Vk search for people vkontakte. How to find a person on VKontakte

This page will help you quickly and without registration to find and open a person's page on VKontakte, if you know his name and surname, or even better - the address (country, city), age (or year of birth), place of study or work.

Enter your first and / or last name here and click "Find". Search results will open with all VK pages that fit this data. Then clarify your request: select the location in the right column - country and city. To narrow your search and quickly find a person, you can specify the age or date of birth, school, university, place of work.

Any VKontakte page can be opened and viewed by clicking on the person's name. But some pages are available only to authorized users - this means that you first need to log into VK with your name and password.

If not registered yet, do this:

If you can't find a friend in VK, but you know for sure that he has a page, find out from him the link to the page or his ID (id, page number). And it's very easy to find a page by ID:

or even from a photo, if you don't know the name:

How to find a person on VKontakte by mobile phone number

Usually, such information is a secret, because the VK administration cares about the safety of its users. But you will find a person by phone if he himself indicated the number on his page (opened for everyone). Try it right from here:

Search for a person on VKontakte by phone number

If the phone number was listed on the page, enter it here (for example, +79001234567 ) and click "Find".

Search by number through the VK mobile application

You can try to find a person by number through mobile app VK on Android:

  1. Write down the person's number in the phone book on your phone (in "Contacts").
  2. Install the VKontakte application for Android on your phone.
  3. Go to the application.
  4. Go to the menu "Friends".
  5. Click on + (a plus) up.
  6. Click "Contacts - Find friends in your notebook".
  7. A confirmation will appear - click "Yes".
  8. Wait a while, and you will see all the people whose numbers are stored on your phone and who are not yet your friends in VK - among them there must be the person you are looking for.

Search through VK password recovery

There is also a small opportunity to find a person by cell number through VKontakte password recovery. But for this you need to know the surname. If you exit VK, click "Forgot your password", then correctly enter the phone number and surname of the person, then the site will show the name, surname and city. Previously, it was possible to immediately recognize a link to a person's page, but this feature was removed long ago. Therefore, such a search will not give anything new - if you know the number and surname, then you probably know both the city and the name - which means you can find a person, as described above, at the very beginning.

How to find a person on VKontakte at the address of residence

As for the address, VKontakte users usually indicate their country and city (some are also their hometown where they were born), and at the top you can search for this data, just first indicate the name and / or surname of the person at the top and click "Find". When the search box opens, select your country and city. There is no more accurate data - street, house, apartment - on the VK website.

How to find a person on VKontakte at the university

When searching for a person, the full version of VK does not allow you to select a university (university) until a country and city are selected. If you do not know exactly where a person lives, and you want to search only by the university he graduated from, this can be done through mobile version VC.

Hello subscribers!

The other day I watched a series about how childhood friends lost each other and it took a lot of years before they met again. More precisely, one friend began to look for another and eventually found it.

Well, of course, I will not tell you now about the series I watched)

He just gave me the idea that I, too, have such a girlfriend - a friend from childhood.

Once upon a time, we lived with her in the same house, but then my parents and I moved to another city. And there were already their own worries, so unnoticed, and flew 20 years!

Just think about it…

And we have not communicated since then.

And I wanted so badly to find her, to find out what is with her now, how her fate has developed. What I did at my leisure.

And I think that now everyone who reads my article remembered such a person.

Well, I would never believe that someone did not have such a “loss”.

It doesn't have to be a friend. Perhaps the girl once "lost" her boyfriend, which she now regrets. Or the guy broke up with the girl he still remembers. Or maybe grandfather or grandmother suddenly remembered about their first love, and they want, by all means, to find it!

But what can I say, if it happens that even relatives at some one moment simply forget about each other for many years, and then look for ...

One thing is good that now we live in the world of high technologies and, most importantly, we have the Internet! And with it, we can find anyone.

So, let's talk today about how find a person, using Internet portals, sites and of course social. networks - VKontakte or classmates.

How to find a person by last name, first name and patronymic for free and without registration

In fact, there are a lot of opportunities to find the person we need. Especially now.

But before we start looking at ways to find, I want to WARN you: do not forget that during world wide web there are a lot of scammers and there is no need to visit any "suspicious" sites. And even more so, DO NOT ENTER your passport data.

Also keep in mind that almost all people search sites are free. At least those that I will tell you about. And you don't even need to register for them! So that's it.

Now, let's take a look at the sites you can go to to find people.

Method 1. Search by phone number

Firstly, we can search in the electronic telephone directory, this type of search is suitable for us only if we can at least guess in which country, region and city the person is located.

To do this, we enter into the search engine "Telephone directory of Russia", but it is better to just follow this link //russia09.info/rossiya, since the search engine will give you a lot of sites where they are trying to withdraw money for the service, and I have already found a safe one for you.

So, there will be a window like this (do not pay attention that the title is 2014, in fact it is updated, 2016):

We select the required country, for example Russia. Next, select the region from the proposed list, or simply enter the required city and click "Find".

We fill in all the fields known to us (if only the surname and first name are known, enter only them) and click "Search in the directory". And the system will give you all the data that is in the database, or else it will say "Nothing found", then we will continue to search.

Method 2. Find a person through "Wait for Me": by last name, first name and date of birth

The next free internet portal for searching is: National service of mutual search of people "Wait for me", by the way, a very famous site and transmission!

Here you can not only search, but also leave a request for the person you want to find, and also see if someone is looking for you.

We find it again through the Search. Just enter the words "Wait for me" and here's a link left for you: Wait for me. National service for mutual search of people (poisk.vid.ru), we go through it.

And we get to home page site.

Here, we fill in all the data we know and click "Find". If the information we need is not available, then we leave a request to search for a person.

Method 3. Find a person through search

The next way is to simply enter the last name and patronymic of the person you are looking for into the search engine. I will show you with an example, I will look for myself))

So what do we see? And we see that the search engine gave us people from social networks!

Therefore, we move on to the next method - search in social networks.

And let's start with VKontakte.

How to find a person in contact? Search for people in contact

Both a registered user and an unregistered user can search for people in this social network. Now I'll show you how to do this for unregistered users, since for those who have their own page, the search algorithm is exactly the same. The only difference is that the former will search through a search engine, the latter will simply go to their page.

So, we do everything in the same way as it was written above, enter the last name, first name and patronymic in the browser and click "Find".

Next, a window comes out where we see all registered users under the desired surname and first name. You can sit and just view them all, but if you have Additional Information, then just use the "Sort" function. Here you can specify the country, age, gender, and so on, and the system will automatically select users according to the specified criteria. Everything is very easy and simple!

In classmates, the search is similar:

O! By the way, I almost forgot !!! In Yandex itself, there is one great feature: Yandex.People - people search. And now we will consider it in detail ...

Search for people through Yandex.People - across all social networks

As stated above, there is one very interesting function- Yandex.People (people.yandex.ru). So, there we can enter all the data about the person, and the system will search ALL SOCIAL NETWORKS! And it will give us all the people who fit the given search.

Now let's take a closer look at everything.

We enter "Yandex.People" in the browser.

Enter the person, click "Find". And, as you can see, all matches from ALL social networks are displayed. networks!

We had such an interesting topic today.

Thank you for the attention!

How is it going at the moment search for people on VKontakte? The main directory responsible for the search has undergone minor changes. The vertical top line has a special search box that you can enter your last name or first name. It also searches for audio recordings, videos and communities. With this innovation search for people in the context has become much easier and more efficient.

VKontakte find a person

Compared to the beginning of operation, VKontakte find a person much faster. To do this, you will only need to enter the data of the wanted person into the search line. An advanced search is provided especially for the convenience of users. By entering additional information, it is time to VKontakte find a person can be significantly reduced. You can promote your VKontakte account (page or group) by using services offered by our site.

Especially for the convenience of people who do not have their own personal page, there is VKontakte search for people without registration. In this case, it is necessary to type the last name and first name of the person on any search site, and search system will return all found results. But VKontakte search for people without registration possible provided that the user himself has not turned off the visibility of his page for search sites. How to add VKontakte friends, read in this article .

Surely many wondered How to find people on VKontakte? And the answer to this question is obscenely simple. By entering the name of the person you need, the city of his residence and the school where he studied, you can easily find someone with whom communication has long been lost. Having made a search that ended in success once, a person will not have such a question. "How to find people on VKontakte." You can add friends to your personal VKontakte page by clicking on link .

There is also such a possibility as find a person on VKontakte by number... By entering the phone number in the corresponding search box, you can find someone, even if the surname and first name are unknown. In case of urgent need, this service allows find a person on VKontakte by number and report urgent or important news even if the phone is lost using a private message. Learn about the search for information on VKontakte from the following material .

Being VKontakte social network find a person makes it very simple. In recent years, it has gained widespread popularity. The number of people registered in it has exceeded several million. This opens up wide opportunities for VKontakte social network to find a person. Perhaps an old acquaintance, with whom the connection was long lost. Or, conversely, make a new acquaintance, finding a friend based on common interests. You can add subscribers to the VKontakte group at a low cost.