Prints a page or part of an email message.

To compose a new letter, click the button in the upper right corner of the screen.

In the To field, enter the recipient's address or select a contact from your address book. When you start typing the first letters of your first name, last name, or email address, a list of suggestions will appear with matching contacts.

To search by first and last name, you can use Cyrillic characters instead of Latin ones and vice versa. For example, to search for a contact "Mad Hatter" you can enter both Latin "b" and Cyrillic "b". The first in the list of suggestions will be those recipients with whom you have corresponded recently.

To display popular contacts under the To field:

Note. If you want to see in the To field not only the names of recipients and senders, but also their addresses, do this:

To move an address from the To field to another field (for example, to the Cc field), drag the desired address while holding the left mouse button.

Send email to multiple recipients

You can send a letter to several recipients at once. To do this, in the To field, enter several addresses separated by commas and spaces, for example [email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected].

Note. One letter can be sent to no more than 50 recipients in the Mail web interface and no more than 35 in the mail program.

If your letter has a main recipient, and the rest of the letter is sent for review, enter the main address in the To field, and the rest - in the Cc field.

All addresses specified in the To field and in the Cc field will be visible to the recipients of the letter. If you want some of these addresses not to be visible to others, move them to the Bcc field.

Attention. The Bcc recipient may not receive the message: some spam filters delete such messages.

Send email from another address

Mail aliases

When you register with Yandex, you will receive a mailbox in the domain of your country, for example, “ [email protected] site ”and additional addresses in national domains ru (Russia), by (Belarus), kz (Kazakhstan), ua (Ukraine) and in the com domain. These addresses are aliases for your primary mailing address.

Note. If you have created a mailbox with a login that contains a dot sign, for example, "alice.the.girl", in addition to domain aliases, a login alias of the form "alice-the-girl" will also be created for it.

Setting →

If you can't select an alias when sending, open, click the link Change personal data and make sure Russia is selected in the Country section.

Postal addresses on other services

If you want a message for the recipient to come from your email address on another service (for example, Gmail or, add this address on the page and confirm access to it. After confirmation, you can select in the From field not only the alias of your Yandex address, but also the email address on another service.

Attention. If you add a mailbox address on another mail service, set up the collection of letters from it to your Yandex mailbox. Without a configured collector, sending letters from such an address will not work. When configuring the collector, instead of the login, specify the address in full, for example [email protected].

If a phone number is specified in the address book for a contact, it will automatically appear in the SMS field. You can also enter the number mobile phone manually.

Attention. Check the data carefully. Make sure the email address and phone number are from the same person.

After sending the letter, the addressee will receive an SMS with a link by which the letter can only be read. He will be able to reply to the letter and view the attachments using the Mail website, the mobile application or the Mail mobile interface.

Create email templates

If you often send emails with the same or similar content (such as invitations or resumes), you can save them as templates. Unlike drafts, they don't disappear after sending emails. You can use one template several times, creating letters based on it to partners, colleagues or friends.

To create a template, open the form for creating a letter and click the Template link in the Subject field:

Click the Create template button, specify a subject and enter the text of the letter. You can also add an attachment here.

When everything is ready, press the button Save Template... Now, when writing a letter, you can immediately go to the desired template. To do this, click the Template link and select a template from the list.

All templates you create are saved in a separate folder in Drafts and contain only the subject, attachments and text of the letter (without specifying the recipients).

Additional features

Make the address in the letter a link to the map

If you specify an address in the letter, Yandex.Mail will automatically recognize it and, after sending, will show it on the map.

"," hasTopCallout ": false," hasBottomCallout ": true," areas ": [(" shape ":" rect "," direction ": [" bottom "," right "]," title ":" Click the link, to see the address on the map "," coords ":," isNumeric ": false," hasTopCallout ": false," hasBottomCallout ": true)]))">

If the location on the map and the address in the letter do not match, or if a different text stands out as the address, write to us through the feedback form.

Text formatting

Using the design panel tools, you can select part of the text in bold or italic type, change the font color and size, set a bulleted or numbered list, and so on.

If you want to disable the styling, click the No styling button (to the right of the panel).

Insert a picture into a letter

There are several ways to insert an image into the body of an email - not as an attachment: Using the clipboard

  1. Copy the image to the clipboard: for example, if you need a picture from another site, click on it right click mouse, select Copy image (Copy picture in Google Chrome).
  2. Open the page for creating a letter, right-click where you want to insert the picture, and select Insert from the menu.
Drag and drop from computer Drag and drop the picture onto the compose email page.

Note. If you drag it into the text input field, the picture will be inserted into the body of the letter. If you drag below the field, the picture will be attached as an attachment.

Using the design panel


When you write a letter, all changes are automatically saved as a draft every 10 seconds. You can complete the creation of the letter at any time and return to editing it later. To do this, go to the Drafts folder and open the last saved version of the letter.

Letter delivery notification

If you want to receive a report on the delivery of a letter, before sending it, click the button (below the message input field).

As soon as the letter is delivered to the addressee, the report will be sent to your mailbox.

Attention. The report says that the letter ended up in the recipient's mailbox, but not that it was read.

Resend reminder

If you are sending an important letter to which you are waiting for a response, you can set a reminder to resend the letter. To do this, before sending, click the button (under the letter input field).

If the addressee does not respond within 5 days, you will receive a message reminding you to resend the email.

To see all the letters you are waiting for a reply to, click the button below the list with folders.

Delayed dispatch

If you want the email to be sent on the specified date and time:

Note. The sending of the letter can be postponed for no more than one year from the current date.

Problems sending emails

Check if the email is in the Sent Items folder. If there is no letter, it is possible that an error occurred at the time of sending - try sending the letter again.

If you sent an email from your mailbox on Yandex and it was rejected by the recipient's mail server, you will receive an automatic report from the "Mailer-Daemon" service, which indicates the reasons for non-delivery and the name of the server that rejected the further movement of the letter to its destination.

  • I received a non-delivery report
  • I have not received a non-delivery report

The letter may not be delivered for the following reasons:

The letter was sent to a non-existent address

If the report contains the following lines, the email was sent to a non-existent address:

  • "User not found» ;
  • "User unknown";
  • "No such user here";
  • "Bad destination mailbox address";
  • "Bad destination system address";
  • "Bad destination mailbox address syntax";
  • "Unrouteable address";
  • "Invalid mailbox";
  • "Mailbox unavailable";
  • "Invalid recipient";
  • DNS: no such domain;
  • "Host or domain name not found";
  • "The email account that you tried to reach does not exist".

Make sure the recipient's address does not contain extra punctuation marks, spaces, or quotation marks. Check the address with the recipient again and resend the letter.

Recipient's mailbox is full

If the report contains the following lines, there is no room in the recipient's mailbox to receive your letter:

  • "Over quota";
  • "Inbox full";
  • Quota exceeded;
  • "Recipient" s mailbox is full ";
  • "User has exhausted allowed storage space";
  • "Error writing message: Disk quota exceeded";
  • "Аccount is full".

Try to contact the recipient alternative way contact and inform him of the problem.

Recipient's address blocked postal service recipient

If the report contains the following lines, the recipient's mail service blocked it for some reason account and the ability to deliver letters to this address:

  • "Sorry your message to<электронный адрес>cannot be delivered. This account has been disabled or discontinued ";
  • "Your emails has been returned because the intented recipient" s email account has been suspended. The account must be re-activated to receive incoming messages ";
  • "User account disabled for being inactive";
  • "Policy rejection on the target address".

Try to contact the recipient using an alternative method of communication and inform him about the problem, as well as clarify the reasons for blocking with the administration of the recipient's mail service.

Recipient's mail server does not accept large messages

If the report contains the following lines, the attachment that you send in the letter cannot be accepted by the recipient's mail server due to the restrictions set on it:

  • "Message size exceeds fixed maximum message size";
  • "Message size 4615244 exceeds size limit 3145728 of server<имя сервера> » ;
  • "Message file too big";
  • .

Yandex mail server blacklisted

If the report contains the following lines, mail server Yandex was blacklisted by DNSBL:

  • "Recipient address rejected: Blocked by external RBL";
  • Email from is currently blocked by Verizon Online "s anti-spam system";
  • "Client host [ ] blocked using; blocked, See: » ;
  • "Email blocked by SPAMCANNIBAL - to unblock see ...;"
  • "Your server IP address is in the database, bye";
  • "Client host [ ] blocked using; IP< IP_host >is UCEPROTECT-Level 1 listed. See » ;
  • "Your host [ ] is blacklisted by Currently Sending Spam See: » .

You can try to remove the address of the Yandex mail server from the blacklist yourself by following the link in the report. You can also write to us through the form below, sending the full text of the report received.

Also try to contact the recipient or the administration of his mail service using an alternative method of communication and report the problem.

Note. You can read more about the problem of blacklists on the page

Loopback detected in forwarded emails

If the report contains the following lines, forwarded messages were looped back due to incorrectly configured forwarding rules or mail collector:

  • Mail for<электронный адрес получателя>loops back to myself ";
  • Loop detected! Message rejected ";
  • "Our servers have detected a mail loop".

Check the forwarding rules and collectors on all the mailboxes you use. If you are sure that the problem is not on your side, contact the recipient using an alternative communication method and inform him of the problem.

Forwarding prohibited

If the report contains the following lines, the recipient's mail server does not recognize Yandex.Mail mail servers due to an incorrectly configured MX record:

  • "Relay not permitted";
  • "Sorry, relaying denied from your location".

Try to contact the recipient or the administration of his mail service using an alternative method of communication and report the problem.

Note. If you use and send an email to your domain mailbox, please note that distributing the MX record can take up to 48 hours. If 48 hours have already passed, make sure that all settings are made exactly as recommended in.

Sender verification error

"Sender verification failed", the Yandex.Mail mail server did not pass the sender check on the recipient's mail service. To solve the problem, contact the administration of the recipient's mail service and ask to enter postal addresses Yandex.Mail to the whitelist of the sender verification service.

If you did not receive a non-delivery report, the letter was successfully delivered to the recipient's mail service. Contact the support of this service to find out the reasons for the non-delivery. Attach the properties of the letter you sent to the request.

I can't send a letter to a Yandex address

If you sent a letter to a Yandex mailbox and it was rejected by the Yandex mail server, you will receive an automatic report from the Mailer-Daemon service, which indicates the reasons for non-delivery and the name of the server that rejected the further movement of the message to its destination.

Note. If you sent a letter from your Yandex mailbox and it was rejected by the recipient's mail server, you can see the list possible reasons in the article The letter was sent, but did not reach the recipient.

The automatic report may indicate the following reasons for non-delivery:

No such user

If the report contains the following lines, the email was sent to a non-existent address:

  • "No such user";
  • "No correct recipients";
  • "Bad recipient address syntax";
  • "Bad address mailbox syntax";
  • "Recipient address rejected: need fully-qualified address".

Make sure the recipient's address does not contain extra punctuation marks, spaces, or quotation marks. Check the address with the recipient again and resend the letter.

If only spam comes from your mailbox, the Yandex mail server will block receiving messages from it for 24 hours. In this case, the NDR will contain the line "Client host [ ] blocked using; see ... " or "Blocked by spam statistics - see ...".

Note. If you send legal mailings to users of your site or subscribers, read Yandex's requirements for "fair" mailings.

Error: too many recipients

If the report contains a line "Error: too many recipients", your letter has too a large number of recipients: more than 35 addresses in the To, Cc and Bcc fields. Please edit the recipient list and try again.

Message size exceeds fixed limit (Error: message file too big)

If the report contains a line "Error: message file too big" or "Message size exceeds fixed limit", the attachment you send in an email cannot be accepted by the Yandex mail server due to restrictions set on it.

The maximum size of messages with attachments sent to a Yandex mailbox should not exceed 30 MB.

Message infected by virus

If the report contains the line "Message infected by virus", your message has been marked by the Yandex mail server as being infected with a virus.

If the report contains a line “The recipient has exceeded their message rate limit. Try again later ", the delivery of letters to the recipient's address was temporarily suspended due to the large number of letters arriving in his mailbox per unit of time. Please try to resend the email after 24 hours.

Mailbox size exceeded

If the report contains the string "Mailbox size exceeded", there is no room in the recipient's mailbox to receive your letter. Try to contact the recipient using an alternative communication method and report the problem.

Error: timeout exceeded

If the report contains the line "Error: timeout exceeded", your mail server has been unresponsive for too long. system commands and the Yandex mail server stopped trying to connect and send the letter. Try to contact the administration of your mail service using an alternative method of communication and report the problem.

Error: too many connections

If the report contains a line "Error: too many connections", your mail server generates a large number of calls to the Yandex mail server per unit of time, which leads to an increase in the load and slowdowns in work. Try to contact the administration of your mail service using an alternative method of communication and report the problem.

EHLO requires domain address (HELO requires domain address)

If the report contains a line "EHLO requires domain address" or "HELO requires domain address", your mail server entered its name incorrectly when trying to send a letter. This error can be generated when using illegal characters in the sender's machine name in accordance with RFC 2821 502 5.5.2 "Syntax error, command unrecognized"

Such a line in the report means that the command was set incorrectly. Try to contact the administration of your mail service using an alternative method of communication and report the problem.

I get the message "Sending data failed"

This message means that in the From field you specified the address of a mailbox from another mail service, but this mailbox is not configured to collect messages to a mailbox on Yandex.

To send letters from an address on another mail service via Yandex.Mail, set up a collector from this mailbox to a mailbox on Yandex.

The letter cannot be sent from the address ...

If you get the error The letter cannot be sent from the address [email protected] ([email protected], [email protected] or other), this means that you are trying to send letters via Yandex.Mail on behalf of a mailbox on another mail service. Check that you have configured a collector from this mailbox to a mailbox on Yandex. Without a configured collector, you will not be able to select an address on another mail service as an alias. Also, make sure that in the collector settings, instead of the login, the address is specified in full, for example [email protected].

You can choose from which address to send letters in the section Setting → Personal data, signature, portrait... This alias will be used by default for all emails.

To specify an alias for a specific letter, click on the address on the page for writing a letter and select an alias in the drop-down list in the From field.

I see the message "The email could not be sent because it looks like spam."

If you receive an error message "The email could not be sent because it looks like spam" ("Spam limit exceeded" or "Message rejected under suspicion of SPAM") or the requirement to enter check digits, this could happen for the following reasons:

The same type or template letters are sent

From your mailbox, letters of the same type or template are sent, as well as letters with commercial or advertising offers. Yandex.Mail does not allow sending such letters - our service is designed for live communication between people.

Advice. If you want to send letters to your partners or clients in bulk, use only special ones for this.

The limit on sending letters per day has been reached

A large number of emails can be sent from your mailbox every day, which can be regarded as spam. Letters can be sent both with your participation and without your knowledge.

To prevent this from happening, Yandex.Mail has set restrictions on sending letters per day.

Mail restrictions

Within a day, you can send 500 letters from one mailbox. If there are several recipients in the letter, then the letter to each of them is considered a separate letter.

Restrictions in Mail for Domain

During the day, you can send 3000 * letters from one box. If you have specified several recipients, then a separate letter is sent to each of them.

Additionally, there are restrictions on the number of recipients:

Number of recipients Limitation
In total in all letters per day (from one mailbox) 3000 *
In total in all letters per day (from all mailboxes of the same domain) 5000 *
In a letter sent through the site 50
In a letter sent through the mail program 35

* Only external recipients are taken into account; the owners of mailboxes on this domain are not counted.

Your account seems suspicious

Our security system found your account to be suspicious. Most often this happens due to the fact that a phone number is not tied to your mailbox or a fictitious name and surname are indicated in the Passport.

Letters are sent to non-existent addresses

A large number of letters from your mailbox were sent to non-existent addresses. If the email was sent to a non-existent address, you will receive an automatic non-delivery report.

We have received several complaints from users about sending spam from your address.

If this happened, sending letters from your mailbox will be blocked. Only sending letters is blocked - you can enter the Mail and receive letters. The blocking will end automatically after 24 hours, if you do not try to send an email within this time, otherwise the blocking will continue for another 24 hours.

  • Make sure that the addresses of the recipients are recorded correctly and are not outdated.
  • Make sure that all recipients of your emails voluntarily agree to receive them.
  • My mails reach the recipient with a delay

    The delay can occur both on the Yandex servers and on the recipient's servers. To find out where the delay occurred, write to technical support using the form below. Be sure to attach the properties of the letter from the recipient's mailbox to the appeal, which was delayed.

    The ability to print sections or pages of mail messages depends on the version of Outlook you are using. In any version, you can print sections and pages by first opening the message in a browser window, for example in Internet Explorer... The browser can be opened directly from the message.


    Important: Since there are so many different printers available to users now, we cannot help with printer troubleshooting. Check the manufacturer's manual or website for troubleshooting information.

    Outlook supports messages in three formats.

      HTML. This message format is used by default in Outlook. It is best suited for situations where you want to create messages that look like regular documents, with different fonts, colors, and bulleted lists. By default, when you select any of the options that support formatting ( Html or RTF), the message is sent in HTML format. By using HTML, you can be sure that the recipient sees exactly what you are sending.

      Plain text. All email attachments support this format. You can configure Outlook to open received messages in plain text only. Bold, italic, colored fonts, and other text formatting elements are not supported in plain text. It also does not support displaying pictures in the body of a message, but they can be included as attachments.

      Outlook RTF format. It is a Microsoft format and is only supported by the following email applications:

      • Customer Microsoft Exchange versions 4.0 and 5.0

        Microsoft Office Outlook 2007

        Microsoft Office Outlook 2003

        Microsoft Outlook 97, 98, 2000 and 2002

        RTF can be used when sending messages within an organization that uses Microsoft Exchange. But we recommend using HTML format. V RTF format text formatting is supported, such as bullets, alignment, and linked objects. Outlook, by default, automatically converts RTF messages to HTML when it is sent to a recipient on the Internet, so formatting is preserved and attachments are delivered. In addition, Outlook automatically formats meeting requests, task completion requests, and voting button messages, regardless of format, so that such items can be sent correctly over the Internet to other Outlook users. When a meeting request or task request is sent over the Internet, Outlook automatically converts it to the Internet calendar format, a common format for Internet calendar items supported by other email applications.

        Note: When you reply to a message, Outlook preserves the format of the original message. But if you have the checkbox checked Read regular letters as plain text , Outlook formats the response as plain text. You can also click dashboard, change the message format to Html or RTF and then reply. If you change the message format, the new format is applied to the response.

    Pages In chapter Copies dialog box Print options... To print any pages, follow the instructions below or open the message in a browser. Help select O Microsoft program Outlook... Your version is displayed at the top of the About Microsoft Outlook window.

    Print a specific page of a message

    In any version of Outlook, you can print all odd or all even pages by selecting the appropriate value in the box Pages... To print any pages of your choice, open the message in browser view.

    If you have Office 2007 SP2, you can specify separate pages for printing without switching to browser view.

    Printing selected pages in Office 2007 SP2

    Print Selected Pages in Browser View

      Message in a group Actions press the button Other actions and select the item View in browser.

      OK, to continue.

      Seal and select the item Preview.

      Determine which pages you want to print.

      On the toolbar, click Seal.

      In chapter Page range set the switch Pages and enter the page numbers to be printed.

      Select the rest of the print options.

      Click the button Seal.

    Print a section of a message

    Note: Office 2007 SP2 does not have an option to print selected sections of messages. To do this, you need to open the message in the browser view.

      Open the message, then in the tab Message in a group Actions press the button Other actions and select the item View in browser.

      If a security message appears, press the OK to continue.

      In the message, highlight the section you want to print. Highlight text or other part of the message right in the browser window, not in the preview window.

      On the browser toolbar, click the arrow next to the button Seal and select the item Seal.

      In chapter Page range set the switch Highlighting, then press the button Seal.

    Once again, we return to the mail application in Windows 8. The settings are hidden in it, so many of the possibilities remain out of reach of new users until they need to complete a specific task and they surf the Internet in search of the necessary information. Today you will learn how to print a letter on a printer or just save email in XPS format - the equivalent of files in PDF format but developed by Microsoft.


    1. In the Mail application, select the letter you want to print, and then press the Win + C key combination. When the Charms bar appears on the screen on the right, click the Devices button.

    3. Configure printer settings. If you need advanced printer configuration (orientation, duplex printing, size, color mode, etc.), just click on the "More options" button. After completing the printer setup, go back and click on the "Print" button.

    If you need to save the letter as a file, repeat the first step, but at the stage at which you specified the printer, select Microsoft XPS Document Writer. Click on the "Print" button again and the file will be saved in the "Documents" folder in your user folder.

    By the way, everything described above can be done even faster - Ctrl + P, then select the printer and click on "Print".