TP link connection instructions. Self-configuration of a TP Link router for a Rostelecom provider

TP Link Router Web Interface different models similar, for the basis of the instructions given universal.

Router connection
Take the router out of the box and install it in a place convenient for you. Plug the supplied power adapter into the corresponding socket on the back of the router and into a 220V outlet. Basic network cable(the one that was taken to your apartment when you connected to the K-Telecom network) connect to the "INTERNET" or "WAN" port, and connect the network cable from the kit to one of the numbered LAN ports on the back panel of the router, and the other to v network board computer. Installation disc included with the router, you do not need.

Important: Do not plug the main network cable into the numbered LAN ports! This will disrupt communication throughout the home.

Configuring the router

Open a separate tab in the browser, in address bar enter the address and press the Enter key on your keyboard. Going to this address, we see a window for entering the login and password for authorization when entering the web interface of the router. In the field "User Name" enter "admin". In the line "Password" - also, "admin" in Latin (English) small (uppercase) letters without quotes. Then we press "Log In" on the screen, or press the Enter key on the keyboard.

After entering the correct characters, you will see a window with router settings, shown in Figure 2.

In order to configure the Internet connection on the router, select the "Network" item, then "WAN". In the window that appears, select in the "Type of WAN connection" field - "L2TP / Russia L2TP" (Figure 3).

All the remaining fields in this window are filled in according to the data presented in Figure 4.

WI-FI setting To customize wireless connection, you must select the item "Wireless mode", the sub-item - "Setting wireless mode". The "Network name" field is the name of your wireless network(here you can enter any name that is convenient for you, the main thing is that it contains only Latin characters and / or numbers). After entering, click on the "Save" button (Figure 6).

To secure your wireless network from unauthorized connections, you need to configure the security settings. First, select "Wireless mode", then "Wireless protection", in the window that appears, put a dot on the item "WPA-Personal / WPA2-Personal (Recommended)". "PSK Password" is the password for your wireless network (here you can enter any value you like, the main thing is that it contains only Latin characters and / or numbers and there are more than 8 of them). To save the entered settings, click the "Save" button (Figure 7).

Setting up IP-TV. To configure IP-TV, you need to return to the "Network" item, select "IP-TV" there and select "Enable" in the "IGMP Proxy" field, then click on the "Save" button. If an IP TV set-top box is used, it is recommended to include it in LAN port No. 4 on the router, then select "Bridge" in the "Mode" field and select "LAN 4" in the "Port for IPTV" field (Figure 8).

This completes the configuration of the router, but in order to successfully save all the parameters and the correct operation of the device, you must reboot it. To do this, select the item "System tools", the sub-item - "Restart", then click on the button "Restart" (Figure 9).

After that, a window will appear in front of you, in which you must click on the "OK" button (Figure 10).

If you are a novice user of the Rostelecom provider, then you were probably offered to rent or purchase additional equipment, such as, for example, a TP Link router, with the execution of a service agreement.
Almost all models of devices from this manufacturer are ideally adapted to the distribution of the Internet signal to all home devices. Where to start, how to set up a router for distributing the Internet and use The world wide web at home on different devices?

Article content

  • 1 General
  • 2 Basics of connection and setup
    • 2.1 Automatic method
    • 2.2 Manual method
  • 3 Connecting IP TV via a router

General information

Like other types of routers, TP Link is designed to exchange the received packet of network traffic between all devices connected to it. That is, all home equipment can access the Internet through wireless technology. Wi-Fi connections, provided that the specific hardware supports it. But the user must definitely understand that the speed will decrease in proportion to the number of connected units of other devices.

Any router has ports for receiving and distributing the received signal. On the case there is always a connector with the name WANЯ, through which the equipment is connected to the Internet network of Rostelecom, and several LAN connectors for connecting other home equipment. And if the router is equipped with an adapter of wireless networks, then the connection can be established immediately via Wi-Fi technology.

The manufacturer has equipped most of its models with security software, that is, traffic is filtered and unwanted attacks from intruders are blocked.

Basics of connection and setup

For everything to work, and you can access the Internet from any device, you need correct setting router TP Link Rostelecom. There are two options here - getting automatic settings or the manual method.

Automatic way

  • Open the shipping box and review the component accessories - among them there should be a cable with connectors for LAN ports (usually yellow).

  • We connect the router with one end of the cable, and with the other, for example, a laptop.

  • Now we need a cable through which the Internet is connected to the apartment. We connect it to the connector marked WAN.

  • Now you need to configure the tp link router. To do this, we need to go to its web interface, the address can be found from the information indicated on the packaging box. Usually it is the same for all types of models -, or you can simply enter the address manually The address is entered in the search bar of any browser.

  • The authorization page will open, here you need to register admin in two fields, if it does not work, then specify the input data on the equipment label.

  • Then you should indicate your personal data and location - fill in all the fields correctly, do not forget to indicate the name of your provider.

  • In the next window, you need to fill in the data to enter your Personal Area network subscriber. All this is spelled out in your agreement for the supply of Rostelecom services.
  • This is what we considered the automatic way of setting. If, after all the manipulations, the Internet pages do not open, then you can set the settings in manual mode, which is discussed below.

    Manual way

  • Open the web interface of the TP Link router for Rostelecom and enter the settings mode.

  • Here you need to select the network parameters - WAN, and specify the type - PPPoE.

  • Then again you need to specify the login and password data.

  • At the bottom, click the save option without changing anything else.

  • The direct connection through the router should work.
  • Now you need to set the values ​​for the output of other devices by wireless technology Wi-Fi:

  • You also need to open the interface, and select the tab " Wireless connection", And then" Settings ".

  • Look on the box for the name of your equipment, this will be the name of the network, it should be entered in the appropriate field.

  • Everything else can be left unchanged.

  • Go to the connection protection block - here you need to register the password, also indicated on the box.

  • Save your changes and restart your computer.
  • Your personal wireless network now has security built-in software will filter out unwanted requests from cybercriminals.

    Connecting IP TV via a router

    Usually no additional settings you do not need to enter, the TV receiver should connect to the network itself, but if nothing happened, follow these steps:
  • Open the router interface on your computer and go to the network - IPTV page.

  • Specify the connected port of the router - LAN4.

  • Now you need to connect the set-top box to the router via a cable to the LAN port.

  • Save the changes and restart the set-top box, the television should work.
  • Important! Sometimes it happens that all the settings you have made disappear, this can happen if, for example, the general supply of electricity or the home Internet is turned off.

    In order not to configure the equipment every time, you can reserve program settings on your page on the Internet:

  • On the router's personal page, open the system tools tab.

  • Here you need to select the line "Backup and Restore".

  • Click on the item for backing up the settings, specify where your file will be stored (for example, on a removable medium), and the changes made must be saved.
  • In case of any hardware failure, you can easily use the recovery option, everything should be done in the reverse order, and set the pre-existing settings from your saved file.

    I have already written instructions for entering the settings for almost all popular routers. I even prepared a universal one, but somehow forgot about TP-Link. Therefore, I decided to prepare an article on entering the settings on TP-Link routers. Nice and popular devices. I myself have been using this company's router for many years.

    It is very easy to get into the TP-Link control panel. Definitely not more difficult than on other devices. This article will apply to all TP-Link router models (TL-WR841N, TL-WR741N, etc.). Since everything is almost the same there, for which I love TP-Link. If you bought yourself a router and decided to configure it yourself, then you cannot do without entering the settings, this is understandable 🙂 Configuring these routers is not at all difficult, you can without problems configure everything according to the instructions from our website (if you don’t find it, write in the comments)... Well, even if the wizard configures everything for you, in the process of using the router, you will most likely have to change some settings. For example: in the settings of your TP-Link, or update the firmware. And every time to call the master, it is not convenient, and even expensive. You can do everything yourself in a couple of minutes, and if something does not work out, then we will help!

    Entering TP-Link settings:, or

    We do this:

    • We connect to a Wi-Fi router. You can connect either via a Wi-Fi network or a network cable. You can enter the TP-Link settings even from a tablet or smartphone through (but you can also use a browser mobile device). But I advise using a computer (laptop).
    • Open any browser and go to, or It all depends on the router model. The address for entering the settings is indicated at the bottom of the router.
    • You will be prompted for a username and password. The default is admin and admin. If you have already changed them, then indicate yours.
    • That's it, you went to the TP-Link router settings.

    Now let's look at everything in more detail and with pictures.

    We connect to the router via Wi-Fi, or cable. Read more on how to connect to Wi-Fi. If you have a new router, fresh from the store, then the wireless network will have a standard name. Something like "TP-LINK_0919".

    Or take the network cable that comes with the router and connect it to your computer or laptop in network card... And on the router to the yellow LAN connector. Like this:

    Connected, now launch any browser on your computer. We need to find out at which IP address you can go to the settings of our router. Usually, in TP-Link this is the address , or ... Now it is usually not the IP address that is indicated, but the domain. As a rule, it is (this address no longer works, I wrote more about this) , or At the same time, there is also access to the settings by IP address.

    Just look at the sticker on the bottom of the device itself. There will be indicated the IP-address and standard username and password, which will also be useful to us.

    Hostname can be specified.

    We type in the browser the address of our router, and go to it. A window should appear in which you need to specify a username and password. Everything is simple here: standard password - admin, username too admin... If you changed this data, then enter yours. If you forget them, then most likely you will have to do so that you can again use the standard data to log into the control panel.

    The control panel will open.

    Or like this:

    That's all, we went into the router settings. If you have I can't go to the router settings, then . In it, I wrote about solving the most popular problems that can arise.

    In this tutorial, you will learn how to set up a TP-LINK router. Recently, wireless networks have become an absolute must in many homes. This is especially true for those who use laptops, tablets, smartphones and other portable devices to access the Internet. Agree to burden these devices with a wire, somehow ..., at least inconvenient. And it will be convenient for you if you sit comfortably in your favorite armchair or sofa and from there wake up to surf the Internet from your tablet or laptop. In order for all this splendor to come true, you will need a Wi-Fi router, and the knowledge of how to set it up. There are a lot of routers nowadays, but among them the most popular are ASUS, TP-LINK, D-Link, Linksys and ZyXEL routers.

    Step 1

    Connect the router as shown in the figure. Connect the cable through which the Internet enters your house to the WAN port.

    LAN are ports for connecting your computers with a cable.

    Step 2

    Go to your computer, in the network settings of the TCP / IP protocol. This can be done in the menu "START> Settings> Control Panel> Network connections" ... In the window that opens, click right click mouse on the active connection and select the item "Properties".

    In the window network settings select the "Internet Protocol TCP / IP" and click the "Properties" button

    In the TCP / IP configuration window, select Obtain an IP address automatically.

    Step 3

    Launch a browser and enter in the address bar: (this address is usually set by default for TP-LINK routers). Press Enter and enter the login and password to access the administrative panel of the router (by default, this is login: admin, password: admin, you can also try the password 12345).

    If the login and password request window did not open, or the admin login did not fit, then you will need to reset the router settings to the factory settings, usually for this, there is a special reset button on the router case. If this is not observed, then read the instructions for the device.

    Step 4

    If in the previous paragraph everything went well for you, then you ended up in the admin panel of the TP-LINK router

    "Network -> LAN" and optionally change the IP address of the router, usually change the last two digits. This is done to keep your network safe and secure. Save "Save".

    Step 5

    We go to the menu WAN and choose in WAN Connection Type the type of connection provided by your ISP. Most often it is Dynamic IP, Save Sav e, continue with the configuration.

    In case it is Static IP, PPoE, PPTP, L2TP, then you need to register the data that the provider will provide you, this is - User Name, Password, Server IP Address / Name, IP Address, Subnet Mask, Default Gateway, DNS... We save Save, we continue the setup.

    Step 6

    Open the tab MAC clone... It is not always required, depending on the provider, and also if the router is connected after the ADSL modem. Click and save Save.

    Step 7

    Go to the tab DHCP -> DHCP Settings -> Enable In line Start IP Address change the last two digits, if you changed them at the beginning. For example: you changed the IP address of the router to , we prescribe , and in the line End IP Address192.168.2.399 ... This means that the router will assign an address to the first PC. , the second , the third etc. If the IP address of the router has not been changed, then we leave everything by default! We save Save.

    Step 8

    Go to the tab Wireless -> Wireless Settings... In field SSD enter the name of your network, you can use Latin letters and numbers, for example TP-LINK_00A704... Choosing a region Region - Ukraine, Choose Channel- default 6 / Mode - 54Mbps Save Save.

    Step 9

    This step is very important for the security of your network. In the same tab Wireless Settings, put a tick Enable Wireless Security, in the line below, select Security Type the type of encryption used WEP, WPA / WPA2, WPA-PSK / WPA2-PSK(depending on what standard your computer supports).

    Security Option and WEP Key Format leave unchanged.
    PSK Passphrase- you can enter a password WPA from 8 to 63 characters.
    Group Key Update Period- key update time in seconds, the value can be at least 30 or 0. Enter 0 (zero) to disable the update.

    Come up with a password (or several) Key Selected

    Save Save and close the tab.

    The setup is complete.

    (15 Votes)

    The manufacturer of devices for distributing wireless Internet TP Link produces a whole the lineup from which you can select devices according to your preferences and means. Despite the fact that all models have their own distinctive features, the connection sequences and Internet settings for the TP Link router are very similar. Next, you will get acquainted with the detailed step by step instructions on connecting and configuring parameters to get a stable Internet and Wi-Fi network.

    Stages of work

    First, let's make a list of the procedures that you need to carry out:

    • connect the device to personal computer or laptop;
    • connect the internet cable;
    • drive in the provider's settings;
    • configure a wireless network.

    You can read in detail below how to install and configure a router.

    Connecting cables

    Have you just got your device out of the box and don't know where to start? Then use the tips from our article. First, let's figure out all the available connectors and control buttons that you need to know. Regardless of the model, each TP Link has a standard set of interfaces. In the photo you can see the back panel of the device.

    There is a socket for the mains power cable, a power button, 1 or 2 USB port for connecting a 3G / 4G modem, a port for an Ethernet cable and 4 ports for connecting to stationary devices or laptops. Based on this, you can use not only a wireless network, but also use the device as a stationary modem, which increases the functionality of the Link router.

    On the front panel there are only indicators that are responsible for the status and performance of the router. Now let's move on to the connection.

    First of all, plug the internet cable into the Ethernet connector. Make sure your ISP has already connected the internet. To set up, you will have to connect the device to your computer anyway. To do this, plug the router into one of the yellow connectors using the supplied cable. Finally, turn on the TP Link using the power supply and the power button on the back of the case. Now you can customize it.

    First steps

    Before configuring the Tp Link router, you must open the interface through a browser. You can do this as follows:

    • open any browser through which it is most convenient for you to work;
    • then in the address bar enter the following IP: and press Enter on the keyboard. If nothing happened, then look at the address on the back of the router;
    • a window with login and password will open in front of you. By default, the manufacturer sets the admin / admin combination;
    • Ready! You have now entered the TP Link router settings.

    Entering the correct data

    We have come to the most crucial stage - setting up an Internet connection. On the left side of the page, you will see a menu with all sections.

    We need Network and Wireless. If you are an inexperienced user, then the rest of the sections will not be useful to you.

    We will choose the type of connection that will match your Internet service provider. Select WAN Connection Type from the drop-down list. If necessary, you need to enter your username and password. The VPI and VCI values ​​are also entered in the corresponding fields. It is worth noting that the login and password are entered as those provided by the service provider. If you do not have such data, then choose Dynamic IP (dynamic IP).

    After entering all the data, click on the SAVE or Save button at the bottom of the page. Then the device will start to reboot. If the Internet connection works stably, then proceed with setting up the wireless Wi-Fi networks... If the modem does not work (no website opens in the browser, except for page, then try again. It may also require a firmware update, which is downloaded from the manufacturer's official website. Since devices are often sold with outdated firmware, it may not work correctly. The device is updated through the System Tools section. Before installing new version Software, make sure it is compatible with your model.

    Installed and configured TP Link after reboot should provide stable access to the Internet. If so, move on to the Wi-Fi options.

    Wireless connection

    For TP router Link setting wireless network is carried out through the Wireless section. Let's analyze this moment in more detail:

    • open the Wireless Settings subsection;
    • in the first field, enter the name of the Wi-Fi point;
    • then select the region in which you are located;
    • in the Channel field, a channel is selected, below are the settings for each channel;
    • after setting all the parameters, click the SAVE button at the bottom of the page.

    The device will reboot again. Now turn on the Wi-Fi module on your laptop or phone to test if the wireless network is working properly.

    Wi-Fi password protection

    To prevent anyone but you from accessing Wi-Fi, you need to password protect it. Configuring the protection of the TP Link router is carried out through the Wireless Security subsection:

    • select the WPA / WPA2 security type;
    • enter a unique password of at least 8 characters in the PSK Password field;
    • Click the SAVE button to apply the changes.

    After the next reboot, your Internet will be protected from unauthorized users. Now you know how to set up almost any TP Link, and you can do it yourself.