Full customization of cs 1.6 steam after the update

1. Introduction.

This translation is based on one of the few guides published on the Internet, which, in the opinion of the author of the adapted translation, is worthy of publication and can really help in a number of solutions to problems with the updated version of the Counter-Strike 1.6 game, and also contains a number of relevant notes for CZ games. and HL1. The translation is adapted, since it was supplemented by the translator independently due to disagreement on some issues with the author of the original article.

“I made this guide because the updates made by Valve caused a lot of problems. Most of the problems that occured are fixable by the users themselves. This guide will cover all the new features of the updated CS 1.6 (íncluding some stuff for HL and CZ as well), along with explanations and fixes for the most common issues. “© .

Game content installation locations:

  • .. \ Steam \ steamapps \ common \ Half-Life \ cstrike - a shared folder.
  • .. \ Steam \ steamapps \ common \ Half-Life \ cstrike_downloads - downloading non-standard content from game servers (for example, from public servers).
  • .. \ Steam \ steamapps \ common \ Half-Life \ cstrike_addon - now, in order to install your models, you need to drop them into this folder, and in the options -> video enable the corresponding button.
  • .. \ Steam \ steamapps \ common \ Half-Life \ cstrike_hd - this is where additional content and HD models of CZ are stored.
command .

2. Innovations, console commands and launch parameters.

2.1. Mouse customization.

2.1.1. M_rawinput parameter.

Parameter m_rawinput is a variable that allows directinput to be used - standard software package running the IDirectInput8 interface, a DirectX add-in. It is responsible for using input devices (keyboard, mouse, joystick, trackball, etc.). Using this option makes it possible to process the input signal not from operating system, but directly through the input device drivers, which makes it possible to use a lower response from the input device (lower latency) in general.

The DirectInput standard supports eight directional axes and 128 programmable buttons.

To expand support for PC games in 1995, Microsoft developed the DirectInput standard, which provides enhanced functionality for PC games compared to standard interface Windows® API (Win32). The DirectInput standard was originally designed to support joysticks only. Over the following years, Microsoft released a number of updates to the DirectInput standard, adding support for mice and keyboards, and additional features such as Feedback by effort.

If it is more convenient for you to use old way control input devices, use the value of the variable m_rawinput 0... The default is 1 for MAC and Linux and 0 for Windows.

2.1.2. The m_mousethread_sleep variable.

To use this cvar, you must first activate it by adding a variable to the launch parameters of the game -mousethread... Parameter m_mousethread_sleep sets the frequency (interval) of polling the coordinates of the mouse pointer in the game in milliseconds. To do this, you also need to use the variable m_rawinput 0... For example, if m_mousethread_sleep is equal to 1 , then the mouse polling interval is used, equal to 1 ms (frequency - 1000 Hz), 2 = 500 Hz or 2 ms, 10 = 125 Hz or 10 ms, and the value 0 = the maximum possible frequency in Hertz. Please do not confuse this cvar with the polling rate. usb port a! There is no need to compare these values ​​and take equal values. Entering this parameter allows the players to correct the results after using the variable m_rawinput 0 to smooth out mouse movement, make it more predictable.

2.1.3. Mouse acceleration and sensitivity.

Variables used to customize the mouse in general:

  • cl_mousegrab- if the value is 0, the mouse will not be captured in windowed mode, the variable only works in Linux OS. The -nomouse game launch parameter gives the same effect for Windows operating systems.
  • lookspring- enables / disables automatic centering of the view when enabled " + mook"
  • lookstrafe- turns on / off the automatic shift mode when turned on " + mook"
  • m_customaccel- the main acceleration setting: it can take the values ​​0, 1, 2 and 3. At a value of 0, acceleration is disabled, at 1 - it is enabled and calculated according to the formula given below, at 2 - the dependence of the sensitivity on the m_yaw, m_pitch variables is used. If the value is 1, the following formula for calculating the mouse sensitivity value is used: mouse_acceleration = min (m_customaccel_max, pow (raw_mouse_delta, m_customaccel_exponent) * m_customaccel_scale + sensitivity when m_customaccel_exponent is enabled. When the value is 3, another formula for calculating the sensitivity is used: * sensitivity.
  • m_customaccel_exponent- acceleration parameter limit. Values ​​from 0 to 6 are used.
  • m_customaccel_max- limit for the maximum value of mouse acceleration, with a value of 0 - there is no limit.
  • m_customaccel_scale- variable for calculating acceleration by the formula.
  • m_filter- filtering (smoothing) mouse movement during sudden movements. Which parameter to play with is a matter of taste (0 or 1).
  • m_forward- the parameter responsible for the rotation of the mouse when moving back and forth.
  • m_mousethread_sleep- mouse polling interval in ms. Considered above.
  • m_pitch- adjustment of mouse movement along the vertical Y-axis up and down ordinates. Indirectly, it is also responsible for the sensitivity with a value of 2 for the m_customaccel parameter.
  • m_rawinput- a variable that takes a value of 0 or 1. Enables the use of an input device (mouse) bypassing OS settings using DirectInput standards, which reduces the latency of the mouse reaction to gamer movements.
  • m_side- parameter (multiplier) of displacement when turning the mouse.
  • m_yaw- sets the sensitivity coefficient of the mouse when horizontally - left-right - X-axis. Indirectly, it is also responsible for the sensitivity when the m_customaccel parameter is set to 2.
  • sensitivity- parameter of the sensitivity of the mouse in the game. It now changes from 0.2 to 20.
  • zoom_sensitivity_ratio- an additional sensitivity factor responsible for the displacement of the sight when it approaches.
The very sensitivity (sensitivity) of the mouse in the game has not been changed. As well as launch parameters:
  • -noforcemparms- use the settings of the mouse driver from the OS.
  • -noforcemaccel- use acceleration settings from the OS.
  • -noforcemspd- use the mouse speed settings from the OS.
  • -useforcedmparms- enable settings for mouse speed and acceleration from the OS.

2.2.1. The launch options are -nofbo and -nomsaa.

Valve has also updated the graphics rendering mode of OpenGL. As mentioned earlier, it was decided to abandon the D3D mode altogether, tk. this mode is practically not used anywhere in games anymore.

A more modern way of displaying graphics has been implemented. In this regard, several launch parameters have been introduced: -nofbo responsible for the old video rendering mode. It also includes parameters: -nomsaa and -stretchaspect... The first is responsible for not using the MSAA anti-aliasing mode, which corrects "blurring" of textures at low resolution, and the second is for adjusting the image scaling in the game.

2.2.2. Low video quality variable.

Another checkbox has now been added to the game options after the update: Low video quality... do not use this option unless you are having difficulty launching the game in the updated graphics mode. You can use the variable in the startup parameters + _set_vid_level 1 if you have a built-in video card and are experiencing severe problems with fps drops. This parameter will change the quality of textures in the game for the worse, which will give an increase in fps, but will greatly degrade the quality of the picture. It changes the value of the variable from GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR on GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST, thus replacing high quality trilinear filtration with low quality bilinear filtration.

Instead, you can also use the following startup parameters (via + gl ...) or via the console:

  • gl_texturemode GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST- low quality bilinear filtration,
  • gl_texturemode GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST- high quality bilinear filtration,
  • gl_texturemode GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR- low quality trilinear filtration,
  • gl_texturemode GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR- high quality trilinear filtration.
For better video performance, you can add a launch parameter + gl_ansio 0 responsible for anisotropic filtering. This variable can use the maximum value that your video card supports to ensure the best picture quality (0, 2, 4, 8, 16, etc.).

2.2.3. D3D graphics mode.

D3D mode has been disabled in the game. There are several reasons for this. The main ones are:

1) In D3D mode, the easiest way to create and use cheats and add-ons like wallhack.
2) The D3D mode is practically not used anywhere and is not supported as obsolete.
3) Valve decided to focus on refining and adapting OpenGL mode for different platforms in order to use it as the main cross-platform graphics mode.

If you are experiencing obvious performance problems in this mode, the author of the original English-language guide recommends contacting the forums.

2.2.4. Change the screen frequency value.

Initially, it was found that after the update, the parameter stopped working -freq responsible for enforcing the use of a specific screen refresh rate, which caused a storm of indignation from users. Also, for many, the parameter does not function -refresh... It is not known how soon and if this bug will be fixed. Alternatively, you can use software third-party or graphics card driver options. Such software can be Refresh Lock, for example. You can download the program itself.

2.2.5. About vertical sync.

Valve has finally implemented a cvar responsible for enabling / disabling vertical sync in the game - gl_vsync(0/1). If this cvar causes problems with displaying objects, then you can disable it by setting the value gl_vsync 0.

2.2.6. Let's talk about FPS.

This parameter has also been improved. Now the maximum value fps_max not limited to 100 frames per second. To use a value over 100+, include the variable first fps_override 1... It makes it possible to correct the slow movement of the models, excluding sharp jumps and laying.

Some people have complained about incorrect work variable fps_max, for example, when using fps_max 100, the number of frames per second is incorrectly calculated (100.5 frames / sec. instead of 100). To do this, it is enough to register fps_max 99.5 to the config file or to the console.

There is one more variable related to sound quality that affects fps: snd_noextraupdate, by default is now equal to 1 ... To improve performance on older PCs, you can set a value equal to 0 , which will greatly degrade the sound quality.

2.2.7. The cl_minmodels variable.

This variable has also been updated. Moreover, now you can configure this variable in such a way that you have the opportunity to choose a specific player model from the proposed ones. For this, an additional variable was introduced cl_min_ct/cl_min_t(only works in conjunction with cl_minmodels 1):

cl_min_ct X:

  • 2 = GIGN
  • 4 = GSG-9
  • 7 = SAS
  • 9 = SEAL
  • 10 = SPETSNAZ (CZ)
cl_min_t X:
  • 1 = ELITE
  • 5 = GUERILLA
  • 6 = ARCTIC
  • 8 = PHOENIX
  • 11 = MILITIA (CZ)
Where instead of X you need to substitute a number from of this list for the corresponding parameter.

2.3. GUI, third party content download and HD models.

First of all, we would like to note the innovations in the settings of the video options tab. There are more new variables: Enable HD models and Allow custom addon content .

The first allows you to use STEAM CZ models, and the second allows you to download additional user content. The parameters responsible for this: + _sethdmodels 0/1 (disable / enable) and + _setaddons_folder 0/1 (disable / enable).

2.4. Network code.

The network parameters were also subject to minor adjustments. Maximum amount rates were changed to 100,000 ( rate 100000) and is recommended by the game developers. Use it if you have a good broadband Internet connection, but take into account that not all game servers, even public ones, generate such traffic: from the side of the game server, this cvar is controlled by server variables sv_minrate and sv_maxrate.

An additional change in rates was the change in the base parameter values cl_cmdrate and cl_updaterate before 60 , and the upper values ​​are now not limited value 102 , but are controlled on the game server side.

2.5. Gameplay.

2.5.1. Hud_fastwitch.

The parameter for the quick change of weapons has been adjusted. Now the variable can take values 0 , 1 and 2 .

If the value is 0, no quick change occurs without confirmation. When set to 1, quick weapon change works on both the numeric keypad and mouse wheel. When set to 2, quick weapon change functions only on the keyboard (without the possibility of using the mouse wheel).

2.5.2. cl_filterstuffcmd 1.

This innovation is very useful and is responsible for preventing the server from resetting some client settings, for example cl_dlmax, gl_polyoffset, rate etc. This command protects the following client variables from being changed by the server and plugins:

  • alias
  • connect
  • retry
  • unbund
  • unbindall
  • "_restart"
  • writecfg
  • cl_filterstuffcmd
  • ex_interp
  • developer
  • timerefresh
  • fps_max
  • speak_enabled
  • voice_enable
  • setinfo
  • sensitivity
  • sys_ticrate
  • removedemo
  • volume
  • mp3volume
  • hud_ *

3. Frequently asked questions.

If you cannot upload to automatic mode new game content, just do backup configuration and any content you might need later, then delete the entire folder Cstrike... Then click right click mouse over the Counter-Strike steam icon and delete the local content. Then update again. Note that the new content folder for Counter Strike will be located in the following path: .. \ Steam \ SteamApps \ Common \ Half-Life \ Cstrike \ .

One more good way to get rid of problems related to loading content - check local files (game cache). Remember to back up your configuration and your user interface (if using a third party) first before following these steps.

3.2. Beta Update.

Depending on the type test content you want to download, you can take advantage of the beta updates if they are available in this moment... To do this, you need to go to Properties, tab BETA VERSIONS.

To take advantage of steam beta update, you need to go to the settings of the steam program:

Beta updates allow you to take advantage of additional functions and updates even before their official release.

3.3. Graphics problems.

1. Please use the latest drivers for your video card.

2. Check the downloaded content for errors, if necessary - repeat the download.

-nomsaa removes antialiasing of player models (at 640x480 the models are somehow blurry, so this command fixes it).

3. -nofbo removes all new visualization cs 1.6, i.e. after the update it was blurry, the fonts are different, this command returns everything as it was before. Moreover, it includes the commands -nomsaa and -stretchaspect.

4. If you encounter problems with Vsync, use third-party software, disable Vsync, use the appropriate driver settings, set your desktop to the highest possible refresh rate (by default, the game uses the same refresh rate) and 32-bit color display mode.

5. If you have problems launching the game and initializing OpenGL mode on laptops with two video cards, launch the game from a more powerful video card. For more fine tuning use software Nvidia Inspector - for Nvidia, ATI Tray Tools instead of AMD Catalist - for video cards from AMD.

6. If you have problems with image scaling, especially for displays with a widescreen matrix, use the variables in the startup parameters: -nofbo (or just -stretchaspect) + _set_vid_level 1, and also use the appropriate options of the driver and your monitor.

3.4. Problems with the SDL2.DLL library.

Solution : do not beta test the game. Replacing the broken file with a new one.

3.5. Screen flickering.

Screen flickering issue is caused by incorrect frequency and resolution when refreshing the screen or faulty monitor backlight lamps. Change these settings and set the parameter fps_max 99 or 99.5 .

3.6. Sound problems.

In the updated version Counter-Strike 1.6 more advanced audio codecs began to be used. A lot of commands have been added to control sound parameters, but a lot has been removed, for example A3D. Were removed as unnecessary variables sv_voicecodec and sv_voicequality, allowing you to change the codec, lowering the sound quality.

There is a problem, according to the essence of which, when playing on public servers with a multi-protocol (47/48), users do not hear players with a non-licensed version of the client. The reason for the problem lies in the difference between these same audio codecs, embedded in the game.

The solution to the problem was found by wonderful Russian programmers in November 2013. A library was created, which is a sound decoder, and is called HLDS VoiceTranscoder or VTC for short. This library must be installed on a game server where there is a need to use a multi-protocol. Of the required components that must be installed on the game server, these are dproto modules latest version(not lower than version 0.9.356) and metamod. Server builds from 4382 to 6153 are supported. Detailed description you can take the installation of this module from the official site or from a Russian-language third-party site.

Attention, section is under revision ...

3.7. Problems with displaying new fonts in the game (Russian).

After updating the graphics and switching to Russian, it is possible to change the display of text information of the main menu of the game towards visual impairment. Some users complain that the image is distorted, displayed too blurry and harsh (when using the -nofbo mode). You can try to correct such a display by changing the Clear Type mode or translating the main game menu into another language.

So, let's make a general summary.

We recommend just setting up new version games in accordance with the general recommendations given in the article. If you cannot use the new settings, we recommend that you update all system drivers and use the sparing settings provided by Valve.

This theme was created specifically for players using a licensed version of the Steam game or an updated Non-Steam version of the game from build (5999) to (6153). If you are using old version games below build (5999), then the topic is not for you.

You can download the updated version of the game client CS 1.6 Aug 29 2013 (6153) from FILES.KG or from NAMBA.KG

Hello! I would like to share information and experience on setting up CS 1.6 after the update.
Let's start with the fact that Valve, in connection with the transfer of some games, in particular games on the engine GoldSrc(Such as: Halfe-Life, Counter-Strike, Counter-Strike: Coundition Zero, Team Fortress Classic) on platforms running on the Linux kernel, decided to perform a series of updates and optimize games for modern PCs and OS. Now games on the engine GoldSrc will be available on MAC, Linux and Windows platforms.

Official sites
Half-Life update news
Counter-Strike update news
Counter-Strike: Condition Zero update news

System requirements
The system requirements of the game have not changed.
Minimum: Processor with clock frequency 500 MHz, 96 MB random access memory, video card 16 MB, Windows XP, mouse, keyboard, Internet access
Recommended: 800 MHz processor, 128 MB RAM, 32 MB + graphics card, Windows XP, mouse, keyboard, Internet access

The game has undergone changes in terms of the fact that the game engine now more correctly uses several processor cores at once, which gives a performance advantage on modern machines.
Before the update, the game engine also used several processor cores, but did not correctly distribute the load between the cores.

New and changed directories
Previously, the game directory on Steam was "not located by default in C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Steam \ SteamApps \ Your Steam Login \ Counter-Strike
After the update, the directory of the game in Steam "has not changed, and now it is by default in C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Steam \ SteamApps \ common \ Half-Life

All files (Maps, models, textures, etc.) that are downloaded from servers during the game or when connecting to the server will now be placed automatically in the folder cstrike_downloads(If there is no folder, then you need to create it) without changing and replacing original files and folders. For fans of pure CS, the innovation is the most necessary, since it is enough to clean or simply delete the folder cstrike_downloads and get rid of unnecessary garbage, after which we get a clean client of the game.

If you need to run your addons, then you need to put them in the folder cstrike_addons(If there is no folder, then you need to create it) and in the video tab put a tick on "Allow custom addon content" or write the command in the console _setaddons_folder 1

List of changes

Graphic game mode
Perhaps the most global change in the game is the addition of a new image rendering mode FBO (Frame Buffer Object - a special extension of the OpenGL architecture). The old D3D video mode has been removed from the game, and 16-bit image mode has been removed in its wake. The game retains the Software and OpenGL modes. Now the game is launched by default in 32 bit mode and with FBO rendering mode
To disable the new rendering mode and return the old one, you need to write the command in the game launch parameters -nofbo

It is also worth noting that the game now respects scaling and aspect ratio if you own a widescreen monitor with an aspect ratio of 16: 9, etc. then the game will start in a 4: 3 aspect ratio, as a result of which on widescreen monitors there will be black bars around the edges of the screen. To remove black bars at the edges of the screen and stretch the image to full screen, you need to register in the launch parameters of the game -stretchaspect

In my opinion, the most convenient change in the game was to disable vertical sync, anti-aliasing and anisotropic filtering without changing the settings in the video card driver NVIDIA, ATI and Intel Graphics... All graphics settings are fully and completely configurable in the game itself, or more precisely, in the config itself ( config.cfg), and it makes no sense to configure it in the video card driver itself.

Now vertical sync can be disabled with the console command gl_vsync 0
You can disable anisotropic filtering with the console command gl_ansio 0
To disable MSAA (MultiSample anti-aliasing), you need to set the command in the game launch parameters -nomsaa
Disabling font smoothing in the game can be done by writing the command in the launch parameters of the game -noaafonts
You can reduce the image quality (Texture smoothing) in the game settings, video graph by checking the box on "Low video quality" or by command _set_vid_level 1, which will increase the performance of the game on weak computers and give a stable FPS in the game.

As for the hertzovka of the monitor, then on the LCD or LCD monitors hertzovka monitor in the game itself directly depends on hertzovka on the desktop. If you played CS 1.6 at 75Hz, then you need to set a resolution that supports 75Hz on your desktop. If you have 60Hz on your desktop, then the game will accordingly start with 60Hz hertz, and the parameter -freq is powerless here, since it works only on CRT monitors, and will not work on LCD / LCD.

It is recommended to use the following commands:
fps_max 100 The specified number of frames per second (Now you do not need to register the value 101, since after the Valve update, a bug with a 1 frame drop in FPS was removed)
fps_override 0 uses only a limited number of FPS from 15 to 100 frames per second, with a value of 1, you can set any number of frames up to 1000FPS (1000FPS is the maximum)
gl_vsync 0 Disables vertical sync
gl_ansio 0 Disables anisotropic filtering (The command is not saved in config.cfg, so as not to register it every time you enter the game, add the command + gl_ansio 0 in the launch parameters or write gl_ansio 0 v userconfig.cfg)
_set_vid_level 1 Disables anti-aliasing, and uses low-quality images for best performance.
cl_showfps 1 Displays the number of FPS in the upper left corner of the screen.
In startup options
-nomsaa Disables anti-aliasing by MSAA (MultiSample anti-aliasing) effects.
-noaafonts Disables font smoothing.

Control (Mouse, keyboard)
As for setting the sensitivity and acceleration (Mouse acceleration).
Mouse acceleration is now disabled by the following console commands:
m_customaccel 0
m_customaccel_exponent 0
m_customaccel_max 0
m_customaccel_scale 0
In the launch parameters, write the command -noforcemparms(Commands -noforcemaccel and -noforcemspd now only work if the variable m_rawinput equals 0)
For those who play with mouse acceleration, it is recommended to use the command m_customaccel 1 and leave the rest of the values ​​according to the standard, do not write the command in the startup parameters -noforcemparms

Previously, players had to overclock PS \ 2 or USP ports third party programs, drivers, etc. To obtain high frequency mouse sensor updates for better and faster cursor hovering, from 250Hz to 1000Hz.
500Hz is the standard.
Now all this is to replace the startup parameter -mousethread which in turn is a variable console command m_mousethread_sleep
meaning 10 equals 100Hz, i.e. default;
meaning 2 equals 500Hz;
meaning 1 equals 1000Hz;
meaning 0 is equal to the maximum frequency that the usb port of your computer can give out.

If you have not previously adjusted the mouse polling rate and have not dealt with it, then leave this variable in the default value!

Also in the game, it became possible to receive data directly from the mouse. That is, now the sensitivity in the game and in the OS will have no relation to your sensitivity of the mouse (Sensitivity), and will directly receive data from the mouse itself.
To receive data from the device itself, you need to put in the console cl_mousegrab 1
cl_mousegrab 0

In addition to capturing the mouse from the device itself, the command appeared m_rawinput, which allows interaction between the sensitivity settings of the mouse in the OS. If the command value m_rawinput will be equal 0 then the game will not use the OS sensitivity settings. If the value of the command m_rawinput will be equal 1 , then the game will use the mouse sensitivity settings from the OS.
To restore the old mouse sensitivity before the update, it is recommended to use the command m_rawinput 1

Now the game supports UTF-8 characters, which makes it possible to write to chat on any keyboard layout, as well as use symbols and names (NickName) in any language. On older server builds, you will not be able to use chat with UTF-8 support, as well as names (NickName). To use the keyboard layout as well as names in any other languages, you need to update the server side to the latest version so that it has similar support for UTF-8 characters.

hud_fastswitch now has three meanings 0 , 1 and 2
At hud_fastswitch 0, you will need to confirm the choice of weapon by pressing the left mouse button.
At hud_fastswitch 1, the weapon will be automatically selected when you press the keys slot1, slot2, slot3, etc and when scrolling with the mouse wheel.
At hud_fastswitch 2, the weapon will be selected without confirmation when you press the buttons slot1, slot2, slot3, and when scrolling with the mouse wheel, you will need to press the left mouse button to confirm the choice of weapon.
hud_fastswitch 2 is analogous to setting hud_fastswitch 1 what was in old CS 1.6 builds

Player models
The game developers added the ability to use two different kinds player models.
By default, the game uses HD models of players from Counter-Strike: Condition Zero.
Players' models and Counter-Strike 1.5 have always been used to conduct tournaments, and all the time we had to download player models from the Internet and put them in the game folder, thereby replacing the standard models.
The developers took this into account, and gave players the opportunity to change player models on their own without downloading and replacing files, in the game settings, in the video column by ticking or unchecking "Enable HD models if available", or by registering in the game console _sethdmodels 1 or 0
_sethdmodels 0 disables HD player models from Counter-Strike: Condition Zero, and uses player models from classic Counter-Strike 1.5
_sethdmodels 1 includes HD player models from Counter-Strike: Condition Zero

The most needed change to the game, giving an edge to players with high-speed internet connections, is Rate, and everything connected with it.
Now the command Rate matters in 100000 instead of old 25000
Command cl_updaterate now has a maximum value 102 , which means for more correct operation, you need to set the value cl_cmdrate 102 so that the game sends packets back to the server at the same speed as the packets received from the server.
Command ex_interp has not undergone changes and its optimal value remains the same as before. ex_interp 0.1 for those with a ping higher than 10, and ex_interp 0.01 for those with a ping below 10.
ex_interp 0 does not exist, since the game will automatically reset you ex_interp on 0.009

Optimal values ​​for the game:
ex_interp 0.01
rate 100000
cl_updaterate 102
cl_cmdrate 102
Do not forget that the server must also be updated to the latest version and configured accordingly, otherwise, when entering the old servers, your Rates will be used in the old way, as it was set on the server itself.

Launch parameters

New launch options
-nofbo- Disable the new method of rendering (rendering) Frame Buffer Object.
-nomsaa- Disable MSAA (MultiSample anti-aliasing) effects, you can not use it together with the "-nofbo" command as "-nofbo" also disables MSAA (MultiSample anti-aliasing).
-mousethread- Sets mouse poll to another stream equal to 100 Hertz. To be done by setting the "m_mousethread_sleep" quar in the game.
-freq- Now only works on CRT monitors.
-stretchaspect- Disables 4: 3 display mode (If using FBO - Frame Buffer Object mode).
-nosierra- There is no description yet.
-nowinmouse- Disables the sensitivity of the Windows mouse in the game.

Launch options that have been removed

Console commands

New console commands, or commands that have changed
developer- Works if the sv_cheats value is set to 1 on the server
cl_filterstuffcmd- If the value is 1, it enables strict checking of client settings, the server will not be able to change the settings of your config.
rate- New value 100000
_set_vid_level- If set to 1, enables the "Low video quality" setting in the Video settings.
fps_override- With a value of 1, you can raise the FPS to 1000, with a value of 0, you can change the FPS only in the range from 20 to 100.
gl_vsync- If set to 0, disables vertical sync in the game
gl_ansio- If set to 0, disables anisotropic filtering in the game
cl_dlmax- The default value is now 512, this command is responsible for the download speed.
cl_min_ct and cl_min_t- With the value of the command cl_minmodels 1 sets player models for T and CT, teams 1,2,3,4.
cl_mousegrab- If set to 1, enables capture from the mouse itself, bypassing the OS.
con_mono- Sets a monospaced font in the console. After switching the variable, you need to restart the game to change the font.
hud_fastswitch- Quick selection of weapons, now has three values ​​0,1,2.
m_customaccel- With a value of 1, it turns on acceleration, with a value of 2, it uses the m_pitch and m_yaw variables
m_customaccel_exponent- Scales the cursor by the specified value.
m_customaccel_max- The maximum value of the cursor offset.
m_customaccel_scale- Mouse acceleration value.
m_rawinput- A value of 1 uses the in-game mouse sensitivity in conjunction with the OS mouse sensitivity, a value of 0 uses the in-game mouse sensitivity.
cl_mousegrab- With a value of 1, the sensitivity in the game and in the OS will have no relation to your sensitivity of the mouse (Sensitivity), and will directly receive data from the mouse itself.
cl_updaterate- The default is now set to 60, the maximum value is 102.
cl_cmdrate- The default is now set to 60, the maximum value should be the same as cl_updaterate

Console commands that have been removed

The latest version of the game at the moment
Protocol version 48
Exe version (cstrike)
Exe build: 13:14:12 Aug 29 2013 (6153)

To check the version of your game client, you must enter the version command in the game console

If your version of the game does not match the one specified, then follow these steps:
First, make sure Steam is not offline, if it is in offline then go online.
Open the program "Steam", go to the Game Library, click on "Counter-Strike" right-click in context menu select item "Properties"
In the properties of the Counter-Strike game, do the following:
1. In the properties of the game "Counter-Strike" In chapter "Update" choose "Always update the game"
2. In the properties of the game "Counter-Strike" go to the section "Local files" and click on the button "Check the integrity of the cache"

Anti-cheats supporting the updated version of the game
VAC - (Valve AntiCheat) Now updated to version 3 and can compete with anti-cheats such as EAC, MyAC, UCP, etc.
EAC - (Easy AntiCheat) Supports the latest build.
MyAC - (My AntiCheat) Supports the latest build.
UCP - (Ultra Core Protector) Supports the latest build.

I advise you to remove all the checkmarks on the right in the video settings

How do I set 4: 3 mode on a widescreen monitor? Steam - Library - Counter-Strike - Properties - Set launch parameters - Add -nofbo

Green screen when starting the game / Textures disappear right in the game? - All this is treated with the same launch command -nofbo

In the game everything is slowed down, and cl_showfps gives 1000 fps, what should I do? - Uncheck the video settings Wait for vertical sync or write gl_vsync 0 in the console

Where is the game folder now? - Steam folder - steamapps - common - Half-Life - cstrike Recommended launch parameters: -refresh 75 -noforcemspd -noforcemparms -w 800 -nofbo

Recommended game settings: cl_dlmax 512 (now this is the default, my advice is to leave it as it is) cl_min_ct 2 and cl_min_t 1 are paired with cl_minmodels 1, i.e. what player models to show. cl_mousegrab - grabbing the mouse, to be honest, I didn't understand, but when shooting it is to fix the sight, but I'm not sure that's why the value is 0. fps_max is the most interesting change, everyone immediately starts to set 300, 400 and then complains that they move slowly, jumping doesn't work, boldly set the value 100, for 1.6 the value is what you need, do not forget that the game is 13 years old and 300 fps is too much, see for yourself and compare 300 and 100.gl_vsync - vertical sync, of course 0.m_customaccel 0, m_customaccel_exponent 1, m_customaccel_max 0, m_customaccel_scale 0 - also acceleration, bet as you can not go wrong. Rate - now there are no 25000 and the cl_rate command, forget, this is the last century. Now the upper bar is 100000, put who has a good internet rate of 100000. All other commands remain as they are. Now the config works only in the cstrike folder, forget about the rest of the folders, everything that is downloaded from the server goes to the cstrike_downloads folder, the so-called hd models are in cstrike_hd (so far there are only Steam models of players, but suddenly textures will appear soon, who knows), now to install your models you need to upload them to the cstrike_addon folder and enable the corresponding button in the video options.
I already wrote a lot of this, but not all are better for you to customize everything for yourself and as you are comfortable, these settings are not designed for everyone, everyone has their own computer and their habits ...
Also, after the update, many have problems with graphics, there may be many reasons ... one of them is not supported by the HD texture video card, there are also problems with setting the video card or the integrity of the cache! Here it is already necessary to consider individually for each ... I could describe each case separately, but I think it makes no sense ... after all, it's easier to delete the folder from the COP and check the integrity of the cache and it will download everything on its own. If the problem persists, then the problem is already in the video card setting !!! And this is already individually configured ...