Register with VK using email. How to register in the social network VKontakte? Free virtual number

Today, the vast majority of Internet users are registered in various social networks, whether Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki,My Circle and many other communities. We can say that the boom in the growth of registered users of social networks continues even now, hundreds, if not thousands, of new users appear every day. Moreover, the number of people connected to the Internet is growing every minute in all countries of the world. Originally Russian social networks are the last three of those listed above: VKontakte, Odnoklassniki and Moi Krug. However, the largest, most popular social network in Russia is VKontakte. Although evil tongues claim that this platform for communication and interaction between people in the electronic space was completely copied from the world's most popular Facebook, we can safely say that over the years of parallel development of these two projects, they have changed a lot and VKontakte has a number of differences, that make this project stand out. This article will discuss in detail how to register VKontakte via mail.

Registration VKontakte via e-mail

It's no secret that on every site where authorization is present (the ability to log in for personalization, identification, provision of individual services) in order to use the full range of services, prior registration is required. For registration, in the vast majority of cases, you need to enter the address of a working Email, and/or number mobile phone. After that, a letter will be sent to the specified address to confirm registration, or a password generated by the system. In addition, these data are also used to enter the system, becoming a login on the site. Registering VKontakte via e-mail is a standard procedure that was used on the site many years ago and does not raise any questions today. However, now the registration process begins with entering a mobile phone number, and after that you need to enter your mail, in order for you to receive a registration confirmation letter. Important: The email address must be your own and you must have full access to open the email with the link to activate your account. Otherwise, registering VKontakte via mail should not cause any problems.

VKontakte password recovery via mail

If you have forgotten your password, or someone has changed your password, you can always recover lost data using in a simple way- VKontakte password recovery via mail. To do this, on the authorization page, click on the link "Forgot your password?" and enter the email address that was used during registration. After that, if all the data is entered correctly, the system will automatically send you an e-mail with a link to reset your password, after clicking on which you need to follow the instructions and your password will be restored. In addition, you have the opportunity to restore access to your page using your mobile phone if for any reason you do not have access to the mobile phone to which this account is registered. After entering the phone number, you will be sent an SMS message with a code, you need to enter it in the provided field.

Thus, you have at your disposal several password recovery methods at once, each of them will provide you with access to the page in case you lose your password.

How to create a password that will keep your page secure

When registering VKontakte using mail, as well as in any other social network special attention should be paid to creating a strong password that will not be easy to crack or guess by brute force to ensure the security of your personal data. This section of the article will tell you how to create a password that will keep your page secure.

Your password should be long enough (recommended length - more than 8 characters), it is desirable to use Latin characters in its composition. In order to significantly complicate it for hacking without greatly complicating memorization, you should use both uppercase and lowercase letters at the same time, this is one of the most effective ways. In addition, some sites allow the use of special characters, for example: "@", "_", "!", and the like. At the same time, it's good if the password does not contain your e-mail address, you should also not choose a password that matches any other.

What to do so that the page is not hacked

Even if you have chosen a fairly complex password that is almost impossible to crack by brute force, this does not give you complete confidence that your page is completely safe. To do this, you should know what to do so that the page is not hacked. The point is that there is a large number of ways to hack an account using third party programs, which are often disguised as useful applications. These can be programs for downloading music from a social network, settings appearance, browser extensions, etc. It's always worth checking what programs you install on your computer. One of the pretty reliable ways is search in popular search engines by the name of a particular program. Very often you can see information that the developers of this software use their product (especially if it's free) to hack into the accounts of unsuspecting users. Usually nothing bad will happen, even if you have installed such a program. She may start sending advertisements on your behalf to your friends or simply change the password, but this can be easily avoided if you choose your programs responsibly.

Good day, friends! Not so long ago, the administration of the most popular Russian social network VKontakte changed the rules for registering new users. Now, to register an account, you need to specify your mobile phone for successful registration. Unfortunately, there is no official way to create an account with only email.

All this was done for a reason, because thanks to such fierce rules, the number of fake accounts created has decreased, and the load on the servers of the well-known social network has also decreased. In principle, now each person has his own mobile phone, so registering your page will not be difficult.

If you want to register Vkontakte without a mobile phone, then I hasten to please you - this is real. The thing is that the so-called virtual telephony servers have recently appeared. They are used to receive SMS. That is, if you register on such a service, then a mobile phone will not be needed to register in VK, since you will have virtual number phone. One of the most popular virtual telephony servers is Pinger. Let's use it to register on a social network without a mobile phone.


Step one. Registration in Pinger

Let's go to this page of the service to register a new user. Here we will need to come up with a username, password, drive in an email, indicate the age (preferably over 18 years old) and enter the captcha. As you can see, the service is in English, but this is not a hindrance for us.

By the way, in order for everything on the site to be displayed and work fully, make sure that you have the latest flash version player.

After filling in all the required fields, click on the round button with an arrow.

The service will give out free numbers that you can take for yourself. Also, if you enter postcode, you can select the appropriate virtual number.

Next, go to this page
A page with the SMS message manager will open in front of us. If you now send an SMS to the registered virtual number, then the sent message will be displayed on this page.

You can find out your virtual number by looking in the upper right corner of the site,

The first stage is completed, now let's move on to the actual registering an account in VK without a mobile phone.

Step two. Registration in VKontakte

Let's go to official page contact We indicate the name and surname (you can enter your data or fictitious ones) and click "Register"

Next, we will be asked to select a country and provide a mobile phone number. Here we will indicate the virtual number created in Pinger. In our case, we select the US country with the code +1 and drive in a virtual phone,

Now go to the SMS message manager and click the update button. After that, a message with a code should come. This code must be entered into the appropriate field of the social network. Next, invent and drive New Password for VK. When creating a password, I advise you to use not only the Latin alphabet, but numbers too. Remember, the more complex the password, the less likely it is that your page will be hacked.

You can use other virtual telephony servers, there are plenty of them on the network now. For greater reliability, I advise you to use such services on a paid basis. The fee will be symbolic, but the benefits are much greater.

I hope it was informative! All the best!

How to create a VK without a phone number? There are several ways to do this - registration through a virtual phone number, mail or Facebook social network.

How to quickly register in VK without a phone number

  1. Listening to music;
  2. Applications;
  3. Maintaining their communities and promoting business;
  4. A pleasant pastime (whether useful or not, it's up to you).

And many other advantages that can be extracted from any social network. Without a doubt, there is a “fat” drawback - uselessness and waste of time. Yes, in most cases it is, but not always. Everyone decides for himself whether to use Vkontakte or delete the page forever. Some people are engaged in business and receive income, while others read memes from publics, whose administrators receive money from advertisers in the same way.

Those who want to create a VK page again without a phone number and engage in useful activities or waste their time, read on.

Why do I need a phone number to register VK

When creating a Vkontakte account, the name, surname and date of birth are usually indicated, then the phone number and E-mail. The phone number is needed here for security, because in which case the confirmation code will come to your SIM card. This way, few people will be able to hack your page, especially when 2-Step Verification is enabled.

To enter Vkontakte with mobile version applications or desktop, in any case, you will have to enter a phone number and password.

E-mail binding still remains, but as a secondary option for recovering a hacked account.

I note that hackers are not asleep either, which means that at any moment your page may be in the hands of an attacker. It doesn't matter what level of protection you have.

It is worth noting that now the mobile phone number is used in order to reduce the load on the social network servers. The fact is that they used to register via mail and a huge number of spam bots automatically created accounts and sent out spam.

Is there a way to register Vkontakte without a phone

There are ways, of course. They are considered a little bypassed for the simple reason that when registering a VK page, it is not your phone number that is used.

Without a verified phone number, you will have a bunch of restrictions, where:

  1. Unable to send messages to friends.
  2. Can't send friend requests.
  3. Constant appearance of captcha.
  4. Inability to join communities.

To create a virtual phone number, there are a large number of different services. One of them is, and others. After all, all you need is to receive SMS messages to confirm your account. Such a number will cost at least 1 ruble.

Other services, such as Pinger, now do not allow you to create a VK account without a phone number.

If a message is displayed that this number is not suitable for registering a Vkontakte profile, then use other numbers or services.

Now you know how to register in VK without using a phone number. In general, if it doesn’t work out with virtual numbers, just buy a normal SIM card, or look for a SIM card “from hand” near the subway, train stations and other public places.

So let's note the following important thing. Create a Vkontakte account on a virtual phone number only if you do not have business correspondence and the profile you use to communicate with your friends on a daily basis. If in correspondence you have important information, be it numbers credit cards or some other secret conversations, then issue your Sim-card, not someone else's. The same applies to the maintenance of groups / pages, where the VK account must be registered only to your number.

For many novice users, the Internet is something new and not entirely clear. I think that the main part of new users seeks to find old friends, because it is interesting to find out how life turned out with childhood friends, classmates, etc.

Registration in contact.

So, before registering, you need to enter the address in address bar your browser.

You will load a page on which you will take the first step of registering Vkontakte. Here you need to enter your first and last name and click Register.

After clicking this button, you will see a page to continue registration. It will look like this:

Here you will be prompted to select the school where you studied. Fill in everything as above, but with your data. You can also skip this step and complete this information after registering. I will write more about how to do this in one of the next lessons.

Now, at the last stage of registering Vkontakte, you just need to indicate your country of residence and phone number in international format:

After you enter your number, an SMS with a short code for confirmation will be sent to it (this may take several minutes, but if the SMS does not arrive for a long time, try going through this step again):

But usually SMS comes within a couple of minutes. By clicking send code, you will be prompted to choose a password that you need to remember. Better yet, write it down! If you forget your password, you can follow the instructions on the link above. Having come up with a strong password, click Login to the site.

After that, your Vkontakte page will open in front of you - and this completes the registration!

This video will make you smile:

Today we examined in detail how to register Vkontakte. This is a fairly simple tutorial and I hope everything is written clearly and you will not have any problems registering! If you have any questions - ask them in the comments or on the Feedback page.

Subscribe to new useful articles about social networks and more! I wish you success!


Registration in VK today is extremely simple. Now you will understand it. Open for registration social network homepage and fill in the registration data right here. Enter your first name, last name and date of birth. Click Register.

Next, we are required to enter our valid phone number to confirm registration and page security. If you do not want to enter your phone number or it is not there, read below. We will register a page without a phone.

Click Get code. Almost immediately, an SMS with a code from the number should come to the number.

We enter the code in the appropriate window, come up with a password, which is necessarily complex, and go to the page we just created in contact.

It remains to fill it with your data about the school, work and photos so that users can easily find you. Do I need to enter my real personal data? Is it safe? Now let's discuss. It’s up to you to decide whether it’s worth telling the whole world that you once went to the courses of radical Nazi feminists and whether you need to upload photos from this event here.

Do I need to enter my real passport data when registering?

Of course not. Basically, this is exactly what they do when registering on social networks. Do not do that. By your real name, anyone on the Internet can easily find you. Googling your name can tell you a lot of interesting things if you like to register in services under your real name. Moreover, with the development of the Internet, now all contacts with the city administration and state services are conducted via the Internet. By googling, you can find out where you complain, where you go, etc. This is not safe. Change your last name to at least Masha Tsvetoffff, for example, so that only those who really know you can find you. You can also enter your first and last name in Latin letters. Finding you will be more difficult.

Do I need to enter my real data in the questionnaire?

From the point of view of hacking the page - no difference. Both a fake page and a confirmed one can be hacked. This is rather stupid, but security depends on the head on the shoulders of the user. The more relaxed the attitude to activity on the network, the easier it is to hack the page.

How to register in a contact via email without a phone number

No way. Registration is carried out only by phone number since 2012. But you can use a virtual number to register online. If you do not want to show your real number and register a page on it. In order to protect against hacking, enter the email address for account recovery in the settings. In terms of security and getting quick access to the page, it’s better to register with your phone number, and besides, it’s much more reliable. You will not need to worry about constant registration errors due to the fact that your number was previously used in the service.

If you are not embarrassed by the difficulties, we look at the instructions for working with the virtual number service.

You do not need any confirmation of personal data, the service is paid. In this service, the number is unlinked from you almost immediately, as soon as you complete all the operations for receiving SMS.

It is better to rent a virtual number for a few hours to set up security, while receiving full SMS.

After registering the page in contact, we are in no hurry to abandon the number. You need to set up account security. We will need to receive another message to turn off all notifications to the phone number. This is necessary if you plan to use the page for a long time. Well, now we go directly to the service and register the number.

Where to get a phone number without a passport

Registration on the service is extremely simple. No personal data is required from us. All you need is an email address to receive reports. To register for the service, open the site and press the big button Registration.

After registration, you need to replenish the balance of the wallet. The amount required for registration in a contact can be seen on the order number screen. I paid 16 rubles. If you need to create one account, you do not need to transfer a lot of money to the account.

We choose social network to which you want to register. Choose Vkontakte.

Select the country whose phone number you want to get. I chose Russia.

Click the Get number button.

And we are waiting for the number. After some short time, you will see the number allocated to you. The text of the SMS message can be read in the field below.

It is also very likely that the number just allocated to you will not be available for registration, to change the number, click on Used. This method is intended only for registration in a contact. Only one message with the registration confirmation code can be received here. For other operations, rent a room at the Virtual Sim point for three hours, for example. Be aware that when using a virtual number, you can quickly get blocked.

And when blocking, deleting or hacking a page in correspondence with those support, we say that the number is not available now, there is no way to connect a new one, but there is a mail that we have linked. Instructions and passwords for recovery will come exactly to the connected mailbox.There are other services where you can get a number for free. The setup here is more complicated, for example, you need activation using your phone, as in a contact, or confirmation with an account from Facebook or Google Plus, for registration, which also need a number. In addition, Vkontakte is constantly blocking free virtual numbers. In general, you will have to work to register a page without a phone number, but you can register an account in this way.

It is better to use paid services for renting SIM cards. They are safer, more anonymous, do not require any personal data, are easy to set up, and registration using them on social networks is faster. If you are not satisfied with the Sms-Reg service in the search, you can find dozens of similar ones.

All actions can be divided into several simple steps. Everything that is described here must be done first of all for the security of the page. When registering an account without a phone number, remember:

  1. We buy a virtual SIM card and register a page in VK;
  2. Link your email to the page;
  3. We hope that we will not be banned, since the number under which you registered can be used for other operations with your account.

Why do I need to register by phone number? For security, to prevent fraud, to track you (how many services have you managed to register under the same number). It's easier, it's easier, it's safer, they tell us. But safer and easier for whom? For social network, government and other bodies. And only then - for you. That's what. We will try not to notice all these attempts to hang noodles on our ears and try to understand the situation further.

How to register in a contact for free

Vkontakte registration has always been only free. If they demand money from you, then you are on a phishing site. Check the URL of the site - it should be

It is difficult to imagine the modern world without social networks. This is one of the greatest inventions of the 21st century, which allowed people to communicate with each other without any barriers. In the open spaces world wide web there are a large number of social networks (Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.). Nevertheless, on the Russian-speaking Internet, the VKontakte website is the most popular. If you want to join the new era of online communication, you just need to register in Contact.

Initially, to register on the social network, it was necessary to receive a special invitation. Now registration in VKontakte is available to everyone. All you need to create your own page is . It is to him that your account on the social network will be linked. If you forget your password, you can always access the page via your mobile phone.

Please note that only one VKontakte account can be linked to one number. If you create a second page, the first one will lose its link to the phone. Registration of a new user takes place in several steps. Let's see right now how to register in Contact.

Step one: personal data

Go to the official website of VKontakte. The start page should be displayed. In the left corner there is a "Register" button. Click on it to open registration form. It is necessary to enter your personal data: first and last name. Having done this, click on the "Register" button.

If someone has already logged into your account on your computer and because of this you cannot register on the VKontakte social network, then in this case you need to exit the page. For this, in the right upper corner website, click on the username. A drop-down list will appear, in which you must select the "Exit" item.

Step Two: Education

The social network will prompt you to indicate the school where you study or once studied. This item can be skipped if desired by clicking the appropriate button. However, we would recommend that you indicate the place of study. Indeed, thanks to this, the site's algorithms will help you find your classmates.

The country is determined automatically. All that remains for you is to indicate the city and the name of a particular school. Then VKontakte will prompt you to identify the institution of higher education where you study or studied. Everything is the same here, so there should not be any problems.

Step three: mobile phone

To register a new page, VK will require you to provide a phone number. Enter it and click on the "Get Code" button. After a couple of minutes, an SMS will come to your mobile phone, which contains a short set of numbers. Of course, there is no charge per message. Enter the received code in the appropriate field on the site. Then click on "Submit Code".

If after a few minutes the SMS has not arrived, you must click on the hyperlink "I did not receive the code." The system will send a new message to your phone. If it doesn’t reach you, then you need to click on the “Yes, let the robot call” button. This will cause the bot to call your phone and dictate the code.

Previously, registration on VKontakte was carried out via e-mail. However, over time, the rules for creating pages have become more stringent. And in 2017, it will not be possible to register in VK without a phone number.

Step Four: Password

The most important step remains, which is mandatory for those who want to register on VKontakte for free. You must create and enter a password with which you will gain access to your account. A special form will appear on the page. It is in it that you need to enter the password.

There are certain password requirements. Firstly, its size must be at least 6 characters, but not more than 32. Secondly, you cannot use special characters like *,%, $, etc. We recommend that you use complex passwords that have characters of different case and numbers. Thus, you can protect yourself from hacking. Also pay attention to the language in which you enter the password.

Step Five: Login

When the VK page is registered, you can go to it. To do this, go to the official website of VKontakte. Enter your phone number and password in the appropriate form, then click on the "Login" button. Voila - you have landed on your page. Now you can communicate with your family, friends, colleagues without any restrictions for free.

Number recently used

Sometimes it happens that a new page is not registered on VKontakte. The site does not create an account, justifying this by saying that the number was recently used. What to do in this case? The simplest solution is to register through another phone. In the future, you can relink the page to another SIM card. This is done through the "My Settings" section, the "Change phone number" item.

If this option does not suit you, then there is only one way out - contact VK technical support. Describe your problem and send a request to support. As a rule, VKontakte employs highly qualified employees who promptly respond to incoming requests. So you won't have to wait long for an answer. To speed up the process of solving the problem, attach to the application the phone number to which you want to link the page.

So many users are asking the same interesting question: how can I create a mailbox on the social network VKontakte? Let's say right away if you want yourself email box like " [email protected]"- this is impossible to do. If you are not one of the administrators of the social network. And this is probably not the case. Yes, there was once an idea about on VKontakte, but it was never implemented.

However, you can use any other virtual mail service, be it "", "", "", to create a mailbox for VKontakte. That is, in order to register in this social network.

One of the best email services today is email from the well-known company Google.

Here is what you need to do to create a mailbox for VKontakte in this system:

  • Go to:;
  • In the upper right corner you will see a blue "Create Account" button. Click on it;
  • A page will open where you need to fill in all the fields: first name, last name, password, username, mobile phone number (for the security of your email), date of birth, country of residence. As for the username, keep in mind that this will be your email address! Try to make it unique, concise, beautiful and memorable. This matter is complicated by the fact that repetitions among users are unacceptable.
  • When you fill in all the fields, enter the captcha, check the box next to "I accept the terms of use" and click the blue "Next" button.
Basically, that's all. As you can see, nothing complicated. Now you know how to create a mailbox for VKontakte. Please use it during registration. If your situation is such that the VKontakte page has already been created, but the email box is not linked, you can link this particular mail to your account through the VKontakte profile settings. To do this, enter: your page - "My settings" - "Your email address". There you will see the "Save address" button. Click on it immediately after you enter your new e-mail in the appropriate field.

If you want Russian mail, do the following:

Choose any Post service for your VKontakte page and enjoy communication on your favorite social network.