares it for copying. As an example of a formatting command: "FORMAT drive:/FS:FAT (file system)".
  • "FC" command compares files with each other.
  • "IPCONFIG" - shows full information about the Network settings, and also informs about the type network connection IPCONFIG/ALL.
  • The "PING" command will check the availability of the site. Example: "PING". The presence of numbers in the answer indicates that everything is in order, the site is available for visiting.

Network Commands

The command-line commands for the Web allow you to efficiently surf the Internet, fix errors, and configure settings. If you need to know your IP address, enter the "ipconfig" command in the console. In different variations of the Internet connection, you can find out complete information about the Network. After entering, the user will receive a list of network connections that are used by the computer. If the user's computer is connected to the Internet via a wireless WiFi connection, the main gateway will be selected to communicate with the router. The user can access its settings through a command entered into the console. If the computer is connected to local network, you can find out about the IP address through the command line with the appropriate request.

Using the "Ping" and "Tracert" commands, the user will quickly find and fix problems in the Internet and browser. The "netstat -an" command displays network connections and ports. This is very useful program, because it displays various network statistics. The "-an" switch opens a list of available network connections, ports and IP addresses. The "Telnet" command connects to the servers of the same name. If you need information about network settings, use the "Ipconfig" command. Without additional options, the command displays information about the IP address. If you need specific information, complete the "All" command. Entered in the line "Ipconfig / flushdns" - clears the cache in Windows.


Filters are command line commands that are used with the channel redirect character. They are needed to sort, view and select information from other teams. Filters organize, divide, highlight part of the information that passes through them. These commands include the following:

  • "More" - displays the contents of the file;
  • "Find" - searches for the specified characters;
  • "Sort" - sorts files alphabetically.

In order to send data from the file, the symbol "L" is used, to direct the channel to the output "I".


In addition to the built-in CMD, the console is used to run regular programs. In order to enter it, just type the desired combination of letters in the "Run" window. If you need to view the results, it's better to use a string. "SHUTDOWN" is a command that terminates Windows work if for some reason the Start button does not work. It is useful when the computer is performing a task that cannot be interrupted (and the user needs to leave and not leave the computer turned on for a long time). The device will automatically turn itself off when the work is completed. It's better than setting a timer.

Type the following command "Shutdown-s-t-1300", press "Enter". The numbers are the time in seconds after which the device will turn off. The command to restart the computer from the command line is as follows: "Shutdown-r". Click "Confirm" to activate. The "At" command - starts the PC at the time specified by the user. This utility reads and groups jobs in the Windows operating system.


The list of commands for the console is huge. Many of them are harmless and simple, but there are special ones among them that require caution on the part of the user. Be careful! Sometimes it is necessary to completely format a disk or flash drive. The command to delete all data looks like this: "Format C", auxiliary parameters "/fs" - determine the location of the file system of the formatting disk, "/v" - sets the volume label, "/a" - cluster size. Do not execute the format command if you are not sure of your actions and do not know why this is necessary. The command deletes all information from the PC!


Some command line commands are designed to check disks for system errors. The "CHKDSK" command without additional parameters displays status information hard drive. If errors are found, additionally enter "/f" to correct them. Before checking a disk, block it. If the console is full of commands, type "c/s" into the line to clear the screen.

System files will be checked by the "Sfc" command. It can be used to recover damaged files. The command is supplemented with the parameters "/scannow", "/scanonce", "/scanboot", which check and fix system errors in files.


It is not possible to know all the commands of a line, but some of them will be useful to the user. For example, the "Assoc" command changes the association between an extension and a file type. If the user wants to know detailed information about the operating system and the state of the computer, he should type "Systeminfo". Using the editor system registry"Regent" can be changed hidden settings OS. However, if you do not know what's what, it is not recommended to do this because of the risk of breaking Windows. Calling the system configuration - special service is easy by typing "Msconfic" at the command line. If you want to learn more about the commands, write "Help" in the console line, taking into account that the seventh or eighth version of Windows acts as the operating system.

To useful commands for the user, experts include network, system and filters. The "At" command consists of a whole set of commands that are used to install, reinstall, configure the modem. It is also considered the planning team. With its help, you can change, cancel, set up tasks for remote or local computer. In operating system Windows is better use the "SCHTASKS" utility instead of the "At" command. Its possibilities are much wider.