Make money by posting. How can you earn real money from comments and posting, even for a beginner right now?

Is there a type of income that is suitable for both new and experienced Internet users? If you search for information carefully, you can find articles that write about this type of earnings such as posting on blogs and forums. What kind of work is this with such a mysterious name? Posting is placing a post - a comment on an article, a message, writing a new topic. This activity is not difficult, the most important thing is to have at least some idea about the topic in which the post is being written.

How do you make money?

There are special exchanges on the Internet that deal specifically with this type of earnings; they are intermediaries between the customer and the contractor. More recently, customers were found through special forums, social networks (this method is still relevant today), agreements were made and the work was done. But since there are so many people who simply do not pay for the work done, many switch to exchanges. To take part in them, you first need to register.

Chat on forums and get money

Each exchange works differently, but the principle is the same, you need to find an order, read it carefully, if everything suits you, you need to take it to work, the order may indicate how long the order needs to be completed. Everything is done exactly as it is written. If this is posting on a forum, then you need to first register on it, and then carry it out; registration is not required on blogs.

After completion, the customer is sent the data he specified for verification. If the work is done well, it is paid. The customer can also refuse payment, making sure to indicate the reasons. If the contractor does not agree with the refusal, he can contact the exchange administration, indicating the order number, the reason for the refusal and his version.

As you can see, the work is not difficult, but everyone is worried about the question, how much can you earn?

Income will depend on the number of works performed and their cost. At the very beginning, a new user of the exchange will not be able to carry out too many orders and, naturally, his earnings will be small until he gets used to it and starts completing work faster.

When New user looking for an order, he sees works that are well worth it, and then attention! There is no need to take such orders, at least from the very beginning, they will only undermine the reputation, since they are difficult for a new user. You need to take orders that are no higher than $0.15; such orders, as a rule, do not exceed 200 characters, just right for training.

As it has already become clear, the cost of posts is different, and it depends on the number of characters, payment for an order can be 0.05 or 0.50 $, if you choose high-paying orders and complete a large number of them, you can make good money.

It’s not worth it for an experienced user to write 300-400 characters and get, for example, $0.50 for it, and this is only for one post. Having earned the minimum amount for withdrawal, which is indicated by the system (it is different in each exchange), you can withdraw it to online wallet

Good luck and success in making money by posting!

Quite a lot of people nowadays are trying to find additional or main income on the Internet.

This type of activity is convenient because you can work almost at any time and organize your workspace independently.

In this case, there is no need to depend on the work schedule, and the amount of earnings, as a rule, depends on the desire of the person himself. If he urgently needs money, he finds several customers, works actively and earns as much as he has the strength to do.

And at the same time, a person working on the Internet is free to arrange long-term vacations for himself at any time convenient for himself.

Possible types of earning money on the Internet include earning money from clicks. In this case, money is awarded for following certain links.

It is extremely difficult to earn a lot of money this way. However, if you have a huge amount of free time and unlimited Internet, you can try yourself in this area.

Another type of earning money on the Internet is copywriting and rewriting. These concepts mean the creation of unique content for certain resources.

Posting is considered one of the types of copywriting and rewriting. However, he treats them rather indirectly. Let's take a closer look at this concept.

What is posting?

For people who are encountering this terminology for the first time, let us explain.

Posting is the process of publishing various kinds of messages, reviews, comments, small articles or press releases on various sites. This type of activity can be either free or paid.

A special feature of paid posting is that topics for messages or comments, as well as target sites, are provided directly by the employer.

But it should look as if the person who wrote this comment independently came across this site and decided to express his opinion on this or that issue.

What is the point of posting?

As a rule, customers give tasks to people who are engaged in paid posting in order to increase traffic to their sites.

In addition, positive or negative comments left on sites, gods and forums will shape the evaluative perception of other people who visit this resource.

Posting also involves advertising a specific resource on other sites. It could be like Hiden advertisment, disguised as a review, as well as messages that directly advertise a particular resource and invite everyone to visit it.

For online stores, such manipulations work to attract customers. And for various forums they act as one of the methods and techniques of SEO optimization.

How to make money by posting?

There are several highly specialized exchanges where anyone can find what they need.

For customers, these are intelligent and competent performers, and for performers, these are customers who will pay them money.

There are also copywriting and rewriting exchanges that specialize in filling websites with unique content.

This concept mainly includes full-fledged articles for various Internet resources. However, assignments for those who specialize in posting can also be posted here.

By the way, such highly focused specialists can also try their hand at writing unique articles.

Because if you know how to coherently express your thoughts and logically substantiate this or that point of view, then writing articles should not cause you any difficulties.

And you can earn much more money from copywriting and rewriting than from writing comments for forums.

What does it take to become a poster?

Payment on such sites is made using electronic payment systems. Most often this is WebMoney, but it can also be Yandex.Money, Qiwi or any other electronic wallets.

Almost all exchanges cooperate with WebMoney, but not all even the largest exchanges work with other systems.

Therefore, a mandatory condition for registering on posting or copywriting exchanges is the presence of an electronic wallet.

The second step, naturally, will be registration on the exchange itself. You fill out a form in which you indicate your credentials, login/password and fill in the other standard fields.

Then you look for orders that suit you and work quietly for your own pleasure.

Thus, in order to make money by posting, you only need a few conditions:

  • availability of an electronic wallet;
  • the ability to express one’s thoughts correctly and clearly;
  • a little creativity to write “essays” on a given topic;
  • availability of sufficient free time and desire to work.

It's quite simple, so it's worth a try.

Posting - writing messages, comments, reviews, etc., in a word, writing short texts, as opposed to copywriting and rewriting. In fact make money online by posting not much different from making money on forums with payment for messages. There is only one difference: in addition to posting a short review or review, the poster must include a link to the advertiser’s website. That is, on most blogs after the article there is a comment field:

As you can see, you need to specify Your Name, Address Email, website address advertiser I(the customer for whom you will post and earn money on the Internet by posting). Next you need enter captcha- to confirm that you are not a spammer and click on confirm button. That's it, you left your comment and earned your money by posting, but the transfer will be made after checking (moderating) your message.

For make money online by posting must be left meaningful comments, usually from 50 to 300 characters with payment from 0.02 to 0.6 dollars, depending on the resource you are going to work on. Sites, blogs, forums on which you are going to place messages (post) must be agreed upon with the advertiser, i.e. it must be approved by a moderator.

Why do customers pay for posting? By posting, they promote their resources, increasing TIC and PR indicators, in addition, they receive cheap advertising for their sites and natural influx of visitors.

Important advice for those who decide to make money on the Internet from home by posting:

Where can you earn money by posting? Posting exchanges.

If you are just starting to learn how to make money writing texts, including posting, you are of course interested in where, or rather on which exchanges, you can work. You can use search engines to search for your blog base and over a period of time, through trials, check the found web resources for the possibility making money by posting, or you can use the list below that we have compiled for you. First, we advise you to work on all the listed posting exchanges, and then select for yourself the ten most convenient and make money online working from home poster.

List of posting exchanges.

1. Advego is more of a content exchange, but after registration you have access to an order search with which you can filter (select) orders for posting. The price for a post (comment, review) of 50 - 300 characters will range from 3 to 50 cents. The minimum withdrawal amount is 5 dollars. Withdrawal is carried out in payment system Internet WebMoney.

2. Thank you a social review service that was opened (created) in 2012 on February 28, which to this day, without production costs, continues to function stably. To make money on the ThanksAll service, the user will need to go through a simple registration procedure, which takes about 5 minutes. Next, carefully study the rules of the system, since your future earnings will be affected by their compliance, and start earning money.

The minimum amount is paid by the service upon reaching 500 rubles, payments to the WMR wallet specified upon registration. The social service ThankVsem awards a welcome bonus equal to 300 rubles to each user.

Registration --->>>

3. save PR- exchange for posters and optimizers. After registering to earn money by posting, you need to install the Mozilla toolbar fromsave PR , which will greatly facilitate your search for orders for posting. You can see the list of orders for payment for messages by clicking the “Posting” toolbar button, then write your post text and click the “I posted” button, after confirmation you will receive payment for the post. Payment for post on save PR is 4 - 12 cents, how much optimizers pay for a text task, you can see by clicking the “Post” button. In addition to writing paid messages, there is an opportunity to make money on the posting exchange save PR attracting referrals, although the rate is small, only 5%. Payments are made upon entering a minimum amount of $5 and only into the WebMoney payment system, but if you have not yet created a WebMoney wallet, then you can use the electronic currency exchange system. The money arrives in your account within 4 days maximum. Registration --->>>The exchange is closed.

The exchange is closed...

8. Blogger- an exchange designed for advertising in the gods, or on social networks, but for good earnings they must have at least small TIC and PR indicators, otherwise the prices will be miserable, and there will be fewer applications for posting guard posts than for pumped-up social services. accounts. The Logun exchange works with the most famous social systems- VKontakte, Twitter, Facebook, etc. The blogun service is good because the prices for guards are fixed and amount to: 15 rubles per guard; 30 rubles per short review and 100 rubles for detailed review. Agree not bad prices in 15 minutes work. The main thing is to do everything correctly at the initial stages and undergo moderation of your site. Output to the WebMoney system. Registration--->>>
9. T w ite is a posting exchange that is mainly focused on posting on Twitter, but you can also earn extra money on Facebook, Instagram, Livejournal. They pay from 3 rubles per post on Twitter. There is an auto-sale of subscriptions, the price for which is set by you. Withdrawal to the Internet payment system “WebMoney”, when the minimum wage is 300 rubles. Registration--->>>

10. VK target— postniga exchange for working and making money on the Internet on social media. VKontakte network. Payment for completing tasks from 0.10 rubles. Withdrawal of earnings from posting to the WebMoney payment system upon reaching a minimum amount of 50 rubles. Registration--->>>

11. trendio - advertising exchange posts, focused on the social network “VKontakte”. It is possible to place advertisements in automatic mode. Registration--->>>The site has been under development for a year, and most likely will close, but in any case, there is no longer any desire to work on it, not a serious approach...

12. TwitAndLike- another exchange advertising for your earnings on the Internet by posting. This service focused on working with the social network “Vkontakte”. Make money on TwitAndLike You can do the following:

1) by posting posts on your social page. VKontakte networks; 2) joining groups of advertisers; 3) reposting the advertiser’s news for friends; 4) putting likes (hearts, expressions of sympathy);

The minimum amount for withdrawal is 5 rubles to one of the payment systems - WebMoney; Yandex money; QIWI; Your mobile phone. Registration--->>>The exchange is closed.

13. Feeclick - a social media posting exchange that pays for clicks on posts posted on your sites. Works with Twitter, Facebook, LiveJournal (LJ), Google Plus, Odnoklassniki, MoiMir and other social networks. networks. But there are selection criteria before adding your platform for making money by posting in Feeclick, she must get 20 clicks, which will naturally pay you. If your site does not get clicks, then it does not pass moderation and you will have to apply for re-review. So before adding, be prepared to execute test task, send invitations to friends in order to get the required number of clicks, but under no circumstances click yourself otherwise - BAN and the impossibility of making money on the Internet by posting. The minimum amount for withdrawal is 1 ruble to the Internet payment system WebMoney. Registration--->>>

14. PROSPEROexchange for making money by posting. Payment is made both for clicks and for placing posts on your social media platforms. Payment in WebMoney onR-wallet. Registration--->>>

Today, the Internet is a place where you can make money and in this article, your blog, I want to talk about a new way of earning money, which can also give quite good money.

Of course, if you have read my previous posts, then you are already aware that you can make money on the Internet in multiple ways. Today, let's focus on making money called “posting”.

What does posting mean? I don’t want to tell you what this word means from a foreign language, but I will write it as I myself understand it. Posting is writing messages, reviews, and also small reviews to those people and on those sites that require it.

For example, you went to an online household appliances store and purchased something there, for example a refrigerator. So, if you are satisfied with the price, if the quality of the refrigerator was excellent, then you simply write your review in the comments line. So, basically, you posted your review.

It turns out that you purchased a quality item and did a good deed for the online store. Many people who lead an “active Internet life” visit thematic forums, blogs, news portals, where they post their comments or thoughts.

So this is what I'm getting at... To the point that if you are just such a person and often spend time on such online services, then you can make money on what is called posting. You will write reviews, comments, your own thoughts and ideas, and you will be paid quite normal money for this.

Would you like to earn money like this?? Write in the comments whether you would like to earn money like this or not. It is quite possible that you are already earning money in this way, so write your impressions in the comments.

Well, we return to our sheep...

Every person who has access to the Internet can earn really good money and this is not a myth.

By the way, for those people who still don’t believe that you can make money on the Internet, I recommend reading my articles:

That's all, bye everyone, see you in my next articles.

Sincerely, Yuri Vatsenko!

Making money by posting is the simplest type of work on the Internet. There is a financial crisis in the world, there is a crisis in our country, and what’s more, almost every single family is experiencing the disastrous impact of the financial crisis. There is a catastrophic lack of money, there are job cuts and wage reductions...what to do? What resources can you use to earn extra money? Earning money through posting can help you with these issues.

Ways to earn money by posting

Earning money from paid posts

“Post” translated from English means letter, message, message. But don’t confuse earning money from posts with writing articles. Posting is not a simple transfer of messages between users.

So, a post is a comment on a website, a message in a virtual diary or communication on a forum. Platforms for paid posting can be easily found on the Internet. Today there are a great variety of diaries, forums, chats and portals for the chosen type of earnings.

Earning profit from posts

If time allows you to write posts from early rooster crows until late at night, you can earn quite decent money from your personal opinion. Fortunately, the demand for competent “posters” is growing day by day.

However, simply expressing your thoughts in front of other users is not enough. It is important to strictly follow the customer's instructions. For example, comply with the required volume of posts, leave messages only in the required sections and behave on the forums in accordance with the site regulations.

If the terms of the order are not met, posts may remain unpaid, and the author’s work will be in vain. Therefore, in order to profit from posts, it is vital to take a responsible approach to order fulfillment.

Posting news portals

Compared to regular forums and chats, news portals can bring significant monetary savings to posters. Thus, by posting news posts on current topics, written in an interesting and exciting way, a poster can earn from several hundred to a couple of thousand rubles a month.

It is important to maintain the uniqueness of the text when writing news posts, and also strive to interest readers in the new products being sold. To help the news poster, there are all kinds of voting and the possibility of raising the rating. The most popular and widely read news coverage will certainly attract the attention of a worthy customer with impressive fees.

The best sites to make money by posting is a multi-profile exchange for making money through posting. This exchange provides the opportunity to earn income using social networks, tasks and much more. - is the most popular service for generating income using posting. You can find tasks to complete in the "Work" section. Advego is also a popular copywriting exchange.

Features of earning money on posts

Anyone can write posts, but to make a profit from writing them you will need much more than a simple desire to make money. A competent poster simply must have a thorough understanding of the topic chosen for earning money.

Thus, childless women, deprived of even outside experience of caring for children, are strictly contraindicated from trying to write posts on forums for caring mothers. No useful information in this case, the poster is unable to convey to the readers, and for outright nonsense you can even pay for blocking your account. The given example is not the only one of its kind. Rule: you can only make money on what you understand! And this rule applies to absolutely any topic for writing posts and more. After all, the posts are read by the same real people as those who diligently write them.

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