How to open 2 mails on Yandex at the same time. How to open multiple mailboxes at the same time

Question: “How to create a second mailbox on Yandex? " relevant only for inexperienced users. To do this, there are a couple of convenient ways at once, the choice is individual for each. The first option is to use multiple browsers (Opera, Mazila, Chrome, and so on), the second is to constantly log in / out of accounts as needed in one browser.

Multi-browser option

The technology is simplicity, takes a minimum of hardware resources, easy to learn:

  1. the user downloads several browsers to view sites (in the rating the four are in the lead: Opera, Google chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer);
  2. in each of them you need to go to Yandex.Mail, click on "Create mail";
  3. at the first stage, it is required to indicate personal data, invent a login, checking that it is free, a password, duplicate it;
  4. then the service offers to choose a secret question, answer it, remember the information for easy recovery of the user account, who had the negligence to forget the password, login, or both of these details at once;
  5. it remains to enter the characters from the picture (captcha), not forgetting to install the chik-books next to the line confirming the user agreement.

In each browser, you need to invent a unique login, the password can be the same in all at once. The Yandex mail service is intended, among other things, to collect letters from different mailboxes into one. To do this, just open the "Settings" mail, select the required function, enable the required collector. Browsers do not conflict with each other, occupy an insignificant amount of space on the hard disk, and can be easily launched from the desktop. The only inconvenience is the constant request that every newly opened one asks to make it the main "default". Read about how to set the default Internet browser.

Create multiple accounts in one browser

The second technology gives a slightly different answer to the question: "How to create a second mailbox on Yandex?" Most users prefer one browser with the set settings... If you need several mailboxes (relevant for creating accounts in several virtual money systems, registering with social networks, creating their own websites), most of them start them in various Internet portals (Google, Mail, Yandex, and so on). Moreover, on the portal, the user is invited to add several mailboxes at once (;;;;;;

For fans of the Yandex portal, who do not want to register on numerous mail services, but who ask the question: "How to create an alternative mailbox on Yandex?", There is also a way out in the truest sense of the word. You can also make it for Yandex fans.

The technology for creating a second account is as follows:

  1. in the upper right corner of the Yandex portal pages there is a blue "Exit" link;
  2. just click on it in order to log out of your account, finding yourself on the main page of the Internet portal service;
  3. in order to make a new registration, you must first open the Mail service;
  4. to do this, you need to activate the link "more", then "All services";
  5. once in the "Mail" new registration account.

The sequence of actions can be repeated many times, the only inconvenience will be the mandatory confirmation of the login-password pair when entering the account of interest. One of the options that increases the usability of multiple Yandex mailboxes is to create a Word document or a text document on the desktop with login-password links.

Now you can easily and quickly switch between them, without having to log out of one account to log into another.

Well, now it has become much more practical to work with different boxes, without unnecessary body movements. :)

So, so that we can switch between several accounts in one tab, we need to link them together. On this moment 5 accounts can be added to the list.

You can do this from any Yandex mailbox by clicking on your avatar in the upper right corner. And then in the drop-down list select the first item - "Add user".

To do this, again click on the avatar on the right, and in the drop-down list we see our linked box. Actually, by clicking on it, we will immediately get inside.

Add other accounts in the same way.

If you later need to remove any account, then, being in it, in the same drop-down list, click on "Exit". This mail will disappear from the list, and you will switch to the previous one.

That's how convenient it is!

The function is now quite fresh, I think it will be finalized. So far, there is no way to open different mailboxes at the same time in separate tabs, since upon opening we exit the previous mail in both tabs.

Also, if we go from another browser, then the mail needs to be linked in a new way.

In addition, switching is not available on other Yandex services (Metrica, Webmaster, Direct, etc.). That is, we log into them in the account in which we currently have mail open.

Yes, if you work with your accounts from someone else's computer, do not forget to log out of them on the Yandex main page afterwards. And refuse when the browser prompts you to remember the password.

When you sign out of your account on the main page or in the search results, then everything previously linked accounts will be removed from the list and you will need to log in again.

Well, if you forgot to leave your mailbox on someone else's computer, then go to the "Passport" (drop-down menu when you click on the avatar). And there click on "Log out on all computers".

Hello dear readers of the blog site. If you got here just trying enter your Yandex Inbox page(sorry for the tautology), then I dare not detain you any longer - just click on the link provided.

If you really want to improve the usability of your mailbox and get additional free features from this service, then stay.

Not too long ago I wrote detailed review opportunities that I have enjoyed over the past five years (before that). However, after getting to know and realizing its convenience, I was drawn to look at the modern Yandex Mile in more detail, which resulted in this publication.

The only problem may be the busyness of the login that you want to use as your mailbox address (?). But there is nothing you can do about it, because the service is popular and all short and euphonious emails already snapped up ten years ago.

By the way, there is a way out. Below I will tell you about free mail for a domain from Yandex (boxes of the form - [email protected] site), where you can come up with any login, because there will be no competition there. True, for this you need to have your own domain, but this is not such a problem.

If you want to create an email on Yandex and use it in the future as the main (or at least somewhat significant), then the best thing would be indicate your number mobile phone , so that later there would be no problems with restoring access to your account. Before clicking on the "Register" button, in this case, you will first need to click on the "Get code" button and enter the numbers that came in the SMS message into the field that opens, thereby confirming that this number belongs to you.

If you don't want to fire the phone when registering an Email in Yandex (or you don't have it at hand), then click on " I do not have a phone"and you will be asked to choose a security question and give an answer to it as an account protection the old fashioned way.

Keep in mind, however, that this seriously compromises the security of your mailbox. Although for some it will be a wonderful way out, for example, when a massive registration of new emails is required.

Justifying the name of this blog, I cannot but cite a video where creating your first mail is described down to the movement of your fingers on the mouse buttons. Do not kick with your feet, but, for example, only this instruction will help my mom:

The first entrance to your page in Yandex Mail

Look, you have chosen a login, for example, dm.ktonanovenkogo (by the way, the use of a dot is quite effective and acceptable). And what will the full E-mail look like, i.e. ending after the dog (@)? It's obvious that [email protected], but not only.

Immediately after you click the "Register" button, you will be redirected to your profile page in Yandex Passport. Here you can see that as many as six boxes were created with different endings:

You can use any of these emails and even all at once - incoming email will still be collected in one place. By the way, I advise you to specify a backup email (if you have one), which will help you restore access (see the screenshot).

When you first log into your inbox (this is the equivalent of "My Page" on social networks) at then you will be greeted quick setup wizard Yandex mail.

At the first step, you will be offered to install the Yandex Mail mobile application, simply by specifying the phone number of your smartphone (although it’s easier, probably, it will be downloaded through Google Play or App Store, but it would have been suggested). In the next steps, you will be told and offered to immediately create a theme for letters and configure their assembly from your other mailboxes (you will need to specify a login and password to access them):

Previously, it was still possible choose an ending for your E-mail on Yandex(from options like,, and some others), but now it was considered not so important, but this option is still available on the first tab of your mailbox settings:

The service interface is not overloaded and, most importantly, everything you need to read and work with by post there is. By default, you will find yourself in the "Inbox" folder, where to read the correspondence it will be enough just to click on the header of any letter:

To go to reading another letter, you can click on the "Inbox" folder in the left menu, or go back "back" in the browser. Well, yes, you yourself know ...

The "Write" button is prominently displayed. The buttons for managing correspondence (forward, delete, mark as spam, etc.) become active when you click on any message. Incoming letters are automatically distributed among several thematic tabs, but by default the one where all incoming messages are accumulated is open. So, in any case, nothing will be lost.

Now let's see what can and cannot do this service... It will be trivial to describe all the work processes, so I will simply describe in a nutshell what I paid attention to and what i liked.

Drag and drop and autosave drafts

Emails in the Yandex mail web interface can be drag and drop while holding down the left button. You can drag and drop to a folder or to a button. Everything where you can drag the captured letters will be highlighted with a yellowish background:

You can check the box and grab several messages at once, and it is also possible to drag any label (from the bottom of the left column) onto the letter with the mouse. Quite convenient.

Yandex mail, like many other free mail services, has recently had an opportunity drag and drop attachments with the mouse directly from the explorer or for example file manager to a letter opened in a browser.

Those. press "Write", select the addressee, write the subject and the text of the message, then look for the attachment file on the hard disk and drag it to this letter, where a yellow bar will appear with the inscription "Drag files here". After releasing the mouse, an icon of the attached file will appear under the text input field. You can also do the opposite - drag and drop attachments to the desired folder in the explorer.

When you write a message, at the most inopportune moment, the computer may freeze, a power surge may occur, or your beloved cat will honor the keyboard with its walk (or run over it). If you have already written a lot, then ... However, Yandex Mile thinks about you and almost constantly saves the typed by you text to draft(This can be done forcibly using the corresponding button). Now, in case of force majeure, it will be enough to go to the drafts and continue working on the letter.

Easily mark important messages and find your responses to emails

In the message list, you can click on the outline of the checkbox on the left, thereby marking email data as important... After that, the checkbox will be filled with red, and the line with this message will be highlighted in a contrasting color. All important letters can be found in the "Important" folder located on the left pane of the Yandex mail window.

Also in the screenshot above, you can see an arrow next to one of the letters in the list. It appears if you have already replied to this message, and when you click on it, you will be able to view the correspondence from the Sent folder with your reply. We save time, so to speak.

Sending emails by timer

When writing a letter in the Yandex Mail web interface, at the very bottom, at the level or just above the "send" button, you can see a number of options that in some cases can be very useful.

  1. It happens that the letter needs to be sent at a certain time, and in order not to forget to do this, you can prepare its contents in advance, and before clicking on the "Send" button, click a little to the right on the clock icon, and then select the day and time of the message leaving to the addressee.
  2. If you are waiting for a response to a number of letters, then it will be convenient to click on the "remind" button while writing them and select the required number of days from the drop-down list so that you know for sure that it is time to start worrying and pulling your hair out.
  3. The "Notify on receipt" button will help you understand when the letter you sent was received by the addressee.

Translation of incoming and outgoing emails

Mobile version of Yandex Mail, viewing pinned photos and a little trick

I also liked the ability to view the images pinned to the message in the form of a slideshow or ribbon. These photos can be printed directly from the mail interface or viewed in full screen display. By the way, office documents can also be viewed directly in the web interface of your mailbox:

And one more thing: all the files received in the letter can be downloaded to your computer in one archive, which is very convenient.

There, in the second column of settings, you will find the item "use hot keys", which will be ticked by default. Click on the question mark on the right and you will be shown list of hotkeys for Yandex mail as many as five tabs:

Basic mailbox settings in Yandex

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that Choice of design " available now only from the drop-down menu of the "Settings" button (gear).

Probably everyone understands what can be changed here appearance your mailbox on Yandex with the help of various themes, which, in fact, are simple wallpapers stretched over a design developed by Artemy Lebedev. Although, there are useful themes, for example, with a weather widget:

On the same tab, it will be possible to indicate and confirm the mobile phone number (if you did not do this during registration), which may very well be needed when restoring access to the mailbox. Well, if there are suspicions of hacking, then it is possible to view the log of visits and change the password in time (it is better to store them on a computer in encrypted form, which can be provided or similar to it).

Do you need it? Then click on this button and follow the steps of the setup wizard.

  1. At the first step, you just need to confirm the number of the gadget (smartphone or tablet) to which the binding will be carried out (enter the code received in the SMS).
  2. In the second step, you will need to come up with a pin code (purely digital), which will be entered when you enter Yandex Mail in the Key application, which you will install on your gadget.
  3. In the third step, you will be offered links for download Yandex Key application and a QR code that encrypts a secret character set allowing you to automatically log in to this app as soon as you are.

    Those. First, you download and install the Yandex.Key app on your gadget, enter the digital PIN code you invented a little earlier in it:

    When the window of the QR code scanner opens in this application, then simply bring the phone to the computer screen so that it can calmly read the code encrypted in the picture. As a result, you will be authorized in this application and you will receive your first one-time password:

    It will only live for 30 seconds (then it will be replaced with a new one), therefore, it will need to be quickly entered on the computer already at the last step of setting up two-factor authentication (before the heap, you will also be asked to enter the old password to make sure that it is you who are changing the method login to Yandex mail, not an attacker). Here is such a parsley turns out.

  4. At the end of everything, you will be transferred to the same access control tab, where it will be possible to change the device that you linked to protect the login to your account, and you can also get the so-called app passwords:

    What it is? If, for example, you read your mail not on the Yandex website itself, but through mail client, then in order for this client to be able to connect to mail server, you will need to create a password for it. Well, it's the same for any other computer programs or mobile applications who need access to some service of this system (for example,).

Free Yandex mail for domain

Solved this possibility of using the given mail service separate it into a separate section, for I'm afraid there will be many letters. So, I already wrote once, which is very convenient when mailbox of the form [email protected] site is located not at your hoster, but on some large and stable mail service.

Here you immediately kill several birds with one stone, because the performance of your Email will no longer depend on the stability of the hoster, and its size will not affect the cost of tariffs, and it is much more convenient to work with correspondence in the already familiar web interface.

If you want to work with this kind of mailbox through gmail, then you should read my article on this topic -. But if you are closer to the Yandex interface, then below I will describe briefly how all this can be implemented.

After clicking on the "Connect Domain" button, you will be redirected to a page where you will be offered one of three ways to confirm your ownership of it:

If you have a site on this domain, then the first method will be the easiest, when you create a file with the desired content, extension and name, and then upload it to the root folder of your site. It was the first and the easiest way to verify a domain.

I did not understand the second method at all, so I used the third one. Why not the first one if it is so simple? Because the domain is a gift domain (one gift per account is given on the Infobox) and I do not have a website for it (only a business card page, which is implemented again by means of Infobox - you make up the page in the visual editor, and it will also be added below). Therefore, in my case, there is simply nowhere to upload the file.

Therefore, I went to the control panel of my domain ( and changed the contact E-mail in my personal information to the one that Yandex indicated to me:

As predicted, the E-mail with a plus sign was rejected by the registrar as fake, so the second option had to be used - [email protected] After ten to fifteen minutes, the verification (read) was successfully passed (now the mail can be changed again to the one that was registered before).

Further, I was already offered to solve the second problem - register MX records in your domain settings or even delegate it to the Yandex DNS server (in this case, you will not need to register anything):

However, right now you can create one or several (up to 1000 pieces) free mailboxes in Yandex for your domain... Google in this regard, not everything is so chocolate and there is a limitation (in my opinion, in 50 free boxes, and for all that above you will have to pay). To begin with, I added a traditional E-mail - [email protected]

I just changed the MX records in the DNS records control panel at Infobox to what Yandex suggested to me ( To

I have not yet delegated the domain to Yandex, although not so long ago on Infobox and all sites on it were temporarily unavailable. How to find similar settings for MX records in the panels of other hosters and registrars, you can find out from this part of the help of the Russian Internet mirror on this burning issue.

After a few minutes, I reloaded the Yandex mail page for the domain and saw that all my settings were checked and found to be correct:

Take a look on this page on the right side for the opportunities that are provided to you:

  1. transferring mailboxes from your hosting server or Gmail
  2. work with mail at an address similar to
  3. adding a login form to it on the site (if you want to provide addresses for your users) and much more. And it's all free. It will even be possible to log in for users who are authorized on your website to their mail on Yandex without entering a username and password.

Well, the logo can also be added. The login window for the domain's mail will be available at the link (at the end it will be enough to replace the domain with your own):

When you first enter your mailbox, you will be prompted to complete the registration:

Immediately after logging in, you will be offered to configure the most frequently requested things using the wizard already well known to us, the steps of which we examined in detail a little higher, speaking about registering a new mailbox in Yandex Mail:

If you do not take into account the logo that appears, then the web interface of mail for the domain looks exactly the same as the interface of the usual one:

The new Yandex mail interface, which they promised to use here by default, while you need to install it by going into the settings. Well, that's all, and then you yourself ...

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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Today in our country there are two search engines, leading in popularity and significantly ahead of all others in terms of frequency of use. These are Google and Yandex. Moreover, the latter is an exclusively Russian development. In addition to the search function, Yandex offers a number of other useful services to its users, including - Email... If you are not yet using this resource, then read about how to create a new mailbox on Yandex and what features it provides.

The first step is to get to the main page of the search engine. For this in address bar you must enter its url-address - In the upper right corner, you will see a small square box called "Mail". We need a button to create a mailbox on Yandex. It's called "Start Mail". Click on it and go to the registration section.

Instructions for registering a new mailbox in Yandex

In order to register in the system, you must enter your own in the appropriate fields:

  • surname;
  • login.

How to choose a login?

Login is a unique identifier that you will use to log into mail and other services in Yandex. To make it easier to create a login, you will be presented with a list of 10 names formed on the basis of your personal data (first and last name). If you are not satisfied with the proposed options, you can come up with your own, but it should not coincide with the names already registered in the system. Otherwise, you will have to pick up another, until you finally find a free one. Please note: when the creation of a mailbox on Yandex is completed, it will be impossible to change the login.

Create a password

Next, you will be directed to the page for registering a password for your mail. In order to create a new mailbox on Yandex, you will need a strong and preferably complex password. The security of your mail from hacking directly depends on this, so take this stage seriously. Recommended not to use as passcode simple words(they will be easy for attackers to pick up), as well as names, dates of birth, passport details and similar personal information. To create it is enough complex password use the "illogical" sequence from:

  • lowercase and uppercase letters;
  • numbers;
  • valid punctuation marks (comma, period, asterisk, brackets, etc.).

You can use a very simple idea - come up with a phrase in Russian and write it using the English keyboard layout. In the future, do not tell anyone your password, Yandex specialists have no right to ask it.

Security Question

The next step to go through to create a new mailbox on Yandex is to come up with and answer a security question. It is necessary to recover your password in case you forgot it. The question should also not be from the category "what is my name?", And only you should know the answer to it.

Mobile phone

If you wish, you can add your mobile phone number during registration, which will be linked to your mailbox. It will also be used for password recovery. In addition, it will be able to receive some important notifications. This number binding procedure is also available after a new mailbox has been created on Yandex. It can be found in the appropriate section "Phone numbers".

The final stage

Now you only have a few steps left to go. Enter Special symbols(code) generated automatically. This is necessary to prove to the system that you are not a robot, but a real person. After entering, click on the "Create mail" button. Now you have your own mailing address available.

We use Yandex mail

First you need to open a mailbox on Yandex. You can also do this with home page... In the upper right corner in the blue block, enter your username and password. If you enter from someone else's computer, check the box next to the corresponding item. You will be taken to your mailbox. Here you can:

  • write, read and forward a letter;
  • sort, group letters;
  • customize the look of the interface (choose a design, splash screen);
  • customize various;
  • subscribe to RSS feeds;
  • much more.

Using the built-in functions, you can set up automatic sorting of letters into folders. To do this, you need to create rules with certain conditions under which letters will fall into a particular section. If you have created a separate mail for certain addresses (for example, letters at work), then you can configure their automatic forwarding in the "Mail processing rules" section. You will get acquainted with other possibilities of "Yandex" -mail when you create your own mailbox.

Mail for domain on "Yandex"

In addition to regular mail, you can create a new mailbox on Yandex with a unique address in the form "[email protected]". Here, any word you like can act as a name, and your domain name, if any, as a domain. At the same time, you can create up to a thousand mailboxes on a single domain registered with Yandex. It is convenient, including for owners of small companies. So you can connect the domain of your organization to "Yandex" -mail and create mailboxes on it for all your employees. Or if you are a curator of a group of students, create your own domain mail and communicate with all your students easily and quickly.

For example, e-mail this kind can take the form [email protected] Here sara is the name of the mailbox owner and artstudio is the name of the organization that owns the mail domain.

How to create a new mailbox on Yandex for your domain

The first thing you need to do is connect your domain to the Yandex service. On the "Domain connection" page, enter its name in the appropriate form and click the "Connect" button. You will be taken to a page with a list of the domains you added. In order to start using the Yandex.mail service, you need to go through two steps:

  • confirm that you own this domain;
  • delegate the domain to manage Yandex services.

After that, the entrance to your mailbox will be available at the address of the form If you want to be able to open a mailbox on Yandex through your interface, then you need to configure access to the authorization form on the domain. In this case, an address of the form will be used.

This can be done using the DNS records editor, which is provided by your domain registrar. Here you need to specify the following data:

  • subdomain name (mail);
  • record type (cname);
  • data (


In this article, we looked at how to create a new mailbox on Yandex and how you can use it. In addition, we learned about the possibility of creating your own mail domain on the Yandex service, which allows you to create a huge number of "subordinate" mailboxes for your employees, students, friends, or just for yourself. We hope you find this information useful.