Zalman hard drive with emulation. Zalman ZM-VE350: review of external HDD box

It quickly became one of the most necessary and useful devices. The owners of such boxes will understand me; they get used to good things quickly.

Soon after the purchase, bootable flash drives were almost a thing of the past, joining the previously retired BootCD and the almost forgotten floppy disks. It seemed that the question of the best device for OS installations and other actions related to booting from an external drive would not arise for a long time. But less than a year has passed since he appeared ZM-VE300 from the same manufacturer. Although I have never come across computers with USB 3.0 ports before ( I know that this is not the first year they have been produced), I couldn’t help but take the opportunity to evaluate the VE300.

First look

The appearance and equipment are almost the same as its predecessor. The aluminum case itself is identical, only on the upper part connected to the disk, instead of a write-protect switch, there is a Backup button, and instead of the Mini USB_B and eSATA sockets, there is one USB 3.0 Micro_B.

Included with the ZM-VE300 is a USB 3.0 A - USB 3.0 Micro_B cable, a disk with software, brief instructions on English language and “micro screwdriver with micro bolts.”

The screen is the same as on the ZM-VE200, but instead of constantly displaying the disk temperature, it shows the connection mode.

The temperature can be viewed by selecting view SMART parameters in the menu (there is only the temperature and the status of the drive, “good” in my case). In general, the menu is more extensive than it was before.


First of all, of course, we were interested in the write/read speeds, for comparison with the previous model.

The following system was assembled for testing:

The disk was one third full different files, tests were performed using the ATTO Disk Benchmark utility.

ZM-VE300 connected via USB 2.0 port and through USB 3.0.

ZM-VE200 connected via USB 2.0 port and through eSATA.

Somewhat unexpected was the difference in data exchange speed with VE300 and VE200 connected to the same USB port 2.0, with the same hard drive.

The difference between USB 3.0 and eSATA seems to be insignificant, but here we must not forget about some things:

* eSATA on VE200 - without power, so it requires that it be connected and USB cable. The most annoying thing is that you cannot boot your computer via eSATA. virtual image, it is only for copying files.

* USB 3.0 requires drivers at boot, which are not present in every liveCD image. Even if the image itself is loaded, there will be no access to the disk itself in Zalmane. Therefore, these drivers have to be either integrated into the image in advance, or loaded along the way.

With drivers included, downloading/installing/operating via USB 3.0 is very fast. It feels as if you are working with the internal drive of the computer and not with an external one via USB. Even large wim images are loaded in a matter of seconds. Windows installation 8 happens in a few minutes ( I didn’t time it but it seems no more than ten). Working with Knoppix DVD is an absolute pleasure.

Virtual disks and software

The utility is included with the product and can be downloaded from the official Zalman website / I did so due to the lack of a disk drive. From there you can download the manual in .pdf format and the latest firmware that is flashed, unlike slipping it into the VE200 iso file, straight from Windows execution exe file.

The main BackupUtility window is launched from the tray or by pressing a button on the case.

To work with the Backup Utility program, it must be installed in Windows computer to which the VE300 will connect. The Backup button on the device calls up this particular program. And that means the program must be launched with administrator rights. If in the Backup settings you specify the contents of which folder of the host OS where to backup on Zalman, and set Automatic backup to ON, then the copying should occur without a window appearing.

Actually, I’m a little disappointed by the need to pre-install the utility on the host OS. I wanted to secretly save a bank client from the chief accountant, bummer :).

The most noteworthy button, in my opinion, is Virtual HDD. In the window it opens, you can create images of floppy disks (*.ima), flash drives (*.rmd) and partitions or entire hard drives (*.dsk). These virtual disks can then be mounted by Zalman by selecting them in the "_ISO" folder.

With mounted virtual disks you can work in the same way as with regular ones, that is, write files to them, split them into sections, format them into any file systems, make them bootable... I experimented in every way using Paragon Partition Manager.

You can boot your computer from bootable images by selecting Setup or Boot menu corresponding device. Those. USB-FDD for *.ima, USB-ZIP for *.rmd or USB-HDD for *.dsk. Although there may be collisions here.

It is interesting that as soon as any non-CD/DVD/Bluray disc image is mounted, the physical Zalman disc itself becomes read-only.

On the screenshot:

*Disc 1 (I) - "virtual partition HDD", file.dsk

*Disk 2 (H)- "virtual flash drive", file.rmd

*Disc 3 (Q)- "main disk" Zalman

*CD-ROM 0 (F)- "virtual BD-ROM", file.iso


After working with the ZM-VE300 for several days, I hurried to return it to the owner. I've had enough. It's too addictive, and the VE200 hasn't had enough yet. And USB 3.0 is rarely seen today. In a word, I don’t need it. The desire is now there :) but so far conquerable. I think the high price is justified, let Zalman make money while competitors click their beaks, it’s his right.

We will talk about the external pocket (box) of the Zalman-VE500 (Fig. 1), we will look at the unpacking, the main functions, characteristics, pros and cons, and also tell you how to solve problems that, unfortunately, it does. In the future we will often refer to this gadget,because this is some kind of colossal saving of time and nerves. Forward!

Fig.1 Box for HDD Zalman ZM-VE500

Declared parameters.

Model - Zalman ZM-VE500. The device is available in black and silver colors (Fig. 1). The back cover is made of metal, and the main part is made of plastic. Interfaces of connected HDDs - SATA-I/SATA-II, SATA III. PC connection interface USB 3.0/USB 2.0 Powered by USB. See Table 1 for other parameters.

Specification ZM-VE500
Housing material Aluminum alloy, acrylic, polycarbonates
Weight 91 grams (Without HDD)
Dimensions 146 x 80.8 x 14 mm
Maximum speed transfers 5Gbps
Nutrition DC5V(USB Power)
OS support Win XP/2000/VISTA/Win7/Win8/Win8.1/Win10/Linux/MAC

Table 1 Specification Zalman ZM-VE500


Fig.2 Equipment Zalman ZM-VE500

Contents (Fig. 2): Sh nur USB 3.0, guide, sidewith Zalman-VE500, a case for it (the material is not leather, but it’s good that it’s still there, it serves as good shockproof protection), a small screwdriver and two bolts to tighten the back cover after inserting the HDD into the box.

Everything is very simple here and instructions are not needed, although they are available at the place where you need to install the HDD.And so we insert the 2.5" HDD at an angle into the SATA connector and lower it into the box, close everything with the lid and screw in the small screws with a small screwdriver from the box (Fig. 3).

Fig.3 HDD installation to boxing.

Preparation for use.

When you turn it on for the first time, at best you will be greeted with the phrase “NO ISO FILES” or an error file system. To avoid file system errors, let's immediately partition and format the disk. We will do this in free program EaseUS Partition Master 12.5.

Step 1.

We find the Zalmana disk, in our case it is “Disk 2 (MBR)” at the bottom of the window there is a graphical display of the partitions, click right click on our disk. and select the item “Delete all partitions” (Fig. 4). EaseUS Partition Master 12.5 doesn't do anything right away, we first assign it a list of tasks and at the end we confirm their completion.

Fig.4 Disk partitioning in EaseUS Partition Master 12.5
Fig.5 Disk partitioning in EaseUS Partition Master 12.5

A window with formatting settings will open, from standard settings The only difference is that you need to switch from "Logical" to "Primary". Click "Ok" (Fig. 6).

Fig.6 Disk partitioning in EaseUS Partition Master 12.5

All tasks have been set, now we confirm their completion - click “Apply” in the left top corner windows (Fig. 7).

Fig.7 Disk partitioning in EaseUS Partition Master 12.5

We confirm our consent and wait until all operations are completed (Fig. 8).

Fig.8 Disk partitioning in EaseUS Partition Master 12.5

Step 2.

On the Zalmana disk, create a folder “_iso” (without quotes), and put your images there, this is the only way Zalman will see them. In addition, you can create more folders in the "_iso" folder, for order, so to speak. For example, we will create “BackUp” “Linux” and “Windows”, transfer our iso images to “_iso” and all folders (Fig. 9).

Fig.9 Copying iso images to Zalman ZM-VE500

Menu overview.

In the main menu we can see 5 items:

  1. Mode Select
  2. Encryption
  3. Set W-protection
  4. Information
  5. Exit

We will look at each of them in detail.

1.Mode Select- Select the operating mode of the pocket.

  • HDD MODE- Works only in external storage mode. (Displays as local disk)
  • VCD MODE- Work in virtual drive mode. (Will appear as the CD-ROM where you mount your ISO image)
  • DUAL MODE- Work in two modes simultaneously. (Will appear as local disk + virtual CD-ROM where you mount your ISO image)

2.Encription - AES 256 bit hardware encryption in real time. (Simply put, access to files is granted only after entering a password)

  • Enable Encryption- Enable encryption.

Enabling and disabling encryption leads to the disappearance of all information from the HDD, make sure that you have a copy of the information stored on the HDD, because you will have to re-create the "_ISO" folder and copy the ISO images there.

When you press " Enable Encryption " there will be a warning "Data will be lost!" 1. Yes / 2. No confirm your agreement/disagreement to continue enabling encryption.

2. No- will bring you back to "Enable Encryption"

Click 1. Yes ->"Input Password"- enter a password from 4 to 8 characters. "Confirm Password"- Confirm the password. Next, the device will reboot itself and require you to enter a password.

Now on the menu Encripton three points:

  • "Change Password"- Change password.
  • "Hide Password"- Remove password when turned on. (The device will not require a password, but if you remove the disk and insert it into another pocket, the data will remain encrypted and will not be accessible to the user.) When the password is disabled, the option "Hide Password" replaces "Set Password" - Set password.
  • "Disable Encription"- Disable encryption.

Personally, I am satisfied with passwordless access to the device, so I will disable encryption.

Click "Disable Encription" device uswarns "Data will be lost!"(Data will be lost), buttons 1. Yes / 2. No

2.No- will bring you back to "Disable Encription".

Clicking 1. Yes, we will be asked to confirm our consent again "Confirm Again", apparently for complete certainty. 1. Yes/2.No confirm your agreement/disagreement to continue disabling encryption.

2.No- will bring you back to "Disable Encription".

Click 1. Yes- and without entering a password, the device reboots, after which we can use Zalmana without a password. It’s interesting that we now have access to those images that remained before encryption was turned on. Why did this happen when wewarned about their loss, I don’t know.

Set W-protection

  • Disable W-P - Disable Read-Only mode - Enable Write mode.
  • Enable W-P - Enable Read-Only mode (Protect the device from changes).


  • HDD Temp: 26 - Hard drive temperature in degrees Celsius.
  • HDD Health: Good/Bad - HDD status ( S.M.A.R.T.). If the condition Bad do backup copy disk and check it for errors, Good- Everything is fine.
  • 100505**** - Full serial number HDD.
  • Firmware: v1.10 - Firmware version.
  • Exit - Exit.

Interface and control.

At the top of the front side of the gadget there is LCD display, under it there is a touch sensor numeric keypad, and buttons Menu And Enter.

In addition to the numbers on the keyboard intended for entering a password, the buttons also have control functions. (Fig. 10)

Fig. 10 Front side of Zalman ZM-VE500

2 - Up,

4 - To the left,

6 - To the right,

8 - Down,

3 - Updating iso file (Update the list of iso images),

5 - Mount (Mount iso image).

Zalman sees only the "_ISO" folder, the folders in it and the iso images that are in them. Using the arrows you can easily navigate through the folders, select the desired image, and mount it by pressing the button 5 . Also, if you uploaded a new iso image, then in order for it to appear on your screen, you can reconnect the device or press the number 3 .

Above the display there is an LED HDD operation indicator. It glows in two colors depending on which interface it is connected to, USB3.0 glows blue, USB2.0 glows white. In the upper right corner of the display you can also see which interface the device is connected to (Fig. 11).

In the upper left corner there is a lock icon that tells us the status of the function Set W-protection.(Simply put, if the lock is open, then the disk is not write-protected; if it is closed, then only read information is available).

The second icon from the left is the disk icon; it appears only if an iso image is mounted on the CD-ROM.

The third icon from the left indicates the Zalmana operating mode.

  • HDD MODE- letter "H",
  • VCD MODE- letter "O" or drive symbol,
  • DUAL MODE- letter "D".

Fig.11 Zalman ZM-VE500 interface


If you are a “fan of updates” or are suddenly dissatisfied with the current firmware version of your device and are sure that it will work better with another firmware, then we will consider the issue "How to flash Zalman ZM-VE500?"

First of all, let's see what version of the firmware is in this moment, installed on the device, click Menu -> Information.

We see Firmware: v1.10.

Fortunately, there is support on the Zalman brand website, where we can download the firmware we need.

  • Link:

They have a little confusion there with the version descriptions, so I will attach direct links to the files with the correct descriptions.

  • Link: Firmware: v1.10.
  • Link:Firmware: v1.11.
  • Link:Firmware: v2.00.

Since I want to update the device, I download the archive for the firmware - Firmware: v2.00.

And then I ran into a problem when unpacking the archive I needed ZM-VE500 Firmware Ver_2.00.rar, a message pops up - "The archive is empty." I'll leave a link to this archive for now, maybe Zalmana technical support will fix the problem in the near future, but it looks like we'll have to update to the version v1.11.

To avoid the problems described in the "Problems" section, I disable encryption and make a backup copy of the disk, which I strongly recommend that you do too!!!

Unpack the downloaded archive ZALMAN_VE500_3637E_FWUpdater_V1.11.rar

Let's launch executable file ZALMAN_VE500_3637E_FWUpdater_V1.11.exe

Fig.12 Zalman-VE500 firmware

Click "Install".(Fig.12)

Fig.13 Zalman-VE500 firmware

Scan bus for "Initio External Storage Devices" - Scanning external devices storage (Fig. 13). Simply put, the computer searches for Zalman, we connect it, and then everything goes on without user intervention.

Fig.14 Zalman-VE500 firmware download progress

Progress of downloading firmware to the device (Fig. 14)

Fig.15 Update completed!

The update is complete!(Fig.15)

Let's go Menu -> Information and we see Firmware: v1.11. That's all, everything turned out to be very simple.


Let's look at common problems that users of our gadget experience.

1 - The disk is not initializing. Personally, I encountered this problem, my Zalman ZM-VE500 did not want to see the disk, it turned out to be very simple, I inserted the disk that I used for the Windows OS, and did not notice that the first partition of the disk was a system partition, 100 Mb in size. The gadget sees the "_ISO" folder only in the first partition of the disk, so divide your HDD correctly, but how correctly? written in section "Preparation for use".

2 - Zalman ZM-VE500 password does not work after flashing. You need to flash the device to the firmware version for which encryption and password were enabled, disable these functions and reflash the device.

3 - Zalman ZM-VE500 does not see all iso images. Personally, I again encountered this and thought that this was normal, until I saw that all the images were displayed on exactly the same gadget. In short, the problem can be solved by regular Windows formatting, do not forget to uncheck "Quick (cleaning tables of contents)".(Fig.16)

Fig.16 Full disk formatting

Results. Advantages and disadvantages.

As a result, I will say as in my diploma - “We considered everything we wanted to consider.” :D, but overall the gadget turned out to be very good. Unfortunately, Zalmana has no competitors in this area on the market, so we can only compare with previous models Zalman ZM-VE200, 300, 350, 400. Of course, we won’t do this, because they are all +/- the same in their main functionality. The differences are minor, for example, up to the 400th model, the main control element is a joystick and they are sold a little cheaper, etc. I'd better give it to you pros And Minuses which I found in reviews on popular online stores.


  • Save time. If we compare it with a flash drive, which needs to be prepared to install something from it (format, download a program for burning images, burn an image, etc.), then with Zalman ZM-VE500 Most likely it will be 2-3 times faster.
  • Data encryption. You can change up to 50 HDDs and they will remain encrypted.
  • Temperature monitoring, and "S.M.A.R.T." HDD.


  • No native safe removal.
  • Safely Removing in Windows identifies the device as Zalman ZM-VE350.
  • When updating again, all information disappears. (This is taken from people’s reviews; personally, I did not lose any files as a result of the update)
  • When formatting and creating a partition, the MBR may display messages that the disk is not initialized the next time the pocket is booted.
  • Price. In stores it sells for 3500-4000 rubles. a lot of money, judging by the salaries system administrators, and even without HDD, and that’s still at least 500 rubles. if you buy used small capacity.

External HDD Today it has become one of the essential items for everyone whose activities are in one way or another connected with PC maintenance. The choice of discs and containers is large - for every color, taste and budget. However, there are solutions that stand out noticeably in the general series, one of them can be called an external container Zalman ZM-VE300 which, in addition to the function of an external drive, can act as a drive emulator optical disks.

This allows you to kill two birds with one stone, since an external ODD drive and a stack of disks for it are the same essential items for system administrators, service engineers and simply computer enthusiasts. Installation discs with the OS, various service and diagnostic Live-CDs - in the end we get a rather impressive list of disks that you should always have with you, and important disks are also not in one copy. Otherwise, it will be very unpleasant when, at the most crucial moment, a “worn out” disk refuses to be read.

But first things first. At first glance the cost Zalman ZM-VE300 may seem very overpriced, paying about 2000 rubles for an external container without HDD, even from a famous manufacturer, is somehow too much, for this money you can easily get a good one external drive. But this is only at first glance; as we will see later, the device fully justifies its price.

The container is supplied in a medium-sized cardboard box, on which the manufacturer emphasized the main advantages of the device.

It's obvious that Zalman ZM-VE300 in virtual drive mode is significantly ahead of any existing one today optical drive. Even in USB 2.0 mode, which is the main one, when using of this container as boot disk, only Windows 8 can currently be booted via USB 3.0, and even then not always successfully, since USB 3.0 controllers different manufacturers have their own characteristics.

To evaluate the performance of the virtual drive as a bootable one, we compared the startup time of the Ubuntu 13.0 LiveCD by burning it to new disk DVD+R.

Optical drives showed quite expected results: the external drive is the slowest, the internal drive is slightly faster. Zalman ZM-VE300 once again showed a significant lead - loading the image in less than a minute. This is a truly excellent result, which will be appreciated by those who often boot their PC from optical discs.


We have before us a truly excellent product that fully justifies its price. Its main advantage is a virtual optical drive, which will allow you to abandon the use of optical discs and external drives. In addition, a virtual drive allows you to work with disk images much faster than any optical drive. All this does Zalman ZM-VE300 an indispensable assistant for administrators, service engineers and simply computer enthusiasts.

Our next review is dedicated to the external housing for hard drives. Zalman drives ZM-VE350. The box is designed for 2.5-inch SATA drives and supports high-speed USB 3.0 interface. The device is equipped with a virtual optical drive function, allowing you to connect ISO images on the fly. The write protection feature helps prevent damage to important files.



An external box that came to us for testing hard drives Zalman ZM-VE350 comes in a black cardboard box.

Packaging Zalman ZM-VE350 Package Included:

  • Boxing itself.
  • Case.
  • USB 3.0 cable.
  • Set of screwdriver and four screws.
  • Quick guide.

Equipment Zalman ZM-VE350 The complete cable is 50 cm long, including connectors.

USB 3.0 cable The case is very thick and it is easy to remove the device from it. You can, of course, use the box directly in the case, but we do not recommend doing this, otherwise the inserted drive may overheat.

Zalman ZM-VE350 in case Specifications We have compiled the devices into a single table.

HDD interface SATA, form factor 2.5″
Device interface USB 3.0 (backwards compatible with USB 2.0)
Device interface baud rate USB 2.0: up to 480 Mbps;
USB 3.0: up to 5 Gbps
Working with ISO images Virtual optical drive
Indicator Lights up when power is turned on, flashes when data is being exchanged
Nutrition Power via USB
Dimensions 131x79x13 mm (L x W x H)
Weight 96 g (without storage)


Frame Zalman ZM-VE350 mostly made of painted aluminum with soft polymer inserts on the sides. On the front side there is an LCD display and led indicator activity.

External hard drive box Zalman ZM-VE350 At the top end there is a Backup button and USB connector 3.0 (Micro-B type, also transmitting power to the HDD) for connecting the supplied cable.

Upper end of Zalman ZM-VE350 Glued to the opposite end Technical information about the model.

Bottom end on Zalman ZM-VE350 On the left side there is a push lever for navigating through the device menu, and the rest of the space is occupied by a soft insert.

Left side panel Zalman ZM-VE350 On the right side, except for the second such insert, there is nothing important.

Right side panel Zalman ZM-VE350 The build quality is decent - buttons and body elements do not loosen. In general, the design gives the impression of being monolithic.


To install a drive into the box, you will first have to remove the module with the LCD screen, which essentially contains the entire contents of the device.

Base unit Zalman ZM-VE350 For testing we took solid state drive Intel Solid X25-M and connected it to the internal SATA port.

SSD connected to Zalman ZM-VE350 board For reliability, it is worth clamping the module with the supplied screws - the holes for them are hidden under the folded edges of the soft inserts.

Screw holes for Zalman ZM-VE350 To do this, we used the included screwdriver - fortunately, little effort is required, so the miniature size of the screwdriver is not a hindrance. It is worth noting that the kit includes twice as many screws as needed - four versus the required two.

Zalman ZM-VE350 base unit secured with screws
After connecting to the PC, the display of our device turned blue and displayed a simple menu.

Display Zalman ZM-VE350 At the same time, the operating system recognized two devices at once: the USB drive itself and an additional optical drive - completely virtual, as indicated in its name.

Zalman ZM-VE350 in task manager This is precisely the main feature of this case - you can mount any ISO images by placing them in a folder "_ISO" on the disk inserted into the case. For example, downloaded from MSDN Windows image 7 was read without problems.

Windows 7 image in Zalman ZM-VE350 virtual drive However, our copy was initially with faulty firmware, and for the virtual drive function to work correctly we had to update software devices up to more current version. We attach the archive with the firmware and update instructions below. REMEMBER: This operation is carried out at your own peril and risk, and if you are not sure exactly what you are doing, it is better to contact technical support or service center.

  • Instructions for firmware Zalman ZM-VE350 (122.7 KB).
  • Archive with Zalman ZM-VE350 firmware (579.78 KB).

However, the drive function can be turned off completely - to do this, you just need to select the appropriate mode, of which there are three:

  • HDD Mode – drive mode without a drive.
  • VCD Mode – “virtual drive only” mode.
  • DUAL Mode – simultaneous operation.

Zalman ZM-VE350 modes Another great feature Zalman ZM-VE350– ability to set write protection. This allows you to work even in a potentially or actually virus-infected system without the danger of contracting an infection. All you need to do is select “Enable WP” from the menu. The lock icon closes on the start screen - and that’s it, no problems.

Installing write protection in Zalman ZM-VE350 Additionally, in the “Information” section you can see the temperature of the media (let’s say right away that it is determined incorrectly for SSDs, don’t be alarmed), S.M.A.R.T. status, serial number and controller firmware version.

Information about the drive in Zalman ZM-VE350 Now let's check the performance when using USB interface. 3.0. IN HD Tune 5 the speed graph has an average read speed of 161.9 MB/s with a random access time of 0.169 ms. The CPU load was 9.8%.

Result of Zalman ZM-VE350 (USB 3.0) in HD Tune 5
IN Crystal Disk Mark 3 sequential read and write speeds showed results of 250.3 MB/s and 96.19 MB/s, respectively.

Result of Zalman ZM-VE350 (USB 3.0) in Crystal Disk Mark 3 Next, we switched to the USB 2.0 interface and tested the speed characteristics again. IN HD Tune 5 an almost flat graph shows that the drive’s performance significantly exceeds the capabilities of the USB 2.0 interface, so we have an average read speed of 31.7 MB/s with an increased random access time of 0.408 ms. But the load on the processor is only slightly higher – 11.5% versus 9.8% when transferring data via USB 3.0.

Result of Zalman ZM-VE350 (USB 2.0) in HD Tune 5 Result in Crystal Disk Mark 3 also hit the USB 2.0 performance ceiling.

Result of Zalman ZM-VE350 (USB 2.0) in Crystal Disk Mark 3 So, the indicators correspond to the declared ones bandwidth even for SSD. So the box can handle a regular hard drive without any problems.


Price Zalman ZM-VE350 at the time of testing is approximately 4,000 rubles. For this money you get a fairly convenient tool that not only works as a portable hard drive, but also allows you to install operating system from an ISO image on virtually any PC, and the images can be mounted right along the way. The box not only delivers speeds sufficient to run an SSD, but is also backwards compatible with USB 2.0. At the same time, to ensure data safety, a write protection option is provided, with which you can work even on an infected computer without fear of losing files or spreading the virus further.

Pros of Zalman ZM-VE350:

  • Support for mounting ISO images.
  • Works with USB 3.0 without reducing the performance of the inserted drive.
  • Write protection function.
  • The metal body dissipates heat well.

Cons of Zalman ZM-VE350:

  • No significant findings were found.

Zalman ZM-VE350 does not see iso. Solution to the problem.

The other day I became the owner of a Zalman ZM-VE350. Since the main area of ​​my work is related to computer repair and system administration, I desperately needed it. I had to buy it because I lost the Zalman ZM-VE300, about which a lot has already been said. But if you came to this article, then you know why you need it and what its main capabilities are. You can skip everything and go to the instructions.

Today we would like to present to your attention an external Zalman box ZM-SHE350 with digital password function to access the hard drive. This compact solution protects your data and makes it easier for you to work with your personal data. Excellent price, nice design, compact size, all this allows you to attract the attention of buyers. Let's get to know the device a little closer and start the review.

Zalman ZM-SHE350

How often do you use portable media? USB flash drives? Personally, our experience shows that a portable hard drive is simply necessary for work, because all the necessary and important information is always with you, because it is very convenient and practical. But there are often cases when strangers try to steal this data by copying it to their own Personal Computer or laptop.

We recently came across a very interesting device, the Zalman ZM-SHE350. This outer casing, which looks like an entrance intercom, but in fact its function is completely different - to protect your data on the HDD. How does this happen? Everything is very simple, but before we look at the functions and operation of the device, let's take a look at the package and external design.

Zalman ZM-SHE350 review

Contents of delivery

The device comes in a small premium transparent packaging on which you can read all the necessary information and familiarize yourself with characteristics of Zalman ZM-SHE350. The package includes:
  • Myself Zalman body ZM-SHE350
  • USB 3.0 cable for power and data transfer
  • Operation book
  • Rubber insert for increased thickness hard drive
  • Compact case

The device comes with everything you need for full operation. Small additional bonuses, such as a cover and a special rubber insert to increase the width of the HDD, if necessary, I cannot but please my customers.


  • External box - Zalman ZM-SHE350
  • 2.5-inch supported SATA drives. Maximum thickness (depth) of HDD is 9.5 mm.
  • Interfaces of connected HDDs - SATA III, SATA-I/SATA-II
  • PC connection interface - USB 3.0/USB 2.0
  • Case material - plastic
  • OS support - Linux, Mac OS, Microsoft Windows 2000, Microsoft Windows 7, Microsoft Windows 8, Microsoft Windows Vista,Microsoft Windows XP
  • Dimensions (l/w/h) - 135/75/16 mm


As we have already said, the device externally resembles a door intercom. The device is completely made of black plastic. The build quality is good, no creaks. But I didn’t quite like the fact that when dropped slightly from the height of the lid, the devices immediately diverge to the sides. Perhaps developers will still need to think about the reliability of the entire case, because opening it and simply picking up the hard drive is not particularly difficult.

On the front of the device there are the main control buttons: numbers from 0 to 9, the “Lock” button and the “Enter” button. Here, just above the buttons, there are light indicators, and opposite them there is information about their designation.

There is a connector on the top edge micro USB. The other faces lack any controls.

The back cover opens. Below it is a connector for a 2.5-inch SATA drive. The thickness of which should not exceed 9.5 mm. If the disc is thinner, you can use a special rubber insert that allows you to obtain the required thickness.

One of the minuses should be noted that the back cover is not protected from opening in any way. That is, anyone can open it. In other words, if with the help of the Zalman ZM-SHE350 you can protect information from being transferred to other PCs or laptops, then you will not be able to protect your hard drive, which is located inside the Zalman ZM-SHE350.

Setup and operation

First, let's figure out how to configure the device, in other words, how to install a hard drive in the Zalman ZM-SHE350 and make it work. First, you need to purchase a hard drive, since it is not included in the package; let us remind you that 2.5-inch SATA drives are supported. Then everything is very simple, open the back cover, install, close and connect to the PC.

After connecting the device for the first time, you will need to go through several simple steps. The beauty is that above the panel with numbers there is a small information panel where certain actions are prescribed; you just have to carry out the one next to which the indicator light will light up.

The first step is to come up with a password. Next, you need to confirm it, after which, using given password you will be able to open access to this hard drive. Don't forget to go through the process of initializing, partitioning and formatting your HDD for normal use and recording through your operating system. You can find out how to do this process using the instruction manual; everything is described there in detail and clearly. In short, the following steps need to be taken:

  • Connect Zalman ZM-SHE350 with an inserted HDD to your PC
  • Next open "Control Panel/Administration/Computer Management/Disk Management
  • In the window that opens, you will see that your PC cannot recognize the HDD, since it was initialized only through a software program.
  • Next, you just need to right-click on this external drive and select “Initialize disk”, and then go through a short procedure.
  • Once initialization is complete, you can begin the markup and formatting process
Let's look at the additional commands that are available on the Zalman ZM-SHE350. Apart from entering a password, the Zalman ZM-SHE350 has 3 additional features working with the panel button device:
  • If you press Lock - 0 - Enter in turn, you can change the current password to a new one.
  • Combination Lock keys- 9 - Enter starts the HDD initialization process
  • If you press and hold the Lock button for more than 2 seconds, the HDD will connect/disconnect, in other words - safe removal devices.

Transfer speed

I was pleased that the Zalman ZM-SHE350 uses USB connection 3.0, which allows you to get very fast data transfer speeds. During the writing of the review, the transfer and recording speed to the hard drive ranged from 40 to 100 Mbit/s.

Plus, we should add to all this that the Zalman ZM-SHE350 can be connected to any device that has a USB host and play your media files through it. What happens if your Zalman ZM-SHE350 is somehow stolen from important information? If the attacker does not know the password, then he will not be able to obtain your information. Yes, you can remove the hard drive and connect it to the computer directly, but there is a small nuance, this will not do anything, your PC simply will not see the hard drive, and accordingly will not be able to show the information that is inside. The PC will detect that a device has connected to it and install it on it. necessary drivers, however, will not allow you to use this disk. Agree, very convenient and practical.

Where does such security come from, you ask? The answer is simple, Zalman ZM-SHE350 uses AES 256 encryption, which allows you to completely secure your data on your hard drive. But there is another side to this trick: if for some unknown reason you forgot the password that was installed on the device, then you will not be able to recover the password without losing all the data on the hard drive. Yes, you can contact the company’s service center, but even if they help you there, the data you recorded on the HDD will still be erased.


To summarize, it should be said that the Zalman ZM-SHE350 is not just a box through which you can connect your HDD to a PC or other devices and view your saved files, but a real, reliable protector of information stored on the hard drive. Without knowing the password, in the hands of attackers, the Zalman ZM-SHE350 will be an ordinary box for storing HDDs, since it will not be possible to obtain information from it in any other way. Of course, you can’t carry it in your pocket, but the Zalman ZM-SHE350 won’t take up much space in a backpack or bag. It all comes down to the fact that this solution cannot fail to attract the attention of buyers; of course, such security is not necessary for all users, so to some the Zalman ZM-SHE350 will seem like a meaningless “toy”. The choice is always yours, we can only show and tell.